  Help with frustrating Scorpio situation (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Help with frustrating Scorpio situation
posted February 07, 2006 02:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm so I'm learning alot by reading the comments made by others, especially Scorpios. I used to have plenty of close Scorpio friends but since they all disappeared all I have is LindaLand. This is my first time dating a Scorpio, although I had 2 ex-boyfriends that had Scorpio moons which hurt me so I'm trying to be ultra-cautious about who I give my heart to.

He seems sincere but I'm always suspicious of anyone thats open with their feelings (especially a Scorpio). Scorpio Sun, Mars & Uranus. SAG moon/Venus/Neptune, all conjunct. I guess the Venus conj. Neptune worries me. The only other negative aspects he has are Mars Square Saturn & Venus opp. Jupiter (I have this too). No other afflicted or negative planetary placements. I don't know birth time so can't do any deep analysis..sigh..

Anyone know of any Scorpios with Sag Moons? What are they like? Faithful? Open with feelings? I read Stargazer's story about her ex-Sag moon and I'm sorry you went thru that experience! I love the way you told him off and left...he'll eventually get his..I truly believe that "what goes around comes around".

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posted February 07, 2006 02:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sue & other Scorpio knowflakes,

Maybe this is a dumb question.. I've been reading lots of website material about Scorpios and the "intensity in love affairs" thing comes up all the time. I am confused about how it plays out relationship-wise, as in needing intensity in a relationship. Do you have examples of the kind of intensity you like in a relationship?

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Posts: 46
From: just left of center
Registered: May 2009

posted February 07, 2006 03:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stargazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sweet... He is very slick... very intelligent...very irrisistable... His sag moon is in the 5th house...he is equal opportunity.... unfortunately... i knew it! My virgo intuition was glaringly correct a long time ago... i just didn't want to face it ...until.. i was smacked in the face with it and it couldn't be denied....
He also has venus libra/ mars, merc.neptune in scorp. Merc square jupiter and saturn
Venus square jupiter and saturn... a tricky combo but of the melt your panties variety!!!..Good luck!! btw i'm a cappy rising... the attraction was fatal in nature....

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posted February 07, 2006 04:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Sweet,

Well unlike Sue I don't NEED intensity all the time --what I need and crave is security that the person I love will be there when I need it just like I am for them. The intensity part for me comes in for how much I love and care for them. When I find someone that I feel is trustworthy and worth my time and energy and if I fall in love with them I fall hard and deep. I give them unconditional love I would do anything for them , protect them nurture them etc etc its all or nothing for me I can't just give "a little bit" I give it my all. The same is true with people whom I consider friends I do what I can for them and I have a high level of commitment to them. I am extremely loyal and would never do anything intentionally to hurt them. I don't play games with people I care about. I think my intensity is what scared my Crab. and I even tempered it quite a bit the behaviour not the feeling I still love him with all my being and I would wait another lifetime for him. That might be stupid of me but that is still how I feel right now.

"In my end is my beginning"
Mary,Queen of Scots

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posted February 07, 2006 05:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Celticfyre - Thanks for explaining. I like your intensity because I sure know I feel emotions deeply. I keep it well hidden because most men can't deal with it and it usually only comes out in my poetry.

I just hope my Scorp is intense & loyal too! I wish there was an easy way to tell!

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posted February 07, 2006 05:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Stargazer - Thanks. I'm going to be really cautious and take things slow. I ignored my intuition with the exes that hurt me and ended up learning that my intuition is very accurate.

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posted February 07, 2006 10:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would like to hear from a woman whose eagle is madly in love with her. . .

Is this possible? Yes, but I don't think Neil Young's wife, Pegi, has time to play on the net and write a post!

I have scorp sun/merc/venus/neptune.
Gemini rising (thank GOD) and taurus moon.

My b'friend is scorp sun/neptune, venus in cappy and also a taurus moon. He has a Leo AC--my Jupiter sits in there. His sun and moon directly oppose at 16 degrees, and my south node is in scorp--16 degrees. What is the karma here? Wow! I need to find out. . .I guess I am. there have been too many similarities in our childhoods, and now our children are mirrors (his daughters mirror my childhood and my son mirrors his) --so much opportunity for karmic healing between us.

I have NEVER been more deeply involved with anyone in my life. It's heavy it's intense and it's beautiful--and I am a complete basketcase. He can be critical and overbearning--I have TRIED to leave him twice, and so far, CAN'T.

He is (IMO) drop dead beautiful, oozes of raw sexual energy AND doesn't disclose much at all. We are both very self protective. But don't get me wrong--he doesn't disclose much with words. Weird as this sounds, he does "speak" in other ways. But at times, the darned WORDS would be nice to HEAR. He's certainly not cold--he's very firey--so much so, at times I forget he's a scorp, and think he's a leo. Very warm. Hot. Affectionate--luckily, our taurus moons usually need the same things (physically and emotionally) at the same time.

Like me, when he's down, he gets a little more needy (but his version of needy is not like most)--very reserved--but he calls more often. What's bothersome, is when he's feeling good and confident, it's as though he doesn't need me anymore. This plays big time on my need for security. I want to share his joys -- not just his depressive states.

My Pisces Sun/scorp AC bfriend was the same way. What is this? For two weeks I've been very unsettled wondering if it's my pattern to hang in there with a man in transition, only to have him become stable and leave.

Has anyone else gone through pluto transiting the 7th? How do you handle this? I have always prided myself on being independent, but . . . I really am a much happier person when Im involved with someone. My astrologer tells me pluto in the 7th is nothing less than very deep, meaningful, life-changing, intense relationships--only to tell me I should probably take the next 3-4 years by myself.

I'm not the by myself type! I have sun and venus in the 5th, and I'm 40 this October--okay! I cannot bear to think of 3-4 years w/out a man at THIS age!

I intend to die with the juiciest memoirs ever. . .

but, lately my heart aches. For over a year, he's been very present and engaged, but more recently. . . he seems to be detaching--needing some space. Ouch. And it's making me insecure and very sad.

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posted February 08, 2006 11:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Update: Well, I got my answer. He doesn't care. He just talked to me when he was bored, basically. Guess I'm not what he wants. I'm not wasting my time anymore.

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posted February 09, 2006 09:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Lost,

So sorry, well at least you know the answer and can move on. One thing about Scorpios if they are done with something they are done. If they do go back....they weren't really done in the first place, if they don't-- they are really done.

"In my end is my beginning"
Mary,Queen of Scots

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posted February 09, 2006 12:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was so sorry to read this.
How cruel. This is one thing that angers me about scorpios (and I am one).

As seriously as we expect (yes, EXPECT, demand) others take our own hearts--it's another story sometimes with these men.

They can be self-serving, with no consideration of the other person, and with absolutely NO apologies. I have been on the receiving end of a it. Nothing like falling head over heels for them, and then having them tell you,"get over it" only to be made invisible by them.

Being made invisible is the worst, most hurtful thing, because at least when you are arguing with them, you are engaged. Not healthy, but . . . they could learn to be more delicate with others feelings.

I'm sorry and pray that you can soon be over him. It's a process, I know.

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posted February 10, 2006 12:24 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey guys, thanks for your kind words.
celticfyre, I thought he was done with me, but last week, he wrote to I got confused. I thought maybe he still liked me. I was pretty much over him. So now I have to get over him all over again! He really has this magnetism or something. Like being under a spell. It's so difficult to get away.

Astrid, you are so right about the no consideration thing. OMG! I never ignored him. I always answered back. When he wrote to me and was all depressed, I was there for him. Mind you, this is all online (chatting) but still. He wants someone to give him affection, and I offered to go over and cheer him up, but he didn't really reply. But he's been drinking so much lately. I think he's an alcoholic...he's always drunk when he writes to me. He's fine one minute, then he gets down the next. And no, makes no apologies. I tried writing to him one more time just a little while ago, he seemed okay, was writing to me. Then he suddenly stopped writing and ignored me. I cannot stand it when someone ignores me like that. Then he just left without saying anything. So I'm really done this time. It's too much to handle...and he's making me all depressed too...
Really, I feel bad for him...I really hope he finds someone, cause it makes me sad to see him like this.

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