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Author Topic:   What's your date of birth?
posted October 29, 2005 04:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mine is 12 Mar 1978


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posted October 29, 2005 04:57 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oops...sorry Bleakbeauty. 'Guess i missed mine. Thank you so much!


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posted October 29, 2005 05:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you bleakbeauty

Welcome Home to GhostVillage

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posted October 29, 2005 06:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thx a lot BB, the description fits me well.

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posted October 29, 2005 10:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my b-day is February 8th 1987


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posted October 29, 2005 11:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taurus80     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
bleakbeauty thank you sooooooo much!!!!!

it was pretty accurate, and very the weaknesses were pretty on..i'm working on that

you are so thoughtful to take the time to do this for everyone..thanks again!

much love~

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posted October 29, 2005 11:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for writing your response. I know it took some time and I do appreciate your efforts. I agree most with what you wrote, but anyone who knows me wouldn't describe me as being talkative. Take care!

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posted October 29, 2005 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alanabelle86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
october 26th, 1986 :-D

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posted October 29, 2005 02:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you again for your time Beauty.

Mostly Im good these days. My sister uses yahoo, I could just use hers sometime. You dont use AIM ?

Would love to chat,, may be hard in the next few weaks,, not sure what my living arangments are gona be after the next few days just yet, but I can get back to ya.

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posted October 29, 2005 06:44 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fantastic! Thanks so much for writing that up!

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posted October 29, 2005 08:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born on The Cusp of Beauty.

This makes you a Virgo-Libra Cusp.

Those born on the Virgo-Libra cusp are fatally taken up with the pursuit of an ideal. Because they are attracted to physical, sensuous beauty, whether in art objects, nature or people, the lure of colour, shape, form, texture and the intriguing sound of music or a voice pushes all their emotional buttons and brings them creative inspiration. They require a highly aesthetic environment both at home and at work. Virgo-Librans pride themselves on being up-to-date and aware of the latest trends in fashion, design, art and technology, and their sixth sense for current developments in their fields stands them in good stead. Often seen as superficial or glitzy, Virgo-Librans, in fact, have a dark side, and concomitant addictive tendencies may surface, representing their sensuous nature at its most self-destructive. Sooner or later in their lives, these individuals will have to address spiritual matters, for they usually discover at some point that their love of externals is inadequate preparation for an encounter for the more unpleasant side of life.

Those born on the Cusp of Beauty usually require that the people with whom they choose intimate involvement are very good-looking. Although Virgo-Librans periodically need to indulge their sense of touch, they may appear removed or untouchable themselves and may allow physical contact only at special times. They have a tendency to isolate themselves in an ivory-tower situation in which they can avoid arguments, confrontations and unpleasantness in general. Many born on this cusp are content to admire beauty from a distance.

Strengths for those born on The Cusp of Beauty: aesthetic, sensuous, harmonious

Weaknesses for those born on The Cusp of Beauty: snobbish, addictive, unsettled

September 24 is The Day of the Wanderer.

You have an abundance of natural ability and with your mind made up, can accomplish much. You are impulsive and your intuition is more apt to be correct than your careful reasoning. You like social life and have many enjoyable interests outside your home.

Strengths: imaginative, free-spirited, giving

Weaknesses: nervous, unsettled, neurotic

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posted October 29, 2005 08:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Loner.

This makes you a Pisces 2.

Often living in a private world of their own, Pisces 2's make their home a retreat from the vicissitudes of life. Possessing a strongly soulful side, apparent in their love of music and in their empathy for all forms of human suffering, they are great admirers of beauty, particularly in people and paintings, and their homes and surroundings generally show some kind of special touch. Grace, honesty and an unassailable aesthetic and moral code prevent them from acting underhandedly or, in particular, hurtfully. They generally believe that life is not just there to be enjoyed, and that one must in some way pay one's dues with a certain amount of suffering. Rarely will those born in this week escape at least one severe trauma in their lives. In the workplace, they do well as freelancers or operating outside the office.

Generally speaking, Pisces 2's ask only one thing from the world, and that is to be accepted as they really are. To comfort themselves, and to shield themselves from disapppointment and rejection, they may surrender to the pursuit of money or retreat to a fantasy-full interior life. Those born in the Week of the Loner usually have few friends. In love, they are more prone than others to be snagged by a pretty face, sensuous voice or alluring body. Friends and mates of a practical nature tend to bring them down to earth. Meanwhile, children will help them share their sense of wonder and awe at the natural world.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Loner: soulful, intimate, graceful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Loner: reclusive, disappointed, suffering

March 3 is The Day of Design.

You have a magnetic personality, and should take care that this gift does not lead you into difficulties. You are passionate and your emotions sometimes overpower you, but your love through fervent is constant. You like and appreciate music and have some musical ability.

Strengths: directed, conceptual, well prepared

Weaknesses: biased, compulsive, self-unaware

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posted October 29, 2005 08:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


You were born in The Cusp of Magic.

This makes you a Gemini-Cancer Cusp.

Those born during the magical cusp of the summer solstice can be defined as falling under the spell of enchantment. Romantic and inspirational, Gemini-Cancers often put their talents and energies in service of a higher purpose, be it family, religion, philosophy, arts or political or social causes. Gemini-Cancers appear mild, even self-effacing, but they can also enchant others, their sweetly innocent charm can be seductive. Although possessed of a certain magnetism, Gemini-Cancers can be remarkably cool customers. They have a useful objectivity, and their reasoning powers make an effective foil to their deep emotions. They are an interesting blend of logic and feeling.

Gemini-Cancers are capable of a wide range of personal interaction, from acquaintanceship and friendship to full-blown passion. Tending to be private people, they do not often grant access to their inner world. If they do, it implies a sacred trust. Their special needs as sensitive individuals can impose heavy demands on their friends and intimates.

Nothing is more important to Gemini-Cancers than love; they see love as the primary reason to live. But no matter how deeply in love they fall, they remain masters of their
emotions. Listen to them carefully, for although they can give their hearts fully, the fact that they are spending time with you is no guarantee that they have done so. As much as they have a deep capacity to give love, they are equally capable of withholding it.

Strengths for those born in the Cusp of Magic: affectionate, seductive, objective

Weaknesses for those born in the Cusp of Magic: isolated, selfish, demanding

June 20 is The Day of Ecstatic Appeal.

You have originality, some executive ability and mechanical skill. You are serious, think deeply and keep your own counsel in your personal affairs. You are generous, considerate and take much interest in affairs other than your regular routine. You have many real friends, love your home and all family ties.

Strengths: emotional, rousing, charismatic

Weaknesses: overemotional, repressed, destructive

(June 12)

You were born in The Week of the Seeker.

This makes you a Gemini 3.

The primary drive of a Gemini 3 is to go beyond the limitations imposed by society and nature. Gemini 3's are never happier than when they are on the move: probing, testing, tasting and exploring the most interesting things life has to offer. Not afraid to take chances, those born in the Week of the Seeker are attracted to risk and danger. Adventurers in every sense of the word, Gemini 3's are restless types. Life is never dull with a Gemini 3 around. However, those born in this period do not necessarily have to travel to far-off lands to explore or to find challenge - for them, all of life is an adventure. Many Gemini 3's are surprisingly good with money, since it symbolizes freedom to them. Their overall style is to remain free to progress as far as possible. They like to keep others guessing as to their next move.

Love and affection are important to Gemini 3's but are not usually given top priority. With an undeniable tendency to please others through charm, they can be powerfully controlling and persuasive in a subtle manner. Sometimes warm and giving, other times quite cool and detached, they are accused of blowing hot and cold, and with justification. Gemini 3's may move from one partner to another. Even those who establish a well-grounded primary relationship are constantly tempted away from it by a career, a hobby or another person, although they'll stay put if given enough room to breathe.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Seeker: exploratory, risk-taking, money-wise

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Seeker: emotionally volatile, disillusioned, impatient

June 12 is The Day of Buoyant Optimism.

With your musical and artistic ability, you seek the friendship and society of those who appreciate and love these things. You are both admired and popular among your friends and associates. You have an affectionate nature and when married, you are assured of complete happiness and contentment.

Strengths: optimistic, expansive

Weaknesses: self-unaware, judgemental

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posted October 29, 2005 08:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Charm.

This makes you a Scorpio 3.

Realists first and foremost, Scorpio 3's rarely overreach themselves. Gifted with trustworthy judgement and keen assessment, they have a realistic view of themselves and others. Those born in this week do well in administrative positions or as leaders of a social group or working team, roles in which their evaluative, organizational, and practical abilities come to the fore. Because some things come so easily to them, they may become complacent, or perhaps self-satisfied. The most successful Scorpio 3's are often those who have dared to strive toward realizing their most impossible dreams. Unusually passionate individuals, Scorpio 3's are equally adept at control. The charming or inscrutable facade that they present to the world often hides tremendous inner conflict. Addictions of all sorts, broken only with difficulty, plague them. However, such compulsions, once mastered, are rarely readopted.

Scorpio 3's who are able to show or at least discuss a small part of their feelings for another person will be closer to realizing success in relationships. Charming and seductive, Scorpio 3's rarely are at a loss for lovers or friends. Anyone who wants to make friends with Scorpio 3's must keep in mind their aversion to those looking for a free ride. People born in this week are often attracted to self-sufficient individuals with something unusual to offer. Scorpio 3's rarely kid themselves about their romantic lives. They are rarely found hanging onto relationships that have proved unproductive or detrimental.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Charm: together, charming, resourceful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Charm: defensive, complacent, controlling

November 13 is The Day of the Commentator.

You are frank, honest and outspoken. You like a change of environment but are not too unhappy if your desires are not gratified. You read a great deal; are a fluent talker and very entertaining. Your home life will be happy and contented if you marry young.

Strengths: involved, knowledgeable, spiritual

Weaknesses: meddling, upsetting, rebellious

(July 5)

You were born in The Week of the Unconventional.

This makes you a Cancer 2.

Born in the Week of the Unconventional, Cancer 2's appear quite normal, occupying ordinary positions in the work world. However, the unusual and the bizarre irresistibly attract them. While few colleagues and associates are granted access to their secret world, their intimates come to realize, often only after years of association, how closely their fascination with all that is strange and curious mirrors their own inner selves. Whether dreaming of far-off lands or romance, vivid fantasies are always a part of their secret inner lives. This imaginative landscape may actually give rise to commerically lucrative ideas, though Cancer 2's are rarely good at manifesting them. It takes another person or persons to recognize and implement the inventions of Cancer 2's. Becoming emeshed in their own fantasies is a danger for them. Obsession is a real risk, since it is hard for them to control their desires. It is important for them to learn nonattachment and how to separate fantasy from reality.

Interactions with unusual friends allow them to share the wilder side and to act out unconscious fantasies. Cancer 2's share their lives best with others who value privacy and with whom they can share their personal vision - finding such people is key to their overall happiness. Lavish in their expenditures, they will go to extraordinary lengths to make their living space flamboyant. Often the zaniness, sense of fun, and sensitivity or Cancer 2's can earn them a valued position in the lives of others.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Unconventional: fantasy-rich, fun, psychologically astute

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Unconventional: self-destructive, obsessive, embarrassing

July 5 is The Day of the Showman.

You profit more by experience than by foresight. You are persevering and faithful and adversity does not deter your ambition or change your plan of work. You are friendly and like attention; in love you are steadfast and devoted.

Strengths: exciting, interesting, imaginative

Weaknesses: erratic, unreliable, unstable

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posted October 29, 2005 09:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so VERY much BB!! That was fun reading! I really appreciate the time you gave for this thread!!



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posted October 29, 2005 10:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Cusp of Drama and Criticism.

This makes you a Libra-Scorpio Cusp.

Big personalities, those born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp may prove too much for anyone to handle. These are charismatic and intellectual individuals, with ideas that are well thought out and highly developed. Libra-Scorpios usually have something to say on almost any subject - and they say it fervently. Their penchant for preaching from the pulpit makes them natural teachers. Those born on this cusp meld the airy (mental) nature of Libra and the watery (emotional) characteristics of Scorpio. These two aspects of their personality are often at war, with the head guiding and the heart denying, or vice versa. The tensions and disappointments of life can at times prove too much for them, such that they retreat into isolation. Their mental orientation appears as perceptiveness and sharp insightfulness, but these also contribute to a sense of personal infallibility and a tendency to be overcritical.

As responsible as many Libra-Scorpios seem in many areas of everyday life, they have an undeniably wild, unpredictable side. The private lives of Libra-Scorpios may include many love affairs, charting a path strewn with broken hearts. Sensuousness and passion, expressed in a love of beauty, are important themes in the lives of those born on the Cusp of Drama and Criticism. Those involved romantically with Libra-Scorpios must beware of the addictive tendencies in such relationships. However, if both parties can retain their own identities and maintain healthy boundaries, a marriage characterized by both deep love and friendship is possible with a Libra-Scorpio.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Drama and Criticism: sensuous, charismatic, artistic

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Drama and Criticism: overcritical, addictive, rigid

October 21 is The Day of Singularity.

You are a natural leader and have decided executive ability. You are also a leader in your social life and are responsible for many of the pleasant affairs your social circle enjoys. You are charming, gracious and always appear to the best advantage, have many real friends and are loyal to them.

Strengths: inspirational, attractive, verbal

Weaknesses: self-destructive, argumentative

(February 3)

You were born in The Week of Youth and Ease.

This makes you an Aquarius 2.

The Aquarius 2 period takes Youth and Ease as its central image. "No hassles" could be the motto of most Aquarius 2's. They value their happiness highly, asking only to be left alone to travel their own path with as little interference as possible. Those born in this week have a tendency to virtuosity in their makeup. Whether in the office, the laboratory, the building site, or the kitchen, they display a mastery of their medium and a pronounced craftsmanship. Although they give the impression of performing their tasks effortlessly, years of hard work may have gone into perfecting their technique. Youthfulness of all kinds (physical, mental, emotional) is a characteristic of Aquarius 2's. They often look and act far younger than their years. Not surprisingly, those born in the Week of Youth and Ease are sometimes accused of emotional immaturity and superficiality.

Aquarius 2's tend to be so well liked and admired that one might wonder what their problems are. But the popularity that is their strength can also be their undoing. They can become hooked on other people's applause, or they may isolate themselves for fear of failing to live up to others' expectations. More out of choice than necessity, Aquarius 2's may like to keep their relationships light. Paradoxically, they often are magnetically drawn to deep, profound, even troubled people. One wonders if the happy-go-lucky image these individuals seek to convey is really as accurate as it appears.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Youth and Ease: accomplished, admired, refined

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Youth and Ease: immature, tortured, cut off

February 3 is The Day of Exacting Realism.

You should be married early in life to someone born in January, June or October. you are kind, generous, goodnatured, have excellent self-control and keep your own counsel. You are fond of the outdoors and love pets and animals.

Strengths: technical, detailed, perfectionist

Weaknesses: unreliable, difficult, self-indulgent

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posted October 29, 2005 10:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Dancers and Dreamers.

This makes you a Pisces 3.

The Pisces 3 period takes Dancers and Dreamers as its central image. Strongly philosophical, Pisces 3's often spend time contemplating the intricacies of the universe. Their minds roam freely over areas that many would find daunting or at least mysterious. They start wondering about the meaning of life early on, and, indeed, these issues can become the driving force behind their careers and lifestyles. Although visionary in thought, Pisces 3's have an intensely practical side and, often, well-developed technical or scientific skills. They may seem quite down-to-earth, pragmatic, even ordinary types, yet their achievements at times border on the miraculous or the paranormal. They may manifest clairvoyant or telepathic abilities, often at an early age.

Pisces 3's must beware of appearing too glib and learn when to speak on a given subject. Their omniscient manner can antagonize people. Developing humility and admitting mistakes will only add to their credibility. To an unusual degree, however, their lives are ruled by fate. Yet curious wanderlust or impermanence in their lifestyles can make for frequent moves. Although Pisces 3's usually seem very independent, they need to feel that they count. The need to be needed may be one of their most vulnerable points. Pisces 3's can be unstable and unrealistic in their romantic relationships and often get involved with the wrong partner. Yet if they make the commitment to a love that is positive and nurturing, they are quite capable of making loyal and devoted spouses.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Dancers and Dreamers: philosophical, helpful, miracle-working

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Dancers and Dreamers: ineffectual, impermanent, dependency-fostering

March 12 is The Day of the Great Leap.

You have a friendly and engaging personality, and form many lasting friendships. You should let your gift of intuition guide you, as it is far more accurate than your carefully drawn conclusions. You are impulsive in love, but honest and faithful.

Strengths: daring, intense, visionary

Weaknesses: reckless, unstable, foolhardy

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posted October 29, 2005 10:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Acceptance.

This makes you an Aquarius 3.

The theme of acceptance is strong in the lives of Aquarius 3's. Some of them are not open to unusual ideas and must learn to become tolerant. Others are overly accepting from an early age and allow themselves to be taken advantage of by those more selfish. The challenge for Aquarius 3's is to remain open while at the same time learning discernment and the ability to screen out harmful influences. Disliking those who put on airs, pretending to be something they are not, Aquarius 3's make a speciality of poking holes in other people's balloons. Resourceful individuals, Aquarius 3's are rarely at a loss for new ideas - especially when it comes to extricating themselves from the difficult or challenging situations they get themselves into. Rarely at rest for long, Aquarius 3's love activity and movement.

Due to their lively, affectionate nature, unusual demeanor, and colourful language, they are often sought out by others. Humor, irony and wit are theirs in abundance. Though craving love, it is apparently hard for them to find a stable partnership. They need a wide variety of experiences, bore easily and tend to remain unattached. The danger is that they remain the eternal butterfly, flitting from one delicious flower to the next. This nonattachment is not in itself a negative trait - on the contrary, it is a lesson that all of us have to learn sooner or later. For Aquarius 3's, however, the lessons that need to be learned are those of constancy, consistency, application and dedication.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Acceptance: lively, inventive, affectionate

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Acceptance: irritated, vulnerable, needy

February 8 is The Day of Precognition.

It is easy for you to absorb a universal knowledge without much effort, because of your keen memory. You are very practical and not inclined to take things for granted in your home, business, or in love. You are capable of a deep and lasting love, but hesitate to accept others at their apparent worth.

Strengths: conceptual, intuitive, technical

Weaknesses: codependent, confused, passive

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posted October 29, 2005 10:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of Intensity.

This makes you a Scorpio 1.

Scorpio 1's are demanding personalities who have few equals in attention to detail and applying their powers of concentration to the task at hand. Those born in the Week of Intensity are extremely discriminating, possibly to the point of being judgemental. In matters of fairness and ethics, they are likely to evaluate people more for their motives than for their actions, refusing to accept excuses for, say, lateness, since to them everything has a meaning. Thus it is difficult for Scorpio 1's to forgive, and it is almost impossible for them to forget slights. More than most, Scorpio 1's have a charged, polarized personality with two sides - one sunny, one dark. Their sunny side gives them a radiance and seductive charm - even the mildest of them has more than a touch of the performer; Scorpio 1's are often excellent mimics. Their dark side is destructive, and when out of control can inflict serious damage. Their virtuoso energies in either direction are often manifestations of a needy side - a craving for approval and affection that also makes them think skinned when it comes to criticism.

Scorpio 1's are highly selective; their friends may be few, their contacts with family carefully controlled, their relations with co-workers limited. Once selected as intimates, however, most friends of these interesting and attractive folks feel honored and can attest to the highs of relations with them. Of particular note is their sense of humor - they can keep those around them rolling around on the floor.

Strengths of those born in the Week of Intensity: truthful, discerning, single-minded

Weaknesses of those born in the Week of Intensity: hurtful, stern, self-destructive

October 26 is The Day of Organizational Cohesion.

Your home is your castle and there are but few things outside of it that interest you. You are intellectual, conservative, artistic, enjoy reading and have considerable literary ability. You have a magnetic personality, enjoy the admiration of your friends and have no real enemies.

Strengths: group-conscious, financially astute

Weaknesses: dour, repressive, rigid

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posted October 30, 2005 01:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm feeling a little reluctant to request before I've even given on this board but 'hi' and June 9th.

Hap the Halloween and cheers in advance. :-P

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posted October 30, 2005 01:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Many Thanks, to You, BleakBeauty...

~ geminstone

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posted October 30, 2005 06:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Anyone have any more?

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posted October 30, 2005 07:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
IF you have the time.....September 17th!!

Oh...and March 7th for my friend Viper....
A HUGE Thanks BB!!


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posted October 30, 2005 07:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi there, my dob is september 11, 1973.

Thanks in advance

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posted October 31, 2005 09:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you BB that was most insightful!


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