Topic: Video Games and Astrology
Isis Newflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted March 22, 2006 06:55 PM
Does anyone here play video games? I have a couple of questions.. If so, what kinds (RPG, FPS, RTS, MMOs etc) How often? What is your sun/moon/asc, and what sign is on the cusp of your 5th house? I absolutely love gaming - board games, video games, card games, word games, you name it. I'm interested in finding if there are any correlations to video gaming/gaming and specific astrological characteristics. And does anyone have an opinion on what aspects they would consider to lend itself to a love of gaming? Thanks!  IP: Logged |
Girl of the Water unregistered
posted March 22, 2006 07:19 PM
I love RPG's, and I have a soft spot in my heart for really crappy cliched ones. My sun is Cancer, moon Taurus, and ascendent is a cusp of Taurus and Gemini... My fifth house is in Virgo, not really sure what you mean by a cusp in the fifth house, does everyone have one?IP: Logged |
Isis Newflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted March 22, 2006 07:42 PM
The cusp of your fifth house is the sign that the beginning of fifth house is in. For example, I have Scorpio on the cusp of the 5th house (even though further into the house it becomes Sag).Hope that helps  IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Knowflake Posts: 174 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 22, 2006 08:25 PM
I design computer games, I'm still in college though studding the art so to speak (I'm an AI programmer)  Loved computer games since I was around 4 I have Venus Conjunct Mars in the 5th house Aries! Sun: Pisces Rising: Scorpio Moon: Cap I play everything from RPGS to sports games, FPS, beat'm ups, simulation games, RTS... you name it Ill play it  Most of the people in my class have either Earth or Water Suns 
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Lynx Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted March 22, 2006 10:21 PM
Well, I always heard that electronics was an Aquarian/Uranian thing. Sun/Moon/Asc = Aqua/Sag/Aqua And Sagitarius is in the 10th house.  My Fifth house is...Gemini.
------------------ I'm mad, you're mad, we're all mad. - Cheshire Cat IP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted March 22, 2006 11:34 PM
Memememe! I mostly play MMOs and 2nd to that are RPGs. I play nearly every day. I even met my current boyfriend playing a MMO (this was 6 years ago!) You can see my Sun/Asc/Moon in my sig. The cusp of my 5th house is Libra, but most of my 5th house is filled with Scorpio. My chart ruler is Mercury, I have Mercury in Virgo which is an earth singleton in my chart. I think the love of games has a lot to do with Mercurial influences. Then maybe Uranian influences. ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll :::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon::: IP: Logged |
carlfloydfan unregistered
posted March 22, 2006 11:42 PM
sun - scorpio moon - aries asc - cap 5th house - GeminiI like rpgs (action rpgs especially, like zelda, ect) and sports games. the right adventure game also provides hours of fun (like boogerman, donkey kong, mario). shooting games..I'll come out and say it since I am not around my friends, I can't stand repetitive! IP: Logged |
Nihilive unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 12:33 AM
Sun - Taurus Moon - Aries Ascendant - Taurus 5th House - LeoI play RPGs mainly, (Suikoden, Disgaea, etc.) Used to play MMOs but they are way too habit forming so I decided to steer clear of them. Also play FPS online from time to time. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 23, 2006 12:48 AM
quote: I absolutely love gaming - board games, video games, card games, word games, you name it. I'm interested in finding if there are any correlations to video gaming/gaming and specific astrological characteristics.
Me too! If it's a game I can probably get into it, though I grew tired of chess eons ago. I really love elements of every type of game. I have a 5th house Moon. 5th House is the house of fun, right? IP: Logged |
Lynx Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted March 23, 2006 12:58 AM
Oh, I forgot. I play RPGs. Games like Grandia, Lunar and SMT: Nocturne. On the computer, I'll play mostly puzzle games. IP: Logged |
hot_ice unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 02:20 AM
sun:GEM moon:cancer asc:scorpioI got three letters for ya':GTA!!!!! Grand theft auto,right now is prob the best games I own... But I've been gaming since i was 5 Systems owned: Atari 2600 nintendo Super nintendo Sega(16 bit) Then I moved on to comp games...but now my comp sux,so I got a playstaion2 In the futre:Playstation 3,(I rejected the X-box 360,hard core sony freak) Apart from Gta i like the metal gear solid series by hideo kojima,God of war,tekken,prince of persia(almost everything) Starcraft,command and conquer,warcraft,black and white,doom,duke nukem,Devil may cry....etc... More or less,I like RPG's,action adevnture stuff and strategy,I HATE games like railroad tycoon etc..BOOOORING! IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 03:16 AM
Lei_Kuei, That's cool you design games...I've thought about doing that too What kinds of classes do you have to take specifically or what kind of training/programs?I've been playing video games since I can remember. Right now I have: PS2 (my boyfriend's actually) Game Boy Advance SP Super Nintendo I've had: PS1, NES (old school Nintendo), and the original Game Boy. I want to get PS3 when it comes out. I recently got into playing games again after being so busy with everything. lol........I love playing just about any type, especially two player with a friend. I like the Grand Theft Auto series (Vice City is freakin awesome), Fighting games, Tony Hawk series, and I'm really into an RPG called Radiata Stories right now. I'm Virgo Sun/Virgo asc/Libra moon and have Mars in 5th (Capricorn) IP: Logged |
Betelgeuse Knowflake Posts: 33 From: England Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 23, 2006 06:24 AM
Used to play games A LOT! I played Halo (XBOX) online in multiplayer mode, played it soooo much, that I was ranked as one of Europes top players, and played for the top european team. Then.. well Halo 2 was released and it killed my belief in magical and skillful fps games Havent played a game since.%th house = empty! IP: Logged |
hot_ice unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 08:27 AM
anybody heard of final fantasy?  Yeah,lin kuei,thats like one of my dream jobs,what should I to get into that line... Never done anything substantial in comps,just know a bit of java,c++/c,some micro processor programming,and a bit of visual basic..(aaah...the gem in me,start of too many projects,never finish them) Tommy vercetti ROCKS!but I'm not like him in real life,hit a parked car yesterday,felt bad...stopped and spoke to the owner,cost me a lot of cash  Damn wish I could just drive off...too much guilt in me,anyway think I'll start a thread bout this later.. IP: Logged |
hot_ice unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 08:30 AM
and oh yeah,fifth house empty,I think My mercury and neptune come in here,escapism and mental fun...they oppose each other...Did i forget to mention mortal kombat,Serious sam? Luved Diablo and diablo2.. And burnout ROX!! IP: Logged |
Lynx Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted March 23, 2006 10:58 AM
Final Fantasy? What's that??  IP: Logged |
jkxx unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 11:07 AM
Cap Sun/Moon/Merc/Asc 5th house cusp is GeminiI'm a computer programmer among other things, so for me there's as much fun in designing them as playing. Some of my favs Need for Speed (all of 'em), Driver, GT, etc most train simulators most flight simulators halo/UT/CS, usually action scrollers (mario/sonic type of deal) logic games like glinx/klotski locked room puzzles "hacking" games  old-school stuff, have emulators for NES,SNES,Genesis,NeoGeo (fun!), GBA ..anything that doesn't involve strategy (ugh)
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Hexxie unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 11:15 AM
hot_ice, yes i've played Final Fantasy. A little bit on Playstation, but also played Final Fantasy on line for quite awhile. The Anime movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children was really cool IMHO.My current game of choice is Dungeons & Dragons Online! It's a lot of fun!! If any of you want to play let me know and i'll tell ye what server I be on  As for RPGs, I love Vampire the Masquerade, Morrowind, the Sims, American McGee's Alice, hmmm that's all I can think of at this early hour! ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll :::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon::: IP: Logged |
thebigeliza unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 12:11 PM
Hey I just noticed there are alot of people here with 5th house Gemini...I too have the 5th house gemini.Libra Sun,Scorpio Moon Aquarius asc.I always loved video games,I used to play super nintendo mario,zelda,donkey kong,final fight,then nintendo 64 I loved perfect dark and 007,Zelda,mario party.My friends had playstation and I would play final fantasy and Grand theft auto,paper mario, oh the good daYS!!!IP: Logged |
Isis Newflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted March 23, 2006 12:24 PM
I love all kinds of video games, but my favs are RPGs and Strategy (turn based or real time). I love the GTA series but I don't play a lot of games other than GTA that are like that. I don't go in for sports much, but I will play a lil football and baseball on the PS2 w/ my roommate sometimes. Oh, and I don't really care for FPS, although I will play em in certain settings (like a James Bond game). I've been playing EQ2 for the past year or so, but I'm getting kind of burnt out on it (not to mention MMOs can be such a time sink). If I were to switch it would probably be to DDO. (Hexxie, would love to hear your take on it) My first video game was a pong/breakout combo machine when I was maybe 7. I had an Atari 2600 that I played religiously until puberty distracted me - and I still have my original NES, Sega Genesis, and a PS2, although I'd have to say I'm primarily a PC gamer. Has anyone tried out Gametap? It rocks! $14/month for a couple hundred games on multiple formats, including original arcade versions of games, Sega, Atari, Intellivision, Windows and a few other platforms. Nintendo games are conspicuously absent though... I'm a Scorp Sun, Libra Moon, Cancer rising, I have a 5 planet stellium in the 5th (all Scorpio), Moon in the 4th house. IP: Logged |
teaselbaby Newflake Posts: 0 From: Ohio Registered: Jul 2009
posted March 23, 2006 12:35 PM
I enjoy all kinds of games (mostly computer games and a few board games), and have Pisces on the cusp of my fifth house ~ Jupiter is also in my fifth, but in Aries. When I was little I loved those "choose your adventure" books, the atari, and a game on my very first computer ~ a keyboard that attached to a tape player and the television ~ the game was "The Warlock of Firetop Mountain" (something like that).I'm an Aries/Gem/Scorp.  IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 01:25 PM
my husband and son love playing online. they are excellent team mates,their fav. is quake 3 but they've played a lil' of everything. my husband has mars in 5th in aries. my son has moon in the 5th in pisces. my son is a leo,husband is a sag.
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BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 23, 2006 01:27 PM
Does anyone play WORLD OF WARCRAFT????? most addicting video game, ever.IP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted March 23, 2006 02:01 PM
Hey hey! I forgot to tell y'all that I also have a lot of activity in my 5th house also: Mars, N Node, Pars Fortunae, Venus, Uranus, and Vertex. Everything is Scorpio except Mars in Libra. ~~~~ Isis - I played regular ol' Everquest (not EQ2) for several years right when it came out. This is the game I met my boyrfiend on in 2000. We're such freakin nerds  D&D Online is pretty cool, IF you like instances (which I do). It's set up different in the sense that you only interact with people in common areas like the Pubs. Then in instances (like instances in WorldofWarcraft) it's only your group in there. Only thing I regularly complain about is the group limit is 6 (Too small! I think you can add a couple more for a raid type group but not all instances allow you to have a raid type group). The character selection is quite fun in my opinion, lots to choose from. It's also funny to me to see people roleplaying and stuff since, afterall, it IS D & D hehe!! I do miss PvP from time to time BlueRoamer - I still have an active WoW account! I haven't played in quite awhile due to Beta testing D & D Online and now playing D & D Online. Just you mentioning it makes me miss it hehe. I have a lovely Undead Mage on Stormreaver! What about you, Blue? ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll :::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon::: IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 15 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted March 23, 2006 02:14 PM
YAY A video game thread! I love computer games! I started playing them as a child and really haven’t stopped. My favorites gaming genres are RPGs or MMORPGs (for the computer – I just can’t get into console games). But I also love table top RPGs and I've even done a bit of LARPing. MMRPGs I enjoyed: I’m currently playing World of Warcraft on the Khadgar server. But I played Final Fantasy XI, and Asheron’s Call 2 in the past. They were all amazing games. I’m looking forward to checking out D&D online, Lord of the Rings Online, and Warhammer. RPGs I enjoyed: I LOVED Morrowind, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I and II, Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption, and the Longest Journey. I’m gearing up to start game binging on Oblivion some time this weekend. Ah yes and I’m a Cancer sun, Taurus moon, and Sagittarius ascendant. My 5th house ruler is Aries but that house is empty. Hexxie: What do you think of D&D online thus far? I'm really interested in it (as I love Turbine) but I was worried about the lack of XP gain for character advancement. What do you like best about the game? What annoys you about it?
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