Topic: Leo or Scorpio?
shop22much Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted February 11, 2006 04:22 AM
Who would win in a fight be it physical, mental, or both-?leo or scorpio and why(battle of the bold fixed signs) IP: Logged |
Yang unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 05:33 AM
Leo would win because it would be an ego trip and to show "who's the boss!"Scorpio would win to show that no one messes around with a Scorpio!
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Leo the Lion unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 09:59 AM
Give my man 10-1 all the way baby!IP: Logged |
Rede411 Newflake Posts: 5 From: Natick, MA USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 11, 2006 10:03 AM
As much as I'd like to say Scorpio to win the battle because..well...they are extremely strong willed there's this BIG thing called the Leo's pride which will never be defeated. They simply CAN'T lose.IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 12:43 PM
Both of these signs can be spontaneously violent. To be honest i know a complete pussy who's a Scorpio. I also know another who looks pathetically weak and small but is quite good at fighting, and quite mental. Depends which one you get on the day. I think stalemate could apply to this situation. Leos are quick and wild. Scorpiops are intence, watchful, and determined. Chris Eubank was a Leo. Mike Tyson a Cancer. Prince Naseem Hamed was a Pisces. Muhamed Ali was a Capricorn. Nigel Ben was a lso a Cancer i believe. I think the Mars sign is more determinate here, and aspects thereto.------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight UK IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8749 From: Dublin, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2006 12:57 PM
Mental fight you have to give to Scorpio. Physical I'd be drawn to go for Scorpio, but I'm not honestly sure. I have known lots of extremely strong Scorpios. IP: Logged |
oddball unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 03:57 PM
Definitely scorpio imo. Leos will try to make you feel small and worthless in an arguement. But they have a lot of soft spots. Scorpio isn't swayed by intimidation, and scorpio tries to get you where it hurts the most. Physically, leos tend to be well proportioned and graceful, but not always strong. You will find that a lot of strength athletes (i.e. bodybuilders, boxers, w/e) tend to be cancers and scorpios. They are built like tanks.There's a story actually, where Arnold Schwarzenegger (leo) went to a trainer (Vince Gironda, a scorpio) to get help on improving his physique. He introduced himself by arrogantly saying "I am Mr. Austria." Vince responded by saying, "You look like a fat f*ck to me!" IP: Logged |
SavageScorpio unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 06:35 PM
I Think it depends ..for Scorpio it depends how important it is to them, but Scorpio's are relentless and don't quit, regardless... Leo's are very much about pride (haha try a Scorp with a Leo me! but I have mars in aquarius so not 2 much ****** me off, I'm pretty neutral about stuff..) where Scorp's are more likely to just jump into **** and throw themselves full throttle, Leo's ... well I've known Leo's to lose fights, but in their pursuit to save their pride and their name, etc...which often times they resort to other means besides physical (messing up someones rep, trying to get other people to beat them up etc) ..well a lot of the antics they use just end up coming back to bite them in the end. As a Scorpio, and a laid back one...I can still say we have tremendous intense energy, when I get mad, you'd think I'm posessed, but it's SO very rare, where some people get ****** all the time, and fight, etc...we get ****** off enough to fight, rarely, but when we do, watch out because it's evidently important enough to us to lose ourselves, and out *but that is very rare*... (or maybe it's just me because not too much ****** me off) IP: Logged |
SavageScorpio unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 06:37 PM
well it's not that I don't get mad, but I learn to let things go, because you can't just blow up everytime something happens to you, and I don't like to let people affect me that much, to lose it. It's a control thing maybe, and an indifference thing, along with not wanting to stoop to some peoples level. IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Philadelphia Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2006 07:57 PM
Fight me.IP: Logged |
zoso Newflake Posts: 15 From: Reno, Nv Registered: Nov 2009
posted February 11, 2006 07:58 PM
Leo would be basking in the attention of the win. . .that is, until he's in the parking garage and out of the shadows comes Scorp.IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted February 11, 2006 09:09 PM
These 2 signs will both fight to the death if need be, and they recognize this in each other. That's why they tend to agree to disagree. Leo and Scorpio often part company by mutual choice, and don't attempt to "win" over each other. HOWEVER, if there was no choice, and they had to fight against each other for something, Leo may win simply by popular support. If it was a physical fight, Scorpio's watery compassionate side may be his downfall. Leo is immune to that when the stakes are high. The Lion & the Scorpion. They're both killers. IP: Logged |
EightBitGnosis Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Nov 2019
posted February 14, 2006 10:50 AM
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alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 88 From: somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted February 14, 2006 05:13 PM
quote: I Think it depends ..for Scorpio it depends how important it is to them, but Scorpio's are relentless and don't quit, regardless... Leo's are very much about pride (haha try a Scorp with a Leo me! but I have mars in aquarius so not 2 much
As a Scorpio with a Leo moon and an Aquarius Mars and a 1st house Sun and Pluto, I feel compelled to reply lol. in MY personal experience, Leos are great at making you feel like crap and really fast. They're very good at cutting and it's not so much that they hit where it hurts, but its how they hit, with so much pride in themselves that they could NEVER be wrong in any universe or dimension, that like knocks you off your feet, in the gut, and takes all the wind out of you. Kind of like being naked in a room in from of everyone..
Scorpios work over time. I don't mess with other Scorps. They're not big on the whole I hurt your feelings really fast and now I'm over it. I know from experience I like to work payback and fighting. It's much more painful and successful to slowly squeeze your opponent than to quickly hit them. (Not literally of course). Maybe it's my Aqua mars. I know when I don't like somoene, I tolerate them. I never give them the impression that I do like them but I don't go out of my way to prove I don't (Leo Moon wants to sometimes though...). Once again I blame my Aqua mars. If it's not that important, I pretend they don't exist. I literally don't give a crap about them at all and don't exert any energy to. But if it's worth it, or if it's a fight worth fighting for..I like to work behind the scenes while keeping up the completely unexpected image on teh outside...Manipulative I know. It's kind of like coaxing someone to stand naked in a room in front of everyone, making them think you're on their side and you've forgiven them and that you'll get naked to, and then at the last minute, whip out hot pokers...and coerce everyone else in the room to do so to. And not necessarily do anything's the fact of the matter that I'v got you where I want you. So maybe it is the leo moon pride thing kicking in again...
Whatever the case..a showdown would be huge. Leo doesn't EVER want to be embarrassed and appear "dethroned", and Scorpio will not ever allow itself to be seen as weak (Two of my biggest inner battles). I think it would be like a HUGE stalemate. Probably the biggest of all the fixed signs. For some reason it doesn't seem like Scorpio and Aquarius would be as persisant in headbutting. Taurus gets there, but not quite as far as Scorpio. Scorpio obsesses about control...(as much as we scorps don't want to admit it, you know you obsess about controlling something...) and leos obsess about themselves and dont like to be controlled by anyone or thing. Interesting fight to say the least, I've been in some extreme arguments with some Leos. Oh man, they've been B A D.
and I mean B A D. As a Scorpio/Leo...those are the two signs I won't willingly mess with. Ever... IP: Logged |
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted February 14, 2006 05:34 PM
Yeah I've had experiences with both. If you start a fight with a scorpio, you're just d*mn stupid. They will break you down with words more than a physical fight. Gossip, as well. I knew a scorpio girl last year who wouldn't fight me, but she had no problem spreading lies...Same with some of the guys.Now a leo would get into a physical fight. I've seen plenty of these. Just to prove their the best...But I've seen a scorpio fight someone to prove they are, also. But wouldn't just about any guy do this?  ------------------ Aquarius sun, Pisces rising & Venus, Scorpio moon ...How sad, that this man forgot the beauty of our love's beginning chords, when the first curtain rose on the drama of our trined and singing venus'... IP: Logged |
miss_muffet unregistered
posted February 14, 2006 07:29 PM
If it is a matter of utmost importance, I would side with a Scorpio any day. Scorpios will hit you where it really really hurt. They have the cunning ability to spot weakness in any sign and cut through it like it's nothing and you're nothing.Scorpios will not bother with petty things so if you win in a fight against a pure Scorpio, it will be because they are letting you win; and you will never know. Leos on the other hand is all about pride. But pride can be their biggest downfall too. That's the weakness that Scorpios will take advantage of. It will also be the reason why they will lose. Miss Muffet IP: Logged |
plutonianpower unregistered
posted February 15, 2006 12:34 PM
Scorpio all the way, Leo cannot hope to match the stores of energy Scorpio has. Sure, Leo could make for a more showy opening blow, but once first blows have been exchanged, it is all about the endurance. It will be the scorpio who will last to the bitter end, dying only after it has destroyed the Leo. That is.....if the scorpio can make it past initial blows of a Leo (which could be challenging) I have Scorpio ascendant in Mars.(don't mess with Texas) After the dust settles, there can be only one - a desert crawler too tough to die, like a cockroach, a scorpion. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 15, 2006 12:47 PM
The Gemini will win. He will talk both of them into not fighting. But maybe he will be beaten up yb both. Alternately the Cancer will definitely win. He will conduct betting and keep profitable odds for himself over the crowds while Scorpio and Leo fight and beat up each other senseless. The winner will be too weak to snatch the cash from the crab's claws.IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 15, 2006 12:51 PM
<<But I've seen a scorpio fight someone to prove they are, also. But wouldn't just about any guy do this>> No, not me. Infact, many times in school, I used to prevent fighting by asking the wanna be heros to settle it through arm wrestling than claim to be a winner after beating up the other guy and getting severely hit as well. Funny, everybody listens to a triple cardinal  ------------------ Sun-Cancer, Moon-Libra, Asc-ARIES, Mars-Taurus, Venus-Taurus, NorthNode-Libra. IP: Logged |
valhalla Newflake Posts: 1 From: guwahati, assam, India Registered: Jan 2013
posted February 15, 2006 12:52 PM
cmon......all ya scorpios..............we'll kick ur butt anyday....we'll step on ur pointed tails....fry u and eat u for breakfast, lunch and dinner......we'll wipe u off the face of the earth...u insects.................................*!$@#!$#@%.....ummmmmm......wait a sec......why are we fighting btw?????------------------ On a clear day you can see forever...... IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 15, 2006 12:57 PM
Scorpions are not insects BTW, they are Arachnids [Quickly gets into the shell as 100000s of Knowflakes prepare to attack the nerd]IP: Logged |
valhalla Newflake Posts: 1 From: guwahati, assam, India Registered: Jan 2013
posted February 15, 2006 01:04 PM
arachnids....yeah.....spiders......scorpions......creepy little insects....ugh!!!!!------------------ On a clear day you can see forever...... IP: Logged |
valhalla Newflake Posts: 1 From: guwahati, assam, India Registered: Jan 2013
posted February 15, 2006 01:06 PM
sharpens his royal claws at a hi-profile salon.....manicure, pedicure,...the works....------------------ On a clear day you can see forever...... IP: Logged |
libranscorp unregistered
posted February 16, 2006 10:56 AM
provocative topic, mother's Sun is in Leo, and we'd tussle (non-physically) on occasion when we were younger. She definitely had the capacity for verbal abuse, whereas i would speak my version of a truth, unfettered by tact. My sister's Sun is Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, but identifes with the latter. With a trine of fixed Suns in one house, believe that sparks would fly!. my experience with the Leonine claw-claw-bite routine certainly toughened my carapace, though i am reluctant to fight these days because tempers flare like never before (except as during the Wild West); folks reach right for the steel. ------------------ Lib: Ven(8), Plu(8), Moo(9), Mar(9), Ura(9) Sco. Sun(10) Sag: Mer(11), Nep(11) Cap: Jup(12), Asc, Node Gem: Sat(5) IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 474 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 16, 2006 11:10 AM
Welcome Librascorp! Yes you are, aren't you? I feel my Libra Influences, as a Sun Scorpio, and I simply have Mercury and Pluto there... I can't imagine how diplomatic you are.  Good! We need fair players. All this talk of who would do what to who, and yo unow what I wanna say? Let's just have some specialty coffee ( B52 anyone?) and talk about sex and love. Better than fighting anyday.
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