Topic: Sun Quincunx/Inconjunct Saturn Anyone?
DayDreamer unregistered
posted January 08, 2006 04:43 PM
Would like to know if any of this rings true... (brackets-my own opinions)The inconjunct from the Sun to Saturn shows that you are somewhat careless about your health (yes) and that you tend to take abuse from others (dont tolerate). You seem determined (hell no) to allow others to take advatage of your inability to say 'no' when they ask favours of you (maybe). Perhaps in your early years you did more of the household tasks than other members of your family, because you felt it was your duty(Big Yes). You have a subtle fear of others and the power they seem to have over you (No). Psychologically, this may be referred to as latent masochism, which means you are seeking ways to be punished for what you consider to be past mistakes (Not that Im aware of). In your work, you might accept an obscure position in which there is little possibility of promotion, and in time your job would become boring and dull (Tend to have a habit of doing this). It isn't that you are incapable of rising to better positions, but you may not be aggressive enough to be noticed by your superiors (maybe because I think Im too aggressive for my own good). Your survival instinct is distorted; you believe it is better not to 'rock the boat' than to take the chance that you cannot compete with others (Not sure). But you must realize that others can take advantage of you only if you let them (I know that). Your striving for identity and personal significance will be greatly hampered unless you can detach yourself from others and become self-sufficient (Uh-huh). Try to define a goal that you want to achieve, and then lay the groundwork and plans to do just that. Forget about what you will do beyond that. When the time comes, you will establish a new goal. If you take one step at a time, success will be yours. Don't compare your achievements with those of others - your greatest priority should be yourself (True). In your eagerness to be accepted you become tense and apologetic. You must learn to relax, or these reactions can lead to poor circulation and digestion. Be good to yourself and let others take care of themselves (Agree) - you're worth more to yourself that way.
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WaterNymph unregistered
posted January 08, 2006 07:57 PM
I’ve got Mars quincunx Saturn…which is like the ultimately super, hyper, most terrible aspect you can have.How oh so pessimistic I will not stand for it!!!! IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted January 08, 2006 10:05 PM
WN, I checked out Mars quincunx Saturn on astrologyweekly, and ughhhh they dont have anything nice or positive to say about that aspect. Jennifer Aniston and Michael Jackson have the same thing. Found a better one for you Mars Quincunx Saturn: You may have been held back from learning how to discipline your strong physical energy when you were young, but now you can adapt yourself to the opportunity to develop a special skill, so that you will have something practical to work at where you can succeed. You have a good potential to assert yourself, from your Solar Plexus ruled by Mars, and a good ability for organized work, from your Root Chakra ruled by Saturn And here's another one for Sun Quincunx Saturn too..
You have to overcome considerable hardship in order to fulfill your personal destiny. However, you do have the strength and stamina necessary to do so. Support and helpful guidance from your father or other significant men in your life may well be lacking. In fact, their disapproval of you and their harsh criticism are apt to be two of your greatest handicaps, and at times you may feel quite discouraged and alone. But true self-reliance and a solid sense of your own powers may well be the silver lining to that cloud in your life. You need to learn to follow your own creative impulses and heart's desires, regardless of what your critics or the authorities say.
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WaterNymph unregistered
posted January 09, 2006 07:23 AM
“on astrologyweekly, and ughhhh they dont have anything nice or positive to say” *sigh* I know, it's so harsh.Thank you so much for those DD it’s nice to see a description that isn’t so miserable  IP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted January 09, 2006 12:04 PM
Venus Quincunx Saturn is miserable too. especially when its the only aspect Saturn makes in your chart.. And you have venus as part of a 7th house stellium.... Can anyone say shoot me now?IP: Logged |
Rev. Alice unregistered
posted January 10, 2006 11:47 AM
A great deal depends on the signs involved. In general signs that are inconjunct do not work well together UNTIL you find their commonality........EXAMPLES: Cancer-Sagittarius share understanding, Gemini-Scorpio refers to the "power of words/ideas/names".Meanwhile, most of the negatives assigned to Saturn are derived from a lack of understanding about Saturn's purpose. I have written books on both Aspects and Saturn. Contact me.... alice@lifeprints-for-living if you are interested. ------------------ You are a blessing and you are blessed. Rev. Alice IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted January 30, 2006 10:40 PM
Hi Rev. Alice (still around?)What sorts of commonalities would Virgo (Saturn in 5th) and Aquarius (Sun in 10th) share???? I would love to see how else Saturn can be viewed. Most all writings describe Saturn as limiting, cold, and requiring lots of work and patience. IP: Logged | |