Topic: Venus Rx weirdness
Planet_Soul unregistered
posted January 10, 2006 03:52 AM
This Venus in RX really has me in an odd vibe. Pondering, questioning, digging where I normally would not. Wondering more about my place in the universe than about where my relationship is going. In addition, transiting Saturn and Pluto are havign fun with my 1st and 8th houses. Saturn is c. my chart ruler of Jupiter and squaring my Venus. Pluto is releasing my inner fears and chaos in a conjunction w Mars and Ascendent.I have been feeling things differently as of late. Confused. What seemed destined and karmic now feels... different. I have been wanting more and more to know who I am outside of the relationship. Weird things such as looking back on past failures with serenity. I used to feel that he was certainly my twin flame. I find myself wondering why I have given so much of myself instead of discovering and knowing myself. I still care about him deeply, that much I know. I am reaching a place of personal revealation, a place I never thought I would want to go. I am feeling that if we went our seperate ways, I would be happy for the lessons learned and the times we shared. I would cry and it would hurt, but yes indeed I would and am able to be me w/o him and w/o the US. While I find great peace in this, it also weirds me out... I am not breaking up with him and yet why am I thinking in this way? IP: Logged |
Neptune's Muse unregistered
posted January 10, 2006 04:01 AM
Planet Soul, I feel the Rx weirdness too!Where is your Venus Rx-ing? Mine in the 7th house Aqua then it is supposed to go to the 6th Cappy or the other way around Cappy first? But irregardless, I have been FEELING less regarding all the fatedness of things, is it truly meant to be? And all the WHAT IFs in the world? I guess it is a good slap to make us re-think and test what we have if it is real or not. I read that during the Venus Rx, relationships that are not meant to be will be discarded, in a sense, the drugging feeling of relationship is lifted and you are no longer blinded, so you see things the way they are, black and white, so at the end of the day, it is a test! Who thought Venus could test us, she has been spotted keeping Saturn's company, a protege during her Rxs! I feel the same way too, if it is any consolation. Love, IP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted January 10, 2006 10:46 AM
I feel much the same way Planet. And so true Neptune.. the blinders are off and the slap sure does sting... Venus and Saturn are in their fall and rx in my natal... (not pretty) and venus is currently in the 12th.. Saturn in the 7th and Pluto in the 1st squaring my natal.... I feel like i'm teetering on a tighrope....trying to make some kinda sense of it all.....knowing that a fall will take me down much quicker than i think.... IP: Logged |
Planet_Soul unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 01:13 AM
It is Rx-- in my second house and his fourth house. It is a literal pain. Yesterday, I had to make the tough decision to resign my tutoring position. I loved working with the students with all my soul. Unfortunatly, the education field doesn't pay enough in my county. The salary wasn't enough for me to quit my other job (which is so-so but financially stable). I did my best and held out as long as my stamina allowed. Working 60 hours a week, college courses, and family life... It was too much and I had to leave a more painful heartache than a relationship break-up. I turned in my keys and books afterschool to avoid running into "my kids" and cried as I drove away. As for my partner's Venus Rx--- in the 4th we signed a new apartment lease today. We have been living together for two years w/o him being on my lease. Our apartment complex was goign through a change of owner and hence the delay. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 04:18 PM
PLEASE READ THIS ... Transiting Venus Retrograde Conjunct Transiting Sun in Capricorn is right over my Natal Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Capricorn (9th House).
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - someone give me their take on this. The proverbial doo doo just hit the fan. I've been given devasting news and I too feel like I am no longer grounded (which is a understatement). It has to do with all things Venus, and feels like I'm want to give up. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 04:36 PM
I feel all this Venus RX stuff too...its horrible! I have no idea hwere it falls in my chart i know nothing of this and am slowly learning, but if soemone could take a look at my chart and tell me where and how This venus Rx affects me could help explain a lot and for my Crab chart too since all this stuff coincided with this transition...thanks!------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 06:42 PM
hi all ... .. posted these to another thread .. i've not read any of the pages .. they may be regarding the current venus in cap retro ... am currently looking for a book title/author about retrograde planets .. as in .. i have the info .. if i find it .. shall post it ..  the links were at the top of a google search list .. venus retro. links be well ... IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 07:45 PM
re: book title/author about retrograde planets .. includes natal and transiting .."Retrograde Planets - Traversing the Inner Landscape" .. by .. Erin Sullivan. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 12, 2006 01:48 AM
Crapola ... it was a false alarm ...Whew! Was that a Cancer Mooner moment or what? ... ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
pisces-girl unregistered
posted January 12, 2006 01:34 PM natal venus is in aqua... i've been reconsidering ending a couple of relationships... a past-love which we are still in contact, and a current relationship whose natal venus is in cappy... kinda scarey though, cuz it makes me wonder is my current venus in cappy guy is thinking the same thing about me... and he's pretty much perfect to me... it doesn't make sense why I would be feeling that way... should reltionships end during a venus retro? would i have the same feeling and want him back when it goes direct? that's what i'm wondering--if I should wait it out. Any comments? IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 12, 2006 01:38 PM
Pisces-girl Waited it out.. Relationships do tend to end at Venus retro time and it is also known as a time for old lovers to return. I too am a Pisces sun w/venus in Aqua. He may be or not be thinking the same. But just wait it out until Feb 3rd.. IP: Logged |
pisces-girl unregistered
posted January 13, 2006 03:19 AM
Thanks Mama Mia ! I'll wait it out.IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted January 13, 2006 02:24 PM
For me, its a time of reality setting in. I really have lost my Cancer, and its sinking in.She never showed at the exhibition this year, probably deliberately. Quite frankly, I don't blame her. From her point of view it wouldn't have been a good move. So, in a way we both have come to the end, me mentally (4 months late!), and her physically. Healing can be very painful sometimes. I've learnt a lot over this time. This is the first time I can honestly say I have understood what letting go is rather than just carry the unfinished emotion on for a year or so and then falling into another nightmare. It feels like crap, but I will look back on this as a major turning point in my life. I hope all of you guys are doing ok and are able to get that happiness in your life again soon. Swerve IP: Logged |
bullhead unregistered
posted January 13, 2006 05:47 PM
swerve, wht doesnt kill u today make u stronger!!!!!!! im sure u will be fine and dandy real soonIP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 13, 2006 05:53 PM
Hi Planet, Oh.. honey, I know you are hurting during this time. I think it is a major Venus retrograde. I never thought it would really affect me.. but it hit hard... I finally cut the cord with my Ex Taurus Fiance. He had talked about getting back together and seemed to really be getting his life back on track. I think he will be very successful this go round. He tells me how sorry he was about our break up and how confused he had been..etc.. and he wants me to move to Texas to be with him and get married. As much as I love him.. and I still do. It is just impossible. There were so many lies, so much mistrust and yes.. I even invaded his privacy and found out information that he was keeping from me. I hate myself for doing that.. but what I hate more is the fact that I still do not trust him nor do I feel I ever will. Even when we speak I wonder how much is truth or if he is lying. I keep thinking there are others he is with and should I relocate I worry I would be back in the same relationship. We both hurt each other.. and I don't want to blame him for my outbursts, but had he be honest I would not have responded as I did. It would be unfair for us to live under those circumstances because once trust is lost... a deep relationship cannot exist (at least for this Saggie) Venus went retro and I cut the cord.. it hurts deeply - but sometimes there is no other way. At this point I am happy not dating anyone.. or even going out with anyone. I need this time to focus on other ventures, yet it doesn't lessen the hurt. Venus is currently retrograding in my 4th house, sharing space with T Mercury and Pluto (and conjuncting my natal Mercury and Sun / IC respectively). Venus in Cappy (in his 9th house) is completing his T-square with his Venus / Saturn in Cancer, Pluto in Libra and Jupiter in Aries.
Things will get better... keep your chin up Planet, my heart is with you.
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vansio Knowflake Posts: 2897 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted April 15, 2020 12:45 PM
bumpIP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2020 06:50 PM
Good bump.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2020 05:19 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 14, 2020 04:16 PM
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J.L.W Newflake Posts: 3 From: England Registered: May 2020
posted May 16, 2020 04:10 PM
Nothing but positive so far. Having felt sudden guilt and had events conspire am going back to several women that had fallen out with for some reason or another and all of them are pretty positive! Some other things but that is the takeaway! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 13, 2020 02:11 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 03, 2020 04:58 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 21, 2020 03:28 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2020 09:28 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201363 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 21, 2020 10:54 AM
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