Topic: Chiron in aspect to Pluto
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1009 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 12:17 PM
The following is from the book "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, AND THE LUNAR NODES As we slowly weave our way from the Sun out through the inner planets, we finally approach the outermost of the inner planets—Satum. Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye. It rules linear time, structure, and form in this solar system, and it contains the energies of all the inner planets around the Sun. But with its eventual return to its natal position at around the age of 29, human consciousness is prepared to break through the leaden form of Saturn and experience the outer planets within the essence of the human body. Before 30, Saturn is like a lead shield holding out the galactic resonances radiating through the outer planets. Saturn contains within physical essence the energies of the inner planets and the Earth and Moon to the Sun. We cannot know who we really are without our spirituality, the real meaning of our existence since the beginning of creation. Our spiritual connection happens when the Saturnian lead shield dissipates and the Sun shines through the inner planets out to the outer planets. It is time to examine Chiron aspects to Saturn and Uranus, and then to Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. The trilogy of Satum/Chiron/Uranus offers wisdom in itself. Chiron's orbit is very elliptical, moving out to the orbit of Uranus, but not crossing the orbital path. However, Chiron goes inside the orbit of Saturn when it moves to its perihelion; that is, Chiron pierces the lead shield of Saturn. As we work with aspects to Saturn it is imperative that we comprehend the meaning of this piercing of the Saturnian lead form. This piercing is what initiation is; this energy expresses the power of Uranus to rearrange the electrical neurological systems. This part of Chiron's path proves that there is no such thing as determinism, fate, or moira, as Saturn linear time is pierced by Chiros or spherical time. This is the spiraling of experience, the critical leap of total creativity which affirms that anything is possible. Natives with aspects between Chiron and Saturn experience break-through from Earth forms and linear time to creativity, but like all breakthroughs, it is hard work When Chiron affects Saturn by aspect, Saturn has a different dimension than usual. Without aspects between Saturn and Chiron, and also Chiron aspects to Uranus and Uranus to Saturn, the progress of Saturn development is quite predictable, and the native is comfortable with Saturnian growth. When there are aspects to Chiron, the native isn't so confident about predictable patterns. The native has difficulty trusting; he or she usually has serious conflicts with one or both parents, and may project the early home conflicts onto society at large. However, this early and deep distrust of Saturnian fixed form tends to yield openness and creativity after the Saturn return. That is, the psyche is less shielded in lead than usual. At the return the native balances the need for using Saturnian form and structure, and then is more free than most to respond to the outer planets. The aspecting Chiron functions as a constant initiator, moving consciousness out of fixed ruts. Health is ultimately a question of biological balance, and biological balance has a lot to do with steady and powerful Saturnian growth and Uranian electrical activation of new cellular production and neurological structural reorganization. As we know from science, everything is completely new in the human body every seven years; every cell is new. New birth cannot occur without death. Chiron is in relationship to the seven-year Uranus cycle which contains a Saturn square to Saturn within each seven-year Uranian sign transit. Chiron rules the process of complete letting go of old forms so that new and vital birth can occur. It is the process of learning to trust, of going forward even when we aren't sure why. Then the new issues have space. Chiron rules the healing principle, which is a function of both Saturnian control and Uranian electrical vitalization. Chiron is the key to finding that balance. The sighting is a signal that we must begin to know when to heal and when to let go. For example, antibiotics can heal, but they can be used as a control mechanism in the environment. The struggle of the immune system is subverted by overuse of antibiotics. Now after 40 years of antibiotics, we are seeing severe malfunctions, such as AIDS, in the immune system. In my opinion, the physical environment is on the verge of teaching the race that the immune system itself must be trusted, that total control (or Saturn) by scientists and physicians will never work. Also, medical astrologers should take note of the times when Saturn's lead shield is pierced by Chiron. This cycle will yield clues to cancer radiation cures. Radiation cannot pierce lead. A better piercing mechanism will be coming into medicine with radionics or some other technique which is Uranian. Now that we can also use Chiron for health research, the true need for trust in the universe or Eros will come into balance with control, or Thanatos. Astrologers interested in health should begin Chiron work immediately so that more information will be available on these critical issues. The aspects between Saturn and Chiron are the key to many of these questions.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO PLUTO Pluto rules evolution of consciousness, which always involves a trip into the Underworld to clear the subconscious mind. Jeff Green calls Pluto "the prime mover, the first cause, or bottom line to which all other planetary factors are linked." That is because Pluto is the bridge to the galactic. Chiron is the bridge between the inner planets ruling the personality dynamic and the outer planets ruling consciousness attunement, and Pluto is the corresponding link to the galactic. Transmutation by means of Chiron will always fail unless the emotions have been cleared and karma has been released. It would be helpful to read “Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey ofthe Soul” by Jeff Green because the level of consciousness raising potential with Chiron work is not possible without a corresponding level of work with Pluto. Visualize it: Chiron orbiting and linking the inner and outer planets, and Pluto orbiting and linking our solar system to the galaxy. Sometimes Chiron functions as Saturn, holding and encapsulating the energies and qualities of the inner planets; sometimes Chiron functions as Uranus, linking the electrical apparatus of the physical body to Neptune and the galactic. And similarly, Pluto sometimes functions like Saturn, holding the subconscious energies in check until a vision of ecstasy frees the energy into an eruption; or Pluto functions like the galactic, exploding consciousness into the primordial fireball of the hologram of all matter throughout all time, which implodes into an instant of creation which is the Creator. In 1978, Pluto's Moon, Charon, was sighted. It would be tempting to view Chiron as the bridge to Pluto work, but the sighting and naming of Charon right after Chiron's discovery is a potent warning not to do so. The Ferryman to the Underworld in Roman mythology is Charon, and Charon is therefore to remain as the Ferryman in Pluto clearing. But Chiron is the catalyst who sears the body with the piercing of the higher self, pointing out that a double process is going on with consciousness raising. To put it simply, we cannot survive the depth analysis of the journey to the Underworld without the synchronous experience of the vibration of the higher self. You can clear yourself and try to clear your emotions all you want, but it will never work without the experience of the rapture of the soul. So Pluto work is a process of evolution, and Chiron is the choreographer until you are ready to be master of the show yourself. Jeff Green says, "if each person understands what his or her own evolutionary requirements are, and operates in such a way as to actualize those requirements, then the collective evolutionary necessities will be developed in a non-cataclysmic way." Pluto rules volcanoes, and we can have cataclysmic eruptions or slow release of inner Earth energy. Chiron is a primary ruler of ecology, and it has been since 1977 that we have seen that no living thing will survive unless we begin to operate as a wholistic collective. Pluto work makes it possible to identify the evolutionary needs and begin deliberate clearing work in order to trigger slow and progressive growth. And it is the higher self, the glimpse of the divine potential, which offers us the energy to do the work. Chiron rules holographic attunement, which means we attune with the collective as we progress. Actually, we cannot move without this identification of the collective working with the individual, and we only have access to that level with comprehension of Chiron's way of working, or divination. Chiron rules divination, and divination is the only way to alignment with the collective. So, as we begin work with Pluto, it is critical to see that the relationship of Chiron to Pluto has to do with moving the deepest inner forces in tune with the hologram. Pluto shows us that we cannot even begin to align with Chiron until we have first done the hard work of depth clearing, and we can't make it through the depth clearing without the vision of the higher self. So, as we enter depth clearing, at first we use our intuition as a guide; then once we have learned to trust our intuition, we will find a divination skill which will attune us to the collective. Then finally we will begin to identify the hologram of the individual soul within the larger hologram, and then we can let go of the little self. Aspects between Pluto and Chiron will yield many clues into how to clear the self in attunement with the vision of the higher self. Before going into aspects between Chiron and Pluto, we need a few words on the potential negativity in aspects between Chiron and Pluto. Chiron is a catalytic planet like Mercury; it is an energy which moves other things. It will cause a catalytic energy with another planet with no judgment about good or bad. Other planets in the chart, like Mercury, have to do with morality, with judgment. In a general sense, Chiron can trigger channeling and divination powers for good or bad. Channeling and divination are just a skill. There is a great big difference between working with a Ouija board, and the healer who sees auras and vibrations and uses that energy only to heal. There is a big difference between a channel who is overtaken by entities and fascinates his or her audience, and a channel of divine energies who brings in the information only for healing. The negative side of Pluto is atavism or reversion to primitivism, as most powerfully exemplified in the Nazis, who surfaced as soon as Pluto was sighted. We are moving into the latter stages of the transition into the Age of Aquarius. Each New Age is meant to be a new energetics. But, there is much atavism since the sighting of Pluto. As we search for initiation and energy in our times, many are trying to find the energy in ancient forms. Chiron rules initiation, and an aspect to Pluto will activate the atavistic response in consciousness instead of reorganization into a new hologram. If this is your issue, ask yourself whether you really want to activate some of the highly charged attributes of your subconscious mind. It is very tempting now to fall back into the old temples, the old ways of finding energy instead of just going into direct infusion of the higher self into the body. For example, much of the work by non-Indians with Native American rituals is atavistic. Just as people get close to the creative power of the higher self, they sheer off into the grasp of a teacher, a guru, or meditation with an old form. Old forms merely exist to give us clues abut how to find the energy here and now in the place in this time; their usage is not actually applicable in modem times. As we examine aspects between Chiron and Pluto in the natal charts included, we will be looking especially hard for how to trigger the force in a new and holographic way and how to avoid falling off into safe and well-known old forms of ritual. Chiron conjunct Pluto creates an evolutionary vortex of Chirotic energy. The house position of the conjunction defines the nature of the transmutative force, and this energy is so potent that the native's career of healing work is usually defined by that house. Chart 44, a guided imagery healer, has a wide conjunction in the 12th house, and this native's work with art and music is very Neptunian. The New Age publisher of Chart 39 with the conjunction in the seventh house brought through his transmutation in a major book which involved a key seventh house relationship. Chart 17, a theologian, is especially interesting because the conjunction is in the second house. This teacher has focused on theories to help his followers get back into the body and stay in it; he is a powerful grounder. The native of Chart 48 is one of the most powerful healers practicing in the United States. She is the mother of the native of Chart 2, and her wide Pluto/Chiron conjunction is in the second house like the theologian, and she also is a powerful grounder. She found her healing powers when she learned how to bring higher consciousness into the body with acupuncture needles right around 1977-78. This is a strong conjunction and seems to be very active once the native activates the energy of the locating house. Karl Marx had Chiron conjunct Pluto in the first house. Chiron sextile Pluto creates a very pragmatic dynamic in the chart. The native tends to create a vortex of transmutative power in the location house of Chiron and then shoots the energy to Pluto, locating the power of the aspect in the locating house of Pluto. Chart 35, Jim Jones, shows this dynamic in a negative way. Jones has Chiron in the fourth almost into the fifth, creating energy with a very deep part of himself, and with children, sextile Pluto in the seventh of relationships. Unfortunately, the death archetype of Pluto was triggered, but the power of the aspect is shown by how the people who were massacred all obeyed Jones with his Pluto power in the seventh. The astrological publisher of Chart 3 has Chiron in the third sextile Pluto in the fifth. He gathers all the Chirotic energy of the third house into fifth house of creativity in publishing. The writer of Chart 38 has Chiron/Jupiter in the second sextile Pluto in the twelfth. He is into esotericism, and he grounds the Chirotic force with his pen, and then locates his thought into the esoteric realm of the twelfth. Chiron square Pluto is a tense, difficult, and powerful aspect. This aspect creates such great stress that the native usually cannot relax and focus until after the Uranus opposite Uranus transit. Once the square is resolved, these natives tend to give their lives to others in service because they feel such deep empathy for the stress of other people. These natives are often misunderstood, even criticized, for their desire to help other people unlock their bonds. Sigmund Freud, Chart 51, had Chiron in the third square Pluto in the sixth. Freud actually healed many people and had a positive impact on the psychoanalytic field, yet you rarely hear praise of his work. The yoga teacher of Chart 20 had a very tense childhood and early adulthood with his family, as seen by Pluto and Saturn in the fourth, but teaching yoga is transmutative for him. Once he began to teach yoga and activate his healing powers, as seen by Chiron in the sixth, he began to relax. Chart 27, a Jungian analyst, has Chiron in the first square Pluto in the fifth. This native is releasing his energy by working on developing a teaching based on the wounded child (fifth house) in relationship to self-emergence (Chiron in Aries in the first house). Chiron trine Pluto is an aspect which creates an unusual sense of destiny at an early age. This native is responding to a very unusual vibration even as a small child. Pluto causes him or her to work hard from early childhood to find a field of study which can contain this rare sense of destiny, and once the proper channel is found, this native will become a great teacher or researcher. The house placement of Pluto in the chart tends to indicate the field in which the native will influence his or her whole generation, and the location of Chiron shows how he or she expresses this unusual power. The physicist of Chart 1 has become a mystical spokesman for the Pluto in Leo generation (Pluto in the ninth), and his mode of expression is his charismatic teaching energy (Chiron in first). The native of Chart 12, the initiate, has Pluto retrograde in the eighth house indicating work in sacred orders, and Chiron/Venus in the twelfth indicating he is investigating the meaning of the genetic lines in royalty and secret political organizations. I couldn't figure it out at all until he told me he was researching “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” and that he came to me for some guidance before traveling to Montsegur in France, the primary investigative point for research on a bloodline hypothesized to be coming from Christ and existing in the bloodlines of the royal families in Europe. (This is a Libran or Nibiruan issue, by the way.) For counselors who run into unusual clients like this, a word of advice—I also suggested that he do some sessions with a good past life regression therapist to find out as much as he could about his past life work in secret orders. He did so and got the necessary information before embarking on a very unusual search. Chiron trine Pluto is an aspect which is working on some level, whether the native knows it or not, because it is such a potent vibration. Astrologers should remember that they have been the primary source of information on secret orders for thousands of years. Now that Chiron has been sighted, again astrologers are needed to be guides to sacred orders. Chiron quincunx Pluto creates an incessant drive to find the deepest level of meaning in any situation. The nagging prodding of Chiron to Pluto or Pluto to Chiron will either drive the native into imbalance, or push them into developing Chirotic powers with which to explore the Underworld. This seems to be a very karmic aspect which may be blocked until the parent related to the natal Pluto dies or transforms. An interesting example of this dynamic is shown in Chart 47, student of healing. She is very blocked spiritually by her mother (Moon in ninth square Saturn), and in her power by her father (Saturn in the twelfth square Moon) and mother (Mars quincunx Moon). She has found it difficult to find her path (Uranus conjunct South Node), but the Pluto quincunx Chiron has driven her all her life. Once the parents are gone or transformed, she will have the power of the Jupiter in the eighth, and she will be able to activate the Chiron Yod formed by Pluto sextile Jupiter. There is often a death that releases a native with Chiron quincunx Pluto, because the parent blocking Pluto must release the tension of the quincunx so that this native is free to join his or her own peer group. Chiron opposite Pluto is the full expression of both planets. Pluto is prodded into the depths of exploring the subconscious mind, and Chiron continually brings in the higher self to help Pluto keep going. This dynamic can be seen in Chart 2, the young New Age body healer. She grounds the Chiron/Sun energy of the second house in her work, and she drives the force with the depth awareness of Pluto/Mars in the eighth. This opposition is more comfortable than most oppositions because Chiron and Pluto like to work together. But this native is also incapable of living a simple or trivial life.
Thoughts, anyone??IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 05:48 PM
Thanks for these posts. I was planning on delving into the meaning of a grand kite that is in my chart. my Chiron is conjuct my moon and is part of a grand trine to my mercury (sun conjuct mercury) and neptune. my chiron/moon conjuct then is in opposition to my pluto. Pluto is then sextile to my mercury and neptune.I'll think about it more and whether all this fits. Her's my info if your curious July 11, 1963 7:53am EST Cleveland,Ohio IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 10:42 PM
I have Pluto quincunx chiron - that is very intriguing. I have alwats felt I'd be freer in some cosmic way once my dad dies. I hate to say that, btu I've long felt that, even long before he got seriously ill. I also do explore the "Underworld" so to speak, and have a problems with energy balance. I started having experiences with spirits of deceased persons at a young age, and it it did throw me into a critical imbalance until I explored it and develops my "talents" so to live with these experiecnes better. i definitely feel this was "throw upon" me is a very Plutonian way, and yet I can see a Chironic side to it, now that I've regain balance in myself. Very cool. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 12, 2005 01:49 PM
Great info Azalaksh. Thanks!------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 05:13 AM
Chiron quincunx Plutovery true! Thanks zala IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1009 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 10:55 PM
(**bumped for Lia**)IP: Logged |
Aimz99 Knowflake Posts: 42 From: Johannesburg, South Africa Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 05, 2011 03:10 AM
This is rad! I have Pluto trine Chiron and I feel this way. Thank youIP: Logged |
Aimz99 Knowflake Posts: 42 From: Johannesburg, South Africa Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 05, 2011 03:10 AM
This is rad! I have Pluto trine Chiron and I feel this way. Thank youIP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 05, 2011 02:05 PM
I have Chiron quincunx Pluto and honestly can't relate to most of that intepretation. I've never felt like either of my parents blocked me or held me back; I'm also not mentally unstable, either. Pretty much the only part they got correct was that drive to know more - but then again, I also have a lot of other aspects in my chart indicating the same thing, like Mercury quintile Pluto, and a stellium in the eighth house. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted October 05, 2011 04:17 PM
quote: Chiron quincunx Pluto creates an incessant drive to find the deepest level of meaning in any situation. The nagging prodding of Chiron to Pluto or Pluto to Chiron will either drive the native into imbalance, or push them into developing Chirotic powers with which to explore the Underworld. This seems to be a very karmic aspect which may be blocked until the parent related to the natal Pluto dies or transforms. An interesting example of this dynamic is shown in Chart 47, student of healing. She is very blocked spiritually by her mother (Moon in ninth square Saturn), and in her power by her father (Saturn in the twelfth square Moon) and mother (Mars quincunx Moon). She has found it difficult to find her path (Uranus conjunct South Node), but the Pluto quincunx Chiron has driven her all her life. Once the parents are gone or transformed, she will have the power of the Jupiter in the eighth, and she will be able to activate the Chiron Yod formed by Pluto sextile Jupiter. There is often a death that releases a native with Chiron quincunx Pluto, because the parent blocking Pluto must release the tension of the quincunx so that this native is free to join his or her own peer group.
hmm.. i have a yod to chiron as well. how do you know which parent it is? IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 14266 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 14, 2020 01:23 AM
Bump.IP: Logged |
Ceres_Moon Knowflake Posts: 58 From: Netherlands Registered: Apr 2017
posted May 05, 2020 02:27 PM
I have Pluto quincunx Chiron and I relate to this absolutely. I will never be totally free until my father is dead or transformed. IP: Logged |
Ceres_Moon Knowflake Posts: 58 From: Netherlands Registered: Apr 2017
posted May 05, 2020 02:29 PM
In total, I have 5 quincunx to Chiron and I am only just starting to explore this. Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter. I have no other aspects to Chiron. IP: Logged | |