Topic: Scorpios & Murder/Abuse
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 09:35 PM
By now you guys can probably tell that the sign Scorpio enthralls me..Which brings me to my next question. This story takes some explaining..: This has to do with my scorp boyfriend and all of his scorpio placements. Him and I were talking earlier and we started arguing. I was upset with him about something that was completely his fault, but he tried to blame it on me. So I was very mad and I tried to make him jealous (I knew I shouldn't have done it! But I did anyway) He said: "so what did you do yesterday?" Me: "Oh I went with my neighbor up the street." Him: "Up the street..where?" Me: "To Franco's." (He can't stand Franco) Him: "and what the H*LL were you doing at Franco's??" Me: "Just hanging out." Him: "I'm gonna kill you." (serious tone-but not playfully serious-I mean it was like he really meant it) Me: "..Is that a threat?" Him: "Yeah it's a threat." Me: "You wouldn't do something like that" Him: "Did you not understand me? I said I was going to kill you and I meant it." I was just quiet & then I started to giggle kind of nervously. He laughed and started talking about something else. Maybe thats the way scorpios joke around? Maybe it was just his jealousy?He always has told me that he thinks the worst thing you could do is hit a girl, since she has no chance of beating you. I hear some pretty bad thing about him around school..I even heard from a couple of people that he physically abused one of his ex-girlfriends. He swears it isn't true & that people like to tell lies about him..I've never heard anything good about the guy, either. But I trust my instincts that he's good. Only now that I really get to thinking about it all..I can't really decide. Also a girl in my class that has known him for a long time, told me "Be careful with him..He gets upset very easily" He has Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Venus & Pluto in Scorpio; Mars in Libra; Neptune, Uranus & Jupiter in Fire signs. I really need help with this problem..I just can't figure this out! I don't think he's a murderer or anything, I'm just curious about how crazy scorps can get with physical abuse. Or if they have psyco tendensies.. What kinds of placements can show this in any chart? IP: Logged |
thunderspirit Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 16, 2006 10:14 PM
Lg, the first thing I'll tell you is that a very good friend of mine just left her psychologically and emotionally abusive Scorpio husband...and she knows she could literally be in a fight for her life. After looking at her husband's chart (stellium with Sun, Merc, Venus, and Neptune, paired with serious afflictions to his Venus, Moon, and Saturn, with an almost exact opposition between Venus and Saturn...ouch), I made sure she called a lawyer about a restraining order and the local police before doing anything else. (They have children, too, and he's already shown himself to not be above trying to manipulate them to get at her.)This does NOT mean that every Scorpio is a violent psychopath. I have another dear friend who is a Scorp, and he and I have been friends for almost 20 years. But it DOES mean that you can't take that kind of remark too lightly. Just my two shiny pennies. IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 10:27 PM
I dont know what to say except she better watch out for herself -BIGTIME- while around this unhealthy behavior. To be loving/caring about someone who makes her this nervous?? I mean, I know accept the good w/the bad, but -- just please be careful  p.s. this post is in no way intended 2 offend & re: astro aspects, all I remember is Mars Saturn being violent or @ least having that potential. I guess Mars Pluto could be thrown into the mix if I can be allowed 2 speculate. IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 10:29 PM
**I really need help with this problem..I just can't figure this out!** do yourself a favour ... walk away from it .. whilst you still can ..*** the sign Scorpio enthralls me. *** your enthrallment will weaken you .. don't be a fool .. and probably expect more of the same from that scorp ... find another one .. there are plenty of positive scorps about .. maybe you will wake up .. after getting sick of the 'threats' .. or worse .... you like guys with an element of 'danger' ? .... you'd better pick the right one ... ... try to change him .. likely that you will get roughed up .. wake up lass !! IP: Logged |
Salisa unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 10:30 PM
I've known plenty of Scorpios in my life and they pertty much had that type of sense of humor. Some times I just could not tell if they where joking or not. Although not ever about killing I don't think thats funny! I haven't know Scorpios to be all that violent at least around me. In fact my mother who is a virgo was always hitting my father(and not in a friendly way) and he never tried to hit her back, just stop her. Although what you said is disturbing. I would make sure some one is always around when your with him. If I where in your situation I would tell him that I'm not going to put up with him talking to me like that joking or not, then see how he reacts. If reacts in a positive way and says sorry I would say green light...maybe (I would still be cautious though).If he reacts negitivly I would leave him. You have to put boundries in relationships other wise people think they can treat you any old way they see fit. Oh and could you show his chart? You can get a better sense of a person from there chart than if you were to just tell us his placements.  IP: Logged |
shop22much Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 16, 2006 10:47 PM
leave his ass, im not kidding...i wouldnt take that sister is a scorpio i know first hand their jealously can control them to an extent they arent even human anymore, shes one wacked out b't,h.she has scorpio sun, mercury, and venus, pluto, and saturn...her mars squares her pluto and saturn...shes the poster girl for the insane asylum. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 16, 2006 10:47 PM
He said What Now?Sense of humour? Doesn't dsound in any way funny to me, and I have a pretty good sense of humour.. and irony and sarcasm..... Not funny. Scorpio or not... this is very simply disrespectful and weird. You are too young to learn lessons such as these. You don't owe him anything, it isn't a joyful experience.... Do not let anyone talk to you like that. Also.. respect him enough to not play games with him. I get that sense as well. Testing his jealousy has proven just plain foolish in your past posts about him.. so if you are looking for a casual, less-strings relationship, please jump to greener pastures. And find someone who knows what is funny and what is plain scary and inappropriate. IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 10:58 PM
*** He swears it isn't true & that people like to tell lies about him..I've never heard anything good about the guy, either.***you might want to read thru the info and links in this thread ... as one esteemed Scorp has said above ... go for greener pastures !! .. ** and I tried to make him jealous ** bad idea i reckon .. that is asking for Trouble .... some lass once asked me .. what i would do if she were to intentionaly make me jealous .. my answer was simple .. .. i would turn around .. walk way .. and not look back .. such games ... no way .. would just show insecurity or some form of nastiness in the game player .... but if you like such games .. be prepared for the consequences .. it was just a hypothetical question .. we were not partners IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 16, 2006 11:01 PM
Happy Dragon!!! (Thanks for the esteemed Scorpio bit)  Thank you for linking her to that page. I was thinking that would be helpful as well.. glad you were here to do it!You've been spreading your dragon's wings all over here with helpful insight lately!!! Good on you! (That vertex link from the lovely Zala and you was amazingly insightful for me) IP: Logged |
Amaranthus unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 11:17 PM
That doesn't sound too good. I thought Scorpios respected death?I know I am. And I wouldn't have done something like that... IP: Logged |
oddball unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 11:39 PM
Forget about what sign he is, there are plenty of other great guys out there- if you like scorpios, about 1/12 of the world are scorpio suns. Like I said, you're young and only one relationship is actually going to follow through, and that too, only when you're much older (if you're smart). Don't take astrology as a type of roadmap. Pick the guy you think is genuinely good for you, get to know him and hang out with him, THEN look at his chart to see what his potential buttons are to improve the relationship once its underfoot already. Don't get stuck in a bout of one-itis.IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 16, 2006 11:50 PM
re: your other Aquarius ascendant post .. is it yer scorp who you think may have an Aqua ascendant .. why do you think that ??? .. are you aware of the differences between the Air and Water elements ... does the scorp come across as an air sign for some reason ? ... anyhow .. be aware of the "front door" ...IF he were to have an Airy ascendant .. it may confuse / curiosify other ppl .. draw them in to try and 'figure him out' .. .. because Scorp and Aqua .. are very different .. so .. maybe it's a case of ... "oooh wonder what is behind that door " .. AND you realy want to check if the scorps natal Saturn is aspecting his natal Venus .. here is an extraction from liz greenes 'Astrology for Lovers' .. this is from the intro chapter .. .. she does describe here .. aqua sun with scorp ascendant .. just reverse it .. and have a think .. ***** Ascendants ( Liz. Greene .. author ) So: the ascendant is the point on the horoscope which not only describes the manner in which a person expresses himself, but also how he may begin to find some personal, subjective meaning in his own life. Often the ascendant represents an area of difficulty in life. It may be something we have a lot of trouble understanding in ourselves, or in expressing, but which we are drawn to over and over again. Let’s take an example. Enter a sun in Aquarius, male, about thirty five years old. He is a typical Aquarian (maybe he has a couple of other planets, say Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, and maybe the moon in Libra or some other airy sign which emphasises his airy temperament). Aquarius: rational, logical, deeply concerned with finding the truth. Interested in people, but not very demonstrative with individual persons. Controlled on the emotional level, and sometimes downright oblivious to the emotional undercurrents in himself and in others. Fair, honest, full of integrity. Anxious to be a ‘good’ or ‘selfless’ person. Idealistic. Reasonable. A thinker, scientist, academic, engineer, academic psychologist. But, like the rest of us, our Aquarian is two people: dark and light. Let’s say he has, along with an Aquarian sun, a Scorpio ascendant. Like oil and water, Scorpio and Aquarius just don’t mix. My Aquarian client - for he is indeed a real person—couldn’t understand why, despite his persistent attempts to run his life according to logical, reasonable patterns, he was always getting entangled in rather exotic relationships which had a powerful emotional current and usually erupted in crises. He also couldn’t understand why he kept attracting a certain kind of woman: intense, volatile, possessive, demanding, deeply emotional. In fact, the kind of woman who might be represented by his ascendant. He was ‘projecting’ this bit of his own nature outside himself, and it kept coming to meet him in all his love affairs. He couldn’t come to terms with it. But he also couldn’t stay away from it. What was he to do? Asked if he had ever felt intense, obsessive emotions himself. No, certainly not, he replied. I’m always reasonable. Have you ever felt jealous? ‘Never,’ he replied. ‘I hate possessiveness. It’s always my women who try to possess me.’ Now it happened that I had occasion to observe this highly intelligent man in action. I also had the opportunity to talk about his relationship patterns with one of his many women friends. Jealous? God, yes, she replied. Oh, not openly. He would never say, ‘You can’t go out to lunch with him,’ or ‘Why were you talking to that man for such a long time?’ But he exudes this kind of atmosphere. You know, the sort that makes you feel you could cut it with a knife. A really poisonous atmosphere, like a black cloud. He punishes me that way when I flirt with anybody. And then he cuts off from me for a few days. Goes ice cold. When I ask why, he denies knowing what I’m talking about. I don’t think he does know. But how can he not know? Indeed, how can he not know his own feelings? But Aquarians are masters at remaining utterly and blithely ignorant of their own atmosphere, their own feelings. Everyone else feels it but not the Aquarian. Busy living in their intellect, they are genuinely surprised and hurt when accused of coldness or unconscious resentment. Now, taking this Scorpio ascendant on one level means that our friend has a lot of Scorpio qualities. It’s just that he isn’t aware of some of them, because. they don’t gel with his image of himself. Also, it’s easier to blame somebody else, than to try to reconcile the opposing values of two such diametrically opposite signs. But if we look at the ascendant as the journey, it reads something like this: Scorpio is a watery sign, and therefore pertains to the realm of human emotion and relating. It is a sexual sign, in the sense that its meaning is about the conflict between and the union of opposites, male and female. It is a primitive sign, in the sense that its values are not those of civilised twentieth century academic intelligentsia, but more those of the basic life of nature: what I love is mine. What I don’t love I choose to stay away from. And if you hurt me, then I will hurt you back, so that you know how it feels. Scorpio is a sign of immense depth, immense insight. His journey is through the dark mire of human sexuality and emotion, through the struggles of two people trying to pierce the veil of illusions and fantasies so that they may couple as individuals and experience the transformation which comes from the abdication of power over another. It deals with the unconscious: what is hidden, the secret motive behind the mask of behaviour. It is about the secrets of the soul. My Aquarian friend was very struck when I pointed out to him that the fact that he had a consistent repetitive pattern of difficult relationships in his life meant something. It wasn’t chance, or accident. It wasn’t rotten luck. It wasn’t even a neurosis. I had seen it over and over in those with Scorpio ascendants. Could he possibly give it a chance, take the gamble of exploring his own inner emotional life and try to find the meaning in this pattern? The ascendant draws us to what we most need to learn, and what can open up whole new vistas of life. It takes time and work. But this is using astrology as the real tool it is, rather than as a parlour game by which fortunes can be told. For the horoscope tells us about what is most meaningful to us the path we are on, the reason why we are here, the reason why we meet the people we do and get involved in relationships with them. From astrology’s point of view, there are no accidents. Rising Signs ( The Ascendant ) When people say, ‘What’s your sign?’ they are referring to the sign under which you were born. Which means, essentially, the zodiacal sign through which the sun was travelling on your birthday. The sun takes about a month to clear one sign. Of course we all know (unless we belong to the Flat Earth Society) that it is really the earth travelling around the sun, not the sun travelling around the earth, that gives us the phenomenon of a rising and setting sun that appears to travel across the sky. The Greeks, watching the glory of the eternally moving sun through the heavens, called it Phoebus, and envisioned it as a god in his chariot of gold, drawn by snowy horses, traversing the vault of the sky. In our scientific age, we explain by astronomical terms what once was a mystery. Astrology is not so unsophisticated that it does not recognise the real astronomical phenomenon behind the path of the sun. But, from the symbolic point of view, it is the sun crossing the heavens, following the circle of the zodiac. Now we’ve already mentioned that the sun-sign, as well as any other placement in astrology, represents a potential, not a fact. A lot of confusion ensues when you read sun-sign columns because of this. If you were born under Aries, it doesn’t automatically mean you are going to behave like the traditional Aries, aggressive, impulsive, self centred, heroic, and all that other Don Quixote stuff. It means that your innate motivation is represented by Aries. But you might find it a little difficult to live out, either because your environment and the people in it won’t let you, or because you don’t like to think of yourself in that way, or because you have simply never had a chance. This is where astrology becomes both complex and terribly important. If all it could tell you was what you already know, what would be the point? But because it maps out potentials, and portrays the natural direction in which the person innately longs to go, it can help us a lot to discover that secret frustrated self that has always longed for expression. Some people are lucky enough, or pushy enough, or healthy enough (and there aren’t many of those) to know who they are, and to be unafraid as far as showing that self to the world. Most of us have lots of smoke screens and a good dash of self-doubt to confuse the issue. Some of us even hate ourselves as we are, because we’ve been brought up to believe we ought to be different — either by parents, church, education, or the general collective pressures of society as we find them in magazines, newspapers, television, films and other media. So when you read the description of your sun-sign, or the sun-sign of someone close to you, don’t just say, ‘Oh, he never does that.’ think for a moment. Some of the behaviour patterns may not be obvious. But really think, hard, about what truly motivates you, or your loved one. How honest are you with yourself? There’s more. A proper horoscope is a map of the whole solar system. It takes into account not only the sign through which the sun was passing at your birth, but also the signs in which the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were placed as well. Now you need a proper astrologer, or have to be able to draw up the map correctly yourself, to find out where an these heavenly bodies were placed at your birth. They an have meaning. The sun is the most important of them, because it describes your basic essence, the person you’re trying—knowingly or unknowingly—to become. The other planets all describe different needs and drives. Like how you communicate, and how you relate to others, and where your secret fears lie. But most important is the sun, because that symbolises the urge to be yourself. There’s another equally important point in the horoscope which we will consider, because although a book like this can’t really explore the technicalities of casting a horoscope and interpreting it, we would like to offer more than just a sun-sign reading. Then you can go on to any one of a number of good textbooks which can teach you the mechanics of setting up the horoscope. Or you can get your chart drawn up by someone who is experienced at it. But first, we would like to introduce you to the ascendant, which is also known as the rising sign. The ascendant is the sign which was rising in the sky due east of your birthplace, at the time of your birth. Now, to cast a proper horoscope, you need a birth time as well as a date and year. You also need to know where you were born, because longitude and latitude for your birthplace are necessary for a proper calculation. The whole wheel of the zodiac revolves once in 24 hours. If you freeze it at any moment - say, your birth, then you’ll have one of those twelve signs rising in the east, one setting in the west, one culminating overhead at the zenith, and one beneath your feet at the nadir. The one which is most important is the one rising in the east, for this has traditionally been the point of sunrise, the emergence of life, the dawn of the new day, the meeting of sun and earth after the long night. As we have said, the ascendant is a very important point in the horoscope. It shows how you express yourself to the world. It’s you showing yourself to the world outside. In many ways the ascendant is more obvious in people than the sun. You have to know someone for a while to really see how the sun-sign operates. But if you meet someone at a party, or are just introduced, then you’ll see the sign on the ascendant. It’s like the doorway to the house. No matter what’s going on in that house, the first thing you see is the door. Some doors are open, welcoming, inviting, painted in cheery colours. Other doors are silent, closed, with a little peephole so whoever lives inside can check you out first before you’re let in. Some doors are large and grandiose, like palace entrances. Others are small and unobtrusive. The door isn’t really any index to the inside of the house. There are houses where you’d never notice that shabby little door, but the inside is beautiful. Other’s are very flamboyant outside, but small and unobtrusive inside. Never judge a house by its door. But the door reflects how that person wants you to see him. So, we have the sign on the ascendant. In relationships, people are often drawn toward partners who have the same sign on the ascendant as their own suns. This is considered in traditional astrology to indicate a strong tie between two people. Some people don’t like their ascendant signs, and are irritated by people whose sun-signs are similar to their own. They don’t like themselves, and find themselves annoyed when others remind them of it. It’s interesting to work out among the people you’re close to how many sun-ascendant crossings there are. No person is only one thing. We all have many faces, many masks, many voices, many needs. Some get along and emphasise each other; others conflict violently. Get to know yourself. This means not just knowing what you like about yourself, or the obvious attitudes and beliefs you hold. It also means knowing the dark side of yourself, the socially unadapted side which you hide from people, the ‘weak’ side that you’re ashamed of, the secret longings and aspirations which are as much part of you—and as necessary—as the more ‘acceptable’ traits. So check your ascendant carefully. This marriage of sun and ascendant is like any marriage between two people. In some ways they meet, in others they clash. But they have made a commitment to find a way to harmonise, sometimes with sacrifices on either side. So it is with the different parts of ourselves. IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 12:08 AM
Very true, Sag suns were hard on me earlier and as I get older I like them more and more.The Aqua with Scorp Ascendant is so much like an ex b/f of mine. And I suppose I was the volatile woman in his life. The more I read this the more I want therapy. You also know you are getting mature when you stop telling people to get help and start getting therapy yourself. Natasha Taurus IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 12:10 AM
Lousianagirl, I don't like the Scorpio in combination with his libra mars. Libra mars wants a partner badly, so most likely he is rejecting his clingy self.I would stay away because he is fighting himself he's bound to blow up someday. "At the first sign of danger, a hunted animal must run" Natasha
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 04:05 AM
I dont like this whole thing in totality. You already have a 20 yr old Scorpio "potential stalker/psycho" who is interested in you and wants to send you text smses without being caught. Now your own boyfriend behaves in such a disturbing way. There is nothing funny about "I will kill you" when told from a boy to a girl. [It is ok only between two Aries beer buddies but rarely ok otherwise even between men]And to top this all, you are only 14 years old. Half your hormones have not even started having the effect, and this difficult adolescent age can really do without intense, jealous, self centred Scorpio males. There seems to be an ocean of difference between Scorpio girls as opposed to men. Maybe it is a peculiarity of Pluto in Scoprio that produces a more dark breed but I strongly suggest you break up with all these Scorpios, find an astrologically safer boy of your own age group if you need a boy friend, and focus more on your own development as in studies, talents, knowledge etc. Also, it is time to have a close look at your own chart as to why you have attracted 2 potential Scorpio psychos in your life when still 14. This is the time to iron out that flaw so that there is no regret later on in life. Well, those are my 2 heavy cents! IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Philadelphia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 17, 2006 04:35 AM
Yeah, "I want to kill you" is insane. Scorpio males are very often self-destructive when angered/jealous/hurt by a woman, it is our catharsis, and I've never seen a Scorpio male make a threat or be physically abusive to a woman, but "I want to kill you" is a comment that is just ridiculous, and I would take a serious look at the relationship. IP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted January 17, 2006 11:00 AM
Making a Scorpio jealous especially on purpose is never a good idea!As for the "kill you refrences", i would take that very seriously. He is showing you who he is. I truly believe Nicole Brown Simpson would be alive today if she had moved away and not let her guard down. She got comfortable. I know thats the extreme... but none the less a warning for us all.. When a man/woman says something like "If i can't have you, no one will" You should believe them. I would make sure someone else you know well is aware of all this and his threats. Keep a journal. When you end it ... do so on generic terms... not a direct confrontation based on what he said or has done in the past... just my 2 cents btw/ there are lots of great Scorps...go find an eagle! IP: Logged |
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 11:02 AM
Thanks guys..I've been around him a lot in private and he was never mean then..Of course I didn't try to anger him at that time. Except one time we were together at school and he seriously looked like he was going to hit me but my friend came up to us so he didn't.. Usually if something like this happens with a guy I would dump his ass in a heartbeat. But I really like him a lot & if he's not a psyco, I'll regret leaving him. He's very smart in school. He's on the honor roll, he works 2 jobs over the weekend & he's going to an out-of-state university in August so I've listed him as an 'eagle' Should I just ask him some questions to try to figure him out better? keep posting, those pennies are racking up  IP: Logged |
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 11:16 AM
That was a good idea about the journal part..I would have never thought of that.I told my pisces friend about this and she said "He told you he was going to murder you?? That's verbal abuse! That's like what happened on that movie we watched in health class about the guy who kept beating up his girlfriend!" I asked her "Yeah but he doesn't look crazy, does he?" her: "I don't know I mean I see the way he looks at you! I would be afraid." Oh and then she said "Why doesn't he have a girl his own age?" I said "He did but they broke up." She answered "Yeah because all the older girls know what he's like" Happy Dragon~ Thanks that really helped! He does seem like an air sign to me though. And he isn't nearly as sexual as most other scorpios I know. Or romantic. Sometimes when I'm talking to my boyfriend, I'll say something like "you get on my nerves" in a joking way & he knows it. Then he'll answer back with something VERY mean to deliberatly hurt my feelings so I wouldn't/couldn't say anything back. Then he'll laugh and say "I'm just kidding" That's his kind of humor.. IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 12:35 PM
Lousianagrlsomething you want to think about regarding the scorps chart: He has Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Venus & Pluto in Scorpio; the current position of transiting Saturn is 08.45 Leo and Retrograde .. i think it goes back to 4 deg Leo before resuming Direct motion Saturn will be transiting Leo untill sept 2007 when it goes into Virgo the point is .. ( and research it if possible ) transiting Saturn will be SQUARING those Scorp Placements in his chart .. one after the other .... for the next 18 months or so ...... you might want to check your own chart for upcoming Saturn transits if you get together with him now ... the Saturn transit will color the relationship .. and you will be going thru the Saturn transits with him ... ... to quote one astrologer (Liz Greene ) ... "Psychic energy does not vanish but simply takes another channel .. and with Saturn it is often that of 'projection' .. we do not see others as they are; rather we see in certain of their behaviour characteristics the reflection of our own negative qualities." as Saturn transits Leo ... it will be/is squaring all Scorpio and Taurus placements and will be/is opposing Aquarius placements .... and obviously conjoining any Leo placements ...... take a look at your own chart as well ... if youv'e not experienced the SATURN squares .. your about to find out what those transits are about .. be well hd IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 11:40 AM
Lousianagrl.. just read above .. that you are 14 ??? ... check your own chart .. you MAY be dealing with your first t.Saturn opposition to your natal Saturn ... i cannot tell without seeing the chart ( or post your saturn placement with degrees ) tread carefully .. hd IP: Logged |
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 11:55 AM
Mercury Capricorn 27°54'59 11 direct Venus Pisces 07°55'02 01 direct Mars Gemini 04°01'32 03 direct Jupiter Leo 07°43'01 06 retrograde Saturn Capricorn 29°44'30 11/12 direct Uranus Capricorn 11°42'46 11 direct Neptune Capricorn 15°23'11 11 direct Pluto Scorpio 20°17'08 09 direct Is that what you were wanting to see, HD? ------------------ aquarius sun, pisces rising & venus, scorpio moon, pluto & eros Let your love be like the misty rain, falling softly, but flooding the river. ~Madagascan Proverb IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 17, 2006 12:38 PM
natasha -"You also know you are getting mature when you stop telling people to get help and start getting therapy yourself." Then its true what they say about Cappy Ascendants; we grow up fast.  I've been in therapy since I was 9 (when I told my 4th grade teacher I wanted to kill myself). But I'm feeling muuuuuch better now.  LG - This guy is sending you all the classic warning signals. Maybe when he takes a butcher knife to your womb, you'll know for sure, huh? ((Now THAT'S Scorpio humor.)) I don't mean to be nasty, but I don't think you realize how potentially serious this is. You are only 14, so you may not have realized yet that bad things dont just happen to "other people". Like most everyone else here, I would advise you to dump his creepy ass and take a long hard look at yourself, to find out what it is in your attitudes or beliefs about yourself (or men and women in general) that would cause you to feel deserving of this sick relationship, and its ambiguously morbid overtones. ~ hsc  IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 01:51 PM
Lousianagrl***Is that what you were wanting to see, HD?*** yes .. cheers .. .. looks like your past the Sat to Sat. opposition .. there are some possiblities re some of the transiting planets .. could you possibly post the degrees to the following : aquarius sun, pisces rising, scorpio moon actualy looks as if you have transiting Uranus conjoining your natal Venus .. within 1 degree of orb at moment .. i will take more of a look and get back to you ... Madagasca .. sounds like a nice place  IP: Logged |
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted January 17, 2006 02:24 PM
Thanks Happy Dragon!  IP: Logged | |