Topic: Outer Planet Transits articles
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2006 02:46 PM
quote: MAKING CHOICES WITH THE OUTER PLANET TRANSITS: URANUS NEPTUNE & PLUTO Transiting outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent three very different processes for change, growth and the breakdown of established structures. These three heavenly bodies are trans-Saturnian planets and this is important to remember. For a long time, astronomers and astrologers thought Saturn was the outermost planet in our solar system. It was considered the limit, the symbol of the end of our immediate awareness. Saturn is the last planet we can see unaided with our own eyes. But with the invention of the telescope, the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto followed. We broke outside the limits, physically, mentally, psychologically, and also spiritually. Together and individually, each in its own way, these planets are associated with breaking barriers.Saturn rules structures that have stood the test of time and laws that were developed to rule the masses. It is the planet associated with setting limits that condense energy into matter. Uranus rules modernizations. It breaks the barrier by calling for improvements on what has been built and established. Uranus also signals a desire for freedom from all restrictions. It is the only planet which spins on its side while in orbit. For this reason, Uranus is associated with the rebel, the person who does not conform. Laws might be all right for the masses, but what about the individual test case. Those with Uranian freedom impulses want to understand how a broad-based law applies to their particular situation. They want to be the exception to the rule. In this way, Uranian methods chip away at Saturnian structures. The principles associated with Neptune go beyond Saturn by testing for the spirit of the law. The question becomes, “what is the intent of this rule?” The law is only a reflection of the original purpose behind it. It is the Neptunian design to penetrate to the deepest meaning. Increased sensitivity is the mode by which this is done. Those who are sensitive to the spirit of the law, do not need the law at all. They innately do what is best by adapting the spirit purpose to the specific situation. In this way Neptune indicates timeless principles that go beyond outdated Saturnian rules and rigid structures. Pluto represents the next step in human development, i.e., empowerment. Pluto symbolizes the force needed to empower the lifestyle envisioned during the search for individual freedom and spiritual intent. Saturn at its worst can be the “herd mentality” with everyone thinking the same. Uranus is the ability to break away from the standard to think for yourself. Neptune indicates comprehension of Universal principles brought about by increased sensitivity. Pluto, the planet of power represents the strength to live the new system you create in your mind. Without Uranus, one can get bogged down in the norm. Without Neptune, one becomes a rebel without a cause. But without Pluto, one becomes a spiritual wimp, knowing and understanding certain beliefs, but unable to act on them. Sensitivity to the outer planet transits Every person is different in their sensitivity to the outer planets. You might be very sensitive to Pluto and not notice the passing of Uranus and Neptune. The best way to discern your sensitivity and response pattern is to look at the natal chart itself. For example, if you have a prominent and strongly aspected Uranus in your chart, you will probably experience strong change as a mode for growth. If Neptune is strong in your chart, you should be very sensitive to change on a more subtle level. You may not need external change in your life to be aware of a shift in consciousness. If Pluto is strong in your chart, you are more likely to respond to intense situations with power. Individuals are very different in their awareness of the processes associated with these planets. By watching your pattern of response you can discern which planets are most meaningful to you. Go back over important events and turning points in your life to see which transits were occurring at those times. Timing The transits of the three outer planets can last for a couple of years, especially when a “triple transit” occurs. In this situation, the transiting planet passes in aspect to the natal planet three times; first going direct, then after turning retrograde, and finally as it moves ahead direct for the last time. A very few will experience 5 passes if the planet literally turns retrograde on the planet being transited. This process may take as long as three years for Pluto. The outer planet can have an effect on you for that entire period of time. Because we differ in our sensitivity to the outer planets, we cannot talk about a definite orb. It is different for different people. The process usually begins slowly, getting stronger as the transiting planet draws near and then fades out after the pass. Almost everyone will notice changes occurring when a planet is in orb by less than one degree, but with Pluto the process can start as much as five degrees out. Work with your transits positively rather than waiting for them to happen to you. If you can, create an avenue of expression by planning an appropriate experience during contact. For example, one man planned his first Kundalini Yoga class around his Pluto transit. That night he had his first out of body experience. A conscious choice such as this helps to focus and release your personal energy in a controlled way. Conclusion As you read through the stories present here in this article, you cannot help but notice how dissimilar the people and situations are, and what diverse choices they all made. Some took the bull by the horns, while others choose a gentle route. Some tried to catch up from years of stagnation, others were ahead of their time. Sensitivity to Uranian impulses, subtle Neptunian awareness, or Plutonian urges for power influenced the type of situation faced (internal or external) and the strength of the response (active or passive). Some choices were better than others, but there were never any clear-cut wrong decisions. The complexity of a Uranus, Neptune or Pluto transit implies dilemma. It may be impossible to be right or wrong. But it is important that you learn. This you will do, willingly or not. One cannot take these outer planets lightly. Take individually they represent tremendous growth potential. But taken as a group, as they presently are, the possibility for accelerated evolution exists. Now more than ever, we have ways to go beyond, if only we would choose.
This article originally appeared in the Llewellyn Anthology called, How to Personalize the Outer Planets.Mary Fortier Shea M.A Counseling Psychology This is a free e-booklet. Although you are free to download this copy, pass it on to your friends, and share it with others, I ask that you always retain the complete format including the copyright page and the references to the author, the author.s contact information, and website. What you cannot do is reproduce this information for any publication without permission, nor can you attempt to claim this material as your own. This ebooklet is copyrighted and it does have an ISBN number for tracking and identification purposes. Please enjoy the information contained within. Learn from it and grow in your understanding of astrology. I have benefitted greatly from astrological teachings and I hope you do too. Cover designed by Mary Fortier Shea ISBN 1-930310-05-6 Printed in the United States of America Published by Twin Stars, Unlimited Mary Fortier Shea 14185 Day Farm Road Glenelg, MD 21737 410-442-1367 Copyright - September 2002 by Mary Fortier Shea IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 08, 2006 02:41 AM
It's "free" right? God, I fear the day when we go all go "sub" ...------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 25, 2006 09:28 PM
Another fascinating viewpoint on Outer Planet Transits from Antero Alli, titled "Outside Shocks! The Unexpected Timing of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto Transits": quote: "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived." - William Butler Yeats The above phrase is emblematic of an ethical bias guiding my personal study and professional practice of astrology. This perspective, like a moral watchdog, guards against the juvenile intellectual tendency to fall in love with ideas and maps, thus diminishing the value of the realities and experiences that the astrological symbols represent. And like any map, an astrology chart is meant to help us gain access to the territory it refers to: the existing conditions of the life we are actually living or about to live. If we overlook the vital distinction between the symbolic and the real, we will end up eating the menu instead of the meal. What I'm about to present will probably not make me very popular with most astrologers, yet something must be said about this astrological idea (or is it a mass hallucination?) that the planets out there control our earthbound fates. Yikes! When joined to the predictive technique of reading transits, this archaic planets-as-puppetmasters dogma finds otherwise sane astrologers saying crazy things like: "Pluto is opposing your Mars! You are in real danger now!" or "Saturn is on my Moon. That's why I'm so depressed." This is exactly what those dismal, cynical debunkers of astrology love to hear. We astrologers can look pretty kooky at times, without knowing it, especially when astrology is mistaken for a science or (worse yet) a religion. Does astrology require the investment of belief to work? I don't believe in astrology, but I use it because it works, and I think it works best, not as a science or religion but as a language.
Rest of article here: Zala IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 1066 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 26, 2006 01:29 AM
Zala, it's your fault I have so many "bookmarked" pages!!!!!!!! Here goes another one... IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted April 26, 2006 11:06 PM
Kewl  Has me thinking about the interaction of Saturn in the 5th house of kids and its restrictions and boundaries, and Uranus in the 6th house of work and its need for change and desire to break boundaries.... And how this would apply to my chosen field of work...teaching kids, well teenagers. I think I go back and forth on those two planets...trying to find a happy medium that works. Hopefully one I can stick with...but I highly doubt it. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 03, 2006 02:15 PM
Today a friend sent me this snippet..... quote: I had the good fortune yesterday to attend a workshop on Outer Planet Transits given by astrologer Jeff Jawer, and learned a great deal. I wanted to share a little bit of what I learned with you. Under a Saturn transit, we become very aware of what has not been accomplished. How we react to this awareness depends on which planet is being aspected, what aspect....and our personal evolution. But it is good to be aware that plans crystallize when Saturn transits, and choices that are made during the transit are likely to last a long time. Under a Uranus transit, there is often a push to break an automatic response, to disrupt some rhythm that we have grown to take for granted, with the purpose of helping us break out of the box. Neptune transits can teach us to part from the ego-exchange state, and learn to give without any expectation of reimbursement. Imagine, if you will, stepping outside on a beautiful day in the country, and feeling the pleasure of the Sun's warmth on your face, a gentle breeze blowing, and the sweet smells of the flowers and trees. This is a present you receive, without any expectation from nature that you will give some payment in return. Under a Pluto transit, we are usually given 3 options: 1. Deny the Plutonian energy, which often leads to someone else doing Plutonian things to you 2. Repress Plutonian energy, which will lead to it working beneath the surface and can eventually be very self-destructive 3. Accept the Plutonian energy, and become empowered to make conscious changes in your life.
Zala IP: Logged |
Kamilla unregistered
posted July 03, 2006 02:53 PM
Thank you, Zala  For me the timing of reading it couldn't be better. I have been whining about Saturnian transits all across the boards not even thinking that Uranus opposition Pluto and Pluto conjunct Sun might manifest in many ways not all of them pleasant. IP: Logged | |