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posted March 31, 2006 12:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings Ladies & Gents! I came across some really amazing info!! I am in fact so excited about it, I decided I must share it with you all! I am a few days late in sharing it with you (work has been insanely busy for me) as the 13 day Mayan energy cycle has already begun (today is the 4th day). But better late than never! Enjoy~

By Carol McCloud

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are
Sting <<Me 'n' Sting share the same!>>

AHAU: Ancestral Awakenings
Mayan week of March 28-April 9, 2006
The first two days of this time-pulse will be a period of intense emotions as the Moon squares Pluto and the Galactic Center before it moves into Aries for an Eclipse of the Sun. We are being challenged to complete an old cycle of negative belief patterns based on what has been encoded into our DNA from generations past. It is a time to release the limitations of our ancestral boundaries and awaken to a new awareness of how to be in balance in the here and now. In this cycle we are learning to find grace in the moment, while everything around us is falling apart. Ahau has to do with the Ancestors and is the Sun-Lord, relating to the Flower, or to the flowering of consciousness. It is about enlightenment and the ability to create a new story, a new paradigm as old structures fall away.
The past month's Eclipse in Virgo/Pisces and Mercury retrograde transiting Uranus through Pisces has been deconstructing our old thought patterns and old ways of being in this world (I keep writing pieces instead of Pisces, which seems to speak of what these last several weeks of deconstruction has been expressing.) This is not a time where we are required to hold tightly to the ways of the old world, or our past history. It is a time to learn how to navigate the world in new ways with respect and honoring for the past as well as the future. Our re-membering now will come from direct knowledge, that which resides in the omniverse and not from consensus reality.
This week, the eclipse in Aries will be accompanied by Pluto stationing retrograde on the Galactic Center. As our planetary soul is centering itself into the heart of the galaxy, Pluto is pointing towards this galactic heart center, one beat at a time, aspecting every solstice and equinox point from now until 2011. At the core of the Galactic Center is a black hole that was confirmed by scientists in 2000. Many events have been escalating since that time. In fact, this last cycle in the Mayan calendar from 1999-2012 is very important showing up in both in the astrological transits as well as the Mayan cycles. They are working together to teach us how to navigate these new energies. If we follow the cosmic signs we can learn a great deal of where we are headed and what we can do about it.
The recent discovery of a nebula that is in the shape of double helix near our Galactic center is the universe speaking to us. It speaks of how these energies of the calendar; the evolution from the primordeal depths, the underworld of xilbalba, that dark rift in the galactic center, energies that bring forth the first sign, the creatrix Imix, to the flowering of Ahau. These dark to light energies can be felt in every layer of our existence in the universe. We are not separate, we are made of the same cosmic stuff and we are in the middle of an evolutionary process right down to the very core of creation.
Aspects to the Galactic center can be described as similar to the evolutionary energies of Pluto, only magnified tenfold. It is some comfort to be reminded that this is a collective process and we are all moving through this transformational cycle together. Pluto can be a skin peel, it can, like the Inanna myth, strip us down to our bones (with or without the meat hook). This Galactic transit will catalyze us in more ways than one, clearing out every hidden corner of our lives, and leaving open a pathway for deep healing. This will be a transit that shows us just what we are made of as citizens of the universe.
Pluto retrograde is a six month period that will be recharging this Pluto effect and building up its energies until the date of 5 Ahau (9/4). September is the month of the next series of eclipses. This eclipse season will be very telling as Pluto aspects both eclipses while it squares the nodes. The nodes act as a gateway to the past and future and we will be riding that wave hard and fast. It is also important to remember that the eclipses now will set in motion a pattern that will not always clearly show itself until the next cycle. Whether you have felt it or not, you are right now in 'it.'
During the time-pulse of Manik, on 11 Caban (3/25) when Mercury stationed within a degree of Uranus there may have been a major event, a crisis point that is just now settling. The Mayan sign, Caban, means earthquake, and it also relates to the heartbeat of the planet. Never before has it been so crucial for us to be in alignment with the Earth and her elements. If you have ever been in a Native American sweat lodge and been forced to move through your deepest layers of fear you will know how important it is to take yourself down to the earth and into your heart. Always remember that this planet is alive and listening. It is through our heart connection that we can find peace.
It may take some time for your mind to grasp the full significance of what you have been going through this month. As this cycle begins with Ahau you will find that you are already beginning to get some clear answers, although the language is quite different than what you been used to. We are finding a new way of expressing ourselves and it is not always with words. This path to direct knowledge is one which takes a great deal of inner faith and and a series of initiations. It is not a path of dependence of any power or belief system outside of ourselves, it is learning to trust the deep core essence of who we really are.
Following closely the energies of these next thirteen days can bring some comfort in these changing times and teach us how to work with a spiritual cycle that is in harmony with the cosmic waves rather than keep us stuck in the density of the world around us. This cycle of Ahau is closely connected to the new moon and the first 3 days will be a time of intention and creation. By the fourth day we will be ready to take action. On the fourth day of Akbal (3/31) the moon will be in Taurus forming a square to Chiron/Saturn in the fixed signs of Leo and Aquarius. Dream with intention and watch your dreams for some understanding of how this pulse is being anchored into your reality.
On the seventh day of Cimi (4/3), the moon is conjunct Mars in Gemini opposite Pluto. Cimi is the sign of death/rebirth and transmutation. Transmutation is the conversion of one form into another, creating an entirely new form. Cimi, like a butterfly's chrysalis, will change that which you once knew to be true and clearly show you the form in which your intention is taking. This is a time when you will need to be patient and allow that change to take place. Even if you can no longer see the direction in which you are going, you will learn to see with new eyes. The seventh day is the apex of the cycle. It speaks of the need to break away from the past and redefine the focus for the future. The seventh day is a time of fulfillment.
During this time you may still be teetering on the edge of what has come before as you prepare for what is coming into being. It is a time when the past meets the future and all that you are experiencing is intensely in the now. You will want to make sure that you utilize this time well since it can be the choice point that shifts the energies of the whole cycle.
The tenth day is Muluc (4/6) and is a time in the cycle when you may feel a bit stressed. The tenth day is about manifestation and the sign of Muluc is about purification and being a clear channel. Muluc shows us where in our llives we need to be clean. It can be a time when all manner of debts must be paid, from income taxes to the karmic debts of past lives. The moon moves past Saturn, which has just stationed direct in Leo, so there is a strong feeling of responsibility here. Saturn has been taking this retrograde time to build and restructure certain areas in your life. Now it is time to move forward. Get whatever details finished on the project you've begun. You'll feel much better once its done. Don't forget to set aside some time tonight to nurture yourself. If you take some time to for quiet meditation you will get the guidence you need.
Throughout this time, Mars and Pluto will be at odds, forming an aspect of opposition that will be exact on 12 Chuen (4/8). This could be a tricky point in a cycle that has already been challenging. Considering the volatile energies that are afoot in the world it would be wise to avoid any situations that make you uncomfortable. Remember, we cannot change the things around us, we can only change ourselves, and sometimes that is all that is needed.
All of these combined energies are shaking up the very basic core of our sense of who we are in this world as well as our sense of safety and security. Many of us have been learning ways to bring balance to our lives. We all know by now just how fragile life is and how fragile we are. What we can learn from Ahau is that when we focus on our process from an evolutionary standpoint we can get over the hump of the challenges in our everyday world and enter into the world of infinite possibility. From here we can reprogram the DNA of the soul.
Copyright © 2006 by C. McCloud Burkhart, all rights reserved.

Mayan week of March 28-April 9, 2006
TUE 3/28 Moon into Aries 12:31 pm
1 AHAU (ahow') Yellow/South
Keywords: Sun lord, ancestors, devoted, persistent, all-seeing, complete, fruition
WED 3/29 Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Aries 2:13 am
2 IMIX (ee'meesh) Red/East
Keywords: primal mother, crocodile, turtle, dragon, protective, creative, initiation
THU 3/30 Moon into Taurus 1:01 pm
3 IK (eek') White/North
Keywords: Divine wind, whirlwind, a window, opening, communication, mental, breath, fury, release, burst
FRI 3/31 Moon in Taurus
4 AKBAL (ak'bal) Black/West
Keywords: home, hearth, dreamtime, night, logical, organized, abundance
SAT 4/1 Moon into Gemini 3:49 pm
5 KAN (k'an) Yellow/South
Keywords: seed, sexual, new beginnings, lizard, dragon, fertility, opening, manifestation
SUN 4/2 Moon in Gemini
6 CHICCHAN (cheek'chan) Red/East
Keywords: celestial serpent, snake, life force, strong willed, powerful, intuitive, healing
MON 4/3 Moon into Cancer 11:15 pm
7 CIMI (ke'mee) White/North
Keywords: death, rebirth, transmutation, skull, bones, spirit
TUE 4/4 Moon in Cancer
8 MANIK (man'eek) Black/West
Keywords: Hand, Deer, Healing gateway, balance, the four directions
WED 4/5 First Quarter Moon in Cancer 5:01 am
9 LAMAT (la'mat) Yellow/South
Keywords: rabbit, star, moon, multiply, fertility, seed, increase, growth, create, ripen
THU 4/6 Moon into Leo 9:25
10 MULUC (moo'look) Red/East
Keywords: river, water, moon, fire, purification, milky way, debt, karma, blood ritual, interdependence
FRI 4/7 Moon in Leo
11 OC (Oak) White/North
Keywords: wolf, dog, faithful, loyalty, trust, divine laws, terrestrial laws, companionship
SAT 4/8 Moon into Virgo
12 CHUEN (chu'en) Black/West
Keywords: monkey, raccoon, magic, play, interplay, weaving the history of humanity, the energy of time/space, web of life, creator, craftsman
SUN 4/9 Moon in Virgo
13 EB (eeb) Yellow/South
Keywords: spiritual path, destiny, road, human, physical pathways, tooth, guide, higher mind, inspiration, wisdom, chalice

`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll

:::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon:::

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 01, 2006 01:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What a fascinating read -- thanks for posting, Hexxie!


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posted April 01, 2006 01:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I got some goose pimples when reading about the double helix nebula. Meditating on PLuto would be a great idea these times to imbibe the full power of the Galaxy into our DNA.

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posted April 01, 2006 03:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WOW! That explains ALOT.

Guess what? The next series of eclipses - one happens to be exactly conjunct my natal Moon. I think it's a New Moon. hmmm.

Thanks for sharing that info, Hexxie!

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 09, 2006 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ran across some more GC topics this weekend....

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 09, 2006 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

And some links from Kim Falconer:

Kim writes:

My personal experience as I research this fascinating cosmology is that people with personal planets on the GC tend to be a 'mouth piece' for this energy. Sun or Jupiter there seems to coincide with extraordinary individuals (from my client files) involved, one way or another, in 'ascension'.

If I read the Galactic Center correctly, it is bringing in HIGHER consciousness. Watch the intensity increase as Pluto crosses! I think Pluto is like JRR Tolkien's wizards...powerful, subtle and quick to anger, especially when Mars opposes this point on the 6-7th [April 2006]. Any repressed material in the houses where 26 Gem-Sag resides could blast up through the floor boards, giving us the next 6 months or so to 'chew on it'.

Pluto rules the unconscious, that which is unknowable by the mind -- what we think and what we think we think. The messages from Pluto are obscured (he wore a helmet of invisibility when he walked in the light of day!)

The only way to converse with Pluto is to go down into his realm or perhaps sit beside a deep dark well and toss flower petals onto the smooth surface. If you do, however, he will rise up and he will take you on a journey you will never forget!

Do we have a choice with Pluto?


I think not.

I, who have Jupiter opposite this point, seem to be writing about it -- researching it, gathering information! Those with the conjunctions seem to get the info 'de novo'! (which is just how the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity seems to operate!)

I also have Jupiter opp GC (26Gem26), and seem to be following her trail of info-harvesting


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posted April 09, 2006 04:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OooOOOoooO! Thanks Zala!! I dont have time to read it now, will tomorrow.
Youre always full of great info.

I have Venus in Gemini at 25 degrees.

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posted April 10, 2006 12:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Woowwwo! Thank you for your research Z!! 'Twas a great read. I have my Descendant conjunct the G Center (29*Sagi). Also my Mars26*Libra is exactly sextile & I have Mercury (my chart ruler) 23*Virgo squared this black hole! This will definitely take some meditation on my part to figure out what it all means exactly. This was really cool

`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll

:::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon:::

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 10, 2006 02:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hexxie ~

Forgive me, but I had to chuckle when you wrote about the G Center..... it just sounds..... funny.....

That bit about 12 major centers in our Cosmos in the 2nd article is intriguing…..

There may be a total of twelve major centers or heavens in our cosmos from the atomic to the center of Creation itself.
Reminds me of a visual on Powers of Ten…..

This is pretty neat -- click on "Secret Worlds - The Universe Within".....

And aren’t there ten sephiroth on the Kabbalah Tree of Life??

Hmmmm, 10 or 12….. where’s IQHunk, our Numerology Guru??


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posted April 11, 2006 08:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Zala!
There are also 10 Chakras in a fully enlightened being. 7 + Golata, La Lata and LaLana as per Kundalini expert Vimalananda (Aghora 2, Robert SVoboda).

A quick spiral on GALACTIC CENTRE:
Galactic = 19 = 1
Centre = 24 = 6
Total = 7, number of mysticism.

Position of Galactic Centre = 26 degees.
2+6 = 8.

The Sign is Sagittarius. 9th sign of the Zodiac.


Adding the actual numbers of GALACTIC CENTRE, 26 and 9th sign,
we get 19 + 24 + 26 + 9 = 78.

78 = number of cards in the Tarot and the total number of astrological pairings.

Interpretation: This is a great time to use all divination resources and astro knowledge to tune into the Gaalctic Centre to evolve ourselves.

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted April 11, 2006 01:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Og!! Have you ever studied the Tree of Life?? Crowley related the interconnected pathways on the tree to different tarot cards, astro signs & planets, and if I remember right (it was a few decades ago when I explored this ) -- chakras.....


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posted April 11, 2006 02:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Zala,
Tree of Life and Crowley's works are not my speciality because I jumped headlong into Chakras, Kundalini, pranayama yoga and so on. However, it is intuitively evident that Tree of Life, Chakras and Kundalini are related to each other and to the architecture of the Galaxy.

The symbolism of an ordinary Tree itself is important. Oversoul being the Root and Stem, and every branch being a timeline, every leaf being one incarnation in that timeline.
The dead leaves are absorbed ie all expereinces are absorbed by the OverSoul and new leaves are created that keep going higher.

ANyway, I found this link [Hexxie also gave this I think] for Tree of Life:

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted April 11, 2006 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Endeavoring to add to Og's 2000-page backlog of Things To Study, I will try to scan in Crowley's in the next few

Thanks for the link!

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posted April 12, 2006 01:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wowowowow. Awesome information.

My little brother's Sun (26degrees Sag), Moon and Neptune are conjunct the Center.

Many years ago an astrologer friend - a Taurean, told my brother and I about this. I was just at the beginnings of my journey through astrology and didnt understand much about it yet.

Cant wait for 2012.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 26, 2006 07:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(**bumped to add**)
.....another long but great read on Pluto and the Galactic Center:

Pluto is at 26Sag50 today.....

**edited to add another article**

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posted December 26, 2006 07:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, very interesting!

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posted December 28, 2006 12:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Z ! I really enjoyed that 1st article there a ton. I saved it and everything. Thanks for your awesome 'Grid Surfing' and sharing

`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll

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