Topic: Chiron - Your "Cosmic Savings Account"
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2006 01:47 PM
From: quote: There isn't much written or understood about Chiron and the Influence within a chart. Interested in understanding Chiron further? read on.....Chiron portrays a forced savings account from our efforts. On our road of life, each of us are given pot holes from one challenging situation or another. The tendency is to blame others for these pot holes, or to blame situations for these deep challenges and scars in our life. The Truth about Chiron is that it points to the type of qualities and the area of our life that is designated to give us the opportunity to understand selfless giving and to grow through our chosen responses to these potholes. Within these challenges, we are given the deep hole of experiencing unfair situations that we must accept, deal with, understand and ultimately bless. This is a very tall order, however, our life, our path is sprinkled with them. Chiron takes 50 years to make one complete orbit, so that we have to provide 50 years of effort that may not be rewarded until Chiron connects with where it started out in our charts. Chiron is the ultimate of giving us challenges to see how we will respond to them. They usually take the form of unfair situations, being the target of ill-motives, blame, displaced power, etc. It is easy and the most popular response to be angry, to blame the situations or the people involved, something outside of ourselves for creating these pot holes. That may be true, however, the most important part is not the fact that others or outside circumstances created the pot holes unfairly. The important part is the quality with which to fill up these pot holes. There are five qualities, each of which has its own level of (spiritual) awareness with which to fill up the pot holes. First, there is tolerance. We can tolerate the situation with patience and those that have created this pot hole with patience as well. Second, there is acceptance. Ultimately we have to accept that this is the situation we are given, whether it looks like it was unfairly given to us or not, and not continue to point outside ourselves as an excuse for not seeing the opportunity within the situation. Our inability to look inside and find something to fill up these pot holes with determines that we will continue to point to the unfairness, become angry, and blame others. Third is understanding. We may not be able to understand why everything had to occur and had to bring us to the depths of our soul. But the reward for having acceptance of the situation, is to bring us understanding. Fourth is appreciation. To be able to appreciate the situation, to see the positive side of the circumstances. We can see the opportunity to fill up these potholes with something wonderful, finding the Divine Gift of growth. We can look to the new level of understanding and knowing that these potholes have brought us some incredible circumstances. The fifth level and the last is to be able to see situations through love and the ability to see these potholes as something wonderful and good to help us to grow. We have the opportunity to respond to circumstances differently than those individuals who created our potholes and to take action instead of just reacting to the situations. This expands our understanding of the completeness in our Cosmic Savings account and the Divine Plan. Wherever Chiron is in our personal chart, the interpretation becomes that of a black hole, the forced savings account, the area of our life that has inequalities, unfairness, situations and judgments against us. Yet, as Chiron travels around the chart collecting from each sign and each house, Chiron returns back to its original placement in approximately 50 years. Whatever our response is to the situations given to us, the five above are the best, then we receive the rewards from that quality in that area at the 50 year mark. However, if we have just complained, criticized, blamed and insisted that others deserve our anger, then that is all we have put into our forced savings account and at 50, we receive our holdings, our rewards. Where Chiron is at the beginning of our life determines the area that we can turn around at 50 and at the end of our life to see either the sparkles from the Divine Diamonds of choice, or the seeping qualities of anger that has left our life pitted and our scarred heart feeling very empty. Therefore, it is important to understand the qualities we need to continue to grow and give all the way through our life. We each have our own concept of all that is transpiring. These challenges can be blamed on situations in the outside world, from outer circumstances, ranging from unfairness, bad luck and the like, to the selfish motives of other individuals who are in power. These reasons may be very valid, however our choice of response is just that…our freewill choice. We can either respond with similar actions, or we can choose one of the five that will give us something different in our life than what was given to us. Chiron touched into the sign of Aquarius in February 2005, but went back into Capricorn to finish up the issues in that sign before moving into Aquarius completely on December 7, 2005. Since Chiron has just moved out of the sign of Capricorn and just moved into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we will see many of the old “structures” of Capricorn begin to tumble, and the facades break apart, especially those that did not have any true inner essence. Chiron in the sign of Capricorn had an impact people with their career, status, positions of power, prestige, financial empires, business ventures, and accomplishments. Any individual that misused any of this Capricorn power will find themselves looking at their Chiron Bank Account to find that it is empty. Only real values are deposited in these areas when there is true spiritual essence given. As Chiron moves into Aquarius many people will be booted out of their careers for “mis-use” do to empty values and empty facades, while others will rise to the top because of all that they have put into this Bank account that has gone unnoticed. Chiron collects value, and our statements of value through spiritual actions and choices in the midst of challenges. Chiron in Aquarius requires that only those of solid value provide leadership for humanity. The individuals that have the best to give to others will be shifted upward. Individuals who used their worldly power to the detriment of others, will feel the impact of Chiron moving into Aquarius, because it will begin to change their worldly and financial status to be equal to their Chiron Bank Account. Chiron will be in Aquarius through February 2011. So, these next 5 years will be the collector and the distributor of the cosmic bank account. The individuals that have Chiron in Aquarius have the opportunity to pave the way for themselves or others to move into position for leadership and humanitarian service. Chiron moves into Pisces about the same time that Neptune moves into Pisces. Also at the same time, Uranus moves out of Pisces and into Aries, which signals another rise in TRUE leadership at that time. Look to where Chiron was at the time of birth to understand your Personal Cosmic Bank Account, and look to where Chiron in Aquarius is in your chart to understand the next 3½ to 5 years of focus on the collection and distribution.
'ZalaIP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 06, 2006 02:44 PM
I don't really understand.IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 06, 2006 10:38 PM
AG ~Here's a couple Chiron links..... Martin Lass: Chiron in the Signs and Houses: Chiron in Aries in XI – how do you feel about your interps?? What parts of the article did you find puzzling?? No one really understands Chiron yet (as far as I've read), so the above is just speculation and one person's take on the subject, yes?? I like the analogy of the Five Qualities of Stuff Needed to Fill Up Your Personal Potholes We all have personal potholes, some from our own enthusiastic digging, most (apparently, but arguably) not. I think it all boils down to how we deal with the negative events in our life. I dug myself some really great potholes years ago -- substance abuse and (inadvertantly? unknowingly?) choosing an abusive partner. Gave myself loads of pain to learn to recover from! Guess I did a couple things right (those 5 Qualities?), because my Chiron Return was uneventful and even rewarding. I created my own brand-new position at work (it grew out of a need and I filled it) so my Cappy Chiron bank account was rewarded by increased “status”  I’m not really thrilled about all this: “Wherever Chiron is in our personal chart, the interpretation becomes that of a black hole, the forced savings account, the area of our life that has inequalities, unfairness, situations and judgments against us.” My black hole is the 5th house – my nagging insecurity is that when I am able to devote more time to my artistic/creative pursuits, no one will like them and I won’t be able to supplement my income with them as I’ve hoped would come to pass….. How was your Saturn Return, AG?? ‘Z IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 06, 2006 11:44 PM
Zala, transiting chiron will conj my moon sextile neptune trine sun,mercury and pluto square venus,mars,uranus,Asc opp jupitorfrom where can I get an interpretation about this? IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted March 07, 2006 12:03 AM
**Within these challenges, we are given the deep hole of experiencing unfair situations that we must accept, deal with, understand and ultimately bless.** aha .. thanx 'Z .. all is starting to become clear regarding Chiron .. mainly due to your posting of the noodling Nodes .. i'm gonna have to talk to the bank manager methinks .. i think there may be indiscrepancies in my statement for this month .. **.. .. when it's activated it's like getting a summons. ( N.N. txt :-) **so .. what .. if .. Chiron was taken out via a cosmic missile ? .. would that solve the 'pot holes' situation? .. or maybe investment in some new shock absorbers .. .. .. cheers for the chiron(ic) info .. be well ..
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 07, 2006 12:04 AM
sweetlibra ~Good Lord, when is all that happening?? Got some good strong coffee?? Here ya go: The Myth, and in the houses: Moon: Neptune : Sun: Mercury: Pluto: Venus: Mars: Uranus: Jupiter: 'Zala IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 07, 2006 12:20 AM
HD ~How’s that “Leave My Nodes Alone” tune going?!? Lord knows it riles me up as a Libran when I have to deal with anything “unfair” I like your idea of shock-absorbers! But alas, I fear the potholes will still be there….. y’see, I think we have to speak to the Bank’s *Owner(s)* instead of the bank manager….. or failing that, maybe pass some legislation mandating better road/sidewalk maintenance by the Highway Dept….. I wonder if we could talk George and Tony into nuking Chiron instead of blowing all that dough in Mesopotamia….. .....I wonder if we'd get the Virgo vote on that referendum (being as Chiron is tentatively assigned to them)?!? K’Z IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted March 07, 2006 12:51 AM
'Z **How’s that “Leave My Nodes Alone” tune going?!?** ummm .. how does a bull 'moo' at the moon ... i'm trying to picture it .. well Chiron seems to have moved off its' hd noodle position .. and my mood lightened a tad .. although it retroes over same .. just after my b.d. (AAAAgggghhhhh!) .. Saturn is still there .. feels like half a ton .. .. goes in tune with nodal Lessons .. and Chiron understanding .. i guess .. **I wonder if we'd get the Virgo vote on that referendum (being as Chiron is tentatively assigned to them)?!?** i always thought Chiron was co-ruler of Sag .. which .. in a sense .. invalidates the missile idea ( btw: .. like your starship :-) 'cause C would fragment and splinter off in all sorts of directions .. sag missiles .. one of which would no doubt hit Earth ..IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 07, 2006 01:15 AM
Mostly this part: quote: Wherever Chiron is in our personal chart, the interpretation becomes that of a black hole, the forced savings account, the area of our life that has inequalities, unfairness, situations and judgments against us.
Aries in the 11th. Looking at your links, though. Besides this needed a bump, right?  IP: Logged |
GemStar unregistered
posted March 12, 2006 03:58 PM
Hey Madame 'Z-Thank you for re-directing my sights to this thread....great information! My Chiron in Pisces 5th conjuncts natal Saturn (and square to n. Sun-8th). For me, this is indicative of the difficulties of harsh parenting from childhood. Thankfully, I dug deep to try and forgive the hurts of that period in my life...and the bank account is FULL of money I think!! (Full of something anyway!! Ha,ha)  The five different levels were a great description as well of the understanding we all must come to in dealing with the 'potholes' of this life!! Too many people DO seem to play the 'blame game'.....'It is everyone else's fault, not mine-I am innocent!' Aarrghhhh.....!! This type of faulty thinking on the part of the individual drives me crazy! Blaming others is easy....taking full responsibility with 'YOUR COMING TO TERMS' of life's unfair issues is the more difficult (yet higher) road to travel. Transiting Pluto is now squaring this area for me...and the nice thing about this transit, instead of it feeling so 'tragic' and scary,it doesn't. Perhaps because I have CHOSEN (it is a choice after all!!) to deal with my inner-self in an honest fashion, I feel wonderful about my progress!! Pluto is checking in on me to see if I have completed the task!! Bring it on! Chiron is an interesting 'rock' no doubt. If a person can gain understanding of it's influence-for better or worse, you can master your life's most difficult issues I believe! However, it takes 'strength' to face the issues once and for all...thus letting go of anger/pain towards events/people who have hurt us....and finding a peace within. It is this 'healing calmness' that allows us to 'inwardly' forgive ourselves and others. Once that place has been found, the hurt no longer seems to exist...the painful emotions are released and there is more space for love and happiness to grow!! Great article Zala!! Thanks Buddy!!!!
GemStar IP: Logged |
sdg1844 unregistered
posted March 12, 2006 04:44 PM
I have Chiron in Aries in the 8th house along w/Saturn and my NN. That being said, I'd be an excellent Sex Therapist. LOL LOL LOL. I love it! However, I don't agree w/the idea that I suffer from "physician heal thyself" syndrome because of the placement. I've spent many years looking deep inside and doing some serious work on myself and I am very grateful for it. I am a much wiser, more compassionate person than I used to be. I also find that ppl always turn to me for counselling. People really seem to like talking to me.
------------------ Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence? -Sai Baba IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 12, 2006 04:46 PM
Madame GemStar ~Wonderful observations, my friend!! And I'm so proud of you for coming as far as you have considering the appalling childhood you endured..... But even if we have vanquished and repaved the potholes in the road behind us, there will still be potholes in the road ahead. However, we are armed with these 5 ways to deal with them (and with our new HD-brand shock-absorbers ), and forewarned that they're ahead (astro transits!), and we can choose the depth we will face according to the depths we have plumbed in our own spirits..... I like what you wrote about "Pluto checking in on you to see if you have completed your tasks" -- that perfectly expresses something I've felt for awhile now: that transits are there to give us a forcible boot in the derriere if we've been slacking in our studies at SchoolRoom Earth, not paying attention in class, and neglecting our homework . I'm glad I can share these insightful finds with others who are at the right place in their evolution to be able to take full advantage of the wisdom therein  'Z IP: Logged | |