  What's your date of birth? (Page 7)

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Author Topic:   What's your date of birth?
posted October 28, 2005 08:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sue g

(November 15)

You were born in The Week of Charm.

This makes you a Scorpio 3.

Realists first and foremost, Scorpio 3's rarely overreach themselves. Gifted with trustworthy judgement and keen assessment, they have a realistic view of themselves and others. Those born in this week do well in administrative positions or as leaders of a social group or working team, roles in which their evaluative, organizational, and practical abilities come to the fore. Because some things come so easily to them, they may become complacent, or perhaps self-satisfied. The most successful Scorpio 3's are often those who have dared to strive toward realizing their most impossible dreams. Unusually passionate individuals, Scorpio 3's are equally adept at control. The charming or inscrutable facade that they present to the world often hides tremendous inner conflict. Addictions of all sorts, broken only with difficulty, plague them. However, such compulsions, once mastered, are rarely readopted.

Scorpio 3's who are able to show or at least discuss a small part of their feelings for another person will be closer to realizing success in relationships. Charming and seductive, Scorpio 3's rarely are at a loss for lovers or friends. Anyone who wants to make friends with Scorpio 3's must keep in mind their aversion to those looking for a free ride. People born in this week are often attracted to self-sufficient individuals with something unusual to offer. Scorpio 3's rarely kid themselves about their romantic lives. They are rarely found hanging onto relationships that have proved unproductive or detrimental.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Charm: together, charming, resourceful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Charm: defensive, complacent, controlling

November 15 is The Day of Encounter.

You are persevering, patient and attentive to detail and have considerable originality. You are practical and not in the least subject to flattery. You are quiet and self-contained, enjoy the company of your own sex, like the outdoors and are the favourite in your own circle.

Strengths: measured, just, courageous

Weaknesses: volatile, accident prone

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posted October 28, 2005 08:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Loner.

This makes you a Pisces 2.

Often living in a private world of their own, Pisces 2's make their home a retreat from the vicissitudes of life. Possessing a strongly soulful side, apparent in their love of music and in their empathy for all forms of human suffering, they are great admirers of beauty, particularly in people and paintings, and their homes and surroundings generally show some kind of special touch. Grace, honesty and an unassailable aesthetic and moral code prevent them from acting underhandedly or, in particular, hurtfully. They generally believe that life is not just there to be enjoyed, and that one must in some way pay one's dues with a certain amount of suffering. Rarely will those born in this week escape at least one severe trauma in their lives. In the workplace, they do well as freelancers or operating outside the office.

Generally speaking, Pisces 2's ask only one thing from the world, and that is to be accepted as they really are. To comfort themselves, and to shield themselves from disapppointment and rejection, they may surrender to the pursuit of money or retreat to a fantasy-full interior life. Those born in the Week of the Loner usually have few friends. In love, they are more prone than others to be snagged by a pretty face, sensuous voice or alluring body. Friends and mates of a practical nature tend to bring them down to earth. Meanwhile, children will help them share their sense of wonder and awe at the natural world.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Loner: soulful, intimate, graceful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Loner: reclusive, disappointed, suffering

March 3 is The Day of Design.

You have a magnetic personality, and should take care that this gift does not lead you into difficulties. You are passionate and your emotions sometimes overpower you, but your love through fervent is constant. You like and appreciate music and have some musical ability.

Strengths: directed, conceptual, well prepared

Weaknesses: biased, compulsive, self-unaware

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posted October 28, 2005 08:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
globe trotter

You were born in The Cusp of Prophecy.

This makes you a Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp.

Sagittarius-Capricorns are influenced by both Jupiter and Saturn. The energies of these two planets are diametrically opposed; Jupiter stands for expansion, jollity and optimism, Saturn for contraction, seriousness and realism. A kind of push-pull effect is at work in the personalities of the unusual individuals born on this cusp - they may want to have fun but may be too serious to do so. But this combination also produces highly developed faculties of intuition and sensation; consequently, those born on this cusp are at their best when trusting their hunches. Ultimately, the development of extrasensory abilities, or even a single sixth sense, is often the most unique and remarkable quality that those born on the Cusp of Prophecy can offer to the world. Masters of the art of silence, Sagittarius-Capricorns have no need for speech to get their point across. Whether happy, seductive, threatening or punishing, Sagittarius-Capricorns make their moods known very unambiguously.

Cassandra-like, those born on the Cusp of Prophecy do not expect to be liked by other people. Being independent of the approval of others gives Sagittarius-Capricorns a power and freedom that many lack. Only a few individuals manage to get close to them, and their friends and lovers understand their need to be alone, gaining great satisfaction from sharing a private or secluded life with them. Partners of the more outgoing Sagittarius-Capricorns, on the other hand, often provide a link between them and the world, and bring them out of their shell.

Strengths of those born in The Week of Prophecy: psychic, inscrutable, intense

Weaknesses of those born in The Week of Prophecy: frustrated, antisocial, oppressive

December 24 is The Day of Complex Emotions.

You are bold, energetic, possess intuitive powers and latent talents which you should develop. Your love is ardent and constant. You should practice self-restraint and not let your passions get beyond your control.

Strengths: visionary, capable, organized

Weaknesses: distracted, self-hurtful, confused

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posted October 28, 2005 08:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Titan.

This makes you a Sagittarius 3.

Born in the Week of the Titan, Sagittarius 3's think on a grand scale. Geared to big projects, whether planning a family get-together or mapping out a business strategy, they reach for the stars but keep both feet on the ground. Big hearted, Sagittarius 3's give shamelessly but are realistic enough to expect something in return. Drawn to magical and ecstatic experiences, they love the impossible challenge and to pull off miracles. Yet these Titans cannot be called competitive; from where they sit no real competition exists. That outlook may seem egotistical, but it gives some ideas of the self-confidence and assurance of Sagittarius 3's. And yet behind the massive bulwark of their personality lurk insecurity and a lack of self-awareness - a high price to pay for peace of mind.

Those involved with these powerful individuals will have to learn to play a subordinate role. There are moody and disturbing elements to the Sagittarius 3 personality that may strain their relationships. Sagittarius 3's actually find these dark moods an essential way to withdraw and chew things over. Extremely thoughtful, they can ruminate over a problem or plan for weeks. It is best to leave them alone to do so. The most successful lovers and mates of those born in the Week of the Titan are often those who can weave a magical spell around them, after first lulling them into letting their guard down. Sagittarius 3's actually enjoy being enchanted by those who can lighten their ponderous workload or their crushing personal responsibilities.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Titan: big-hearted, self-assured, aspiring

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Titan: self-unaware, secretly insecure, fussy

December 15 is The Day of Expansion.

You are reserved and unobtrusive and, in your own quiet way, accomplish a great deal. You have a retentive memory, learn readily and impart your knowledge easily to others. You would make an excellent teacher. You are bright, witty and very entertaining, fond of fun and travelling.

Strengths: cheerful, social, well liked

Weaknesses: unrealistic, controlling, blind

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posted October 28, 2005 08:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Titan.

This makes you a Sagittarius 3.

Born in the Week of the Titan, Sagittarius 3's think on a grand scale. Geared to big projects, whether planning a family get-together or mapping out a business strategy, they reach for the stars but keep both feet on the ground. Big hearted, Sagittarius 3's give shamelessly but are realistic enough to expect something in return. Drawn to magical and ecstatic experiences, they love the impossible challenge and to pull off miracles. Yet these Titans cannot be called competitive; from where they sit no real competition exists. That outlook may seem egotistical, but it gives some ideas of the self-confidence and assurance of Sagittarius 3's. And yet behind the massive bulwark of their personality lurk insecurity and a lack of self-awareness - a high price to pay for peace of mind.

Those involved with these powerful individuals will have to learn to play a subordinate role. There are moody and disturbing elements to the Sagittarius 3 personality that may strain their relationships. Sagittarius 3's actually find these dark moods an essential way to withdraw and chew things over. Extremely thoughtful, they can ruminate over a problem or plan for weeks. It is best to leave them alone to do so. The most successful lovers and mates of those born in the Week of the Titan are often those who can weave a magical spell around them, after first lulling them into letting their guard down. Sagittarius 3's actually enjoy being enchanted by those who can lighten their ponderous workload or their crushing personal responsibilities.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Titan: big-hearted, self-assured, aspiring

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Titan: self-unaware, secretly insecure, fussy

December 14 is The Day of the Selective Exhibitionist.

You have a logical mind and hold firmly to your opinions and ideals. You are positive and aggressive, sometimes domineering, sarcastic and critical. You are serious and studious, although somewhat vain and enjoy witty and intellectual society.

Strengths: original, provocative, daring

Weaknesses: excessive, moody, isolated

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posted October 28, 2005 09:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Society.

This makes you a Libra 2.

The paradox of those born during this week is that although their social skills are highly developed, they are really loners by nature. Gifted with exquisite aesthetic taste, their knowledge of current events, fashions and matters concerning lifestyle is impressive, and family and friends usually consult them on how to do almost anything in the most tasteful way possible. Generally well liked and constantly in demand as confidants and counselors, Libra 2's often have difficulty finding time for themselves and at some point must learn how to limit the time and energy they give others. They inspire others to trust them, but, while fair, just and agreeable in most situations, Libra 2's can also be extremely sharp and critical. Usually their insights are dead-on correct, which means their criticism stings all the more. A tendency towards emotional mood swings may be their biggest single problem. Changing affect is frequently the result of an ever-present tendency for these imaginative individuals to indulge in fantasy. As a result, there is too often a glaring discrepancy between what Libra 2's think they want and what they truly need.

Libra 2's are highly valued by their friends, not least for their light and fun-loving manner. They are often good conversationalists. Those born in this week may blunt their own desires by not taking them seriously. Self-deception can lead to disastrous choices of partner and professional blunders. Lacking a clear view of themselves, they cannot make cogent personal choices and are constantly landing in hot water.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Society: up-to-date, fair, insightful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Society: complacent, severe, self-deceiving

October 4 is The Day of the Incorrigibles.

You are vigorous and energetic, love the outdoors and enjoy any athletic sport. You have perseverance, far-sightedness, self-confidence and are meticulous in detail. You assume responsibility with ease and assurance and are generally successful. Your love is deep and strong.

Strengths: tasteful, socially adept, humorous

Weaknesses: complacent, headstrong, foolhardy

(January 22)

You were born in The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination.

This makes you a Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp.

The electric individuals born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp generate excitement wherever they go. Unable to keep out of the action for long, they make their presence dramatically felt immediately upon entering a room. Capricorn-Aquarians have a tremendous interest in bettering the lot of the poor and disadvantaged, never hesitating to contribute time, money or energy to help anyone less fortunate. At the same time, they have little sympathy for those they see as freeloaders or parasites, able to pull their own weight but refusing to do so.

Capricorn-Aquarians can get pretty wild. The influence of Capricorn lends them structure and a sense of responsibility, but the unpredictable energy of Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) threatens to break this order apart at any moment. They can appear sensible and reasonable one moment, uncontrolled the next. These chaotic energies can produce tremendous unrest in the lives of those born on this cusp. They lead a kind of Walter Mitty existence, with few guessing the extent of their inferior life or the degree of their inventiveness.
Capricorn-Aquarians love to tell and play jokes. Their mates, friends and family must understand and appreciate this quality. Moreover, they can fully respect only people who share daily chores and duties fairly. Capricorn-Aquarians often seek hard-working, dependable mates, though those who live alone may learn the greatest lesson by dealing with the most difficult and elusive customer they have ever met - themselves.

Strengths for those born in The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination: exciting, entertaining, lighthearted

Weaknesses for those born in The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination: chaotic, difficult, eruptive

January 22 is The Day of the Vortex.

You are self-reliant, diplomatic, fond of dressing well and care a great deal for the good opinion of your friends and business associates. Secretive, but not to the extent of trickery. You are affectionate and should make a happy circle wherever you are.

Strengths: natural, emotional, exciting

Weaknesses: hasty, explosive, careless

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posted October 28, 2005 09:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Autumn wind

You were born in The Week of Society.

This makes you a Libra 2.

The paradox of those born during this week is that although their social skills are highly developed, they are really loners by nature. Gifted with exquisite aesthetic taste, their knowledge of current events, fashions and matters concerning lifestyle is impressive, and family and friends usually consult them on how to do almost anything in the most tasteful way possible. Generally well liked and constantly in demand as confidants and counselors, Libra 2's often have difficulty finding time for themselves and at some point must learn how to limit the time and energy they give others. They inspire others to trust them, but, while fair, just and agreeable in most situations, Libra 2's can also be extremely sharp and critical. Usually their insights are dead-on correct, which means their criticism stings all the more. A tendency towards emotional mood swings may be their biggest single problem. Changing affect is frequently the result of an ever-present tendency for these imaginative individuals to indulge in fantasy. As a result, there is too often a glaring discrepancy between what Libra 2's think they want and what they truly need.

Libra 2's are highly valued by their friends, not least for their light and fun-loving manner. They are often good conversationalists. Those born in this week may blunt their own desires by not taking them seriously. Self-deception can lead to disastrous choices of partner and professional blunders. Lacking a clear view of themselves, they cannot make cogent personal choices and are constantly landing in hot water.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Society: up-to-date, fair, insightful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Society: complacent, severe, self-deceiving

October 6 is The Day of the Good Life.

You are energetic and competent, and have considerable mechanical ability. You enter into things whole-heartedly and go through with your best efforts. You are respected and admired by all who know you. If you marry young, you will be happy and have an ideal married life.

Strengths: optimistic, adventurous, vivacious

Weaknesses: self-absorbed, sensationalistic

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posted October 28, 2005 09:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Literalist.

This makes you a Virgo 3.

The willful individuals born during the week of Virgo 3 generally persist until they get their way. Their mental willpower is so strong that their goals are tangible to them, which means they can't even imagine not attaining them. Sometimes they are so convinced of an outcome that they do not hesitate procrastinating before getting there. Those born in The Week of the Literalist place a great deal of emphasis on practicality, and they have a talent for shrewd evaluations. Elegant constructions and the mastery of craft are what they admire most. They see irrationality or emotional displays, particularly public ones, as a sign of ostentation and a lack of self-control. Virgo 3's also dislike phoniness and pretension. Literalists, they like to tell it as they see it, uncovering the truth and revealing it to the world. On the other hand, Virgo 3's do not like trouble or unpleasantness, and feel that a modicum of courtesy is demanded in almost any human situation. They are sometimes torn, then, between their love of truth and their need for harmony.

In relationships, Virgo 3's are highly demanding, expecting the very best for themselves. Extremely capable, they can keep troubled or problematic relationships alive for years through their perseverance and dedication. Results are important to these pragmatic personalities, who are likely to ultimately lose interest or walk away when their work on a relationship fails to bear fruit. Those born in this week must be careful not to succumb to selfish and manipulative drives.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Literalist: composed, nurturing, capable

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Literalist: sensationalistic, judgemental, ruthless

September 14 is The Day of the Perceptive Critic.

You are impulsive, emotional, impatient and like to get results quickly. You have originality, are quite versatile, quick to grasp a point and have good judgement. You have a keen sense of humour, are winsome and vivacious, loving and demonstrative in your family. Your home life will be a happy one.

Strengths: observant, effective, efficient

Weaknesses: critical, difficult, impatient

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posted October 28, 2005 09:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Manifestation

This makes you a Taurus 1.

Those born in The Week of Manifestation are hardheaded pragmatists and among the most dominant individuals of the year. When seized by an idea or plan, they will not let it rest until it is implemented. Their forte is manifesting or giving shape to a concept. A feeling for structure, particularly of a hierarchical kind, comes naturally to Taurus 1's. Technically oriented, they love to find out how and why things work, never hesitating to take something apart and put it back together again. Intensely sensitive physically - sex, food, comfort, and sports and recreation of all kinds are important to their mental and physical well-being - they have a pronounced desire for harmony in their environment. The Taurus 1 boss stress employees' needs to get along with each other and to work as a team. Their role at work often mirrors that at home; they are protectors and nurturers.

In relationships with Taurus 1's, head-on confrontation should be avoided. Among the most stubborn of all the Tauruses, they are impossible to convince of the need for change. Unfooled by their cool, often gruff exterior, those who know them well know how emotionally vulnerable they are. Since Taurus 1's like to run the show, shouldering huge burdens all day at work, they feel that a peaceful home environment is worth protecting at all costs. Thus the desire of Taurus 1's for peace and quiet, together with their resistance to change, can become oppressive, even stifling, to those who live with them.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Manifestation: productive, physical, tenacious

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Manifestation: stubborn, smug, exaggerating

April 28 is The Day of Steadfastness.

You live within yourself. Rather than make any of those you love unhappy, you keep your troubles and worries to yourself. You have determination of purpose and always do what you plan.

Strengths: resolute, dependable, solid

Weaknesses: iflexible, domineering, insensitive

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posted October 28, 2005 09:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Solane Star

You were born in The Week of the Teacher.

This makes you a Taurus 2.

Those born in the Week of the Teacher are mainly involved in the development of ideas and techniques. It can be said they have a calling for imparting information and, more important, presenting it in a manner that others can understand. Verbalizing their ideas and observations, generating discussion, and leading by example are all Taurus 2's favourite activities. Those born in the Taurus 2 period are movers and shakers. Excellent entrepreneurs, they can set up and run both businesses and families. The moral stance of the Taurus 2, with firm ideas about right and wrong, is unusually strong, even unyielding. They tend to side with the underdog and to feel all forms of unfairness and discrimination keenly. Physical activity, whether dance, sports, music or fitness training, comes naturally to Taurus 2's, yet they do not convey the impression of being earthy, sensuous types.

It's not surprising that Taurus 2's have a strong need for teacher-student-type interactions. Interracial or cross-cultural relationships are common for Taurus 2's. Although excellent bosses, parents, and teachers, Taurus 2's are not always the easiest people to be involved with day to day as mates, lovers or friends since they can be very demanding and critical, making their dislikes known sharply and incisively. Taurus 2's often have a host of admirers. Those who relate best to Taurus 2's understand their need to be left alone rather than to be fussed over or spoiled. Taurus 2's like their partners to be strong and dignified above all.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Teacher: enterprising, fair, magnetic

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Teacher: demanding, critical, inflexible

May 8 is The Day of the Outspoken Spokesperson.

You have a sunny disposition and a charming personality. You have quite a bit of originality, wit and humour, but little self-reliance. You could do much more if you would make the effort and have more self-assurance. You like light literature and good times. You will always be happy.

Strengths: prudent, convincing, caring

Weaknesses: overserious, judgemental, authoritarian

IP: Logged

posted October 28, 2005 09:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Charm.

This makes you a Scorpio 3.

Realists first and foremost, Scorpio 3's rarely overreach themselves. Gifted with trustworthy judgement and keen assessment, they have a realistic view of themselves and others. Those born in this week do well in administrative positions or as leaders of a social group or working team, roles in which their evaluative, organizational, and practical abilities come to the fore. Because some things come so easily to them, they may become complacent, or perhaps self-satisfied. The most successful Scorpio 3's are often those who have dared to strive toward realizing their most impossible dreams. Unusually passionate individuals, Scorpio 3's are equally adept at control. The charming or inscrutable facade that they present to the world often hides tremendous inner conflict. Addictions of all sorts, broken only with difficulty, plague them. However, such compulsions, once mastered, are rarely readopted.

Scorpio 3's who are able to show or at least discuss a small part of their feelings for another person will be closer to realizing success in relationships. Charming and seductive, Scorpio 3's rarely are at a loss for lovers or friends. Anyone who wants to make friends with Scorpio 3's must keep in mind their aversion to those looking for a free ride. People born in this week are often attracted to self-sufficient individuals with something unusual to offer. Scorpio 3's rarely kid themselves about their romantic lives. They are rarely found hanging onto relationships that have proved unproductive or detrimental.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Charm: together, charming, resourceful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Charm: defensive, complacent, controlling

November 18 is The Day of Temperament.

You are conscientious, ambitious, accurate and just. You do not act hastily, but are steady and reliable. You always finish whatever you undertake. You are both artistic and musical and have ideals. You are jovial, hearty and fun loving, and will be happily married.

Strengths: intuitive, emotional, social

Weaknesses: needy, moody, tempestuous

IP: Logged

posted October 28, 2005 09:54 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks BleakBeauty,

Say, could you check your book and tell me if Nov. 17 is the same interp. that you already gave for Sue G.? The reason I ask is that my wife is Nov. 17 and if the same interp applies then I won't ask you for another one.

Thanks again!

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posted October 28, 2005 10:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Black beauty: Thanks, thanks, and more thanks! Insanely accurate on both accounts!

Funny thing I noticed is that for mine [feb 20] the interp reads almost like an exact mish mash of my ASC + ASC ruler sign & house... Leo rising Pisces sun in 8th. Wow-wow-wow.

Muchas Gracias!!!

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Posts: 51
From: Colorado
Registered: May 2009

posted October 28, 2005 10:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sVirgo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much for nice reading!!

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posted October 28, 2005 10:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Yes, November 17th is Scorpio 3. And here is the reading for the date.
By the way, ask for as many dates as you want, I don't mind. At this stage, alot of weeks I have already typed so I just copy and paste.

November 17th is The Day of the Bridge.

You have good judgement, are a careful manager and a shrewd manipulator. Your ideas are practical and you consider all details before entering into any undertaking. You are affectionate, tender and dependable. Your friends rely on your judgement and have absolute faith in you.

Strengths: mediating, helpful, responsible

Weaknesses: overly moral, aloof, controlling

IP: Logged

posted October 28, 2005 11:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(August 12)

You were born in The Week of Leadership.

This makes you a Leo 3.

Leo 3's often assume a commanding role. Action comes naturally to these dynamic individuals. Their main impulse is to lead, but not necessarily to dominate or rule. Good planners, they are able to organize a strategy and see it through. All Leo 3's have a heroic view of themselves. Aggressive, they know what they want and how to get it. In the process, they may arouse antagonism, since they can be inconsiderate, often choosing to ignore what others are feeling in order to achieve their own aims. But they may also inspire tremendous loyalty, respect, and love in others who overlook their self-centredness. The creativity of Leo 3's runs high. While they are often narrow or selfish in their personal dealings, in their careers their imagination, philosophical perspective and wide range of expression often result in artistic, financial and social rewards.

Because Leo 3's are not very approachable, working shoulder to shoulder with them is the best way of getting close to them and can result in deep ties that last a lifetime. Other strong personalities inevitably clash with Leo 3's, and such relationships are likely to be stormy unless the other party compromises or backs down. Leo 3's are not unaware of their charisma. As long as they are honored and respected, they will be generous and kind, but they will not hesitate to end a relationship if they feel they haven't been accorded their due. Equally often, their partners, unwilling to live with double standards, may drop them suddenly, amazing the more unaware Leo 3's - just when things were going so well!

Strengths for those born in The Week of Leadership: commanding, heroic, creative

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Leadership: dictatorial, selfish, insensitive

August 12 is The Day of Convention.

With more than ordinary ability, you have self confidence and ambition and work and plan in a methodical manner. You speak quickly sometimes, but do not intentionally hurt others. You love travel and good times and want your family and loved ones to share all your pleasures. You are affectionate and loving.

Strengths: knowledgeable, faithful, serious

Weaknesses: tyrannical, superior

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posted October 28, 2005 11:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I'm good, how are you? Do you have yahoo btw?

You were born in The Week of Genius.

This makes you an Aquarius 1.

Although Aquarius 1's may not necessarily be more intelligent than others, they generally learn quickly, often arousing other people's amazement, and also jealousy, due to the speed and ease with which they pick things up at the first go. Exhibiting an alert, even high-strung demeanor, they do not count patience as one of their virtues. Like thoroughbreds, they are hot-blooded types, usually champing at the bit to get on with it. Although it is true that Aquarius 1's are easily bored, they are quite capable of perseverance when they feel it is warranted. They believe that experience is the best teacher and are often self-taught types. The lure of worldly excitement will often entice them away from the classroom, and travel to foreign lands can have a particular fascination for them.

In their careers, those born in this week rarely do well in jobs where they are told what to do or have too much social contact. Self-employment suits them better, since they need the freedom to make their own choices and plans and follow their instincts and be true to what they believe. Their impulsiveness can easily bring them into conflict with authority figures. They can be emotionally unstable and at times can appear distracted, wired, and self-absorbed, and they can be easily upset. In matters of love, Aquarius 1's insist that their mates understand their need for freedom. They will not be tied down to fixed routines and schedules. Aquarius 1's will rarely accept restrictions.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Genius: precocious, unique, self-taught

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Genius: reckless, distracted, stressed out

January 30 is The Day of Take Charge.

You are capable of exerting a great deal of influence over those with whom you come in contact, and should be careful in using it. Develop your mind to the extent of its capabilities. You are not demonstrative, but can and will love with a true strong passion.

Strengths: astute, organized, socially conscious

Weaknesses: calculating, hardened

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posted October 28, 2005 11:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Arnicka - I'm glad you liked it.

I don't know much about the houses and signs...if I posted my chart would you have a look at it for me sometime?

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posted October 28, 2005 11:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Bleakbeauty! I hope you didn't missed mine.......March 3.



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posted October 28, 2005 11:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
bleakbeauty -

Thank you; that was amazing! I am quite impressed. Few of the broad generalisations made about my sun sign seem to fit my perception of self, but this reading was dead-on for the most part.

I am almost tempted to ask for additional readings for family and friends, but won't trouble you.

Again, many thanks!

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posted October 29, 2005 12:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Ruler.

This makes you a Capricorn 1.

Highly dependable, Capricorn 1's assume many of the responsibilities of life without complaint. Running their family, business, or social organization is their forte, and they are excellent at delegating responsibility, seeing that things run smoothly, and utilizing their special genius for efficiency. When Capricorn 1's speak, they expect others to listen. Their high opinions of their own ideas may, in extreme cases, approach authoritarianism. Many Capricorn 1's, of couse, are not tyrants at all. Shrewd calculators, they can have an instinct for turning a profit. Overall, they have a very healthy respect for tradition, and are more oriented toward making improvements in a given system than in tearing it down. Ironically, their honesty and sense of fairness may undercut their own ambitions by hindering them from reaching the top of their profession.

Acceptance of attitudes or approaches other than their own does not come easily to Capricorn 1's. It is not that they are bigoted or prejudiced - quite the contrary, they oppose injustice fearlessly. It is just that they see their way as the best way - and it usually is, reflecting values of hard work and excellence of achievement. They are stern taskmakers, and not all mates are willing to accept Capricorn 1's rule. The best solution is usually a division of labour. Emotional expression does not come easily to those born during this week; often creatures of deep feeling, they can get all wrapped inside a cocoon of repressed emotion. Associates of those born in this week know them as carying, concerned and trustworthy individuals.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Ruler: capable, hard-working, concerned

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Ruler: dogmatic, bottled up, tyrannical

December 31 is The Day of Aesthetic Promotion.

You are impulsive and emotional in the affairs of the heart and need love and devotion to make you happy and contented. You are thorough, practical, observant; have many friends and are an amusing entertainer.

Strengths: appreciative, tasteful, idealistic

Weaknesses: all-knowing, opinionated, fixed

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posted October 29, 2005 12:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
belle yours is on page 6

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posted October 29, 2005 12:48 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sure thing blackbeauty. No pro here, but I dabble more than avg

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posted October 29, 2005 01:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BB, would you plese do mine>

November 13 and July 5 for my Cancer boy. Thanks!


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posted October 29, 2005 02:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi again, BleakBeauty.... could you post a few more for me, if you get a chance? I love these!

April 13
October 21
February 3

Many Thanks, to you, in advance...

~ geminstone

* nevermind the April 13 date.... found Nove's post

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