sdg1844 unregistered
posted March 13, 2006 11:43 AM
bump - How about Marilyn Monroe? Don't forget the Gem anecdotes. I know we all have funny stories to tell about our zaniness.------------------ Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence? -Sai Baba IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted March 13, 2006 11:48 AM
quote: We're all too busy sorting our mail, doing the laundry, contemplating middle eastern politics, checking out the mall sales, chatting with our best friends in Peru and managing the folders for our various potential beaus to be
You forgot "planning world domination"  I got my Venus in Gemini and 10th house,but for some reason,it doesn't represent me.At all.  IP: Logged |
Gem-Sag unregistered
posted March 13, 2006 09:43 PM
Oh my goodness no reply for almost 12 hours. Either the gemini's are bored already, everyone is in hiding or the mercury retrograde broke everyone's computer! Had a compulsion to post, CheersIP: Logged |
MercurialMisfit unregistered
posted March 13, 2006 09:51 PM
Sun and Jupiter in Gemini here!I've noticed Gem's aren't that great about contributing to message boards. I think its because we're usually reading all the posts and then get distracted before we focus enough to reply! IP: Logged |
Gem-Sag unregistered
posted March 13, 2006 10:33 PM
Hey MercurialMisfit LOL so true...I get distracted by MSN frequently and I try to do school work at the same time. Good thing gems can do more than one activity at a time =p CheersIP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 13, 2006 10:46 PM
Will you look at this place?! Very cool. I don't suppose the Bush twins are here? I hate to say it, but Barbara's kinda hot.(Gemini Ascendant and Saturn) IP: Logged |
~jane_says~ Newflake Posts: 0 From: rapid city, south dakota USA Registered: Aug 2009
posted March 14, 2006 04:56 PM
Gemini Here!!! Glad to finally be here...I have a funny story to tell...My bf a virgo no doubt, was clowning me yesterday...Apparently I talk about astrology too frequently for him and is the basis for most of my understanding of he says to me: "Oh here we go again...(I had made an astrology reference during mid convo)If I ever come home and find you with a gypsy rag on your head sitting in front of an alter mumbling "oh hum yo co ray he ho" with all your astrology shyt laying around. I'm gonna kick over all your stuff and throw ur ass out of the house!" We had ourselves a good laugh sitting in Walmart's parking lot unable to breathe...I was thinking he's so right..I'm constantly babbling away and I know half the time he looks at me as if I'm half crazy...------------------ "If you can breath, you can achieve." Tupac IP: Logged |
Rede411 Newflake Posts: 4 From: Framingham, MA USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted March 14, 2006 07:59 PM
Can I Jam with you Gems??? Gemini rising here...IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted March 14, 2006 08:25 PM
quote: I hate to say it, but Barbara's kinda hot.
omg hahahah if it weren't for the smiley limit i would literally post all 375 of those smileys that i had planned on posting. that is too funny. I seem to attract gemini best friends in real life with a lot of taurus or aries influence. get along real well with cancer women too. I have quite a few random Gem stories. Just day before yesterday I was driving out to see my taurus guy buddy and got lost several times. I took like 3 wrong freeways (i have NO directional sense) and ended up pulled over no the side of the road sobbing my eyes out, saying, 'If i can figure out the theory of relativity, WHY can't I make it to south county?? Why am i so dumb?' and then the taurus happens to call to ask where im at lol and hears me sobbing and then brought the food and drove up to where i was and we had the food on the shoulder of the freeway, then he drove *v e r y s l o w l y* to guide me back to my house ROFLMAO thats very pathetic but its a typical day in my life. I score 100s on my exams and get complimented by people on my hair only to stumble on a flight of stairs and break my ankle or get lost on the freeway.... And then of course I have to make up a creative story (note, NOT a lie, when Geminis tell it, its a creative story), to cover it up. For example, last semester I decided I was NOT going to take the elvator anymore coz elevators make me nauseous coz they smell like **** and cigarette, plus i needed to tone up a bit. So I would be late as usual rushinp six flights of stairs LOL, and fell down about three times that semester. And once I went rolling down about one flight of stairs before I could regain my composure. lol thank goodness no one was around. Then theres my gemini best friend with sun and moon in Gem AND .... Gem rising! oh ma freakin goodness that is a lot of gem you guys. Anyways the mens restroom door was right next to the door leading to the stairs and she walked right into the guys restroom. lol. It was like that southwest commercial where the woman rushes into the restroom to get her contact out of her eye and it turns out to be a mens room. Thank goodness I didnt walk in after her most of the time i blindly follow her coz we're so busy chattin it up. Anyways she was embarrassed as heck especially when I asked her if she had seen anything particulary noteworthy in there And then theres my Gem cousin who dropped her cell phone in the public toilet in the airport and flushed it down then got someone else in the restroom to call so she could locate where it was! luckily it came floating back up. but ICK i would have never gotten it back but she did get it back yuckers. Well anyways too many RANDOM stories and too little time. cyall later Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted March 14, 2006 08:47 PM
ah i forgot to mention the last part abt my falling from the stairs, i got scraped up pretty bad and when everyone kept asking what happened i told them i went ice skating and fell lol. well lamo excuse but theres that *creativity* again, when i stretch the truth to save embarrassment  Love SG IP: Logged |
hot_ice unregistered
posted March 14, 2006 11:12 PM
sun in gem! I'm IN!IP: Logged |
LILYGIRL unregistered
posted March 16, 2006 09:30 AM
ROFL SUN and Mercury in Gemini..
IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted March 18, 2006 09:33 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra -I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind. I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. I feel there's nothing I can do. -Three Doors Down IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted March 18, 2006 09:35 PM
quote: Yee-haw! Gemini Club
I didn't even notice this until after I posted.
Glad to see we think alike 
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra -I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind. I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. I feel there's nothing I can do. -Three Doors Down IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted March 18, 2006 09:37 PM
The other day I was blabbing to my sister and she said whoah. How many words a minute do you speak.mercury and sun in gem in the 12th house. 
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra -I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind. I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. I feel there's nothing I can do. -Three Doors Down IP: Logged |
Gem-Sag unregistered
posted March 18, 2006 10:24 PM
Hey Mystic Gemini, I hear ya on that one, every so often I am asked to slow down when I'm talking. Then I slow down to a normal pace and I feel like I am talking SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow lol sun, mercury, venus in gemini 12 Cheers  IP: Logged |
Touchstone unregistered
posted March 25, 2006 07:29 PM
Shock horror! It's been a full week since anyone posted on here. Are all you Gems too busy?  Well, I'd like to grant an honourary membership to my very own Gemini son (Sun, Mercury, Mars) who talks the hind legs off a donkey. Arrrrgggghhhhh! We were in the local shop, last week, picking up milk and vegetables, and he struck up a conversation with the shop assistant (a one-way conversation, mind you. She didn't get a word in edgeways!) Well, there was quite a queue behind us and Josh (that's my son) piped up with: "This diet cherry coke is for my Mum. It's got no sugar in it so she's allowed it and I think she should have it as a treat. My mum's on a diet because she needs to get rid of all the fat." then he went on to say: "My mum's addicted to eBay. Do you know what she bought? She bought this and that and... blah... blah." (listing practically my entire inventory of recent eBay acquisitions) I was like "Arrggghhhh, shush child! Mummy's gone bright red!". All the shop-keeper could do was laugh. Next time we go to the corner shop, I am gagging him first  IP: Logged |
LILYGIRL unregistered
posted March 25, 2006 09:13 PM
HAHHAHHAAH!!Lasst week, we hosted a small belated birthday celebration at a local restaurant for my Cap/Can rising daughter. There were three young Gemini girls there (her friends, ages 9 years old). Oh my God!!---plus my sister, my husband and me (also Geminis).......200 conversations going at rapid fire speed..... You know I had to leave a 30% tip with all that bloody yakking, laughter and noise...ROFL IP: Logged |
braveheart Knowflake Posts: 132 From: sydney, nsw, oz Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 26, 2006 06:13 AM
Hi twins, Im not a gemini but i do have venus and mars in gemini. I believe this is the reason why I am accused of doing five things at once. Why I am too talkative for my capricorn boyfriend, and am a bit of a flirt. Thanks, Gemini, for making life interesting. IP: Logged |