Topic: Asteroids Valentine and Amor
Charlotte unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 03:40 AM
Thank YOU! for your time Iqhunk... You are a wonderful! teacher and I have learned so much from this thread alone.  Ack! now you have me worried they are retrograde in both charts! 
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 04:48 AM
Wow! That was fascinating! Thanks Node  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 04:53 AM
Hi Devilfish,<<how bout lust conj. valentine conjunct pluto conjunct mc in libra in antision(sp?) with sun conjunct karma, in pluto dwad? the mc conjunctions are part of a grand trine /kite with venus and mars!!!!!!!!!!!!the moon is at 0 degrees as focal point of kite! any thoughts? >> Have not studied Kite Shape charts in depth. They need a good grasp of the elements and signs and houses per shape. Let me just see the aspects. lust conj. valentine conjunct pluto conjunct mc in libra indicates a Native who can master as a career the psychology sexual desires in the case of of a true love relationship. A love doctor  The Mars-Venus grand trine adds the necessary energy and value system for this mastery. Sun conj Karma means the Native is destined to successfully balance his past life Ego mistakes in this life. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 04:57 AM
<<What does inner personality actually mean? Can you give me example? Thanks. >> The basic Sun Sign ruled inner tendencies. A Cancerian's inner personality is always about security and survival. So he keeps lots of cash, stores food. He may be fearful from the inside when he speaks and takes criticism to heart. Etc.<<Actually, his Karma conjunct his own Sun (1 degree). From this aspect alone, I think that he would be more obsessed in the relationship than her, right? >> Yes! And there will be better help in balancing the debts due to the power of the Sun. <<Do you think which one should be more intense among, let say, “his Pluto quindecile her Venus” and “his Pluto trine/conjunct her Venus”? Obsession should mean more powerful, correct? >> Exactly! I have seen this to be true from real life expereince. Pluto quindecile Venus is amazingly obsessive. << For the Lust aspects, you said “The woman will also like it because the composite is harmonious but the decision of when to have sex will be taken by the male. The man will be heavily turned on by her desires. He will be much happier than her overall.” So, can I conclude that although the synastry would show that her Lust oppose his Saturn which is negative, the aspect would be soften or even erased since the composite say that it is good. I am not sure I understand it correctly or not. >> You understood correctly. The Composite has done the trick  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 05:00 AM
Hi Charlotte, Thanks for your kind words but I am no teacher, just a fellow researcher in astrology. The more knowledge we share, the more we gain.The anagram of teacher is cheater  If I teach, I impose a rigidity and orthodoxy, which cheats by blocking the flow of better knowledge in the future. Hence, I avoid teaching and thereby avoid cheating 
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Charlotte unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 03:25 PM
Iphunk, you have an excellent point! Maybe like Linda, you help us remember... Hugs, Charlotte  ------------------ May the angel of your higher s-elf, guide you always. IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 04:21 PM
Iqhunk"The more knowledge we share, the more we gain." That positive thinking makes me not too guilty keep asking your questions  "<Actually, his Karma conjunct his own Sun (1 degree). From this aspect alone, I think that he would be more obsessed in the relationship than her, right? >> Yes! And there will be better help in balancing the debts due to the power of the Sun." Could you explain what "better help" is? His Karma and his Sun both quindecile her Moon and her Sun. I originally thought that if his Sun involves, then he would be MORE obsessive than usual. Then, "more obsessive" for me translates to helpless I mean it would make him too difficult NOT to be obsessive or let it go. Please comment where I am wrong. Thanks. You said "Pluto quindecile Venus is amazingly obsessive." Can you give me sample real stories from your experience on this aspect? What the Venus person and Pluto person each should feel? Since Pluto itself also mean "obsessive" too, would the Pluto person be doubly obsessive? How about if the Pluto person is the same guy who has his Karma and Sun quindecile her Sun and Moon above? Then, would it be MULTIPLY obsessive? Then, what do you think this guy would feel? You said "You understood correctly. The Composite has done the trick" How about if there are two inharmonious double whammies in synastry but the aspect is harmonious in composite chart? For example, her Sun square his Moon and her Moon square his Sun. Then, it is possibly that Sun conjunct Moon in composite chart. Would you conclude that it is harmony or inharmony? Thanks  Alisa
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bullhead unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 05:11 PM
HI IQ, its amazing u reply all of us so quick, u must be very busy cuz we all love to know more of these. big thank U again
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Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 24, 2006 05:54 PM
IQ ~ Sorry to throw so many at you at once. I'm just having a very hard time working through my relationship to this one man. I feel a connection to him that I have never felt with anyone else, but it seems to be a case of karma mixed in with an (unhealthy) dose of unrequited love (on my part). I can intuitively sense what some of the astroids mean but since there seem to be (to me at least) some aspects that are perhaps cancelling out or affecting other aspects I am trying to get clear on how to synthesize it all.Any further info, even a general statement or consensus, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks once again, Love  P.S. I am valiantly paying attention to this thread, as well as all the other asteroid related threads, and trying to work this stuff out for myself. IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 24, 2006 07:21 PM
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Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 25, 2006 05:17 AM
quote: Hi Venus, I will get back to your post in detail. For now, I can assure you that Amor opp Valentine is a very challenging placement, mostly negative. Also, has your divorce been completed ? Negativity from ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends is one of the hidden causes of miseries to women in our planet today because everyone has enjoyed the advantages of sexual liberation without understanding the Auric consequences. You have to meditate and release all the Auric imprints from previous sexual relations with your ex before your Aura is clean enough to allow new sexual experiences with a better man. I will try to explain the "physics" of this in detail later on.
That's a really interesting thing you say about "auric consequences". I have to tell you I had a sense of this even without knowing. My husband and I have had many ups and downs, and we had a very long separation once before, during which I actually dated a lot. All my friends, and I say this without judgement and just as a fact, were very promiscuous. I could barely kiss another man. I kissed ONE other guy during this time. I never slept with anybody. And the sole reason was that during my marriage, I had come to be so acutely aware of how sexual intercourse causes us to intermingle our energies as intimately as possible with another person, another soul... another entity! I just could not possibly bring myself to do this with just... any good looking guy with a nice smile that paid me a bit of attention. There had to be something more to it for me. I tried to explain this to my friends and they just look at me like I'm talking my crazy astro/karma/tarot/psychobabble and that I just need to get laid. I don't think so. I had no knowledge of this auric karma or anything. I am/was just very aware of not wanting to mix and pollute my energies wantonly. I have never been especially promiscuous in my life, but I really don't think this is something I'll ever engage in again. And yes, my soon-to-be ex-husband is a big part of the circumstances of why we can't be together. That, and the fact that Mr Pisces has taken off to LA to pursue acting and a few other things that happened between us. We have a very deep friendship and mutual admiration, if nothing else. Thanks IQHUNK... I can't wait to hear what else you have to say and if there's anothing else you can tell me about auric karma and what not, I would very much love to hear it.
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Devilfish unregistered
posted May 25, 2006 10:10 AM
wow IQ, i never thought of that but its true that i have talked to alot of people about those topics.weird because im kind of a hermit and people literally seek me out for advice. interesting, thank you! as for karma,i am working always on being centered, order for that to happen my ego must be in check,i once wrote "oh that i may rise as a phoinix(sp?) after my ego has been reduced to ash, this is my hope" i think you are spot on! you are so generous, which is such a blessing ,you are assured an abundant return.  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 10:37 AM
Hi Alisa,<<You said Pluto quindecile Venus is amazingly obsessive Can you give me sample real stories from your experience on this aspect? What the Venus person and Pluto person each should feel? Since Pluto itself also mean too, would the Pluto person be doubly obsessive >> Pluto person is intense and probing. Not always obsessive. In the Pluto quindecile Venus, P would call up the V person almost every 2-3 hours to make sure she is ok. There will be many SMSes of love and affection. If there is no reply to even 2 messages, he will feel emotionally upset till a message comes and so on. << How about if the Pluto person is the same guy who has his Karma and Sun quindecile her Sun and Moon above? Then, would it be MULTIPLY obsessive? Then, what do you think this guy would feel? >> Sun quindecile Moon would make his ego obsessed with her emotional state. It would make him a control freak when Pluto quindecile Venus also exists. Karma works differently, I have another string for Karma, you must understand the description of the asteroid first.
<<How about if there are two inharmonious double whammies in synastry but the aspect is harmonious in composite chart? For example, her Sun square his Moon and her Moon square his Sun. Then, it is possibly that Sun conjunct Moon in composite chart. Would you conclude that it is harmony or inharmony? >>
As per my current knowledge, this would mean that the couple would always patch up even if they fought regularly. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 10:48 AM
Hi Love,<< My Amor square his Venus >> A challenge to love his value system and what he finds sexy or comfortable or tasty. Eg: Learning to love his citrus deodorant even though you prefer he like musk instead. <<My Moon conjunct his Chiron>> Your emotions can be healed by him through his higher level love that may hurt initially. Eg: He forces you to use the treadmill, telling you point blank that you are overweight. You feel distraught. Few months later, you are a more confident woman and emotionaly happy because your slimness has boosted the self esteem and improved your health. And he is veru happy for you because that is want he wanted for you.
<<His Lust square my MC>> His desires may interfere with your career. Sex in the morning for instance. Easily resolvable situation, nothing to worry. <<His Karma trine my MC>> His destiny of balncing experiences help your career. It is possible that he has done more good acts and the karmic rewards will help you improve by giving your career flexibility because of his increased wealth. <<My Amor conjunct his Chiron>> You love his spiritual progress, you love his effort to improve heroicaly even when he is hurt. <<My Karma conjunct his Saturn (is that a similar effect to an opposed Saturn?)>> No, opposed Saturn would imply terrible expereinces to an unaware person. This conjunction means a very pwoerful destiny together. You have been together in sooooo many past lives and so many debts to each other. To me this is a proof of a fated match. You both have to learn to love each other and work on forgiving each other for past life hurts. No running away from eac other. If you run now, next life chart will have this placement too! His vertex square my Chiron
His Juno conjunct my Pluto and square my Ascendant >>
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 10:56 AM
Hi Devilfish, If I remember right, you and your husband are a lovey dovey couple for more than a decade? If so, you both are a classic example of cross Auric imprinting where a magnetic orb of love has been created. Lets say you just call him now and sing "I just called to say I love you" on the phone, he would come home beaming like a rainbow and you would feel the happiness from a distance. And vice versa. The kids would feel exra comfortable when you both sit togther etc etc. I have not studied this thoroughly, very little was mentioned in a Hermetic book but I know this has to be true.IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 26, 2006 03:03 PM
IQ ~Thank you soooo much for your interpretations I truly appreciate it. My one remaining question then is this: What if he is the one doing the running away? I am assuming that his Juno conjuncting my Pluto and squaring my ascendant are also Karmic placements... I have never in my life felt more karma than with this guy. So perhaps then his running away is guaranteeing another lifetime of rebalancing. I have tried very, very hard in the last little while to heal whatever karma exists between us since I knew it was necessary. But unlike other relationships that have ended for me in the past (and this one technically has) it doesn't feel over. It feels like there is still something between us which has lead me on this quest to find out what I can do to either heal it and be with him or heal it and move on. I don't want to move on without him but I also cannot live in this love purgatory any longer. I read what you said about auric energy arising from sex and I could not agree more. Unfortunately we also work together and so I must see him at least two days of the week. So if I have been badgering you for clues then I apologize I am just very bent on healing this in whatever way I can. If I can't be with him for his own higher good (or for my own) then my goal is to mend whatever needs mending. Thanks Again IQ! Taurus 80 ~ Thanks for your kind words. Love  IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 04:34 PM
IqhunkWe are all glad you are back. I think it is not only me who has to come to check this thread daily what insight Iqhunk would give next. Thanks for still being with us. I am really appreciated too.  "<Actually, his Karma conjunct his own Sun (1 degree). From this aspect alone, I think that he would be more obsessed in the relationship than her, right? >> Yes! And there will be better help in balancing the debts due to the power of the Sun." “Sun quindecile Moon would make his ego obsessed with her emotional state.” Could you explain what BETTER HELP mean? When Karma is sitting there at the sun position, can I interpret that it is HIS OWN DEBT IN PAST LIFE makes his ego obsess with her emotional state IN PRESENT LIFE? I am not sure whether I understand it correctly or not. What is the difference between having KARMA and NOT having KARMA there? When you gave me example of Venus/Pluto, I got what you said. Can you give me example of his Sun quindecile her Moon and his Sun quindecile her Sun too? When you said his EGO obsessed with her EMOTIONAL STATE, I am not sure what EGO and EMOTIONAL STATE mean. From Venus/Pluto aspect alone, since Pluto is not loving planet, would Pluto person love venus person? Or he just want her to be in his control only? And Venus person should LOVE to be in control, correct? And why in the real life, the Venus person is the one who loves the Pluto person obsessively? It seems to be in the opposite. What is your opinion? Alisa
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Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 26, 2006 04:56 PM
Alisa ~I think what you said about the Venus/Pluto connection is interesting! I have found it seems to be the opposite for me too. It does seem like the Pluto person is more obsessive than the Venus person. I wonder why that is as well. Love IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted May 27, 2006 07:19 AM
LoveIs it possible that you do not know that he is more obsessive? Venus De Milo You also have this aspect. Can you share with us? Alisa IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 27, 2006 11:41 AM
Hi Love, <<If I can't be with him for his own higher good (or for my own) then my goal is to mend whatever needs mending.>>It can be done mentally. You have to meditate for a few minutes and mentally forgive him for all the wrongd he did to you in all lifelines. Then forgive yourself for the all the wrongs you did to him in all lifelines. This procedure done for a few minutes for a week or two with maximum emotional sincerity should cleanse the debts and initiate the healing which could be either him changing and starting to accept that he must love you OR a much better man will emerge, meaning that the old karma with this man has been settled y your higher selves. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 27, 2006 11:47 AM
Hi Alisa, <<What is the difference between having KARMA and NOT having KARMA there? >> This you must read about Asteroid KArma, a whole string dedictaed to it, then apply on your own to this case.<<Can you give me example of his Sun quindecile her Moon and his Sun quindecile her Sun too? When you said his EGO obsessed with her EMOTIONAL STATE, I am not sure what EGO and EMOTIONAL STATE mean. >> Yes. Lets say he knows that when he yells at her, she gets emotional and cries. When he is sweet, she gets emotional and is hapy, sometimes with tears of joy. This can get to his head and just to satisfy hs ego, he can make her sad or happy as and when he feels like it, just to be in control of her emotional state. The reverse can also occur when the girl is emoiotnally obsessed with his ego. She will want her feelings to dictate his personality. She may feel that she is unhappy, so why is he behaving happily. In astrology, everything works two ways and that too positively or negatively. We cannot document everything, sometimes we have to just study the real life situation. This should help you with the PLuto-Venus situations too, the two way theory in real life. Sun quindecile Sun will mean that he will be obsessed in being more egoistic than she. This placement will cause many an argument and fight.
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Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 27, 2006 03:45 PM
Alisa ~You're right, I technically do not KNOW that he is not more obsessive, but he has since moved on and is dating a person with whom we both work. I do know that he is a master at burying his feelings and since he's a Scorpio (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto) he's also very good at shutting off. I suspect that he is using this other woman to distract himself until he feels nothing for me but I also suspect that, being the kind of person he is, he will likely begin to care for her at some point. So what does that have to do with the Venus/Pluto thing? Well, between his Pluto and my Venus there is no aspect but between my Pluto and his Venus there is a conjunction. He knows that I love him. I wrote him a letter forgiving him for things that he did and telling him that I have unconditional love for him. I have been trying for five months now to release our connection since I felt like if we couldn't be together in a healthy way then it was better not to be together at all. At the same time, however, I have not really wanted to let him go...partly because it's hard for me to let go (Cancer Sun, Ascendant and Venus) and partly because I have never felt like this about anyone in my life and it felt like it would break my heart to do it. Also, it just doesn't feel over in the way the end of all my other relationships have felt. So I finally decided that I might be holding him back in some way if I didn't let him move forward and of course, possibly holding myself back as well. Maybe we have accomplished everything we were meant to...? So I think that I am the more obsessive one. I was more committed to the relationship and I'm positive that I have thought about everything 100 times more often than he has. He's gallavanting around with this new woman and I'm still working it all out. (sigh) He's going away for a month soon and I am hoping that in the time he is gone I will be able to work hard at putting him behind me if I can and release him. So I don't know about that whole Pluto person being in control thing. I personally felt out of control for the better part of five months. Love  IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 27, 2006 03:49 PM
IQ ~As I mentioned in the post above, I did write him a letter trying to heal the karma we have together, specifically mentioning karma. I will definitely try what you have suggested and then see what happens by the time July rolls around and he is back in town. I thank you for all your advice and help. I think I have a better understanding of things now and I do feel a bit more centred. Love  IP: Logged |
Q unregistered
posted May 27, 2006 04:19 PM
I'm not looking at synastry here, but what does it mean if my Amor is conjunct my Valentine and both are exactly on top of my ascendant?IP: Logged |
Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2006 12:57 AM
Hi Alisa,I don't know that I do have the Pluto quindecile Venus in synastry with my guy. He has Venus at 4 Aries and I have Pluto at 19 Libra. It's about 10 - 11 degrees off exact if I'm calculating right??? Quindecile is 165 degrees, no? We have a lot of other Pluto aspects in our intercharts though. His Pluto is conjunct my ASC, almost exact. And my Moon is square his Pluto (1 - 2 degree orb). My Sun and Mars a spect his Pluto at a bit of a wider orb, but a lot of astrologers don't count aspects that are off by more than a degree or so as valid (his Pluto is at 8 Libra, my Mars/Sun at 4/5 Aquarius and Jupiter is at 3 Leo). IQHunk, did you forget about me? I don't mean to hassle you, but I think I getting lost in the shuffle! IP: Logged | |