Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 12:35 PM
The following is from the book "Chiron-Transformind Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, AND THE LUNAR NODES As we slowly weave our way from the Sun out through the inner planets, we finally approach the outermost of the inner planets—Satum. Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye. It rules linear time, structure, and form in this solar system, and it contains the energies of all the inner planets around the Sun. But with its eventual return to its natal position at around the age of 29, human consciousness is prepared to break through the leaden form of Saturn and experience the outer planets within the essence of the human body. Before 30, Saturn is like a lead shield holding out the galactic resonances radiating through the outer planets. Saturn contains within physical essence the energies of the inner planets and the Earth and Moon to the Sun. We cannot know who we really are without our spirituality, the real meaning of our existence since the beginning of creation. Our spiritual connection happens when the Saturnian lead shield dissipates and the Sun shines through the inner planets out to the outer planets. It is time to examine Chiron aspects to Saturn and Uranus, and then to Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. The trilogy of Satum/Chiron/Uranus offers wisdom in itself. Chiron's orbit is very elliptical, moving out to the orbit of Uranus, but not crossing the orbital path. However, Chiron goes inside the orbit of Saturn when it moves to its perihelion; that is, Chiron pierces the lead shield of Saturn. As we work with aspects to Saturn it is imperative that we comprehend the meaning of this piercing of the Saturnian lead form. This piercing is what initiation is; this energy expresses the power of Uranus to rearrange the electrical neurological systems. This part of Chiron's path proves that there is no such thing as determinism, fate, or moira, as Saturn linear time is pierced by Chiros or spherical time. This is the spiraling of experience, the critical leap of total creativity which affirms that anything is possible. Natives with aspects between Chiron and Saturn experience break-through from Earth forms and linear time to creativity, but like all breakthroughs, it is hard work When Chiron affects Saturn by aspect, Saturn has a different dimension than usual. Without aspects between Saturn and Chiron, and also Chiron aspects to Uranus and Uranus to Saturn, the progress of Saturn development is quite predictable, and the native is comfortable with Saturnian growth. When there are aspects to Chiron, the native isn't so confident about predictable patterns. The native has difficulty trusting; he or she usually has serious conflicts with one or both parents, and may project the early home conflicts onto society at large. However, this early and deep distrust of Saturnian fixed form tends to yield openness and creativity after the Saturn return. That is, the psyche is less shielded in lead than usual. At the return the native balances the need for using Saturnian form and structure, and then is more free than most to respond to the outer planets. The aspecting Chiron functions as a constant initiator, moving consciousness out of fixed ruts. Health is ultimately a question of biological balance, and biological balance has a lot to do with steady and powerful Saturnian growth and Uranian electrical activation of new cellular production and neurological structural reorganization. As we know from science, everything is completely new in the human body every seven years; every cell is new. New birth cannot occur without death. Chiron is in relationship to the seven-year Uranus cycle which contains a Saturn square to Saturn within each seven-year Uranian sign transit. Chiron rules the process of complete letting go of old forms so that new and vital birth can occur. It is the process of learning to trust, of going forward even when we aren't sure why. Then the new issues have space. Chiron rules the healing principle, which is a function of both Saturnian control and Uranian electrical vitalization. Chiron is the key to finding that balance. The sighting is a signal that we must begin to know when to heal and when to let go. For example, antibiotics can heal, but they can be used as a control mechanism in the environment. The struggle of the immune system is subverted by overuse of antibiotics. Now after 40 years of antibiotics, we are seeing severe malfunctions, such as AIDS, in the immune system. In my opinion, the physical environment is on the verge of teaching the race that the immune system itself must be trusted, that total control (or Saturn) by scientists and physicians will never work. Also, medical astrologers should take note of the times when Saturn's lead shield is pierced by Chiron. This cycle will yield clues to cancer radiation cures. Radiation cannot pierce lead. A better piercing mechanism will be coming into medicine with radionics or some other technique which is Uranian. Now that we can also use Chiron for health research, the true need for trust in the universe or Eros will come into balance with control, or Thanatos. Astrologers interested in health should begin Chiron work immediately so that more information will be available on these critical issues. The aspects between Saturn and Chiron are the key to many of these questions.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO THE LUNAR NODES The Lunar Nodes explicate the karmic path in the natal chart. The North Node of the Moon delineates the chosen purpose of this lifetime, and the South Node reveals significant past life information for this lifetime. I've found Martin Schulman's work in “Karmic Astrology: The Moon's Nodes and Reincarnation” to be the best available source on the Nodes, but it does not yet contain any information on Chiron. The Nodes are one of the most critical parts of the astrological reading. I often start studying a chart by investigating the Nodes first. Since Schulman and many others have not published Chiron interpretations yet, we are missing some critical parts of astrological interpretation. We are missing the interpretation on Chiron in the North or South Node, the impact of the North or South Node in the sixth house, and Chiron aspecting the Nodes. Following the format of Chapter Nine, Chiron aspecting the Nodes is included here, and other questions on the Nodes and miscellaneous other parts of the reading follow in Chapter Eleven. Chiron conjunct the North Node means that the native will create a way to live a life as a healer, initiator or spiritual teacher. The native will be completely frustrated until this way of life is found. This aspect always indicates a life of major importance in the karmic cycle. It is axiomatic: the degree to which the native is unable to live out the life as a spiritual teacher will equal the level of frustration. Therefore, astrologers are to identify the meaning of the life as teacher by Chiron's sign and house position and give this information to the native. The astrologer of Chart 28 has Chiron conjunct the North Node in the twelfth opposite the Sun on the South Node in the sixth, telling us that she was a teacher of self-revelation in significant past lives and that she returned to bring in a major esoteric teaching in this lifetime. The effect is doubled because the axis is on the ascendant/descendant. Chart 33, a channel of Atlantean symbols, has Chiron on the North Node in the tenth opposite the Part of Fortune on the South Node in the fourth. The nodal axis is grand squaring Uranus opposite Mars. The South Node shows that the Atlantean symbol system was once her joy and fortune, and the North shows that she will recreate this system in her career in this life. Chart 5, a guru, has Chiron on the North Node in the fifth in Pisces and close to Venus. The South Node in Virgo indicates that he was a healer in a major past life and that he has come back to develop creative forms for initiation. Chart 26, a New Age communicator, has the South Node in Aquarius in the ninth, indicating the native was a teacher in relevant past lives and that she came back to help communicate significant teachings in a very noticeable way (Node in Leo). Chart 49, an astrologer, has Chiron exact conjunct the North Node in the fifth house, showing she needs to work on initiating clients. With Mars in Scorpio conjunct the South Node in the eleventh, she had to bum off manipulative, negative male energy before she could be prepared to initiate others. As Schulman has indicated, a planet on each Node indicates a karmic crisis in this lifetime which must be resolved. The astrologer of Chart 28 could not become a teacher until she uncovered her past life knowledge of the sixth house Sun/South Node, and the native of Chart 49 could not activate learning to initiate until she let go of negative Mars. Bernice Prill Grebner advises that natives with a planet on each Node must eventually learn to "flip the Nodes" or reverse them. I agree with her opinion. Chart 50 is the chart for the first nuclear chain reaction. I have included it here because Chiron is conjunct the North Node of the atomic splitting which I believe is the most significant event of modem times. Since Chiron let Prometheus out of the Underworld so that man kind could have firepower, it is highly significant that Chiron is conjunct the North Node of the chain reaction. Since Chiron conjuncts the North Node in Leo in the fourth house, our deepest, subconscious, survival self has been disturbed. Chiron conjunct the South Node indicates the native has come into this incarnation with a strong memory of experiences with Chiron. This native may or may not be slated to use that experience in this life, and the North Node needs to be examined very carefully. Since the polarity is Chiron/Neptune, the native may have lived a life of great healing, and they may be slated to live a life of mystical expression this time. The thing to watch out for is that the native may slide into becoming a healer because they know how to do it easily, but their North Node may indicate they are supposed to do something else now. Or, the North Node may indicate a way to take all that inner healing knowledge and funnel it into the work of the North Node. Chart 20, a yoga teacher, has Chiron on the South Node in the sixth house. The sixth house placement doubles the tendency for him to keep on healing. But the North Node in the twelfth in Taurus indicates that he is to activate teaching himself in some esoteric school, especially since the Node is in Taurus, indicating wide intellectual potential. He has a great background in Hebrew from his childhood as a Jew who was taken to temple, so possibly he should deepen that part of himself. As Schulman has amply demonstrated, we must get off the South Node and activate the North in order to grow. When there is a planet on the South and not on the North Node, as with the yoga teacher, extra care must be taken to see if the North Node is active. Chiron conjunct the south Node usually means the native will have easy access to past life memory. If this native seems to be stuck on the South Node, it may be advisable to go after the past life contents. But caution is advised because this native may have a strong tendency to get caught in the glamour of past lives. The goal is to work free from the South Node so that the North is activated. When the native is active in living the North Node, then the time will come to pull in the past life memories as a healer or teacher on the South Node and utilize that information for further activation of the talents of the North Node. There are many other aspects to the South and North Nodes, but the last really significant one is when Chiron squares the Nodes, as Schulman has taught. Whenever a planet squares the Nodes, it functions as a significant distraction to the work of developing the life path with the Nodes. So when Chiron squares the Nodes, transmutation energy and higher consciousness functions as a blocking action to progress on the Nodes. That is, the native has a hard time activating the North and letting go of the South while also funneling in the South Node knowledge to feed the North. However, it is even more complex than that. Ideally, we would activate the North and live it, then funnel in past life memory to further develop the South, and finally the Nodal Axis would develop into a channel of iridescent kundalini energy through the chart with the North Node as a pointer. When Chiron squares the Nodes, it tends to cause all parts of the Nodes to be activated, resulting in a short-term highly activated axis. Most of my clients who have this position had a life of great struggle up to the Uranus opposition, but they are also unusually talented and able to use past life knowledge in this incarnation.
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