  Any Chiron experts in the house?

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Author Topic:   Any Chiron experts in the house?
posted May 09, 2006 08:26 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just started a new path to healing myself using Chirons advice. Want to know more about Chiron in my chart though and can't seem to find any interpretations for which sign and house it is in and any aspects it makes to the other planets and I'm not very good at interpreting things myself. Also I have a transit going on just now in my chart of Chiron sextile Chiron. How would you interpret that and how long would the sextile last?

I have Chiron in Aries at 9 deg in 4th house. It makes the following aspects to my other planets:-

Square Venus in Cap with 1 deg orb
Sextile True Node in Aqua with 3 deg orb
Sextile Saturn in Gemini with 7 deg orb
Trine Sun in Sag with 5 deb orb
Trine Jupiter in Sag with 7 deg orb
Trine Neptune in Sag with 6 deg orb
Trine Moon in Leo with 8 deg orb
Oppose Pluto in Libra with 8 deg orb
Oppose Uranus in Libra with 8 deb orb

Anyone have any knowledge of this or links to sites with interpretations please?


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Happy Dragon
posted May 09, 2006 10:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
re chiron in the signs and houses ..
some links in this thread ..
* *

i'm sure there were a couple more threads on that .. i.e. by sign and house
.. although i can't locate the links at moment ..

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posted May 09, 2006 10:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for shop22much     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 09, 2006 10:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great Read from Sasportas! Thanks Shop22much!!!

I just had a brainwave. What were the global hit movies in the period 1977-1978 ? Were they radically different in any way ? Movies/Music are a great way to infleunce mass consciousness. Dont the planets do that on the highest level

I think Superman, Star Wars and Indiana Jones were conceived in 1977-78 period.

What do you all think?

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posted May 09, 2006 12:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks guys, will have to look at it all a bit later.

Iqhunk another 2 big movies of 1978 were Grease and Halloween. Mmmmmm.

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posted May 09, 2006 02:44 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Grease is the John Travolta/Olivia Newton John one, right?
Halloween explains the wound.
Superman is about superconsciouness from space, Star Wars is all about the Force of healing and space wars, Indian JOnes deals with ancient myths.

Any more movies? How was the popular music of 1977-78 ? Was it Bee Gees style?
If "Stayin Alive", "Tragedy" and the like were 1977 songs, then I would have the perfect description for CHiron!

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posted May 09, 2006 04:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Stayin Alive was 1977, Tragedy was 1978.

Another couple of big films of 1977 were Close Encounters of the third kind and Rocky.

There was also a song my Rod Stewart, The first cut is the deepest.

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Posts: 1848
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posted May 09, 2006 06:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Chiron has 2 faces. Most interpretations usually discribe us the Saturnian one.

The Uranian side of Chiron is the key to the back door of the house it is placed in. It is our special skills or talents we already possess when we are born.

e.g. A person with Chiron in the 8th house is usually very good at all kinds of force majeure situations and everything that requires non-traditional approach. I also noticed that people with Chiron in the 8th are amazingly intuitive.

Since Chiron has two faces, it is also the indicator of duality; but this duality is very much different from that of gemini.
Saturn makes us suffer, Uranus makes us find the way out.

e.g. A woman with Chiron in the 7th has been unhappily married for 40 years and for some reason could not get a divorce, so she's been secretly involved with someone else for almost 25 years.

Chiron can also make you feel 'the absence' of something, as if you had something and at the same time you did not. The Saturnian part of Chiron will deprive you of something and the Uranian part will teach you how to compensate it.

e.g. A friend of mine (Chiron in the 3rd) is an only child and has always wanted to have a sibling. We have been friends for 26 years now (we met when we were 3) and she treats me like her sister not a friend (we have very little in common, used to fight a lot when kids, now live very far from each other but for some reason she is always there when I feel down and we always keep in touch), it is a strange feeling really.

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Mystic Gemini
posted May 09, 2006 06:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Chiron in the 11th

Those with Chiron in the 11th could be involved in the running of various kinds of therapy or healing centres. They might be sensitive to the pain in society and perhaps concerned with helping or teaching those who are oppressed or downtrodden. There may be a nagging fear of rejection or slight within the context of groups and friendships or some hurt incurred through such involvements. Ultimately this pain could act as a catalyst for further self-knowledge and self understanding.
Friends may carry any of the connotations of Chiron — either people involved in the healing /teaching profession or those who are obviously psychologically or physically vulnerable. Those with Chiron here may serve as mentors to their friends, or look to their associates for guidance, direction and support.

Chiron in Taurus

Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra

-I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind. I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. I feel there's nothing I can do.

-Three Doors Down

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Posts: 1848
From: 49N35 34E34
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 09, 2006 06:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
more on Chiron in houses:

Chiron in Aries or the first house

In Aries or the first house, the sense of self has been violated in some way, manifesting in feelings of worthlessness, and/or that nothing is ever quite good enough. The lessons of Chiron here are in learning to assert yourself and to take appropriate action or initiative to remedy the situation - appreciate yourself and others for who they are. Easier said than done, as you can tend to be self sabotaging in your thought patterns. Remember your thoughts are powerful - you reap what you put out.

Make a list of areas in your life in which you do feel worthy. Identify your true value and how that value serves you and others. Don't stop listing until your heart opens to loving yourself. Also list the ways in which other's "bad" treatment of you has helped you to learn how to assert yourself and to value yourself more. Again, keep listing until your heart opens to them, and to yourself, for experiencing the lesson.

Chiron's gift is the acknowledgement of your true worth, loved for who you are inside. The Universe loves you just for being who you are. Strive to live truly.

Chiron in Taurus or the 2nd house

With Chiron in this placement, values and security are prominent issues in your life. You may feel that you have never been given enough - materially, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Ultimately, your heart may feel neglected and undernourished leading to poor self-esteem. You may over-compensate this inner wound by accruing money and possessions, or clinging to people in the hopes that they can provide you with that missing sense of security. With Chiron here, you may also mistrust your body, feeling that it will let you down, or you may perceive that your body is not beautiful. There may be an injury or physical trauma that you find difficult to come to terms with, or you may have suffered pain through financial loss or financial insecurity.

Make a list of what you have received in your life, particularly from your parents and loved ones. Keep listing until you can acknowledge the abundance that the Universe has provided for you with sincere gratitude and love. Where you feel you have not been given your due, list the ways in which not receiving has helped you to acknowledge the true abundance that lies inside you - in your heart. Also, list out in two columns what you do and don't like about your body and for each list why. For each answer of 'why' look deeper and list the why of that, you will soon find that appearances are truly only skin deep -- your strength and beauty lie inside - -- in your heart.

The Gift of Chiron in Taurus or the 2nd house lies in the acknowledgement of the abundance of love that lies within your own heart................... the Universe provides. You were created in love to express love, and there is no end to that love.

Chiron in Gemini or the Third House

A Gemini or third house placement of Chiron often signposts a deep wound of feeling somehow less intelligent, and feelings of being unable to communicate clearly or effectively with others may dominate your thoughts at times. You may have suffered communication problems as a child, making memories of your early schooling painful. You seem to strive to 'know' with ceaseless fervour. Something inside you is wishing to be heard and understood by others. With Chiron here, the mind can function quite naturally in an intuitive or associative manner - the childhood communication and learning 'problems' are often a mismatch of teaching methods to the student's needs.

Sit down and make a list of the areas in which you have great or deep knowledge. Do not accept 'I don't know' for an answer. Keep searching within, to find where your knowledge lies. Also, list those people from whom you learn. How does your knowledge in any given area serve others?

The Gift of Chiron in this placement is the deep pursuit of knowledge and the ability to impart that wisdom to others. The acknowledgement of your own 'Knowing' lies in your heart, beyond words. Deeds communicate more.

Chiron in Cancer or the Fourth House

In Cancer, the wound is connected with our early mothering and basic security needs. We feel as if it is a bottomless pit that no amount of love can fill. The feeling of being unwanted, unloved, not nurtured or not looked after. You are constantly trying to rescue the unloved within you and because you are very sensitive to other's pain, in the world at large.

There is an inner 'need to be needed' with Chiron here.

Make a list of those people who love you. For each, list the ways in which they show that love. Where you feel a lack of love, list the ways that this has helped you turn inward to your own love deep in your heart. The wellspring of love is in your own heart not outside you. For those whom you try to rescue, list the predicament that is serving them to awaken their own hearts.

The Gift of Chiron in Cancer or the forth house lies in the discovery of the infinite love that lies within your own heart, the needy child within waiting for you to acknowledge and care for it. You as a sentient entity in this Universe are love. The gradual understanding that all things in life serve to turn you back to that love within.

Chiron in Leo and the Fifth House

A fifth house or Leo placement of Chiron often suggests that the ability to be spontaneous and carefree may be wounded. You may feel deep down that you cannot express the things that are within you.

You may have been prevented from expressing yourself creatively as a young child, and subsequently suppressed this aspect of yourself, giving rise later in life to a difficulty in overcoming feelings of inadequacy. Many times this manifests as a vacillation between wanting to be the star of the moment and such a fear of failure that you are unable to just 'let it go'. Your essence, your creativity and joie-de-vivre remain captive within. Perhaps you feel that the opportunity has never been given to you, or that others do not recognise your gifts and talents.

To help in letting go, list the ways in which you do shine in your life. List your creations and how they have served you and others. List the ways in which you do express what is inside of you. Where you might feel that you have been thwarted from expressing what is inside you, list the ways in which this has helped you to acknowledge and seek to express this.

Chiron's gift here is your acknowledgement of the special ways that you contribute to the world, and the realisation that no matter what others did or did not do, no matter what you did or did not do, you can not help but shine.

Chiron in Virgo or in the Sixth House

I believe that this is the natural placement of Chiron and as such manifests most powerfully.

Here, there is usually a deep need for healing and integration of the self due to a nagging sense of lack of wholeness. You may feel as though things are wrong with you that can never be fixed, never healed...that you are somehow imperfectly made. The link between emotions and physical health is unusually strong. Control and an inability to feel secure in delegation of responsibility is another issue to be dealt with. Exercise and dietary regimes may be rigidly ordered and adhered to, but no matter what seems to get fixed, you are not satisfied. Health and healing will be important matters, and in your search for self-healing you will be drawn to help others, and teach them to help themselves with what you have learned.

By honestly and sincerely listing the areas of yourself and your life in which you feel you are whole, healed, and integrated, and then listing the things that you think are not right with you, then, for each item on the list, note the ways in which it is helping you to evolve, grow and heal, you will come to realise a profound connection with all life.

Chiron's gift to you here lies in a deep understanding of healing. The acknowledgement of a Universal plan that goes beyond the limited earthly view - the unveiling of the perfection of existence that all things serve the divine plan.

Chiron in Libra and in the Seventh House

In Libra or the seventh house there is usually a feeling that you cannot relate to others properly - relationships seem to go wrong no matter how hard you try. Blame, or projection, mirroring and defensiveness are important issues for you to deal with, and the harmony and peace that you ardently desire seems to be constantly disrupted by others or yourself. You may fear that you will never find the 'right' person.

You will learn much through your relationships, and most particularly, the fact that your sense of individuality does not depend upon whether or not others like it. Your trials and tribulations will lead you to develop good counselling and arbiting skills.

To realise your own potentials here, try making a list - an honest appraisal if you will - of the 'positive' things that you have given others in relationships. Keep listing until your heart opens. For each of the perceived 'failures', list the benefits, lessons, gifts that resulted from them, for others and for yourself. For all the times when peace was disrupted, list the benefits to you and others when this was so. Also, make a short list of attributes of a perfect partner for you. Then, for each one, list the ways in which you have these attributes in you.

Chiron's gift here lies in the realisation that you are whole as you are, and an appreciation that independence and dependence are inseparable and always equally balanced.

Chiron in Scorpio or in the Eighth House

Personal transformation and themes of birth/death, sexuality loss through separateness, abandonment, emotional destructiveness are all possible scenarios with Chiron here. It may be that you suffered a deep wound through the loss or death of someone quite early in your life. There may be fears that what you do have could be taken from you at any moment, and emotional control may be used to hold on. In people with this Chiron placement often there is deep pain associated with birth trauma. There may be feelings of sexual inadequacy, and sensitivity to painful undercurrents, causing you pain.

List out the things that you miss in the person or thing that has died or been lost. For each one, list the ways in which what it is that you miss is still present in your life. The form that it takes my be different from what you would expect. Then list the ways in which the sense of 'missing' has driven you to the acknowledgement and expression of your special gifts.

Chiron's special gift here is the expansion of your understanding of yourself. The bringing out of unacknowledged gifts of understanding, compassion and counselling. The eventual realisation that nothing truly dies, only the form changes... spirit and love is eternal and always available to the open heart.

Chiron in Sagittarius or in the Ninth House

Religion and philosophy and the feeling that you have no wisdom or deep understanding are Chironic themes here. There is usually a longing to apply what we feel as a deeply devotional sense or passionate zeal that can be easily misdirected, and this can create insecurity in our beliefs. There is the possibility that solace is found in travels to holy shrines, experiencing other cultures, their religions and mythology. Sometimes with this Chiron placement, there is difficulty in finding meaning in anything at all, and disillusionment and despair may set in.

List all of the ways in which you are wise and have deep understanding, and the ways in which others benefit from that wisdom. Open your heart and listen, they are there.

Chiron's gift here is in the discovery and acknowledgement of the great wisdom that lies within your heart. The realisation that adventure and joy of life is to be had, no matter where you are, or what you are doing. It is inside you, given to you by the Universe to share.

Chiron in Capricorn or in the Tenth House

A 10th house or Capricorn placement of Chiron often manifests in a difficulty in setting and achieving goals, or finding our niche in society. There is also the possibility that we may be living up to parental expectations to achieve where they have failed - carrying other's burdens is often a theme, particularly that of the mother. Feelings of inadequacy and that you are not acknowledged for your true worth can also be issues.

If these themes are manifesting in your life, try listing the ways in which you are acknowledged and appreciated by others. Also, make a list of what you believe your value is. Acknowledge your value. Then for each instance where you feel that you are not valued, recognised or heard, list the ways in which this has helped you to value, recognise and hear yourself.

Chiron's special gift here is the acknowledgement of your own value. To recognise yourself and where your gifts lie. To listen and hear the messages of your own heart, see your special place in the Universe, and to help others do the same.

Chiron in Aquarius or in the Eleventh House

Placement of Chiron here often gives deep connection to the psyche and the collective unconscious, but there are usually blocks to overcome. Here the wound is usually a sense of disconnection, distance, isolation and alieation from the world and from the Universe. This feeling of being unable to fit in may make us reject the tenets of groups or society, but the longing to belong remains.

Often, due to the sensitivity to the collective, people with this Chiron placement will be forward thinking and may be rejected by groups and society simply because they are ahead of their time - shades of 'discovery' here.

Try listing the special ways in which you are connected to life, to others, to the world and to the Universe. List the benefits and gifts of feeling alone, isolated and alienated. Also list the ways in which your 'differentness' is a gift and blessing to you and others. Write your thoughts and dreams in a journal.

Chiron's special gift to you is the development of an objective and original viewpoint towards life, and the realisation of the interconnectedness of all things. The acknowledgement of your unique gifts and individuality. Your right to be you.

Chiron in Pisces or in the Twelfth House

With this Chiron placement, we can be at odds with ourselves. The sign of the fishes depicts two fish (dualism) yoked together and swimming in opposite directions. Deception, emotional manipulation and genuine transcendental experiences can potentially weave together in confusion. Piscean sensitivity to undercurrents is an issue, and as a result, we can lose our individuality and can experience a wound of grief through a loss of faith in the Universe.

List the ways in which you feel that the Universe has betrayed you and then for each one list the ways in which these events or circumstances have served you or others. What lessons of love were given by it and learned through it? Everything in the Universe is an act of love - it is just that sometimes you don't recognise the form that love takes. Also, look at what you are doing in your life now, and list the ways in which the past 'betrayals' of the Universe have helped you to get there. There are no 'accidents' in life.

Chiron's gift here lies in your ability to acknowledge and re-embrace the of divinity, the guiding hand, the Master Plan. To open your heart once more to love and the Creator. To see that all things that happen in life serve to teach compassion and love.

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Posts: 985
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 09, 2006 08:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Secretseeker ~

Shop and Peri put up some great interps!!
Here’s more links:

Chiron in the Houses:

Chiron in aspect to the Sun:
Chiron in aspect to the Moon:
Chiron in aspect to Mercury:
Chiron in aspect to Venus:
Chiron in aspect to Mars:
Chiron in aspect to Jupiter:
Chiron in aspect to Saturn:
Chiron in aspect to Uranus:
Chiron in aspect to Neptune:
Chiron in aspect to Pluto:
Chiron in aspect to the Lunar Nodes:

Chiron thru the signs and houses:

Martin Lass on Chiron:

Chiron’s Heroes:

Chiron in Magi astrology:

Zane Stein on Chiron:

Happy Trails!!


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posted May 10, 2006 09:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Superb read from Peri and as usual great links from Zala.

However, I still feel I am onto something original by combining the films/music idea to the actual Chiron myth.

Secretseeker, "First cut is the Deepest", Tragedy and Staying Alive resonate with the wounding aspect of Chiron.

Rocky teaches us to "never say die". Take the wound but never say die. "Saturday Night Fever" teaches us about optimism and positive attitude that comes from rhythm.

Superman activates the superconsiouness.

Star Wars speak of heroic ideals that transcend time and space. "Close encounters.." could mean encounters with our higher self.

So Chiron tells us where we get hurt and how to use the positive rhythms of the location of hurt to activate our superior functions thereby healing our wound and elevating ourselves to be heroes who never give up on good.
Maybe the Sabian Symbol for the Chiron will give every person the clue about the nature of hurt and cure in addition to the house/sign interpretation.

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posted May 10, 2006 10:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"The Chiron's heroes" article has the maximum depth, he even mentioned the Superman movies!

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posted May 10, 2006 11:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Excellent, lots more reading for me to do tonight. Thanks Peri, Zala & Shop.

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astro junkie
posted May 27, 2006 02:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
secretseeker -

I love that you brought this up. Chiron expert is up in the house, or at least, I'll try my best.

I'm a Pisces Chiron in the 10th, and I'm greatful as otherwise, I'd probably be an old ninny.

Peri -

Don't know where you got those Chiron interps, or if off the top of your head ... I agree with a lot it, but my only contention is Uranus as a service to Chiron's "back door". Any slight deviation in pronunciation, and you have a funny kind of situation if you get me ...

... But if there is any Planet which would work the best hand-in-hand with Chiron, to me it would be Virgo, if only as an initial mediator between Chiron and Uranus. So it may be important in some way to say that one of Chiron's frustrations is knowing Uranus is waiting on the other side of the door, but Virgo is what leads and assists them to the door... or else, what could be more frustrating than trying to talk that dog into grabbing the keys off of the guard while he's asleep.

In the same vein, the ugly side of Chiron would be the ego. Yeah, the ego, not some "body up there in space" to blame ...

... so that my personal belief right now is that Signs which naturally gravitate towards "service" would be more comfortable dealing with future Chiron challenges.

My Chiron is in Pisces in the 10th, which I'm grateful for because I have so many Cardinal and Fixed influences. The Pisces goes well my existing Neptune stuff, and it goes well with my Scorpio Stellium, my Moon in Cancer, and most importantly, my Venus & Pluto in Virgo in the 4th House. Having Chiron in the 10th goes well with my Cappy Saturn in the 9th.

The wrench in MY Chart is my Uranus/Aqua influences, which I love, and it clashes with my Leo influences, so that's a huge distraction, but a lot of fun.

... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness

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