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Author Topic:   What's your date of birth?
posted October 31, 2005 09:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thankyou very much BB, that was really nice of you to go to the effort of typing all that out.

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posted October 31, 2005 10:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stargazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I did not see July 22 or November 10... if you have time... thanks!!!

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posted October 31, 2005 10:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for alanabelle86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you!!!

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posted October 31, 2005 11:24 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BB, can I impose two more dates on you? My kids birthdates:

August 6 and November 29

Thanks again!

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posted October 31, 2005 11:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BB! If it's not too much trouble, here's one more :

July 3rd

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posted October 31, 2005 11:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for whiterabbit     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hey bleakbeauty,
you're already written about Aquarius "1", but I was wondering if you could tell me the little blurb about January 25th. Thank you.

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posted November 01, 2005 07:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BlackBeauty,

Thanks a lot That was quiet on the spot. ITs really nice of you to post all the data for of us.

If possible please post for "31 May 1975" also.


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globe trotter
posted November 01, 2005 09:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, bleakbeauty!
How about June 25?

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posted November 01, 2005 12:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here is mine 08 august, if is not too late!

My kids are 16th oct and 25th aug.


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posted November 03, 2005 12:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Literalist.

This makes you a Virgo 3.

The willful individuals born during the week of Virgo 3 generally persist until they get their way. Their mental willpower is so strong that their goals are tangible to them, which means they can't even imagine not attaining them. Sometimes they are so convinced of an outcome that they do not hesitate procrastinating before getting there. Those born in the Week of the Literalist place a great deal of emphasis on practicality, and they have a talent for shrewd evaluations. Elegant constructions and the mastery of craft are what they admire most. They see irrationality or emotional displays, particularly public ones, as a sign of ostentation and a lack of self-control. Virgo 3's also dislike phoniness and pretension. Literalists, they like to tell it as they see it, uncovering the truth and revealing it to the world. On the other hand, Virgo 3's do not like trouble or unpleasantness, and feel that a modicum of courtesy is demanded in almost any human situation. They are sometimes torn, then, between their love of truth and their need for harmony.

In relationships, Virgo 3's are highly demanding, expecting the very best for themselves. Extremely capable, they can keep troubled or problematic relationships alive for years through their perseverance and dedication. Results are important to these pragmatic personalities, who are likely to ultimately lose interest or walk away when their work on a relationship fails to bear fruit. Those born in this week must be careful not to succumb to selfish and manipulative drives.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Literalist: composed, nurturing, capable

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Literalist: sensationalistic, judgmental, ruthless

September 17 is The Day of Perseverance.

You consider both sides of question before making any decision, because of your analytical turn of mind. Painstaking, reliable and competent, you will be successful in whatever you do. You enjoy travelling, good literature and strive to better yourself. Your home life will be happy and contented.

Strengths: persistent, tenacious, undaunted

Weaknesses: conservative, fixed, heavy

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posted November 03, 2005 12:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(March 7)

You were born in The Week of the Loner.

This makes you a Pisces 2.

Often living in a private world of their own, Pisces 2's make their home a retreat from the vicissitudes of life. Possessing a strongly soulful side, apparent in their love of music and in their empathy for all forms of human suffering, they are great admirers of beauty, particularly in people and paintings, and their homes and surroundings generally show some kind of special touch. Grace, honesty and an unassailable aesthetic and moral code prevent them from acting underhandedly or, in particular, hurtfully. They generally believe that life is not just there to be enjoyed, and that one must in some way pay one's dues with a certain amount of suffering. Rarely will those born in this week escape at least one severe trauma in their lives. In the workplace, they do well as freelancers or operating outside the office.

Generally speaking, Pisces 2's ask only one thing from the world, and that is to be accepted as they really are. To comfort themselves, and to shield themselves from disapppointment and rejection, they may surrender to the pursuit of money or retreat to a fantasy-full interior life. Those born in the Week of the Loner usually have few friends. In love, they are more prone than others to be snagged by a pretty face, sensuous voice or alluring body. Friends and mates of a practical nature tend to bring them down to earth. Meanwhile, children will help them share their sense of wonder and awe at the natural world.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Loner: soulful, intimate, graceful

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Loner: reclusive, disappointed, suffering
March 7 is The Day of Abstract Structure.

You should be more forward, assert yourself. You are slow, methodical and extremely careful in all you do. You are apt not to go through with plans you make, because of your cautious temperament. You are generous to a fault and very tender hearted and too often allow others to impose upon you.

Strengths: conceptual, sensitive, giving

Weaknesses: diffuse, withdrawn, lonely

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posted November 03, 2005 12:41 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Literalist.

This makes you a Virgo 3.

The willful individuals born during the week of Virgo 3 generally persist until they get their way. Their mental willpower is so strong that their goals are tangible to them, which means they can't even imagine not attaining them. Sometimes they are so convinced of an outcome that they do not hesitate procrastinating before getting there. Those born in the Week of the Literalist place a great deal of emphasis on practicality, and they have a talent for shrewd evaluations. Elegant constructions and the mastery of craft are what they admire most. They see irrationality or emotional displays, particularly public ones, as a sign of ostentation and a lack of self-control. Virgo 3's also dislike phoniness and pretension. Literalists, they like to tell it as they see it, uncovering the truth and revealing it to the world. On the other hand, Virgo 3's do not like trouble or unpleasantness, and feel that a modicum of courtesy is demanded in almost any human situation. They are sometimes torn, then, between their love of truth and their need for harmony.

In relationships, Virgo 3's are highly demanding, expecting the very best for themselves. Extremely capable, they can keep troubled or problematic relationships alive for years through their perseverance and dedication. Results are important to these pragmatic personalities, who are likely to ultimately lose interest or walk away when their work on a relationship fails to bear fruit. Those born in this week must be careful not to succumb to selfish and manipulative drives.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Literalist: composed, nurturing, capable

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Literalist: sensationalistic, judgmental, ruthless

September 11 is The Day of Dramatic Choice.

Conscientious and ambitious, you are thorough and capable in your work; a good planner and competent in executing your plans. You have a keen mind, good judgement and are sincere and honest. You will be a loving mate and parent.

Strengths: free-spirited, nurturing, dramatic

Weaknesses: easily bored, manipulative, judgmental

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posted November 03, 2005 12:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(July 22)

You were born in The Cusp of Oscillation.

This makes you a Cancer-Leo Cusp.

Of all twelve cusp personalities, Cancer-Leo exhibits most distinctly the influence of two signs - the feeling orientation of Cancer and the fiery, aggressive characteristics of Leo. When integrated, these contrasting characteristics can produce a highly balanced and creative personality. When they compete with each other, however, the result can be wide swings of mood, causing great psychic stress. Cancer-Leos have a dynamic side - they bore easily, hanker for excitement, and love to be on the edge of innovative projects and activities - that attracts them to risk taking and danger, which occasionally can manifest as megalomania. They possess calm under fire, and their moral courage stand them in good stead in crises and emergencies. Perhaps out of fear of their own wildness, they may impose restrictions on themselves that produce frustration, causing them to be emotionally blocked from time to time, and resulting in depression and an inability to feel.

In relationships, those born on the Cusp of Oscillation are interested in a wide variety of people. It is not that they are promiscuous; rather, they have a wide palette of emotional and sexual expression. The dramatic changes of affect of those born on the Cusp of Oscillation can make it hard for others to know how to approach them. In their dealings with others, they do best with people who are of even disposition and can promote a peaceful and constant environment in day-to-day relations. Steady jobs, steady relationships and a dependable mate are important in evening out their contrasting moods.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Oscillation: morally courageous, exciting, dauntless

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Oscillation: manic-depressive, addictive, emotionally blocked

July 22 is The Day of Occupational Fluctuation.

You have a happy and even disposition and should marry young, preferably one with an emotional complement to your quiet temperament. You are versatile and resourceful and have a keen, pentrating mind. You are friendly, appreciate the good in others and are fair and generous in every way.

Strengths: dynamic, courageous, success oriented

Weaknesses: unlucky, stressed out, self-unaware

(November 10)

You were born in The Week of Depth.

This makes you a Scorpio 2.

Profundity in all forms is an irresistable attraction of Scorpio 2's. Shunning superficiality, those born in The Week of Depth take a serious view of life, both at work and at home. This is not to say they don't like to have fun - far to the contrary. But even in pursuing their hobbies, pastimes and lighter activities, they show full-bodied intensity and concentration. Because they are highly competitive, jealousy and envy are naturally close to their passionate core.

Scorpio 2's are extremely empathic, for they know what it is to suffer. They will feel tragedy deeply - so deeply, in fact, that it can leave them devastated. Often, they repress their shadow side by various means of escape, such as retreating to a safe haven, switching off, or indulging in substance abuse. To allay anxiety, and because they are aware of the power of money, Scorpio 2's need to be good earners, and rarely will they knowingly put themselves at any economic disadvantage.

It can be difficult to get Scorpio 2's to open up and talk about whatever may be bothering them. Even a trusted life partner or dear friend must pass all kinds of roadblocks. Any deep bond formed with such an individual obviously cannot be taken lightly; not everyone is ready for such heavy commitment. Though tending to the secretive and controlling, Scorpio 2's generally make steadfast friends and faithful lovers and are unusually kind, giving and even sentimental.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Depth: serious, steadfast, sexual

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Depth: depressive, worrying, escapist

November 10 is The Day Metamorphis.

You like to lead and will not take a secondary position if you can possibly help it. You are very public spirited and quite philanthropic. You love travel, reading and music. You should marry someone who is sympathetic towards your broad interests.

Strengths: creative, self-assured, attractive

Weaknesses: phlegmatic, particular, repetitive

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posted November 03, 2005 01:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(August 6)

You were born in The Week of Balanced Strength.

This makes you a Leo 2.

The Leo 2 period takes Balanced Strength as its central image. Solid and tough, Leo 2's do not back down from challenges; in fact, they thrive on them and are often at their best when facing problems or difficulties. Leo 2's generally exercise tremendous powers of concentration. Gifted with endurance and tenacity, Leo 2's hang in there for the duration. This has a downside, however, since it is very difficult for them to change. Moreover, their single-mindedness may cause them to lose their peripheral vision and forget their best assets - that is, their intuitive strength, capacity for hunches and timing. They certainly can be their own worst enemies and exhibit a streak of masochism - a tendency, for example, to suffer while trying to hold a romance, marriage or business together. Learning not to push themselves too hard and live a balanced life are crucial to their overall well-being.

For the most part Leo 2's are extraordinarily faithful people. Being straightforward and unpretentious themselves, Leo 2's often dislike people who put on airs. They see themselves as champions of the downtrodden and protectors of the weak. In their toughness, Leo 2's are able to withstand many disappointments. They usually weather the storm and win out through knowing how to wait - "having the long breath." Those involved with Leo 2's know that those born in this week must not be pushed or prodded when in a negative frame of mind; rather, they must be left alone to work things out for themselves.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Balanced Strength: devoted, trustworthy, physical

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Balanced Strength: masochistic, depressed, guilty

August 6 is The Day of Unique Happenings.

Marry young and find someone who is positive and self assertive. You are emotional and sometimes tempestuous. Ambitious for social and intellectual improvement. You are an extensive reader, talk fluently, and take a great deal of interest in social and club life.

Strengths: interesting, romantic, original

Weaknessses: disillusioned, reckless, antisocial

(November 29)

You were born in The Week of Independence.

This makes you a Sagittarius 1.

In many ways the most independent people of the year, Sagittarius 1's must feel free to act on their impulses and intuition. Even though they try to project an air of self-assurance and confidence, behind this facade there often lurks a sensitive and even insecure individual. Sagittarius 1's have a thing about fairness. Honor and trust are high on their list of priorities; without these, they feel, life reverts to the law of the jungle. Because Sagittarius 1's possess enormous willpower, loyalty is a matter not only of principle or of emotion but of stubbornness; sticking to their guns is a character trait. Sagittarius 1's can be unreasonable, and winning is essential to their highly competitive nature, but they are usually open to discussion. Actually, these quick, witty individuals thoroughly enjoy verbal repartee and debate.

Many born in the Week of Independence have a greater need to give than to receive. While there are also those who are not at all bashful when making demands, when Sagittarius 1's respect their spouse or living partner, they will cooperate, sharing their feelings and dividing chores. Sagittarius 1's generally have only one or two people with whom they feel close enough to share their innermost thoughts. Such soulmates know those born in this week as highly ethical individuals who value integrity and character above all, except, perhaps, their freedom. Those who want to spend time with Sagittarius 1's usually have to be able to keep up with them by sharing the fast pace they set, whether in sports, travel, work or hobbies.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Independence: honorable, intuitive, responsible

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Independence: overcompetitive, impulsive, temperamental

November 29 is The Day of the Instigator.

You would rather do things yourself than direct others in doing it. You are quick, impulsive and very energetic; shrewd and capable and have good intuitive judgement. You like the outdoors, travel and have many interests outside of your regular routine. You are loving and understanding.

Strengths: provocative, dynamic, influential

Weaknesses: troubled, disturbing, stressed

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posted November 03, 2005 01:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for peace     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
B-day 9/1/1978.

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posted November 03, 2005 01:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You were born in The Week of the Unconventional.

This makes you a Cancer 2.

Born in the Week of the Unconventional, Cancer 2's appear quite normal, occupying ordinary positions in the work world. However, the unusual and the bizarre irresistibly attract them. While few colleagues and associates are granted access to their secret world, their intimates come to realize, often only after years of association, how closely their fascination with all that is strange and curious mirrors their own inner selves. Whether dreaming of far-off lands or romance, vivid fantasies are always a part of their secret inner lives. This imaginative landscape may actually give rise to commerically lucrative ideas, though Cancer 2's are rarely good at manifesting them. It takes another person or persons to recognize and implement the inventions of Cancer 2's. Becoming emeshed in their own fantasies is a danger for them. Obsession is a real risk, since it is hard for them to control their desires. It is important for them to learn nonattachment and how to separate fantasy from reality.

Interactions with unusual friends allow them to share the wilder side and to act out unconscious fantasies. Cancer 2's share their lives best with others who value privacy and with whom they can share their personal vision - finding such people is key to their overall happiness. Lavish in their expenditures, they will go to extraordinary lengths to make their living space flamboyant. Often the zaniness, sense of fun, and sensitivity or Cancer 2's can earn them a valued position in the lives of others.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Unconventional: fantasy-rich, fun, psychologically astute

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Unconventional: self-destructive, obsessive, embarrassing

July 3 is The Day of the Commemorator.

You are a convincing talker, studious, rather opinionated and independent, but on the other hand, you are self-contained, sympathetic and kindly. You are more popular with the opposite sex than with your own. You like to travel and get a great deal of fun out of life. You are sincere in your affections.

Strengths: observant, truthful, sensitive

Weaknesses: all-knowing, overcritical, withdrawn

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posted November 03, 2005 01:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you bleakbeauty!

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posted November 03, 2005 01:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 03, 2005 01:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stargazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Much Thanks!!!

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posted November 04, 2005 04:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
DOB 6th Feb 1981

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posted November 04, 2005 05:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Marina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
June 16th, please... if it's not too late

Sun in Gemini
AC in Leo
Moon in Pisces

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posted November 04, 2005 08:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much!
When you get time..
My son is:
August 2
Thank you!

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posted November 04, 2005 09:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

January 25 is The Day of Destiny.

A born leader, you should strive to make the most of this gift. With your friendly nature you will be surrounded with congenial friends and your home life will be a constant inspiration. Take care that anger and jealousy do not get the better of your otherwise good judgement.

Strengths: talented, interesting

Weaknesses: self-defeating, unstable

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posted November 04, 2005 09:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(May 31)

You were born in The Week of Freedom.

This makes you a Gemini 1.

The Gemini 1 period takes freedom as its central image. Gemini 1's balk at restrictions and aim to maintain their freedom at all costs. Generally on the side of the individual, they hate oppression and exploitation, opposing them both in theory and in practice. Gemini 1's will not usually back down from a fight. Naturally combative, they stick up for what they believe is right and will not hesitate to attack wrongdoing in any form. One of their strongest weapons is laughter or ridicule, which they do not hesitate to pull out of their formidable verbal arsenal. Bright, perky and alert, but also a tad abrasive, Gemini 1's are high-speed players who become impatient with the slower responses of other people. Given this low threshold of irritation, they become unhinged easily, and stress can cause them to lash out with irony or sarcasm. They are constantly dreaming up new plans and schemes, perhaps at the expense of pressing matters that need attention, and leave behind enough unfinished projects to occupy a dozen human beings.

Family life can have a grounding influence, causing a relatively rootless Gemini 1 to blossom. Those born in The Week of Freedom are both emotionally volatile and not at all shy about verbalizing any discontent they may have. Moreover, they are not above emotional manipulation. In fact, they rarely hesitate to turn on their considerable charms in order to get their way. They are highly seductive and few can resist them. Considering their emotional volatility and changeability, they are surprisingly loyal partners.

Strengths for those born in The Week of Freedom: witty, charismatic, technically gifted

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of Freedom: tyrannical, manipulative, complaining

May 31 is The Day of the Cutting Edge.

You are artistic, like to dress well and have your home different and attractive. You are sociable, congenial and like club life; are fond of children and take a great deal of interest in the proper bringing up of your own.

Strengths: no-nonsense, capable, adaptable

Weaknesses: restless, extreme, escapist

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posted November 04, 2005 10:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
globe trotter

(June 25)

You were born in The Week of the Empath.

This makes you a Cancer 1.

The Cancer 1 period takes the Empath as its central image due to the psychic sensitivity of those born during this time. Because of the depth, diversity, and fluctuating nature of their feelings, Cancer 1's are quick to pick up on, or even to absorb, the emotions of others - often very subconsciously acting them out. Do not assume, however, that Cancer 1's are wishy-washy characters out of touch with practical realities. They can be very clever in getting their way and are particularly good with money. In fact, their makeup includes a natural aggressiveness that they can have difficulty channeling into positive expression. Too often they swing from angry outbursts to seething repression, which often leads them into melancholia.

Cancer 1's are capable of withdrawing from the world for months or even years in order to protect themselves or the feelings of those around them. However, through sheer guts and determination, they are often able to overcome their own sensitivity and put it to work in the service of their fellows. Patience is obligatory for those desiring a successful relationship with these individuals, especially when they bottle up their feelings or enter into their self-imposed isolation. Those who persevere, however, are rewarded; Cancer 1's have a great deal to offer in a relationship; financial astuteness, a good managerial sense, and, most important, the ability to truly understand.

Strengths for those born in The Week of the Empath: financially astute, sensitive, technically proficient

Weaknesses for those born in The Week of the Empath: aggressive, fearful, needy

June 25 is The Day of the Sensitive Receptor.

You are blithe and happy and have many loyal friends who always help you out when you are in difficulty. Be more cautious and give due consideration to what you are going to do; you are apt to rush things too quickly. You are charitable and tolerant in your judgement and capable of strong and sincere love.

Strengths: empathic, perceptive, original

Weaknesses: oversensitive, moody, unsure

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