Topic: Asteroids Valentine and Amor
cat71 unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 05:27 AM
God I LOVE these asteroids - IQHunk - you've got me researching them now!  Melindy -  I was looking at the ones Melindy came up with and found some interesting pointers with a particular gentleman  My Lancelot is conjunct his Camelot in Pisces with his Mars and Lancelot Our Guineveres are opposite (his aries, mine libra) My Camelot exactly conjunct his Uranus His Arthur conjunct his Vertex and exactly conjunct my Amor My Arthur conjunct his Saturn and Pallas My Merlin is conjunct his Sun His Merlin is exactly conjunct my Moon - I can speculate about most of these from what you've said - but what do you think about: My Camelot conjunct his Uranus and the Merlin conjunctions - pretty please  IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 05:45 AM
Just a little specualtion from what I know about the Arthurian legends... This is all based on 'my own opinion':Arthur - Good, loyal, brave, fair, Lancelot - Good guy, but unable to control his passions (hence chasing Guinevere when he knew she was married to Arthur) Guinevere - hmmm... not sure here, but she was in love with old Arthur til Lancelot showed up, so she saw Arthur as every good thing a man should be except the passion and excitement she saw in Lancelot Camelot - Garden of Eden, Utopia, Peace, Kingdom shared Merlin - now Merlin is a curious one; some people think him benevolent others a manipulator, I prefer to think of him as the Disney version i.e Arthur's hero, mentor, friend and greatest fan and of course, obviously MAGIC! What you think then in relation to the asteroid conjunctions?  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 07:09 AM
Hi Cat71, DId you get my email regding chakra meditations/visualization?The asteroids are subtle in effect and vibrate to those who have past lifelines with close similarities to their themes. HEnce, the Camelot asteroids like Lancelot, Galahad, Arthut, Excalibur, Merlin and Guinever will vibe with those who a) Have had past lifelines in Celtic areas, old England and Scotland b) Have a fond interest in those legends c) Have an inbuilt sense of being a Knight d) This is the compulsory condition: Have increased their awareness and observation of their spirituality and like to study the patterns/synchronicities in life. So if you vibe with Camelot traditions, Merlin conjunctions mean you can do manifestation magick easily together. Camelot conjunct his Uranus would mean the general theme of Camelot that you vibe with will inspire his Uranian faculties of change, inventions, insight and so on. Your notions of a "Knight in Shining Armour saving the damsel in distress" or Knights searching the Holy Grail, will help his sudden change decisions. In a simplest way, he might buy a new digital camera whose name is Merlin! It s funny but thats kind of how asteroids affect us, in subtle ways. A villager in Thailand is not going to benefit one bit from having Lancelot conjunct Excalibur conjunct Galahad conjunct Mars in Aries trine Sun in Sag and trine MErline in Leo. Yet, an English cricketer with some spiritual insights would score a double century in a World Cup final match should he have such a placement. Hi Melindy, THe asteroid interps work both in synastry and in natal chart. IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 07:44 AM
Thanx IQ - got email yeah, am working on visualisations - and have given up Pork and cutting down on the nicotine intake with help of patches - don't drink anyway, so that one was easy I have had trouble getting the book thoug, it's on order now - any pointers you can give me while I wait for it - be appreciated  I live in/was brought up in England and Australia, but have a fond love for English History and all the Holy Grail stuff fascinates me - I have had a past life recognition of being an English soldier around 15th century I think, way after Arthur's time, I had this wierd vision when I was about 10-11 when my parents took me to Stratford on Avon (Shakespeares birthplace), anyway the story of Arthur resonates with me, moreso his Knights of the round table stuff then his love story with Guinevere, I like the whole equality/round table stuff - Very Libran Sun I think  I also noted that we both have a childhood link with Peter Pan story and the asteroids conjunctions there are insteresting too: My Peter is conjunct his Tinker His Peter is conjunct my Chiron My Tinker is conjunct his Juno My Neverland is conjunct his DC His Neverland is conjunct my Moon My Wendy is conjunct his Saturn His Wendy is conjunct my Sun Second star to the right and straight on til morning... 
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moggym unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 09:37 AM
<<THe asteroid interps work both in synastry and in natal chart.>>Oh...... My darlings Guinevere is in exact conjunction with my Eros????? It doesn't conjunct anything in his Natal chart.....  Hi Cat.....Nice!!!!! Conjunct Merlins.....You could create/manifest anything together!!!!!!!!!! How exciting What sign are they located in? Hugs all  Melindy
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cat71 unregistered
posted April 16, 2007 09:44 AM
Hey Melindy - My Merlin conjunct his Sun is in Aries (His 4th/my 11th) His Merlin conjunct my Moon is in Cancer (His 7th my 2nd)IQ - u might have covered this already (sorry if you have) what is Pholus & Pallas. Thanx  IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2007 12:30 PM
 ------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 17, 2008 12:00 PM
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lovethemind unregistered
posted April 20, 2008 06:49 PM
agreed. does anyone have anymore input on how it affects progressed composite/synastry without progression is good to) any info on how much or if at all, it affects a relationship...long-term/short- term? lol. just my thoughts. thank you! IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1004 From: my 30 cubic square meter room with a rat! Registered: May 2009
posted April 20, 2008 09:41 PM
this is a really loooong thread... but i'm intrigued very much, since venusdeindia kindly suggested me to look into it!into the second page, iqhunk talked about the relation and difference between eros, lust and valentine. i casually looked at my composite chart with someone and discovered that our eros and lust are in close conjunction in the 1st house, falling on the edge of capricorn, opposed by valentine in a tight conjunction with vertex in the 8th house, at the beginning of leo. i'm confused how to interpret this, strange! does anyone want to phrase it right? it sounds too confusing to me. IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted June 04, 2008 11:07 AM
bump for the newbies. will ye all check the following hades, cupido... IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 04, 2008 11:33 AM
I do. I checked it with Musicman P: my Cupido trines his Kaali my Cupido conjuncts his dr Amor* my dr Cupido conjuncts his SN
his Cupido conjuncts my Pluto* Is that like a Venus-Pluto-aspect? We already have his Pluto trine my Venus, but I would take this, too.  his Cupido sextile my NN* his Cupido trine my DSC his Cupido trine my Kaali his dr Cupido opposes my Valentine his dr Cupido conjuncts my Hades  my Hades conjunct his Moon my Hades conjunct his Valentine my Hades conjunct his Juno my Hades opposes his dr Eros my Hades opposes his dr Mercury my Hades conjunct his dr Cupido his Hades trine my Isis and Osiris his Hades sextile my Jupiter his Hades opposes my dr Saturn his Hades opposes my dr Eros* his Hades conjuncts my dr Vertex his dr Hades conjunct my Sun his dr Hades conjuncts my Mercury *Deep sigh*
Hmm, let`s see if this time the synastry with Jude Law fails 
my Cupido conjuncts his Moon my Cupido conjuncts his Cupido my dr Cupido conjuncts his dr Neptune my dr Cupido conjuncts his dr ASC his Cupido opposes my dr Venus his dr Cupido widely conjuncts my Venus (4) and conjuncts my Isis and Osiris his Hades conjunct my Hades (but maybe this is just a slow one? What orb do we apply here btw?)
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted June 04, 2008 11:53 AM
DD, can u check cupido and hades in cash-carter and too busy.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 04, 2008 12:37 PM
Cash - Carter (only conjunctions and oppositions):his Hades conjunct her Uranus his Hades conjunct her Hades (generational?) his dr Hades conjunct her Uranus his dr Hades conjunct her Kaali* his dr Hades conjunct her dr Jupiter her dr Hades opposes his Jupiter his Cupido conjunct her Neptune: 0.00 I thought the connections to Cupido were a bit scarce, so I had the idea to check the antiscia / contrascia, too:
her Hades / his ASC her Hades / his dr Amor her dr Hades / his dr Moon her Cupido / his dr Siva her Cupito / his Siva her dr Cupido / his MC-IC his Hades / her dr Chiron Banderas - Griffith: his Hades conjunct her Amor* her dr AHades conjunct his dr ASC her dr Hades oppoises his dr Pluto her Hades conjunct his Neptune* his Cupido opposes her Karma his dr Cupido opposes her Kaali* his dr Cupido conjunct her dr Saturn her Cupido conjunct his Siva her dr Cupito opposes his Sun* her dr Cupido oppoises his Uranus her dr Cupido opposes his Kaali* Antiscia:
his Hades / her Sun his dr Hades / Her Uranus her Hades / his Uranus her dr Hades / his Moon her dr Hades / his Cupido her dr Hades / his Siva her dr Cupidot / his Hades her dr Cupido / his dr Neptune
It`s interesting that in both cases aspects to Kaali / Siva appear.
DD IP: Logged |
gerti2 unregistered
posted June 04, 2008 02:41 PM
What would Cupido trine Moon/Sun Valentine conjunct Mc Eros opposition Pluto Luct conjunct Venus Moon/Pluto/Isis/Osiris conjunctionmean in a composite chart? Thanks IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted June 07, 2008 10:13 PM
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Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 13, 2009 01:38 PM
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DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1141 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 04, 2009 11:39 AM
my amor is in gemini in the 10th house trine my true valentine is scorpio in my 3rd house exactly opposite my mercury. trine my mercury sextile uranus square true node IP: Logged |
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 552 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 04, 2009 12:25 PM
Amor in Gemini 5th house - Amor trine Moon Amor conjunct Mars Amor Bi-Quintile Uranus Amor inconjunct MC Amor sextile POF Amor sextile Ceres Amor trine Pallas Amor conjunct JunoValentine in Virgo 8th house Valentine sextile Venus Valentine square Mars Valentine trine AC Valentine semi-sextile Vertex IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 238 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2011 01:16 AM
*bump* for AsteroidsIP: Logged |