Topic: Yo Man's Dark Moon Lilith & Your Sun or Asc
Arnicka unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 01:01 AM
Hope I got this right:BML is the one found on the astro pulldown DML is the one found using h13 Asteroid is found using 1181 ?? If thats so, then.. --My 1181 conj his BML and is the same sign as his Sun and DML --His 1181 is in sign opposite my Moon and Venus --My BML is in the 5th and his Sun has an opposite correlation of being in Aqua, same goes w/my DML as well --His BML and DML are in sign opposite my ASC Is this what you were looking for AJ? Also how would natal conjunctions to any of the Liliths be interpreted? Should I re-read some of the above posts?? TY crissy & AJ 4 the time spent on this topic  IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 01:06 AM
AJ quote: Example for House:If his Dark Moon Lilith is in his 4th House, the 4th House Rules the Moon, so you would look to see if your Sun or Asc is in Cancer.
OK, chrissy mentions BML as being on the astro pulldown. Are you referring here to h13? :::editing::: His 1181-9th/Jupiter-Is my Sun/ASC in Sadge? No, but my osc Lilith [h13] & Lilith from pulldown are His osc Lilith [h13] & Lilith from pulldown-4th/Moon-Is my Sun/ASC in Cancer? No My 1181-8th/Pluto-Is his Sun/ASC in Scorp? Yes My osc Lilith [h13] & Lilith from pulldown-5th/Sun-Is his Sun/ASC in Leo? No, but it is in the opp sign Im hoping this is right  IP: Logged |
Salisa unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 02:34 AM
This is a little off topic but my black moon lilith is conjunct my dark moon lilith what does that mean? Umm an odd thing... the grid doesn't show it as being conjunt but I know they are because BML is 1 degree taurus and DML is 28 degrees aries. Why isn't it showing it? IP: Logged |
Salisa unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 02:41 AM
2xIP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 05:44 AM
When I pasted the old post in here, I should have included the code which would BOLD the words I originally had bolded to help emphasize the most important points. I corrected that, so you can see that now. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 05:53 AM
Also ...I hesitiate to try to refer anyone to interpretations of Aspects to "lilith" because of the inconsistencies out there. What I would do is take into consideration everything you know thusfar, then define your true "lilith", then combine that definition with what you know instinctively about Planetary Aspects already. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
GemStar unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 07:51 AM
Thank you so much AJ! BML and the other Liliths are such a mystery to figure out!! GemStar IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 24, 2006 09:20 AM
I am very confused but I think they all work in my chart P.S. Did you notice that DML and BML are never far from each other? within 30 degrees I'd say.. IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 09:33 AM
i found some great links yesterday, im looking for them now so i can share is what i understand after doing some research yesterday: • BML is what you get when you select "lilith" from the pull-down menu on this is the lilith that is otherwise known as mean BML or the mean apogee -- it is just the average daily motion of black moon lilith or something like that • what they call true BML, or the oscillating apogee, is what you get when you type in "h13" to the asteroids panel on point actually fluctuates a lot, as much as 30 degrees from the mean BML, and it retrogrades often...i dont know why this one isnt used more, but it's not (the site i found yesterday that i am still searching for the link to suggested that for some people, who have the true BML very close to the mean BML, their experience of lilith energy will be very narrow, and for other people, who have true BML & mean BML further apart, they experience a broader range of lilith energy.) • DML or dark moon lilith is the second moon supposedly circling Earth, a mysterious dark moon that is only seen on rare dates when it is opposite the sun or when its shadowy silhouette crosses in front of the sun. although its existence has not been verified, those astronomers who claim to have viewed it say it is one-fourth the size of our familiar moon and three times as far away. it takes 119 days to orbit earth, about ten days per sign. supposedly sighted as long ago as 1618, this body came to broader attention through the work of astrologer sepharial in 1918, and more recently through the writings of delphine jay, who also published an ephemeris for the dark moon lilith. i am searching for an on-line ephemeris for this body, will let you guys know what's up. • and last but not least asteroid 1181 lilith is what you get when you type in "1181" to the asteroids panel on ah! here that darn link is: i like sue simmons' site too, very much, i think AJ posted her article and all that jazz but here's the group site just in case: anyways hope this helps you all! -chrissy
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GemStar unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 09:56 AM
Thanks chrissy! Now that we have that pretty well mapped out...I still wonder HOW I am supposed to incorporate BML (Lilith) within my chart... and how relevant is this point? The information is soooooo scattered out there that it seems that there is not any real agreement on the influence Lilith has within your chart. Personally, I think of her as a seductress in many ways....darkly feminine and also somehow straddling the thin line between good and evil. Perhaps enticing in some manner, maybe reaching for something which needs 'pulling forward'...and offering a feminine touch as a guide. Just one idea that comes to mind.... What comes to your mind about Lilith?? GemStar IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 11:21 AM
hey gemstar!im glad we got that all figured out. anyway, gosh, lilith energy is indeed confusing. here is what i think... 1st off, i agree with sue simmons, i think the TRUE BML (or oscillating apogee, the one you get by typing in "h13" to the asteroids panel) works better. of course, in my chart the true BML is at 11 libra conjunct my AC at 12 libra. maybe that is why when i discovered where true bml was in my chart, i immediately clicked with that placement (over my mean BML placement of 21 virgo in the 12th). sue simmons states that BML is supposed to be a negative place, a point that makes things extra difficult. if this is the case, i think perhaps this is why i am sometimes "led into" difficult relationships (true BML in libra, libra = relationships) that directly affect me, my sense of self (true BML on Asc, Asc = self). i dont know, though. i definitely *feel* this point conjunct my ascendant, but i dont know how to describe it. i guess i often find myself experiencing difficulty...i struggle a lot. now my true BML also happens to be retrograde (it is for a lot of people). sue simmons suggests an rx true BML describes a past life by sign and house. i dont know what kind of past life a true bml on the asc would describe...maybe a past life where my relationship with myself was disastrous...? no wait, that doesnt make much sense. not sure about that. oh wow, i just took a peek at the "Marie Dominique Villard on Black Moon Lilith" section on sue simmons' site ( and i saw this interpretation...(keep in mind she only uses the true BML)... In Cardinal Signs : We must start something but life and other people will decide in place of us if our initiatives will be realized or not. In Air Element : Our mind, our thoughts must change, our contacts must be reviewed. so keeping this in mind, i would think with my BML in the cardinal sign libra that i need to get the action (cardinal) rolling in my relationships (libra) but it is *others* who end up calling the shots (sheesh, that's eerie). and then also, my true bml being in an air sign indicates it's my mind that must change, perhaps learn to adapt or whatever.. anyway im not sure i did too good there....but i gave it a shot!
what about you? anyone else have thoughts on their own placements? what do you all think of your true BML vs your mean BML? -chrissy IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 03:35 PM
i finally found out how you can figure where your DML (dark moon lilith) is. first off let me paste this from sue simmons' site:4. DARK MOON LILITH This is a "second moon" to the Earth. It is a non-reflective body (hence the name Dark Moon) that orbits the Earth about every 119 days. It was first sighted in the 1600's. Some people don't believe the Dark Moon is a planetary body because the orbit is too regular. It could be some type of equipment, but since it was first sighted in the 1600's, it is nothing modern. Some people think it is a ball of space dust, which would explain why it doesn't reflect the Sun as other Moons do. For this reason a lot of astrologers will not use it. But if it works in the chart and it is not a planetary body, then that means that all kinds of space debris could have some influence. Every once in a while someone on the internet comes up with the thought that the Dark Moon could actually be the asteroid Cruithne but it isn't. Their orbits are vastly different. The glyph is a circle or zero with a diagonal line like a forward slash,cutting through it. In writing use Dark Moon Lilith at first, then Dark Moon or DML to avoid confusion. Dr. Georges Waldemath, a German astronomer, was the first to document it in 1898. The astrologer Sepharial compiled an ephemeris using his data, whichDelphine Jay, Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson and Mae Wilson-Ludlum all used fortheir Lilith ephemerides. Sepharial's calculations differ slightly from the original Waldemath calculations. Solar Fire, one of the few programs to include Dark Moon Lilith uses the original Waldemath calculations and has previously agreed with the Swiss Ephemeris calculations. However, the Swiss Ephemeris has changed their calculation so that it no longer matches Solar Fire. I asked Solar Fire mfgrs. which version is correct. Graham Dawson, programmer for Solar Fire said, "I now believe that the data used by the Swiss Ephemeris calculation of Waldemath's Dark Moon is probably a more accurate representation of what Waldemath actually intended than what is currently used in Solar Fire.... I originally supplied Dieter Kock (a Swiss Ephemeris author) with my copy of Waldemath's original tabulations. After some discussion with Dieter, I agreed with him that his own interpretation (which differed slightly from the one I included in Solar Fire) was a better one." now for the good part: it turns out you can find your DML (or dark moon lilith, NOT to be confused with true BML or mean BML) using --
just go to the extended chart selection and under the asteroids panel type in "h58". that's it! if you click on the list of hypothetical planets you will see it there, listed as "Waldemath's Black Moon" or something like that. there you have it! you CAN figure all the liliths using!
-chrissy IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 04:16 PM
AJ, Question: quote: Delphine Jay says Dark Moon Lilith is a place where you must operate impersonally because operating personally there will never be successful.
I have Dark Moon conj my ASC by 1deg. Can you explain in some way how one's ASC would operate impersonally? Sounds vague to me IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 05:41 PM
chrissymgreen -I haven't had a chance to test the process you set forth for Dark Moon Lilith on, but if it's right, I give you huge congrats and thanks. Arnicka - As it pertains to the Asc, I'm trying to visualize what this means. I'm really not sure. Do you feel that you carry DML in your personae? I mean, I don't know how to qualify that. You would probably be the only person who can sort through that. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 10:07 PM
AJ thank you for your response. Im gonna have to do more analysis of its meaning, and research some. Thanks again to you and chrissym for all your posts on this. V. good place 2 start.IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 24, 2006 10:51 PM
OK - I did a take on h13. By the way, the HYPOTHETICAL PLANETS option on was NOT there until very recently. Like, I do NOT remember seeing that a couple of weeks ago!So I found there is a 5 Degrees difference between my lilith from their pulldown menu, and the new "h13 Osculating Lunar Apogee ("True" Lilith / Black Moon)". They are both in Leo in the 4th House for me, but, I already knew that. I also did a test to see if putting a checkmark in the ALWAYS USE TRUE NODE box would make a difference, and it does NOT change the Degrees AT ALL. So there you have it guys. It's bitter sweet synchronicity, because just as someone decided to pull up this old thread, had finally tightened up on their attitude toward the true lilith! ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted January 25, 2006 10:53 AM
hey AJ, glad you found that useful!so what did your DML (dark moon lilith) -- the one you get when you type in "h58" to the asteroids panel end up being? mine is at 1 aqua in the 4th. it doesnt aspect anything at all and even though it is angularly placed, i dont think its important in my chart. the orb between your mean BML & true BML is pretty narrow, 5° you said right? i really wish i could find that link, i had this one link with an article that suggested people with a narrow orb between true & mean BML would have a more focused expression of lilith energy. i will keep looking for it. the orb between my true & mean is very wide, mean BML is at 21 virgo in the 12th, and true is at 11 libra conjunct my uranus-Asc conjunction at 12 libra. that article seemed to say that for someone like me who has so wide an orb between the two, i would have a much broader range of lilith energy at my disposal (something like that)...and it seemed to say that if you have this wider orb betwen the two, you are often going to identify with the true BML over the mean when you discover the difference. is your true BML retrograde? mine is. sue simmons talks about past lifes with an rx true BML, what do you think about this? anyhoo....glad we got this figured out!
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astro junkie unregistered
posted January 25, 2006 02:35 PM
chrissymgreen -My h58 comes out to Pisces in the 10th House. But I don't even want to worry about that AT ALL. Enough trouble focusing on what we know thusfar about the true lilith. Have my hands full there, and place most faith there. My having a True BML with a "more focused expression of lilith energy" ... hmmmmm ... doesn't surprise me at all. Not at all. And since they are in Leo in my 4th House, it's f**ked with me SO bad, especially since my NN is in Leo in the 4th, the place I'm tring to get to! AND ESPECIALLY when it comes to marriage, home and family relations. There are a few other indications of this challenge elsewhere in my Chart as well. My jinxed 4th House (no really) IS THE THEME of this lifetime for me. Even if I'm fully capable to being Miss Independent Career Girl, the 4th House issues always pull me back - over and over again. Plus, having my NN in Leo in the 4th Conjunct my Uranus in Leo in the 4th is the eternal wrench thrown in. Oh, and no, my True BML is NOT Retrograde. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 25, 2006 02:45 PM
The above is why I've done such extensive research on the "lilith's". I'm still always open to a really good insight into it all, because it really is THAT BAD. I've BEGGED for help on this.------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted January 25, 2006 06:20 PM
dear AJ,well, i dont know that this helps...but sue simmons' site talks about how you gotta first delineate what's aready going on in the house that true BML is in before you think about what she adds to the mix, right? i'm familiar with uranus prominently placed, too, as it's on my i'm taking the liberty of sharing this list i've made of uranus rulerships (i use "the rulership book" by rex e. bills), as i've been working on interpreting my own true BML placement conjunct my uranus-Asc conjunction. URANUS: abberations one's constructive & mechanical ability acceleration agitation abnormalities advanced thought aloofness alteration amazement assertiveness audacity astonishment autonomy the bizarre brotherhood the law of chance change complexity compulsion contradictions cooperation curious things the different discovery distant things divorces eccentricities the erratic evolvement extraordinary good and bad extremes fortuities uncertain fortunes fait and desertion of one's faith feminism go-getters healing gambling impulsiveness intuition, intuitive intellect & receptivity irregularities incongruity inconsistency interference personal magnetism lawlessness mental specialists insubordination new teachings & occupations nervous persons overturning paradoxes obliqueness the progressive perplexity peculiar pccultism reformation reorganization reversal revulsion science in general sarcasm, satire spasms strangeness free thought transitions uncommon unexpected unconventional unforeseen upheaval uprootings variety vicissitudes ventures versatility vehicles in general one's wishes strong will wonderful things writer's and writings, technical zealots AND...i thought i'd share with you some rulerships for leo, since sue suggests that first you look at the house where BML and then the sign.. LEO: passionate amativeness places of amusement arrogance betting children in general circuses creativity cinemas courtships entertainment gambling greatness heart weakness fevers love affairs pleasure romance self-expression speculation ornamentation positions of prominence AND 4th house rulerships! FOURTH HOUSE:
one's accumulations one's birthplace breasts one's burial gains from contracts dwellings end of life, end of undertakings domesticity agriculture digestion estates losses from gambling hidden things one's house one's inherited tendencies gardens land parents in general private life rest self-rehabilitation personal secrets wombs superstitions gains from writing anyway...i know this isnt much, but i hope it helps! i highly recommend rex bills' rulership book; it really helps me delineate...i just make lists (my OCD is so happy) and then start substituting words and key phrases...
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astro junkie unregistered
posted January 25, 2006 06:57 PM
Thank you chrissymgreen
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
nove731 Knowflake Posts: 43 From: Strasbourg, France Registered: Jun 2009
posted January 25, 2006 08:43 PM
Um. Well. They guy I have a kinda thing for has his Lilith at 18 degrees Libra. That's not conjunct my Ascendant, but it is in my 1st House, and Opposite my Sun. My Lilith is conjunct his Ascendant in Scorpio. IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted January 25, 2006 09:11 PM
Hey girls Thank u for all the info. I had no idea there were 3 Liliths. What do you think it would mean if my Dark Moon Lilith conjuncts someone's Moon..and their Dark Moon Lilith conjuncts my Moon? It's a double whammy.. Would this be more positive or negative? For some reason I get the feeling it might be negative.. "Dark Moon" I guess it just sounds *dark* lol Any ideas? Thanks IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 26, 2006 01:21 AM
Lauren -I think one general way to look at it would to remember that the Moon will bring out the emotional personalities of lilith, and lilith will bring out bane emotions. And as far as "dark" seeming so *dark* - it's the essence of the lilith's themselves which creates the darkness. But yeah, it can be dark. But it can also be powerful. The myths of "lilith" should be studied too. I feel like lilith is a compilation of myths, some of which deem her a jinx, of sorts. But to keep it straight in my head, I think of the mythical lilith who refused to be Adam's wife. I KNOW this is not the end of the story, but to remember the essence. It might have been seen as a jinx to Adam and society, but she was like the first Martha Jane ("Calamity Jane") Cannary. She's powerful in her own right, but scary to many others because she doesn't follow the rules as other "ladies" do. By proxy, she never claims her true power in one lifetime. Therefore, she remains a mystery to many.
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 26, 2006 09:03 AM
ooopsIP: Logged | |