Topic: Asteroids Valentine and Amor
Green Fairy unregistered
posted February 09, 2007 05:43 PM
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izodesmozina unregistered
posted April 01, 2007 07:43 PM
Hi, guys!I've been playing around with the asteroid section in and I bumped into a few asteroids I think you'll be interested in... It's Union (1585) and Liebe (7696) [liebe is German for love]. I think there were some more, but right now I can't get to that part of my brain where they're stored. Will come back to post them. Just thought you might be interested to know. Tell me what you think about them. I have Union conj the NN of the guy I love, his Union conj my SN... my Liebe conj his Moon and Asc... Take care, you all knowflakes! Izo  PS: I also found Utopia (1282) ~~ for all of you living a dreamy, ment-to-be but never-gonna-happen love... IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 02, 2007 04:32 PM
HI Iqunk Been reading this topic and found it very interesting. The more i know, more i find this fascinating about the asteroids. Recently i´ve red the importance of Quiron ( Magi astrology), is really that important? Me and my partner have: composite: ~KIRON trine sun,mercury,mars;semisextile to n.node;oposes jupiter,and uranus and quicunx psyche, and conjucnts MC. The NORTH NODE trines saturn,pluto ,sextiles asc and quicunkx Kiron. Eros conjunct sun,trines MC and sextils jupiter. AMOR squares venus and Valentine sxtiles venus and square mars. PSYCHE conjuncts saturn,pluto and quicunx KIRON. Sinastry my VALENTINE conjuncts his mercury,semiquadrates venus,trine mars,squares Jupiter and trines MC. my AMOR trines his jupiter his EROS sextils my merury,quadrates venus,cionjuntcs jupiter and uranus; semisextiles saturn and oposes KIRON. his JUNO quadrates mercury, trines venus,sextiles saturn and pluto and conjuncts neptune. His VX trines my mars and my VX conjuncts his MC. oUR KIRONS conjunct adn have DW on Kiron-venus linkage. my KIRON trines his sun,nercury and venus; sextiles AND HIS KIRON trines my asc. In general what do you think of these interaspects ? Thankx so much His N-NODE conjuncts my MC and our Plutos conjunct.
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jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 152 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted April 02, 2007 05:13 PM
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lovethemind unregistered
posted April 02, 2007 06:36 PM
i agree as well!! this has been very helpful but i have several questions for synastry...**sorry, i'm going to fix that asteroid mess and get back to you, if possible** thank you so much for your time :-) IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 03, 2007 12:25 AM
Wow, I found this thread very imformative and accurate. Thanks IQHunk!  So much between me and ma love!
His valentine sits on my moon while his amor opposes it. It also trines my neptune and sextiles my pluto. My valentine sextiles his sun while my amor trines it. And in the composite: our valentine becomes a part of our venus-pluto square (it conjuncts our venus). Talk about some heavy stuff! And then amor forms a t-square with all of this (it opposes the venus/valentine conjunction). IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 03, 2007 06:06 AM
Hi Dulce, Asteroid Valentine is a true blessing.Izodes, Thanks for Utopia and Union LIEBE will be useful for those who think in the German language than English. Two local Germans with Liebe double whammy Valentine will be absolutely in love with each other. Hi Diandre, pls use 2 degree orbs for the aspects and stick to sextile, square, trine and conjunctions for initial analysis. Other aspects must be delved into only after establishing the primary aspects in a 2 degree orb [conjunctions can use 3.5 degrees orb]. I have not studied Magi Astrology yet so cannot comment on Chiron's power for marriage but those Magi Soceity people are totally obsessed with Chiron, as much as I am obsessed with asteroids! I am their fan though because they have bravely chosen a different path, but no time to analyze their work in detail.
JG:Utopia conj Utopia in Cancer means the financial or emotional security, which forms the bedrock of an ideal life for you two, will be realized as a couple. LoveTheMind What orbs did you use? Pls use asteroids systematically, theme by theme, and with disciplined application of orbs. Mixing up Osiris and Zeus and Hera and Amor and Isis and Valentine and Psyche will do no good whatsoever. You must find two 1/360 probabilities in the themes you connect to.
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Lana29865 unregistered
posted April 03, 2007 07:08 AM
Do asteroids have more significance in chart interpretation than planets or vice versa?In our synastry, his Karma conjuncts my Valentine - any idea what that could mean? Also, My Karma conjuncts his Eros. In composite, we have Juno conjunct Lust. ??? Can anyone kindly offer any input? :-) I'm totally at a loss with asteroids. IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted April 03, 2007 08:41 AM
Hi iq hunkIf you see this message, would be kind enough to email me pls....i lost your address.. thanks xx
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Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 03, 2007 11:28 AM
Iqhunk, in using themes, systematically, and within orbs..would an eros conjunct vertex with an orb of 1.92 have any signifcance? thanks 
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lovethemind unregistered
posted April 04, 2007 12:09 AM
okay. i hope this is right!! :-) this is from a synastry chart (guy's planets first)*opps!* IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 04, 2007 08:30 AM
Hi Taurus80, 1.92 degrees is close but not close enough. Vertex is something I have not studied. I would value an Eros aspect to Psyche/Aphrodite/Venus than to another point. Else, there should be a double whammy. Say, Camelot trine Eros by 1-2 degrees from you to him and Camelot sextile Eros from him to you again by 1-2 degrees would indicate that there is a "knight save damsel incident and then both get turned on" situation in your life.Look for the double whammies always, opr atleast look for linked matches. Example: Karma aspect Eros Eros aspect Chiron Chiron aspect True Node True Node aspect Valentine Valentine aspect Karma. The above pattern would complete a double whammy for Asteroid Karma in your lives. Thus, the links would be more meaningful to explore. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 04, 2007 08:38 AM
LTM, the synastry looks too good to be true. Did you use less than 2 degree orbs? I have not seen so many valid cross links so pls forgive me if I sound skeptical. If you did use less than 2 degree orbs, then this could be the ultimate love relationship.IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 04, 2007 08:39 AM
thanks Iq.. i'm gonna look at that right now it's amazing how there is so much to every chart.. IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted April 04, 2007 10:49 AM
Hi Iqhunk: I have been following this thread and am studying the asteroid connections myself, doing as you said, using intuition - I was wondering if you could give some brief feedback on the following positions: The following are conjunctions within 2 degree orbs: My Valentine conjunct his Lust His Valentine + Chiron are exactly opposite my Venus My Lust conjunct his Part Fortune His Karma and Eros conjunct my Vertex (in my 8th house) My Pallas conjunct his Jupiter (in his 7th house) His Pallas + Saturn conjunct my Sth Node His Venus conjunct my Chiron His Juno conjunct my DC + Neptune My Eros conjunct his Sth Node + Pluto (in my 5th house) His Ceres exactly conjunct my Pluto My Karma conjunct his Ceres My Ceres conjunct his Saturn My Amor exactly conjunct his Vertex And what about personal asteroids - Lets say his personal named asteroid is x and my personal named asteroid is y: His x + north node conjunct my Venus My x (Pluto + Karma) conjunct his Ceres My y is sextile his venus + y His y is conjunct his Venus (Our Suns and Venuses are opposite and we both have Sun square each others Moon) *This relationship hasn't exactly kicked off yet, sort of more we have been in each others presence and I felt a spiritual connection when our eyes met and he kept looking back (so hopefully this was not one sided) he is not my usual type so I am finding it difficult to deal with the fact that I can't stop thinking about him...Also, do you only look at conjunctions? What about trines, opposites, squares etc. Also I wanted to ask you about this thing you said in a post, quote: * Negativity from ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends is one of the hidden causes of miseries to women in our planet today because everyone has enjoyed the advantages of sexual liberation without understanding the Auric consequences. You have to meditate and release all the Auric imprints from previous sexual relations with your ex before your Aura is clean enough to allow new sexual experiences with a better man * I have not been involved with anyone now for 7 years, since my last relationship was abusive and I have been very afraid/blocked from trying again with a new partner, however recently I feel it's time to move on and what you said here really struck a cord with me, because I feel like something outside myself is holding me back - could this be it? Any more info or advice you could give me regarding these 'auric' influences? Thanks in advance  ------------------ have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever...
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lovethemind unregistered
posted April 04, 2007 01:38 PM
********* lol no, no totally understandable...i'm going to go back and go thru the info i put in and all that and then i will get back to you. thanks for your help! i'm kinda new to all this. sorry!IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted April 04, 2007 02:37 PM
OK IQ, I've done a little homework on this myself cos I understand you're in 'high demand' in this area - SO... I’ve gone through the other posts again and attempted to come up with some of my own definitions based on your posts. So if it’s easier you can just say yay or nay to these interpretations: My Valentine conjunct his Lust – he would be turned on by my expressions of love? (I assume this would mean face to face encounters?) My Lust conjunct his Part Fortune – Café astrology on Part Fortune points to career;vocation;talents and links to ruling planet of the sign PF falls in so this would be his Neptune in 1st house * phew * so then maybe I am turned on by his public persona or talents? His Karma + Eros conjunct my Vertex – I know you’ve said you’ve not studied the Vertex so again I went to Café Astrology and got this info “…it is a point of karmic or fated connection…” so; Not sure who would feel this more, Him or Me, could be His Karma triggering this point in my chart can add to the fated feeling I feel when looking in his eyes, (perhaps he feels fate tapping him on the shoulder when he sees me) also perhaps the Eros connection creates a feeling of this being a fated ‘sexual’ union? Will add more later, but anything you can add or comment on would be appreciated 
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jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 152 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted April 04, 2007 03:32 PM
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Maire31 Newflake Posts: 10 From: here there and everywhere Registered: May 2009
posted April 04, 2007 04:20 PM
From what I can understand, Chiron and Saturn are quite similar regarding their influences. I have two synastry aspects that are difficult for me to differentiate: HIS Chiron 28 Aries conjunct MY Amor 29 Aries Versus HIS Saturn 25 Cancer conjunct MY NorthNode 27 Cancer It appears that both of these would be pretty "karmic" I'm just not sure how/what to compare these aspects to (in the rest of the chart) to figure out if they will play out more negatively/positively. His Venus 11 Virgo conjuncts my Pluto 10 & ASC 9 Virgo, and I understand this is one of those whammy aspects - again, I wonder if this works for or against the Chiron/Saturn aspects I mentioned. Oh btw MY Karma 8 Leo conjuncts HIS Sun 8 Leo. Bottom line, it seems for each negative, I find a positive...and I'm not confident enough, astrologically, to comprehend how it plays out collectively. I understand astro stuff (planets, aspects, etc)singularly, it's just I've always been very weak in synthsizing influences. As far as astrological concepts, I can't see the forest for the trees - so sorry.  M31 IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 06:53 AM
Hi Maire,I got your mail. As you have said, everything is so karmic between you and the boy. Chiron opp Valentine is very ouch but it is a way of bringing the unhealed wound of love to your conscious awareness. Master it and the love will seem eternal. Easier said than done! More than astrology, I am worried about the psychological effects. The age gap is not encouraging. I am of the opinion that this boy is here to teach you what to look for in your ideal mate, and to help you understand what love wounds you have which need healing. No doubt you were spouses in many past lives. But this life, it just wont work as a long term relationship. Human (Male) Nature is such that a very vast majority of men just cannot seek conjugal bliss/long term relationships when the women are older. I am worried that this MIGHT be a future Chironic wound if you both continue, him leaving you broken hearted for an early twenties tank top bimbo. It has happened to many knowflakes. It happened to OzMeg22 just a few weeks back. I cringe everytime I see a Knowflake post a synastry with a guy in his twenties or early thirties and is 5 or more years younger. I know what will happen. Male DNA programming is a tough nut to crack. The happiest relationships in my research are when a guy has overcome a tough Saturn return and then guides his spouse to overcome hers (Hawaiian billionaire Robert Kiyosaki and his wife Kim are an example. She is 8 years younger.) or when a couple clear their Saturn returns together (Paul McCartney and Linda). Girl first and guy later, just do not seem to work unless both are well above late thirties or in early forties. And even that can be dismantled by the midlife crisis for the couple from a Uranus oppositon. I hate to sound negative but reality is a very bitter pill. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 06:59 AM
Hi Cat71, <<My Valentine conjunct his Lust – he would be turned on by my expressions of love? (I assume this would mean face to face encounters?) >> Yes, but also the actions that express love. Greeting cards also can cause a turn on!<<My Lust conjunct his Part Fortune – Café astrology on Part Fortune points to career;vocation;talents and links to ruling planet of the sign PF falls in so this would be his Neptune in 1st house * phew * so then maybe I am turned on by his public persona or talents? >> When he makes a fortune, you will desire him. Not for the fortune but for the power expressions he has due to success. <<His Karma + Eros conjunct my Vertex – I know you’ve said you’ve not studied the Vertex so again I went to Café Astrology and got this info “…it is a point of karmic or fated connection…” so; Not sure who would feel this more, Him or Me, could be His Karma triggering this point in my chart can add to the fated feeling I feel when looking in his eyes, (perhaps he feels fate tapping him on the shoulder when he sees me) also perhaps the Eros connection creates a feeling of this being a fated ‘sexual’ union?>> I agree with your points here. He would feel it more. <<Will add more later, but anything you can add or comment on would be appreciate >> Anytime, I saw all the aspects. Most have been discussed in depth in this string. <<Also, do you only look at conjunctions? What about trines, opposites, squares etc.>> All with 2 degree orbs. Sextiles with 1 degree orb.
<< ** Negativity from ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends is one of the hidden causes of miseries to women in our planet today because everyone has enjoyed the advantages of sexual liberation without understanding the Auric consequences. You have to meditate and release all the Auric imprints from previous sexual relations with your ex before your Aura is clean enough to allow new sexual experiences with a better man**
I have not been involved with anyone now for 7 years, since my last relationship was abusive and I have been very afraid/blocked from trying again with a new partner, however recently I feel it's time to move on and what you said here really struck a cord with me, because I feel like something outside myself is holding me back - could this be it? Any more info or advice you could give me regarding these 'auric' influences? >> I can give advice here based on my life experiences, the thing is to follow it to a tee. 7 years is a loooong time. Most of the auric contents would be cleaned up for sure but the psychological blocks remain entrenched. Send me an email to, I will send a chakra visualization exercise I adapted from Stewart and Janet Swerdlow (they are excellent researchers in auras/hyperspace and alternative realities). It will take weeks, you have to be patient. You have to apply lots of willpower in visualizing. You will start feeling the auric currents if you do controlled pranic breathing and start paying close attention to details. No booze and cigarettes whatsoever, no pork, no bacon, no ham. Minimal beef. Lots of vitamin C, E, B complex, Beta Carotene. Alkaline water will help. SPring water is the best. Fulvic Acid will also help. The physical and mental toxins both have to go. Better bretahing will enhance your auric health when you visualize. You have to then forgice every single person, past present and future for all acts and thougtts against you. This you have to do with a certainty and then continue to affirm forgiveness for ALL your SIMULTANEOUS LIFELINES of past present and future. Then forgivwe yourself for the hurst you have caused in all lifelines in all timelines. Things will drmatically change around you when you start doing this. You will get less emotional, more intelligent and more at peace but initially there will be trouble. People around you who do not match up to your evolved frequency will go away from your life. Disappointment, sadness, fear, guilt and insecurity are NOT AN OPTION. You have to keep releasing the negatives and absorb the positives from the Universal Energy Source fo your Higher Self. Also, get and read "Decoding your Life" by Janet Swerdlow from cover to cover and follow every sentence of wisdom in that book.
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cat71 unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 07:15 AM
Thanks IQ - so based on what you said: My Amor is exactly conjunct his Vertex so this contributes to my strong feeling that this is a fated 'love' relationship (?)am off to go through the posts again for the rest of the list...  Am emailing you today - thank you so much for your kindness - I can't believe you said **no cigarettes, bacon, pork, ham...** these are my favouriote things - lol Still I am ready for this journey, I want change wholeheartedly! Thanx again  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 08:37 AM
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OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted April 05, 2007 08:55 AM
Its so funny that the pisces' new girl is a lot like me in many ways too! She's 24 he's just turned 22, he's always had a thing for older woman- none as much older as me though! She's not a tank top bimbo though thank god. I may have let him treat me like sh!t but I gave it back just as much (if not more-cringe!), she's just let him get away with it. I think he's seeming a bit bored with her already, I've seen him out and about a lot without her when she's been at his house. He looks tired and harrassed, I think he likes the idea of a relationship but the realities of one are different to what he expected. That may be why we lasted so long cos we stayed away from one another and there were never any 'rules'.I just hope he's learnt something and doesn't do to her what he did to me, she seems like a nice chick. P.s. He looks different to me now, its weird. Guess I've gone through some major growth recently and I'm now noticing I see many things and people differently. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 09:08 AM
im sorry for the not very good at this  Hope this time it´s right:First it´s his aspects: Sun conjunct(5s)my mercury and ASC(0a) Moon trines pluto and Nnode,PF,conjunct(0a)lILITH AND oposes KARMA Venus trines mercury,kiron and LUST,conjunct ASC and square APHRODITE MARS CONJUNCTS JUP(3s),Nep(3s),sextiles ASC JUPITER trines(0s)Er,AMOR,ASC and squares(2s) KARMA Saturn trines Nnode(1s),LILITH(4s),PF(1s)and APHRODITE(3s)and cõnjuncts Saturn sun squares my Neptun(9s)TOLD ME THIS IS VERY BAD?? Uranus conjunct(0s)jupiter,ne~ptun(3a) Neptune conjunct (2s)Neptun,oposes Nnode(3s)PF(2S)AND APRODITE(1S) PLUTO conjuncts saturn(4s),pluto(1a),TRINES Nnode(4s),PF and APHRODITE(0s) Nnode sextils(2a)SUN,squares(3a)ASC and conjuncts MC KIRON trines(2s)mercury,and ASC KIRON sqaures(9s)SUN,venus(0a) KIRON conjunct KIRON,moon,LUST(1a),oposes jupiter(5s),neptun(7s) VX trines mars JUNO trines(0s)venus,conjunct(2s)neptun,sextils (1a)saturn and pluto(1s) PSYCHE sextils(0a)mars EROS sextils mercury(0s),sqaures venus(2s),conjuncts jupiter(2a) and uranus(2s) and oposes(2a) Kiron KARMA trines sun(1a),sqaures(2a)mars,sextils ASC(1a) APHRODITE oposes mercury(2a),trines jupiter(0a) and uranus(1s),sextils KIRON(0a),oposesASC(2s) and squares(3s)MC ASC sextils moon,mercury(1a)kiron,and LUST(2a); MC conjuntc VX(0a),trines kiron(0s)oposes ASC(9a) and sqaures(8a)MC MY aspects SUN squares (4s) uranus TOLD ME THIS TO IS VERY BAD? Sun trines(1a)KARMA mOON sqaures moon(4s)bq Juno Mercury sextils(1a)uranus,EROS(0a)and ASC(1a),trines KIRON(2s),oposes APHRODIT(2a) Venus sextils pluto(2a),trines JUNO(os),sqaures EROS(2s) mars trines VX(3a),sextils PSYCH(0a)sqaures KARMA(2s) Jupiter conjunct mars(3s),uranus(0s)EROS(2a),trines APHRODIT(0a)and ASC Uranus sextils sun(0s)conjunct mars(1s),uranus(3s)and EROS,trines APRHODITE(1s) Neptun conjunct neptun(2a),juno(2s) Nnode trines MOON,saturn(1s)pluto KIRON trines Sun(2s),mercury,venus(6a),oposes EROS(2a),sextils APRHO(0a)and ASC,bq PLUTO VX conjunctMC (0a) EROS TRINE jupiter(0s) AMOR trine jupiter Karma trines MC(0s) ASC conjunct sun(0a) mercury,venus and oposes APHRO(2s) MC conjunct Nnode(2a)and sextils KARMA When you talk about the orbits,you refer to the numbers between () right?So, the nubers that pass the 2 degrees arent important to analyse? Sorry for the long post 
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