Topic: Asteroids Valentine and Amor
Neptune's Muse unregistered
posted May 22, 2006 03:34 PM
Hey Love,A double whammy is when two people have the same aspects to each other's planets. For example, my sun is conjunct your moon, and your sun is conjunct my moon as it is called a Sun conjunct Moon double whammy. This term is only used in synastry between two charts. Hope it helps!  Venus de Milo: I like your reiteration of Lust conjunct Saturn hindering expression of love. Very plausible.
I wonder what would Karma conjunct Saturn mean in synastry?! Karma conjunct the Lord of Karma, sort of the Mother of all karmas aspect? Who's got unfinished business, the Karma person, or the Saturn person? Tameem, what would that mean? Also, in the composite, should we interpret Karma differently, as in what would it mean if Karma is opposite the composite Sun and Moon for instance?
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Alisa unregistered
posted May 22, 2006 03:59 PM
IqhunkThanks Iqhunk. I am clear now with the “Potato Analogy”. However, can I ask more for the first point? 1. “It wont work that way. Once you decide to give love a chance, the man from the 5 who has the maximum lovey dovey mutual aspects will be the one you get most attracted to. If 3 of the 5 men are gay, then you will have to choose betwee 2 straight men, even if the gay men have 100 double whammy conjunctions with your chart.” Actually, for this one, please ignore gay thing for a while so I can get the point you tried to explain clearlier, probably If all the 5 men are straight, can I CHOOSE MYSELF to love or to feel anything with the man who has simplest aspect and also my heart CAN CHOOSE not to feel anything with the man who has maximum lovey dovey mutual aspects? I am still not get to the point “Once you decide to give love a chace”. Can you explain what role ASTROLOGY would play here? I am so new to synastry actually. Still 2. You said to Love “He may hurt you in love without meaning to. Emotionally/Subconsciously he sees you as his wife whom he loves dearly.” Since this is composite chart, not synastry, the Psyche should be the energy of Psyche from both of them. So, I am not so clear about your interpretation in this case. Could you explain whether the meaning for “Moon conjunct Psyche” would be different or not if this is an aspect of the synastry chart instead? 3. For what you explained to Taurus80, do you consider the following aspects fit in what you are talking about? There are quincunx and quindecile. Can you explain what Karma means in relationship? I heard “Karma” the first tome in this thread. In synastry: His Karma opposes her Asc (1 degree) His Karma quindecile her Sun and Moon Her Karma quincunx his Sun His Moon conjunct Asc (3 degree) Her North Node quindecile his Karma Her Karma trine his North Node His Sun oppose her Asc (0 degree) 4.From Venus De Milo said about Lust conjunct Saturn. What do you think is the meaning of her Lust oppose his Saturn in synastry? Is it too bad? The person who will feel disappoint is the Lust person, right? Thanks again. Alisa
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Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 22, 2006 05:39 PM
quote: Venus de Milo: I like your reiteration of Lust conjunct Saturn hindering expression of love. Very plausible.
We had an opportunity to have sex once and, while we kissed and touched and it was AMAAAZING... like... one of those fireworks kisses, like a dream... we decided not to have sex because of circumstances... we could't be together how we wanted and it just didn't feel right until everything was perfect. It was like there was a wet blanket on taking things further right then. I don't want to explain too much more, it's very personal. But I do feel a strong sense of restraint which is pretty remarkable considering the chemistry between us. I have a friend who often annoys me because she always asks me if I slept with him and I've told her a million times that I haven't. So recently when she asked again, I was like, I told you already NO!! Why do you keep asking? And she was just like... sorry... I just find it so hard to believe that you're both infatuated with each other and I've seen the chemistry with my own eyes, I know how sexual you are and I just can't believe it hasn't happened! I was like... yeah... it's weird, but it really hasn't  The other thing about the kiss was that I had a very surreal dream about the kiss several months before hand and in my dream it was so amazing. I was afriad I would be disappointed if it ever happened in real life... but... amazingly... it felt just like the dream when it did happen. It was the most perfect kiss ever. I really think we met astrally in that dream and it was an astral kiss. It was so amazing and so real. It took me a little bit to come to my senses after waking and realize it didn't really happen and was a dream! I'm just so worried that he's over it. He's told me several times that he will regret for the rest of his life some decisions he's made that put us in these cirumstances and I know he feels strongly for me... but right now, he's in the thick of Hollywood trying to make it as an actor, far away from me, I imagine he's around so many beautiful women... and he's attractive, smart, classically handsome.... I'm just so afriad to let go and believe that we are meant to be wholeheartedly, because I'm afriad that when I get my life in order, he's not going to care... or be with some plastic t!tty bimbo in LA... or having a ball out there with all those attractive women, dating around and not interested in pursuing what we could have. I try so hard to resist all this, but I can't stop thinking about him, dreaming about him, etc... his Pluto sits exactly on my ASC... he says he dreams about me constantly and has never stopped thinking about me, dreaming about me... but my defensive side says this is all sweet talk and don't take it to heart... take everything with a grain of salt... don't allow yourself the disappointment and heartache that will come if you believe he is your soul mate and you will run off together and live happily ever after... and... he is just indifferent. I know that however he feels now or however he felt before, can be completely different to how he will feel in a few months... I know this. I know it. I'm terrified of it. That disppointment cannot happen to me. I couldn't take it. I really couldn't. So I try to coach myself into not expecting anything from him. All this is just... the possibilities of what could be between us... but we each have free will and it's possible none of it will come to fruition. I keep telling myself that. And I will not ever hate him if he does not want to be with me. I will absolutely not. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 02:43 AM
Hi Bullhead, <<So im still wondering does any of the aspects show the second guy connect with me emotionally>> I did not notice any aspect but I can assure you that once you have sex with a man, you and he develop an "Auric Bond". You must have studied chemistry how acid + alkali forms a salt using ionic bonds. As below, so is above. As is above, so is below. This is a powerful spiritual knowledge.Now once the Auric bond has been formed, there will definitely be mutual effect of all kinds. He does good, you benefit. He does bad, you suffer. You do good, he benefits and you do bad, he suffers. Karmic sharing. Once the sexual relationship has started, it is better to apply practical considerations and psychological principles than astrological. Thats what I feel.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 02:45 AM
Hi T80, <<do you mean the ones stated above or other ones that may include the sun or other personal planets >> Any 3 double whammies. This is not a religious dictum but just a statistically useful one to indicate with more certainty about someone being a twin soul.IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 02:50 AM
<<With my ex husband, the only clear aspect I could find was his Amor is opposed my Valentine... is that positive or negative? >>Hi Venus, I will get back to your post in detail. For now, I can assure you that Amor opp Valentine is a very challenging placement, mostly negative. Also, has your divorce been completed ? Negativity from ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends is one of the hidden causes of miseries to women in our planet today because everyone has enjoyed the advantages of sexual liberation without understanding the Auric consequences. You have to meditate and release all the Auric imprints from previous sexual relations with your ex before your Aura is clean enough to allow new sexual experiences with a better man. I will try to explain the "physics" of this in detail later on.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 04:05 AM
Hi NMuse,<<I wonder what would Karma conjunct Saturn mean in synastry?! Karma conjunct the Lord of Karma, sort of the Mother of all karmas aspect? Who's got unfinished business, the Karma person, or the Saturn person? >> In my studies, Transit Karma conjunct True Node or Saturn indicates a trigger for completing balancing of karmas. Saturn largely stands for karmas from past life, so the Asteroid will focus on the balancing of plus and minus where the Saturn person suffered at the hands of the non-Saturn person in synastry. Saturn also stands for structure and ambition. It is the fate of the asteroid Karma person to be structure in the image the Saturn person dictates for the duration of the relationship or till the karmic debts are balanced. These are all new studies and we have to learn from the expereinces of each other or on countries etc. May 27-28 there is a transit Saturn conjunct Natal True Node in America's birth chart. A few months later, asteroid Karma will oppose True Node. The important devlopments of these days will add to our understanding of the nature of difference between Karma and Saturn in transits, especially to fated points like True Node. (Also study the effect of Asteroid Chaos next week when it conjuncts Natal Uranus of US) <<Also, in the composite, should we interpret Karma differently, as in what would it mean if Karma is opposite the composite Sun and Moon for instance? >> In the composite chart, asteroid Karma tells what would get balanced and how. Karma opp Sun indicates the Ego of the marriage will get balanced thru challenging experiences etc.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 04:21 AM
Hi Alisa,<<If all the 5 men are straight, can I CHOOSE MYSELF to love or to feel anything with the man who has simplest aspect and also my heart CAN CHOOSE not to feel anything with the man who has maximum lovey dovey mutual aspects>> With very strong will power, you can do this. Astrology tells what the programmed impulse will be. Very strong will power has always surpassed astrological impulses. << Could you explain whether the meaning for “Moon conjunct Psyche” would be different or not if this is an aspect of the synastry chart instead? >> I was confused. Tell you what, best to study one thing at a time for clarity. When studying synastry, avoid the composite and vice versa. Composite is very simple, it is the chart of the "marriage", as if it were one person. << Can you explain what Karma means in relationship? I heard “Karma” the first tome in this thread. >> Karma indicates where there will be balance of past life and present life debts from good and bad done to each other. << His Karma opposes her Asc (1 degree) >> He is destined to balance her karmic debts of misusing her personality to cause hurt. <<His Karma quindecile her Sun and Moon >> He is destined to be obsessed with her inner personality and her emotions to balance her similar obsession with him in the past life or present. << Her Karma quincunx his Sun >> She is destined to balance his inner personality's flaws in adjuistment with her. <<Her North Node quindecile his Karma>> She has to be obsessed with balancing his flaws completely for her spiritual fulfillment. <<Her Karma trine his North Node>> She is destined to easily balance him in a way that causes his spiritual fulfillment. <<Lust oppose his Saturn in synastry? Is it too bad? The person who will feel disappoint is the Lust person, right? >> Lust oppose Saturn means there will be no sexual arousal unless it is a means of settling huge past life scores. Yes, the Lust person will feel dejected at the Saturn person's attitude.
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Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 05:51 AM
IQ ~Okay, so I am wondering about these aspects since I find them still a bit confusing... if you have time: My Amor square his Venus My Moon conjunct his Chiron His Lust square my MC His Karma trine my MC My Amor conjunct his Chiron My Karma conjunct his Saturn (is that a similar effect to an opposed Saturn?) His vertex square my Chiron His Juno conjunct my Pluto and square my Ascendant My Valentine doing something with his looks like an upside down "u" with a line over it. Not sure what this means. And finally, his Amor doing something with my MC...I don't know what the symbol means either. It looks like this: < Thanks once more, Love  IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 05:52 AM
P.S. Thanks Neptune's Muse for the info on what double whammies are!Love  IP: Logged |
Charlotte unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 05:57 AM
Hi! Iqhunk,Awesome! thread... What does it mean if his Karma is tightly conjunct my Neptune and vertex in 6th house trining my 10th house sun sextile Uranus and Pluto squaring my 9th house mercury this is taking place in same element-water, I'm not sure the square is as harsh... squaring my 3rd house Jupiter my Karma is also conjunct his neptune and vertex Trine his Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron sextile Uranus and Pluto hmmmm BTW, You are amazing with asteroids! :-) IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 09:13 AM
IqhunkThanks soooo much! Sorry for confusing you. I saw you said “Emotionally/Subconsciously he sees you as his wife whom he loves dearly.” when you interpret “Moon conjunct Psyche in the composite chart”. You used to word HE and HIS. I think that Psyche in the composite chart is belong to both persons. Can I interpret that emotionally/subconsciously, both of you love each other dearly? Regarding the role of astrology, can I put it this way? I have free will to do anything. However, the STRONGER the aspects in synastry would require STRONGER free will. Out of 5 guys, I probably need GREATEST effort to not love the guy who has the best lovey charts. Would the “programmed impulse” have lesser effect if we stop seeing each other face to face? I do not know whether physical contact would IMPLUSE the chart or not? Does the owner of Karma has to PAY back to the other one in the life? Then I am not clear the meaning in reality for “He is destined to balance her karmic debts of misusing her personality to cause hurt.” In reality, if she misused her personality to cause hurt to him in the past life, in this life, she should PAY back, not he should PAY BACK. Or probably, when you say someone “is destined to do, it can imply either GET PAID or PAY BACK. So, Karma can be both good and bad??? If in the same chart for “her Lust opposes his Saturn”, his Lust conjunct her Eros instead. In the composite chart, Lust trine Mar and sextile Asc. So, there probably be sexual relationship but the man would be happy while the woman does not like it much. Am I wrong? I try to practice, not let you just only interpret for me.  Are there any other aspects you list for twin soul? Do you consider hard aspect or soft aspect? Do you think quindecile and quincunx are soft or hard aspect? This is my question in many months.  Alisa
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 10:22 AM
Hi Love, What I will do is prepare keywords for the aspects in each sign. Off the cuff bit by bit analysis will cause only further confusion. <<My Karma conjunct his Saturn (is that a similar effect to an opposed Saturn?) >> This indicates the hand of fate. You were destined to learn lessons from each other because of past life issues and hence evolve from this lifeline onwards. IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 10:27 AM
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 10:29 AM
Hi Charlotte,<<What does it mean if his Karma is tightly conjunct my Neptune and vertex in 6th house trining my 10th house sun sextile Uranus and Pluto squaring my 9th house mercury this is taking place in same element-water>> He is destined to balance his compassion or spirituality that relates to serving others by learning easy lessons from your inner personality/ego. If the past karma is negative, this will involve some health issues due to tension in understanding you. Timely insights from your interactions will help him. His core perceptions on life/death/transformation will be challenged by your knowledge but ultimately you will end up learning much from his deep perceptions. << my Karma is also conjunct his neptune and vertex Trine his Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron sextile Uranus and Pluto >> You are similarly destined yo balance your compassion/spirituality lessons from him. I am not strong on Vertex. The negative part of Neptune is that you both could delude each other and lead each other astray. I hope the Karma asteroids and NEptunes are not retrograde. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 10:46 AM
HI Alisa,<<Can I interpret that emotionally/subconsciously, both of you love each other dearly? >> Yes. << I have free will to do anything. However, the STRONGER the aspects in synastry would require STRONGER free will. Out of 5 guys, I probably need GREATEST effort to not love the guy who has the best lovey charts.>> Exactly! <<Would the “programmed impulse” have lesser effect if we stop seeing each other face to face? I do not know whether physical contact would IMPLUSE the chart or not? >> Not seeing each other would definitely have a lesser impact. However, as in Bullhead's case, if you decide to go for a sexual relationship, then you are doubling the Auric connection path. Astrological effect would increase in this case. It is very much like Electricity and Electro-Magnetism. <<Or probably, when you say someone “is destined to do, it can imply either GET PAID or PAY BACK. So, Karma can be both good and bad??? >> Yes, the Karma asteroid only indicates that either the guy or girl will get paid or pay back depending on past life action. Whether it is good or bad karma will be known only in the process of the relationship. << If in the same chart for “her Lust opposes his Saturn”, his Lust conjunct her Eros instead. In the composite chart, Lust trine Mar and sextile Asc. So, there probably be sexual relationship but the man would be happy while the woman does not like it much. Am I wrong? I try to practice, not let you just only interpret for me. >> The woman will also like it because the composite is harmonious but the decision of when to have sex will be taken by the male. The man will be heavily turned on by her desires. He will be much happier than her overall. <<Are there any other aspects you list for twin soul? Do you consider hard aspect or soft aspect? >> I try to primarily find an Ascendant or Moon connection, True Node connection and Valentine connection. One very strong Ascendant or Moon connection gives me the MATHMATICAL confidence in determining a Twin Soul possibility. Nobody can argue with Mathematics. <<Do you think quindecile and quincunx are soft or hard aspect? >> I hink quincunx is a hard aspect. Quindecile can be a hard or soft aspect depending on the nature. I take Quindecile to mean that "too much of nectar can be poison". So by knowing and limiting our obsession, quindecile can be converted to a soft aspect. Likewise, Quincunx can be converted to a soft aspect. How? By each partner stepping ahead 15 degrees from their quincunx point. Or by the evolved person stepping ahead 30 degrees mentally. This is the purpose of astrology, to change our consciousness for the better than to be like robots under the planetary program. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 10:48 AM
T80 wrote <<would the valentine conjucnt valentine and amor conjunct amor count? how about sun oppose merc double whammies and sun trine venus double whammies >>They all count! Valentine conj Valentine and Amor conj Amor are the best possible double whammies imaginable for a relationship. IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 10:52 AM
thank you soo much for all your help Iqhunk..really you are such a sweetheart to go through all this trouble of answering our questions..i think we all really do appericate it..i wish i knew more about astrology to help you..but for now i will settle with being the grasshopper  IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 02:05 PM
quick come in it shows some conjunctions on their chart and other conjunctions are left blank?IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 02:07 PM
Hi T80, Just apply the knowledge beneficially, that is sufficient thanks. And contemplate as much as you can on your own chart. Pls read Tim Wilson's site thoroughly. Also study all the asteroid links given in this forum. Reading thoroughly and self study using your chart is the key process of enjoying astrology.
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Alisa unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 03:45 PM
IqhunkThanks, Thanks and Thanks I learned a lot from the past 2 weeks from this thread alone You said “<<His Karma quindecile her Sun and Moon >> He is destined to be obsessed with her inner personality and her emotions to balance her similar obsession with him in the past life or present.” What does inner personality actually mean? Can you give me example? Thanks. Actually, his Karma conjunct his own Sun (1 degree). From this aspect alone, I think that he would be more obsessed in the relationship than her, right? Do you think which one should be more intense among, let say, “his Pluto quindecile her Venus” and “his Pluto trine/conjunct her Venus”? Obsession should mean more powerful, correct?  For the Lust aspects, you said “The woman will also like it because the composite is harmonious but the decision of when to have sex will be taken by the male. The man will be heavily turned on by her desires. He will be much happier than her overall.” So, can I conclude that although the synastry would show that her Lust oppose his Saturn which is negative, the aspect would be soften or even erased since the composite say that it is good. I am not sure I understand it correctly or not. Alisa IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 03:53 PM
T80We have Sun oppose Mercury in synastry double whammies at exact degree. However, I do not think that we think different or anything like that. We think alike. We have same styles of communications. We loves to talk for hours (my Mercury also quindecile his Mercury). We can share secrets and talk about everything on earth. For me, it is a good aspect. It makes our relationship lively. Probably Moon conjunct Moon, Moon conjunct Asc, and Moon conjunct Mercury in our chart soften this hard aspect. Alisa IP: Logged |
Devilfish unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 04:13 PM
how bout lust conj. valentine conjunct pluto conjunct mc in libra in antision(sp?) with sun conjunct karma, in pluto dwad? the mc conjunctions are part of a grand trine /kite with venus and mars!!!!!!!!!!!!the moon is at 0 degrees as focal point of kite! any thoughts?IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 05:16 PM
heyy Alisa..i don't find this to be a hard aspect either. Lots of communciation in both our parts..i think sun conjunct moon and sun trine moon helps with me.. IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1285 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 10:38 PM
lQ This ones for you!. IP: Logged | |