Topic: Asteroids Valentine and Amor
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2007 11:34 AM
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lovethemind unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 01:17 PM
Iq, thank you so much for your time and explanations that you offered. you are very good at this....does you chart say anything about astrowiz or something? IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 02:21 PM
Jane wrote: <<.. I would've been overwhelmed with all this data to interpret and you tackle it with such apparent ease... >>I was brought up in India's rat race environment where one has to practice about 5000 algebra, trig, analytical geometry and physics problems to get a coveted engineering school admission. Data and Number crunching has been child's play for me since 1994! Taurus80: Karma trine Moon would take precedence and indicates a past life connection. The Sun acting as a double whammy link up for Cupid and Psyche would definitely trigger some lovey dovey vibes in the couple. Lust sq Asc and Cupid opp Asc are triggers based on pure external appearance, not good for long term relationships. Diandra: Thanks for the kind words. LoveTheMind: Great guess! Astrowizard is well aspected for me, it conjuncts Saturn, conjuncts Astronomia and sextiles Jupiter exactly. Morever, it squares (Astrometria conjunct Venus). DISCOVERY in 14 Aries, Neptune in 14 Sag and Saturn conj Astronomia conj AStrowizard in 15 Leo are in a grand trine hence I am destined to discover occult astrological secrets/insights from the collective unconscious. My Aries Ascendant sees to it that I share whatever I find than suppress info. IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 02:40 PM
I was wondering about Karma conjuncting Sun/Moon/VenusIP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2007 02:40 PM
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Alisa unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 04:39 PM
Cupido is important. Uranian astrologer like me uses it a lot. Midpoint of Moon/Cupido=wife and midpoint of Sun/Cupido=husband. For example, if his Moon/Cupido conjunct her Sun, he may want her to be his wife. Cupido can mean Business Corporation. So, if his Cupido conjunct her Sun, he may would like to do some business with her. IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 04:43 PM
IQFrom the synastry chart, His Amor conjunct her Sun (2 degree orb) His Eros square her Moon (1 degree orb) and trine her Sun (1 degree orb) His Valentine square her Sun (0 degree orb) Do you think hard aspects (square) above would be negative? How can you put all above aspects into words? Thanks. IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted April 10, 2007 09:13 PM
quote: I was brought up in India's rat race environment where one has to practice about 5000 algebra, trig, analytical geometry and physics problems to get a coveted engineering school admission. Data and Number crunching has been child's play for me since 1994!
Well then, on behalf of this board, I would like to quote Alanis Morisette and say, "Thank you, India."  I almost forgot the questions this thread has got me pondering. I was wondering what your view on parallels is when using asteroids. Less powerful than the more traditional aspects? My Juno is exactly parallel my boyfriend's Valentine. Could this be why we're stuck with one another? I kid, I completely, enduringly adore him. Also, what do you think of contraparallels--easy energies or more difficult ones like an opposition? One more question (DumbHunks are nice enough, but Iqhunks are so much more fun )...which asteroids would you say are the most important to study in romantic synastry? I know you value Valentine highly, as well as Amor, but what would you say are the other most signifcant ones? IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 11, 2007 02:40 PM
Hi Alisa  Hi Jane, I am yet to study parallels, contra-parallels and declinations in general. I heard that is an exhaustive subject in its own right. In the love department, I value double whammy aspects or linked aspects of: Mars, Venus, Pluto, Karma, Valentine, Amor, Isis, Osiris, Cupid, Psyche, Eros and Juno. When Ascendant, 5th Cusp or Moon makes exact aspects to the above, we can find couples with plenty of spice and yet happy in a long term relationship. Some astrologers look at midpoints, I used to but stopped because midpoints act more as triggers than indicators of true twin souls/true love. If I were to create 5 aspect sets or modify 5 aspect patterns to make every marriage a happy marriage I would create: a) Valentine-True Node double whammy b) Mars-Venus conjunction from girl to boy, Mars-Mars trine and Mars-Venus sextile from boy to girl. c) Karma-Moon or Sun-Moon or Asc-Karma double whammy without a square. d) Isis of Boy trine Osiris of girl e) Cupid or Eros of girl conjunct Psyche or Juno of boy. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 11, 2007 02:49 PM
Errr, would you say that someone's Karma conjunct another's SouthNode would definitely mean a past life connection?IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted April 11, 2007 06:49 PM
IqhunkSo, do you mean squre of those asteroid to Moon or Sun would be negative. Not having aspects would be better than having a square one? Thanks IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted April 12, 2007 03:17 AM
Iqhunk - Thanks so much! I would've loved hearing your thoughts on declinations, but you've provided more than enough other goodies for me to investigate.  For the Ideal Aspects you listed...I was wondering what prompted you to specify particular aspects (i.e., conjunction, sextile, etc.). Are those the aspects you have with your lady and so you know how lovely they are from personal experience? Or is it a more theoretical reason why you prefer those particular aspects? IP: Logged |
Lana29865 unregistered
posted April 12, 2007 05:16 AM
Iqhunk, you are overworked now, so I feel embarrassed to bother you with my question, but could someone help me out with these conjunctions - this is the man that I am thinking of marrying... We have these Asteroid conjunctions in synastry. I would love to hear from you more experienced astrologers how it looks for us in a long term commitment... :-) His Pluto conjuncts my Cupido His Cupido conjuncts my Mars His Juno conjuncts my Vertex His Psyche conjuncts my Valentine His Ceres conjuncts my Valentine His Karma conjuncts my Valentine His Nessu conjuncts my Psyche & North Node His North Node conjuncts my Ceres His Venus conjuncts my Ceres His Mercury conjuncts my Juno His Eros conjunct my Karma Are we wife&husband material together? ;-) (This is definitely NOT an easy relationship...). Thank you so much for taking the trouble. IP: Logged |
lovethemind unregistered
posted April 12, 2007 12:59 PM
astrometria and astronomia. hmm, never heard of em. but now i have, thanks IQwiz. you really enjoy doing this. thats good. its interesting to learn about and you have helped me understand the relationship a lil bit more...let me ask you, do you think this is a promising relationship that i am in? is there hope for a future of some sort? (you would probably have to see charts huh) :-) IP: Logged |
Neon Artemis unregistered
posted April 12, 2007 01:37 PM
If my valentine is conjunct someone's DESC, exact, does that mean that I want to act out my valentine to him in partnership? Does my Valentine effect him in the 7th, maybe making him feel my valentine in partnership? I know we ask this question in many different ways on here. LOL Any other info about Valentine is appreciated.IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 13, 2007 02:19 AM
that is my parents synastry his valentine and venus conj her eros, osiris, venus and chiron!!!!!  his karma conjunct her karma his juno conjunct her juno his moon opposes her karma his karma trine her moon his venus opposes her pluto his pluto opposes her mars there r alot others but i m leavin it to IQHUNK to take it from here 
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OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted April 13, 2007 08:13 AM
IQHUNK-I'm not a wise woman, I still love him but I know I've gotta get past it. It makes me so sad cos the day I saw him out and about looking tired and harrassed I found out yesterday was the day after he had sat at my best friend's house til 4.30am cos he didn't wanna go home to his 'missus'. She's his first ever girlfriend, I always knew he had a certain idea of what he wanted and I wasn't it but he joined online dating and met her through that. She drives 3 hours each way every weekend to see him and he already leaves her at home to go out with his mates. My best mate gave him a huge serve about me and he knows he did wrong and he does feel really bad, which has let me get over a lot of the anger I had towards him. She says he's very sweet and its gratifying to know I wasn't wrong about what kind of person he is. He is a beautiful person but he did wrong by me, at least he knows that. It hurts me to know he's not happy, I can't even gloat over that. The weekend after our 'encounter' the girlfriend didn't come up and the next weekend was the weekend he sat at my best friends for hours. It was mere coincidence he ended up there, he'd been at the pub and was walking home and my best friend was sitting on the verandah having a smoke waiting for her husband (she lives next door). He came over to chat although they don't know one another very well and he stayed and watched stuff on tv with her husband. He went home to get beer but didn't want to go home to his girlfriend. 'I don't wanna go home to the missus' were his exact words. How sad. I don't feel sorry for myself anymore, I feel very much sorry for him AND his girlfriend. IP: Logged |
moggym unregistered
posted April 13, 2007 12:33 PM
Hey OzMeg, I feel sorry for you......I'm sorry that you got involved in such a bad situation. Love and energy.Melindy IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 14, 2007 01:28 PM
Hi Dulce Luna, Absolute YES to your question.Alisa, Yes to your question too in a vast majority of cases. Jane, The 5 aspects are from both theoretical and real life research. Lana: Assuming you used 2 degree orbs, let me rate the aspects on a scale of 1 to 10 to enhance compatibility. His Pluto conjuncts my Cupido - 8/10 His Cupido conjuncts my Mars - 8/10 His Juno conjuncts my Vertex - 7/10 His Psyche conjuncts my Valentine - 7/10 His Ceres conjuncts my Valentine - 9/10 His Karma conjuncts my Valentine - 9/10 His Nessu conjuncts my Psyche & North Node - 3/10 His North Node conjuncts my Ceres - 7/10 His Venus conjuncts my Ceres - 9/10 His Mercury conjuncts my Juno - 5/10 His Eros conjunct my Karma - 7/10 Several aspects are very good. However, there is hardly any double whammy. A powerful link up does exist between Valentine-Ceres-NorthNode which can weather several storms but not enough for a husband-wife relationship unless the difficult aspects between you two are worked out to a certain extent (And thus allow the good aspects to always shield you from the remaining effect of the difficult aspects) LoveTheMind, Yes, there is plenty of scope in your relationship. I interpreted every aspect for you in page 9 of this string. Overall it looks great. VenusDeIndia: Your parents are 100% soul mates. The Karma-Moon double whammy and Valentine-Venus link is so powerful that the echoes of love between those who have this placement can transcend time and space. Their chart will also be in my permanent collection of true soul mate criteria examples. Neon-Artemis: Asteroid Valentine starts its effect if and only if you are ready to give love and/or sacrifice something you value (small or big) for the sake of love. Untile then it is a dormant asteroid in the chart irresepctive of its placement. Once activated, your interpretation seems quite accurate.
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libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 14, 2007 02:15 PM
So Moon opposition Karma is a powerful connection to have with someone? Here is some others I am really curious about...I have these with someone I admire alot.Venus opposite Pluto Pluto parallel Venus Venus parallel Venus Mars square Venus Venus parallel Mars Mars quincunx Venus
Moon parallel ascendant ------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
Lana29865 unregistered
posted April 15, 2007 05:49 AM
Dear Iqhunk, thank you very much for taking the time and giving me your learned view.I've known this man for 15 years, so marriage probably will not present any great surprises (?). We fortunately have some other aspects in our chart(s) to compensate, e.g. a double whammy between our ascendants and descendants, Suns in each others' 7th houses etc. But as this thread is about asteroids, I won't go into that. Thanks again, Lana IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 15, 2007 07:54 AM
Hi Iqunk i wanted to ask you something,if you could answer:what are the differences between twin souls and soul mates? Concerning celebrity couples, who should be considered ( in your opinion), the 1st and 2nd examples? IP: Logged |
moggym unregistered
posted April 15, 2007 10:35 PM
Hellooooo IQ!!!!! How is my favourite Hunk? Good to see you around helping all of us with our understanding of asteroids!!!!  Was wanting to ask your opinion on what you think asteroids Isolda 211 and Guinevere 2483 might represent in a Males chart? Would they represent some different aspect/area of feminine energy (like Isis)? For women......What about Tristan 1966 and Lancelot 2041?....... I know you may have touched on this before, but the search option is not working.  Still loving the asteroid talk!!!! Melindy  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 01:03 AM
Hi Noreen  Did you register in the forum?Hi Melindy! I have not resreached Isolda and Tristan. Asteroid Guinevere represents where in the chart a woman may feel she may have to be unfaithful in her current relationship because the illicit lover is the one who genuinely loves her. This can be a cause, career or even hobby than a lover. An artiste may have a great voice and a great eye for photography but if she gets genuine accolades from photographers, she may choose to abandon singing in favor of photography. Such an artiste may have Guinever weaker in Taurus or Libra. In a male's chart, this asteroid tells us where his spouse/lover/feminine energy is likely to ditch him for someone or something or some aspect better than what he has to offer. Guinever conjunct Saturn means his wife would choose her dad's decision over husband's in important situations. Guinever conjunct Moon means his wife would take his or her Mom's decision over husbdand's decisions. Again, all these are observable only to more aware people because they are subtle asteroid effects. Asteroid Lancelot represents the selfless and heroic male who is indiscreet with women, especially married ones. In a woman's chart, this represents the point where she may choose the guy over her current husband/lover because of his superior heroism/characteristics not in possession with current husband/lover. Example: Lancelot in Aries means the girl with a non Aries man would ditch him when she finds an Aries type male having Mars or Sun conjunt her Lancelot. The adultery is 100% possible mentally but physical elopement would need several other astrological triggers. IP: Logged |
moggym unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 04:38 AM
Running to Thanks for the super quick reply!!!!!
<<Guinever conjunct Saturn means his wife would choose her dad's decision over husband's in important situations. >> Did you mean as a Natal aspect or a Synastry aspect? <<Lancelot in Aries means the girl with a non Aries man would ditch him when she finds an Aries type male having Mars or Sun conjunt her Lancelot.>> Oh my GOD!!! No, it's okay.... My Lancelot is in Scorpio in exact Oppostion to my Mars....I don't really find Scorpio Sun or Mars men of much intrest.....In fact, due to my Mars, I tend to move the other way VERY quickly!!!!! Also, just realised Pluto in Scorpio men would be wayyyyyy to young for me!!!!!! LOL But, would love to hear if other people have Lancelot experiences? Thinking, thinking..... Melindy
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