Topic: I Get Knocked Down, but I Get Up Again
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 02, 2006 10:42 PM
OK ... finally able to get into this wit'choo's ...I'm glad there's so many responses to give me a chance to do my "comparative analysis" and see if there are any patterns of truth to my premise ... I do believe there is something cogent here. I few of you are like "spill the beans" or "what book are you getting it out of". Hey, I'm flying by the seat of my pants here! When I took a good look at the placement of my Nessus, and even meditated on it for a while, it's essence started to bubble up. My Nessus is in Gemini, 1st House, Conjunct my Asc. "Surviving and living to tell about it" baby! I have a few other Aspects, but wanted to stop there first. Based on the following brief interp of Nessus, how would its essence play into being so closely linked to my outward appearance & identity (Asc)? "Nessus: The buck stops here. The return of karma; situations that travel circular paths, or extend with unforeseen consequences. Conspiracy with a point of origin. The healing of abuse, including insidious kind that doesn't seem like much, until one looks closely; and the kind that was obviously so, but potentially overlooked." The lightbulb went off and I thought, "I get knocked down, but I get up again" - and wondered how much this would play into YOUR awareness in your Chart. I've been told so many times that after all I've been through, it's difficult to understand how I can still be standing, still be somewhat normal. But when I'm described as being "resilient" - I immediately have to stop them, and correct them - I do NOT consider myself to be resilient. I consider myself to be TENACIOUS. Now studying all of this, I realize that resiliency is more of a Mutable trait. I didn't say "I get knocked down, but I BOUNCE BACK AGAIN" - I said I GET UP AGAIN which is a deliberate action! Nessus 1st House Conjunct my Asc... Because of this, I think Conjunctions to the Nessus is VERY significant. I was hesitant to look at any other Aspects, but the more this becomes second-nature, the more I can entertain Trines, Sextiles & Squares. Here's what I see when I look at mine ... My Nessus is Trine my Jupiter, which gives me an INSTANT desire to GET BACK UP AGAIN. However, I still get knocked down over and over again. It's NOT like I give off an aura of "you can't mess with me" - and this I attribute to a Square to my Uranus and Chiron. In other words, I'm tenacious even though I optimistically get up again because I do so in a very erratic way (Square Uranus), and I never truly feel like I'm healed by the experience (Square Chiron) ... It's not like YEAH VICTORY! It's very a very bittersweet shortlived victory, which doesn't give one much of a chance to pop the champagne cork. I suppose that's reserved for me in Heaven. I want to try to respond to some of your posts and try to satisfy any of your curiousity, and of course, exchange ideas and see what we come up with! So let me post this for now. Thanks again. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 02, 2006 11:11 PM
The following replies are based on what I've said above :::: sweetlibra-
Might there be a connection in that "matters of the heart take a longggg time and gallons of tears" are due to your Nessus being in Cancer. But the fact that when you recover you seldom look back is a 3rd House thing? You say you "work with great force towards improving the situation". Do you think that comes from a place of wanting to keep the peace where others are concerned (Cancer), or does the "work" involve more "thought and problem-solving" (3rd House)? lalalinda -
Since I like small Orbs, I'd consider your Nessus to be Conjunct your Venus. But you didn't clue me in on your "process". Did you want me to try to interpret it on my own to see if it you can relate to it? taurean_scorpion -
You did not talk about your process either. I can attempt to interpret if you want. thebigeliza -
Your description seems befitting of a "playful" Leo in the loving 7th House - do you think? teaselbaby -
Since yours involves Gemini, Chiron & Uranus like me (although House & Aspects differ) - I'm thinking maybe you are very QUICK to get up again, and you may even give off that vibe. Sort of opposite of me, as well as really feeling a sense of having fully healed once you're up again... What do you think?
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 02, 2006 11:25 PM
Cardinalgal -Your description seems to fit what I would think if I first saw Nessus in Gemini in the 12th. And it touches on what I said above, about my NOT thinking of myself as "resilient" because although mine is also in Gemini, it is in the 1st House. I feel like I'm more tenacious and action-oriented. But since yours is in the "Mutable" 12th House, and in Mutatable Gemini, you think of yourself a QUITE RESILIENT, which is what I would have guessed ... you know? And then you say "firmly of the mind that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - seems like an objective Gemini thought process. What do you think? mysticaldream -
Again, the word "resilient" regarding a Mutable Gemini. But yours is in the 7th House, so do you work through it in a more funloving way like thebigeliza? proxieme -
Do you see anything you can relate to based on the other posts? "Licking of wounds" could be the Cancer thing. The 9th House may speak to your certainty that you DO get back up again - (but eventually because of the emotional Cancer having to feel it's way through in it's own time) ... what do you think? Isolede -
When you say that "tragedy brings out my inner strength", that sounds like a rising Phoenix 8th House thing! That you do cry (Cancer), but it doesn't weaken you (8th House). And then, if it comes to matters of the heart, it knocks you down even further and you don't feel like trying again. I'm thinking, Cancer again, but also hurt pride or having been stabbed in the back, an 8th House thing. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 02, 2006 11:43 PM
AJ,I think My Nessus is strongly influenced by 3rd house. I work with all my might and strength to get up and going on, more because it involve thought and problem solving, rather than wanting to keep the peace. I have no planets conjunct Nessus. Nessus (cancer) sextile Asc,Chiron,saturn trine venus,mars,uranus square sun,mercury IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 02, 2006 11:44 PM
Azalaksh -No book. Just for the love of it... The thing that pops out at me from your post has to do with what I concluded above from my own Square Chiron ... yours is TRINE Chiron, and so I would expect that your healing process would have a more permanent effect - and you say you "try not to lose the lesson". It's like you want the healing to be ingrained in you, but perhaps that Opposition to Mercury is why you say "try" because you have slightly less faith in the process of problem-solving. Getting on with it eventually and your wariness of further pain seems fitting of Taurus. What do you think? Aen -
Again, based on what I've been saying so far, "resilient" = Mutable Gemini in "Mutable" 9th House. Trine Uranus = opposite of me and my Square Uranus which is more erratic. You're really able to focus on your "personal development...intellectual". nove731 -
You tell me! Your Nessus is in your 1st Conjunct Asc, like me, and it's in Cardinal Libra. So I would imagine that others see you as a strong survivor! chrissymgreen -
See above. Hexxie -
Yours is in your 1st and not far from your Asc too... But it's in Cancer, and then Trine your Venus, Uranus & MC. With this, I'd imagine you really take a while to "get back up again". You take things very personally, especially if it comes to your career stuff (MC?)... It's Square your Sun & Pluto, so again, you may have a difficult time sort of coming back into it with your head held high, and with forgiveness at the ready. I don't know. What do you think? ariestiger -
Seems fitting that it takes you "quite a long time" to pick yourself up again, and that it takes "a while to acclimate fully to new surroundings" - a 10th House thing? But you DO say you consider yourself to "have a pretty good ability to bounce back" - Nessus in Gemini? ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 12:08 AM
pidaua -Interesting what you said although Nessus is Opposing your Venus (and yes, keeping in mind you are a Sag Sun too). Maybe that Opposition speaks to having to really understand the lessons from your heartbreaks (your Venus in Mercurial 3rd House). But you do say, "I am extremely resilient to adversity ... I try to take it philosophically" which sounds very Mutable Gemini Nessus, "Mutable" 9th House to me! Optimistic 9th House "outlook that it always gets better". How does that fit? AcousticGod -
I don't need to add anything. You consider yourself a survivor, but not much of a risk-taker ... Nessus Gemini Conjunct Saturn. Is that where you were going? Touchstone -
"I'm resilient ... when I realize how much inner-strength I actually have" - since your Mutable Nessus in Gemini is in the 5th House, and Conjunct your Sun in the 5th, perhaps the "inner strength" is like when Oz' Cowardly Lion (5th House) is awarded his badge of corage? Focused Chi -
Based on a lot of what I posted above, it's in Mutable Gemini in "Mutable" 12th House. But something else caught my eye. You didn't say "resilient" as others have said - you said "I do not accept defeat. It is the invincible core of my being" - which is much more similar to what I POSTED about my Nessus, and mine is in the 1st House. I looked back up to see if yours it was in the late Degrees... it's at 26 Degrees. You may be getting a lot more influence from that 1st House. Are you using Placidus, or Equal? BlueTopaz124 -
You go first ... whiterabbit -
From yours I get the feeling your Nessus has a similar affect as someone with any Leo/Aquarius or 5th House/11th House dichotomies in their Chart. The "Miss Congeniality" kind of "looks can be deceiving" ... and the going from one extreme to another. bullhead -
Based on what's been said, "resilient"? Do you feel like you heal fully? WaterNymph -
Do you think what's been posted so far fits you? "Lick my wounds", the Leo pride, yet denial? What do you think? ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 12:16 AM
sweetlibra -OK... that's what I would have guessed because so far, I see people have a certain reaction, and then another way of dealing. Since you first described the "Cancer" reaction, I figured the "work" was a 3rd House thing, but I wanted to ask first. So... It's Sextile Asc, Chiron & Saturn. Do you feel like you reach a healing resolution? I would imagine so. That you feel confident in moving on. Trine Venus, Mars & Uranus - I'd think others may depend on you to help them through difficult times. Square Sun & Mercury - you may not have as much confidence in yourself when other people come to depend on you. You might be like, "What are you looking at me for?" ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 12:31 AM
What is your propensity to get back up again? If I get knocked down, it is doubtful that I would get up again in the same way because the other would knock me out again! I would get up again, in a different way while having a lot of other options play out in my head. How much do you think it is part of your personality? I haven't thought about it. What Sign and House is your Nessus in? Sign: Cancer House: 1st
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BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 03, 2006 12:55 AM
My propensity to get back up again depends on what it is that knocked me down in the first place...These are just beginning thoughts as I connect with experiences, both very recent and personal and some experiences a little more distant... If it's a love relationship, I'm more apt to take the ending as more personal, failing in some way that I don't measure going to keep me down longer than, say, someone dying. A death, they're gone and you miss them terribly, but not something you take as personal. Part of your personality, I think in some ways it is. How you handle adversity. Some of it is your make up, your personal DNA. Part of it, I believe is what we've learned along the way to cope, get through things. Life training. I'll come up with more AJ, as I think about it more...I've been looking at life and meanings a lot more lately since recently losing my father...well, I do that anyways, but this experience is so deep, it is a relationship that really has shaped who I am. Laura IP: Logged |
bullhead unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 01:07 AM
yes, im very much so "resilient" whtever ****** thing happen to me, or ppl try to hurt me intentionally or unintentionally, i always come around telling myself, i wont be defeated.IP: Logged |
nove731 Knowflake Posts: 43 From: Strasbourg, France Registered: Jun 2009
posted March 03, 2006 06:58 AM
nove731 -You tell me! Your Nessus is in your 1st Conjunct Asc, like me, and it's in Cardinal Libra. So I would imagine that others see you as a strong survivor!
A strong survivor. Haha. I'll have to ask that eventually. And then people will look at me rather strangely.  IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 12:25 PM
Hi AJ, some insightful observations there. I have Nessus in 15 deg Leo (11th hs) squaring my moon/sat in scorp, tightly opp. Jup in Aqua and also tightly square NN Taurus, trining Uranus in Sag (3rd). I would describe my bouncing back propensity as very good when it comes to relationships but not so good when it comes to losing money or any career/education moves. I regret things for a while in these areas, although its very easy for me to get over other people. I think its because im very inner directed, self-oriented, and my career/education/money is important to my own self identity. Other people in general do not bother me much, if they do I am quick to sever ties or create ruckus and leave, and never look back. It didnt used to be like that but for the past few years I have no issues getting over people (external forces). Feel free to add why you think that might be so, or what else you might see. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 12:31 PM
I wanted to add that the chart reversal of nessus in leo/11th (my entire chart is reversed) is quite interesting (and disturbing lol) Whiterabbit has the same I think. Interesting that we said almost opposite things (she has a hard time getting over relationsihps, for me its opposite). It is true that I suffer in silence and alone. I dont like to make a display of it at all neither share my grief with anyone. Waternymph has the same sign placement but its at its native house (5th) and its interesting how that seems to give her an ability to express her feelings, it seems. Love SG IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 03, 2006 01:43 PM
Awesome work AJ  I think probably conjunct Venus Is this at all female in nature? as you can see there are 11 degrees between my Moon and Venus with lilith 2 degrees away from the Moon and Nessus within a degree from Venus. If Nessus is feminine then I've got a female stellium. Yes I'm interested in your astute interpretation. the more I learn, the less I know IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 03, 2006 02:03 PM
AJ, I do so admire your perceptiveness and eloquence! quote: Azalaksh - No book. Just for the love of it... The thing that pops out at me from your post has to do with what I concluded above from my own Square Chiron ... yours is TRINE Chiron, and so I would expect that your healing process would have a more permanent effect - and you say you "try not to lose the lesson". It's like you want the healing to be ingrained in you, but perhaps that Opposition to Mercury is why you say "try" because you have slightly less faith in the process of problem-solving. Getting on with it eventually and your wariness of further pain seems fitting of Taurus. What do you think?
AJ ~ I think you nailed the feel of my Nessus (not that I really know what Nessus *feels* like yet I will always think of the Centaur that Hercules rescued Meg from ala Disney ) Hmmmm, less faith in the process of problem-solving. That strikes a chord re: my emotional-anguish illustration - I think that, among other placements/aspects, with Pisces Moon in the 8th I tend to FEEL first and THINK second. I can turn on the Libran Analytical-motor, and logical processes are familiar to me, but my *primary* responses to any stimuli are emotional. The intuitive radar doesnt really have an Off switch, and I fly by the seat of my pants at all times I TRY not to lose the lesson, but with nebulous Neptunian influences hovering at all times (nSun conj nNeptune) I struggle sometimes to see what the lesson IS. I know that I did/said something that contributed to the other person's actions/reactions, but (unless they tell me) determining what it was sometimes eludes me..... I like the Earthly trine with Chiron in the 5th to Nessus in the 9th. And I think the fiery nature of both houses lends inspiration to the way I deal with disappointments and pain (recovering my spirits with a bound) I think if Chiron/Nessus were in the less-pragmatic Watery signs or houses I would have a more difficult time. I dont have much Earth in my chart Mars (Virgo in the 1st) is my only major Earthly influence - so Im pleased to have this aspect and your interp. Thanks!!  Zala IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 03, 2006 02:04 PM
Hi AJI reread your post and I'm not sure what you meant by process In my chart Venus makes no easy aspects (except maybe the Moon) but it is in a strong sign and comfortable in the 5th. It is interesting to note that my most important relationship had his Asc. at 22 Taures. I felt the connection because my Venus (the ruler of his chart) was conjunct his Asc. He also has his Moon conjunct my nadir. Pretty Karmic. IP: Logged |
Texas White Star unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 02:11 PM
My 7066 Nessus is: 17 Tau 6'56" in the 3 House. What does this mean?Thanks, TWS  IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 15 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted March 03, 2006 02:23 PM
AJ:You are the best! Thank you so much for taking the time to write out such detailed and personalized responses. You said: Isolede - When you say that "tragedy brings out my inner strength", that sounds like a rising Phoenix 8th House thing! That you do cry (Cancer), but it doesn't weaken you (8th House). And then, if it comes to matters of the heart, it knocks you down even further and you don't feel like trying again. I'm thinking, Cancer again, but also hurt pride or having been stabbed in the back, an 8th House thing. Your analysis is right on the money! I've always identified with the phoenix and the transformational energies of the 8th house. Perhaps that's because my sun and mercury are also in the 8th and I have quite a few Pluto aspects. In general I see every challenge, let down, and failure in life as a chance to grow, learn, and become a more whole person. My life has been a series of metamorphosis and Ive almost gotten to the point where I look forward to the upheavals. Im always eager to see how the world will look to me once Im through the storm. Thank you again for all of the time you dedicated to this! IP: Logged |
GingerB unregistered
posted March 03, 2006 10:50 PM
Hi Aj, hope I'm not to late...Nessus, 9th house. 24 Tarus 22' 7" Hmmmmm... Is that my 'stubborn streak' showing?  ~~~ A Sun l 4°2436" 6 1° 024" 0° 0 0" N 9°5339" S B Moon j 28° 952" 5 14°25 7" 4°2250" N 16°1414" S C Mercury l 22°29 4" 7 59 8" 1°22 9" N 1°4328" S D Venus k 4° 456" 5 1°1346" 0° 8 2" S 19°22 4" S E Mars k 0°3838" 5 4542" 0°5554" S 20°5528" S F Jupiter i 29° 334" 4 9 3" 0°26 9" N 23° 010" S G Saturn j 15°20 9" 5 525" 0°2949" N 22° 359" S O Uranus e 18°2214"# 12 - 229" 0°4428" N 16° 144" N I Neptune h 9° 5 1"# 2 - 27" 1°4741" N 12°4925" S J Pluto f 4°5450"# 12 - 132" 12°4147" N 21°2851" N K Mean Node f 25°5155" 1 - 310" 0° 0 0" N 1°3837" N L True Node f 24°4436" 1 - 255" 0° 0 0" N 2° 519" N N Chiron k 27°5627" 6 4 9" 5°4429" N 6°4743" S #a 7066 Nessus b 24°22 7" 9 33" 6°4846" N 25°2739" N Thank you! IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 04, 2006 04:38 PM
Aphrodite -Well, I might be able to make a bit of a connection, as you reaction is to be hesitant of getting up again (Cancer). But then your way of dealing with it has to do with finding an alternative way of getting up again. Since the 1st House deals a lot with your personal identity, maybe that's why it would feel like such a blow to you, and it would take you some time to sort of find "another identity" to take on so it wouldn't happen again. There is a lot of caution there. Do you have any Aspects to your Nessus? Does anything I said to anyone else ring true for you too? BlueTopaz124 -
OK, thanks for laying it out as best way possible. I can certainly see why it may take you some time since you are probably feeling you are evaluating EVERYTHING right now. Sorry about your loss. You said yours is in Taurus in the 6th. Well, I've been noticing that the Sign of the Nessus seems to reflect ones reaction to "getting knocked down", and that the House may reflect more ones way of dealing with it moving on. Taurus energy by itself isn't thrilled with change. The 6th House is where Knowflake bullhead's Nessus is located, who says (if I may quote), "I always come around telling myself, I won't be defeated". nove731 -
Maybe you shouldn't let them know (hee hee) ... SecretGardenAgain -
In keeping with what seems to be a Sign = Reaction, House = Way of dealing ... You are able to identify you way of dealing with others as not bothering you much, "quick to sever ties or create a ruckus & leave, never look back" - that DOES sound like an 11th House/Uranus theme if it came to that. However, try to recognize how you are dealing with "getting back up again" when it comes to money/career/education. Maybe you are not quite in touch with that yet, and that's cool. Maybe this is a chance for you to look at it. I would associate those issues with Capricorn/Saturn/10th House. But since you are not yet at the point of "dealing" yet, and you are still describing only your "reaction", then I question what Planets are Aspecting your Nessus, specifically Saturn. Does that make some sense? You say Nessus is Squaring your Saturn. lalalinda -
OK - I'll try to interpret and you tell me ... (I see what you are saying about a "feminine Stellium" - interesting.) You said your Nessus is in Taurus in the 5th, Conjunct Venus. So in keeping with the logic so far, your reaction is in the Taurus energy, which is not anxious to change the situation. You may feel like you are taken aback quite a bit. But following the logic again, the 5th House might indicate your way of dealing. From what I've observed so far, the 5th House gives one a much more lighthearted and fun approach to going about it, once you decide you're ready. Nessus Conj Venus might make it easier for you to portray a person who is able to forgive. It might intensify the lightheartedness. You get back up again in a peaceful manner, respecting the feelings of others, and giving them a chance to be uplifted along with you. There it is. What do'ya think? Azalaksh -
Thank you so much for your kind words. Glad you can relate to it. Texas White Star -
See if what I've said about Nessus in Taurus fits you and the way you react to getting knocked down. Taurus does not like change, so you may be in a state of inertia for a while. What I've written so far about the 3rd House maybe having to do with how you deal with it, Knowflake sweetlibra is convinced the 3rd House involves a lot of thought and problem-solving. Does that sound like you? ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted March 04, 2006 07:56 PM
My Nessus is in Leo but i'd like some help here *didn't know how to interpret it* IP: Logged |
Texas White Star unregistered
posted March 04, 2006 10:36 PM
You said: "Taurus does not like change, so you may be in a state of inertia for a while."I really do not know if this holds true for me, I am a double aqua if that means anything to you. I like changes, the more the better. However, I am a very analytical person and do like to solve problems and find remedys. I can tell you tho, that I am the type of person that once a chapter is closed in my life, that is it, no looking back. So some of what you said rings true to my form.  IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 08, 2006 02:06 AM
Green Fairy -Look at where you're Nessus is in the grid (Ne). Then look from that point to the left on the horizontal, and from that point down on the vertical The circle with a stick symbol = CONJUNCT The stick with two circles = OPPOSITE The square = SQUARE Tha triangle = TRINE The first one and the last one's are usually good, the energies flow easier. The other two can do anything from breaking a relationship to disagreements to a challenge within yourself. Your Nessus is in your 1st House. I think you are the first one with Leo in the 1st on this thread. I think so... Texas White Star - Thank you for your honesty. Greatly appreciated. My line of thought had the Sign being more attached to an inital reaction, unless one's psyche works in a completely different order. I consider Aqua energy to be very "mercurial" along with Gemini. Do you like changes so much that you'd instigate them? I would venture not. But glad you could relate to some of it and it maybe made you think twice. I put a lot of thought into it from looking at the placements in my own Chart, to see if any archetypes came into view. There's more to look at, but I don't have anything else in order in my head yet. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
funkyaquarianpixie unregistered
posted March 08, 2006 08:24 PM
I have nessus in the 11th house in cancer. ? its also conjunct sirius if that matters a damn. Pixie edit.. im kinda taking this as a issues with friends thing... they hurt me and i scuttle off and hide.. then go find better ones! IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted March 08, 2006 08:33 PM
mine's in virgo in the 8th I guess I bury myself in stuff-keep myself busy to get past the bad times. I'll still be depressed but I try to keep going at the same time.
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