Topic: "East Point" Discussion.
beebuddy unregistered
posted April 13, 2006 03:49 PM
If memory serves my "east point" is in Sagg. The problem is I don't know what the heck the east point is! Does it go by any other name? Does it have a glyph? Help me out here y'all. I also seem to recall that the east point shows how you appear to others. I could be wrong about this interpretation but I don't know because I can't remember where I read it. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 13, 2006 05:40 PM
beebuddy ~Well, Descendent is the West, and that blurb about "how you appear to others" sure sounds like the Ascendent..... ??? 'Zala IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted April 13, 2006 07:10 PM
Hi beebuddy,Illustration 2 from this link from shows a graphic that includes where the East Point (EP) is located. The EP, or equatorial ascendant, serves like an auxillary ascendant, another way of connecting and contacting others. The East Point is the 1st house cusp using the Meridian House System. Link to glyph: Some other descriptions: The East Point is the point where the Eastern Horizon intersects the Prime Vertical (a Great Circle passing through the Zenith and the Nadir of the Place) and the Celestial Equator (a Great Circle corresponding to the Earth's Equator ...
East Point The angle which is rising over the eastern horizon at the earth's equator at any time. A sensitive point defined as 90° East of the intersection of the meridian with the ecliptic; used by some astrologers as the an auxiliary Ascendant. East points : The point on the Celestial Equator rising on the Eastern Horizon at birth. The East Point is the intersection of the Eastern Horizon, Prime Vertical, and Celestial Equator. East Point - A place of idealism and perfection in your chart. It functions as another way of contacting people. Part of Fortune - A point where we put many parts of our motivation together in a personal way. It shows personal joy and fulfillment. East Point The equatorial Ascendant; i.e., the sign and degree rising over the eastern horizon at Earth's equator at any given time; the point at which Earth's equator intersects the ecliptic. easy aspect See harmonious aspects. East Point (also called Equatorial Ascendant): A sensitive point defined as 90° east of the intersection of the meridian with the ecliptic. Used by some astrologers as an auxiliary Ascendant. EAST POINT: The point on the Celestial Equator rising on the Eastern Horizon at birth. The intersection of the Eastern Horizon, Prime Vertical, and Celestial Equator. I take initially into account the East Point (EP), i.e. "the equatorial Ascendant", in other words the zodiacal degree which rises for an equatorial birth, or the Eastern point of intersection between the plans of the horizon and the equator. The east-west great circle. A great circle which passes through the east point of the horizon, through the Zenith overhead, through the west point of the horizon, and under the earth through the Nadir. It is perpendicular to the Meridian PROGRESSIONS ... Rather, another sensitive point called the Equatorial Ascendant or East Point is the first house cusp. This system is popular with Uranian astrologers; it is based on even divisions of the celestial equator projected onto the ecliptic. In applying this method one determines the Ascendant for the moment the question is propounded, and rotates the Figure until this degree occupies the East point. The vertical circle that lies at right angles to the meridian, and passes through the East point, Zenith, West point and Nadir of any place. IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted April 13, 2006 07:30 PM
I'm confused, says: quote: Sometimes the East point is shown in the horoscope as "Anti-Vertex" and the West point as "Vertex".
But says: quote: The Anti-Vertex and the East Point (or Equatorial Ascendant) have both been proposed as sensitive points acting as 'auxiliary Ascendants' (Maritha Pottenger).
quote: Pottenger similarly regards both the Vertex and the West Point (or Equatorial Descendant) as being akin to auxiliary descendants, showing the emotions and experiences sought through close personal relationships
quote: In synastry, Pottenger has often found one of these points in close conjunction with a personal planet or one end of an angular axis belonging to the other person, where significant binding ties are involved. This may be the Ascendant / Descendant axis, the MC / IC axis, the lunar nodal axis, or even the other person's Vertex / Anti-Vertex or East Point / West Point axis.
They describe the East/West point axis as a different axis to the Vertex/Anti-Vertex.. So, does anyone know? Is it the same as Vertex/A-Vertex or not? IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 13, 2006 08:17 PM
astroleolady ~Thanks for the super links! The EP is something I guess I never paid much attention to  'Zala IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted April 13, 2006 08:32 PM
Hi Lauren,I was confused when I read that at as well: "Sometimes the East point is shown in the horoscope as "Anti-Vertex" and the West point as "Vertex". And from the same page: "The intersections of the ecliptic and the vertical great circle constitute two other points which are sometimes seen in the horoscope: Vertex, the West point, and Anti-Vertex, the East point. Especially the Vertex is often considered a sensitive point which is supposed to be related to relationships and partner issues. Generally, this point is - maybe wrongly - neglected in astrology." -------------------- From what I have read, the EP and Vx are not the same axis. My own Vx is 7°45' Scorpio and my EP is 20° Taurus. (The EP was obtained from's extended chart section using Pullen/Astrolog and selecting Aspect/midpoint grid chart. Include "Lilith" and "Vertex" from the additional objects menu) For some reason Lilith shows up in the grid as "EP" not Lilith. My Lilith is 4°59' Gemini not 20° Taurus. Description of Vertex from cafeastrology: The Vertex is a point located in the western hemisphere of a chart (the right-hand side) that represents the intersection of the ecliptic and the prime vertical. In astrology, it is considered an auxiliary Descendant. The Anti-Vertex is the point that is exactly opposite the Vertex. Some astrologers refer to the Vertex as the "third angle" of a chart. From Kim Falconer's site:
Has Anyone Seen Vertumnus? Considering the Vertex in the Natal Chart What is the vertex? The vertex is a theoretical point in the heavens where the ecliptic-the apparent orbit of the Sun around the earth-crosses the prime vertical-the plane that runs at right angles to the meridian and divides the celestial sphere from front to back. -------------------- In Conclusion: So from looking at the Ill. #2 on here: The EP is the point at which the Verticle great circle, the Eastern horizon and the meridian intersect. The WP is the intersection on the Western horizon. The Vertex is where the Verticle great circle and ecliptic intersect in the western hemisphere (houses 5 to 8) or the right side of a chart. The Anti-Vertex is the opppsite point in the eastern hemisphere. The EP/WP axis and the Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis are not the same. -------------------- You're welcome, Azalaksh.  IP: Logged |
beebuddy unregistered
posted April 13, 2006 10:40 PM
Wow thanks! I've got some studying to do.IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted April 14, 2006 10:01 AM
Maritha Pottenger has a great little pamphlet/book called "The East Point and the Anti-vertex". I think offers this booklet for around $5. Only problem is, it's not very easy to get. I ordered mine back in January and it still is on back order. You can probably find it elsewhere for a little more $$ and get it quicker. IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 14, 2006 10:06 AM
[Anyone?] What do you think about Person A's EP [11th] exactly opposing Person B's Sun? [6th] @ 22 Degrees respectively? Any thoughts? *EDIT EP is in Leo, Sun is in Aquarius  IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted April 14, 2006 02:15 PM
node,that would mean the person's sun was conjunct the west point of the other person.. To calculate the East Point, take your local sidereal time of birth, go to 0 latitude in your table of houses, and find the ascendant: The East Point (you should interpolate to get the degree & minute exact). East Point & Anti-vertex both function as auxiliary ascendants, eg, they offer useful clues to major themes in the nature of the individual. Either angles requires more attention when a planet falls closely in conjunction. This is almost as significant as having that planet conjunct the Ascendant. The West Point & Vertex, by contrast, relate to that basic self/other polarity....It is easier to disown & see as "out there" (in other people) the western end. This potential of "giving away" a part of who we are & unconsciously attracting other people to manifest that missing side contributes to what has been called the "fated" quality of the Vertex. so having the sun conjunct the west point of another could be likened to having the sun conjunct the other's descendant.
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beebuddy unregistered
posted April 15, 2006 02:42 PM
Chrissy (or anyone),Forgive me for being a lazy ******* as I haven't read 100% of the info presented, but is the east point always opposed to the vertex? IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 15, 2006 10:24 PM
BeeBudy: I too await the answer to your excellent question. I wish I had the money for more software from this EP/WP..>Vertex/Anti-Vertex is something I would like to have calculated FOR me. It is very important. AND also Why are there no EAST NODES? West Node? North and South Points? If they exist at SOME POINT why not others?IP: Logged |
Neptune's Muse unregistered
posted April 16, 2006 05:10 AM
Hmm...very confusing yes! How is it different than the Aries Point, or 0 Aries Point? I don't get the AP at all! A lot of points...IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted April 17, 2006 10:09 AM
beebuddy,nope, the EP and the vertex are not always opposite, but the EP and the WP are, the same with the Vtx/AV axis. neptune's muse, the AP is just a set area of the zodiac, it's not figured at all. i think noel tyl's orb of 28.5 mutable to 1.5 cardinal is reasonable and is the standard...this means the AP is from: 28.5 pisces to 1.5 aries (ARIES point) 28.5 gem to 1.5 cancer (CANCER point) 28.5 virgo to 1.5 libra (LIBRA point) 28.5 sag to 1.5 cap (CAPRICORN point) technically all those points are known as the ARIES point, one could say of a person with 1° cancer rising that they have aries point rising in cancer. that's how it's generally referred to.
this is supposed to be an area of the zodiac where the public gets involved:
The history of the Aries Point has its roots in the Uranian School of Astrology through Hans Niggemann’s The Key To Uranian Astrology. Reinhold Ebertin developed the Aries Point further in his cosmobiology work; much later, Gary Christen’s offering in the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) further outlined the concept. (1) It was Noel Tyl who brought the Aries Point forward convincingly into mainstream psychological astrology with his presentation of the Aries Point in Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology in the mid 1990s. (2) The Aries Point in the horoscope has a link that is both astronomical, because it is the all-important cardinal axis, and astrological because it keys the sense of initiation within the ‘feel’ of cardinality in the horoscope. However, it is not only the sense of initiation within the Aries Point (which is characteristic of cardinality in general) bur rather its great potential for public projection related to that planet or point and its related rulerships. hope this helps! chrissy IP: Logged | |