Topic: Asteroids Valentine and Amor
Maire31 Newflake Posts: 10 From: here there and everywhere Registered: May 2009
posted April 05, 2007 09:24 AM
IQ, Thank you so much for your sharing your thoughts, I definitely understand what you're talking about as many times that is indeed the case. One of the first things I looked for was where he was in terms of his Saturn return. I did not want to be a party to that, lol. Nothing in life is guaranteed and people have the free will to change their minds as they see fit. The best way to "know" is time. Relationships require plenty of "history" in order for anyone to feel somewhat certain about the future. Even then...nothing is written in stone. Who knows IQ. We might just be the exception to that stale old "rule". LOL With women outliving men by roughly 7 years maybe the Universe is imploring us to partner with younger men? How's that for Arien enthusiasm? I'd still love to know more about the astro aspects...  M31 p.s. We should also not forget to consider how many 'adult' men leave their same age/generation wives for 20-something tank top wearing bimbos! IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 05, 2007 10:14 AM
Hey IQ,I just realized that I have my amor conjunct my ascendant; any thoughts on that?  IP: Logged |
Maire31 Newflake Posts: 10 From: here there and everywhere Registered: May 2009
posted April 05, 2007 10:18 AM
how about this one... what about Pholus exactly conjunct composite Nadir????? I'm not clear on Pholus, though I know IQ once told me in my natal chart it had to do with my ability to heal, I think....**edit** or maybe it was PALLAS????
Composite Amor conjunct Vertex & Jupiter in 5th house...1st House composite Eros trine the little 5th house stellium, opposing Sun, Merc, Moon in 7th? Mmmmmm, I like! I'm getting giddy now, LOL sorry...  M31
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Lana29865 unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 06:56 AM
Iqhunk, you wrote: " LIEBE will be useful for those who think in the German language than English. Two local Germans with Liebe double whammy Valentine will be absolutely in love with each other".Why is that...? Liebe is a name (yes, it means 'love' in German). Many asteroids have names of different origin, and surely their impact is not dependent on the linguistic origin of their name and who happen to speak/think in that language? I'm just puzzled by your interpretation, as it sounds confusing... If you are correct, then does this point of view apply to all the names of the asteroids? Some are Greek, some are Latin, some German, some purely English (Lust, for example), etc. etc. There are as many examples as there are asteroids. We have Liebe trine Venus in our composite, but we don't speak, let alone think in German, so does that mean it has no impact on us? Just trying to understand, Lana IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 07:56 AM
Lana - forgive me for interuppting, But I think what IQhunk was saying earlier is that asteroid meanings have their effect through the mass collective consciousness and how we think/feel about their names and what that represents to us: for example If millions of people - western world/speak english - think of the word 'karmic' as being linked to past lives and lessons to learn in this one, then that is what that asteroid will come to represent in a chart. In the western world most people know that Amour is a word that relates to or even means LOVE and Valentine is an expression of LOVE and therefore we look to the asteroids of Amor and Valentine in our charts to see where that LOVE links us to a significant other and how that LOVE will be expressed, for a german person they would use/think/feel the word 'Liebe' when saying they LOVE someone so for those people perhaps asteroid Liebe would be more useful to them then Amor or Valentine...Sorry for rambling I hope that helps a bit  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 08:51 AM
i forgot to tell also that:my neptun CP his nnode my neptun P his Snode my nnode P his nnode my nnode CP his snode my snode CP his nnode my sNODE cp HIS snode My PF P his nnode and CP his snode our Kiron P IP: Logged |
Lana29865 unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 08:56 AM
Thanks Cat71, that DOES help - I only started reading about asteroids a week or so ago, and I am quite a newby ;-)I find this linguistic aspect about asteroids really interesting, since being a translator foreign languages are my profession. I wonder if that makes me even more sensitive to asteroids? I've studied Classical and Modern Greek, Latin, French, Italian and many more, currently working on learning the Russian alphabet as a hobby ;-). Lana IP: Logged |
misterhank unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 04:44 PM
Hello...I have AMOR in 6th House/Gemini, AMOR square my Moon, conjuct my Mars, opposition my Ascendant, trine my Midhaven. I have VALENTINE in 9th House/Libra, VALENTINE sextile my Mercury, square my Mars/Ascendant. I think all of my Love (via AMOR) is through thinking and helping others through support. While VALENTINE wants me to stimulate and take a religious stand on Love and Passion. ------------------ Hank Campbell Far Rockaway, Queens, NY *Sun: 8th House/Leo, Moon: 3rd House/Pisces, Venus: 8th House/Leo, Mars: 6th House/Cancer, Jupiter: 8th House/Leo, Saturn: 8th House/Virgo, ASC: Capricorn "A gifted mind needs a gifted heart to sympathize others who are in vain." IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 06, 2007 05:14 PM
What does it mean when you have two of your love asteroids in your natal 5th house, I have Juno and Amor next to my Uranus?  ------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 07:33 PM
No prob Lana - glad I made sense  Wow - all those languages, that's impressive! I always wanted to learn Russian - I have no idea why  ------------- IQHunk I emailed u - did u get it?  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted April 07, 2007 03:34 AM
Adorea (268) Venusia (499) Alma (390) Eva (164) Yes (7707)...for now. I have a question: my asteroid Wild (1941) conjuncts his Ascendant and his asteroid Wild conjuncts my Ascendant. We have a lot of double whammies and I consider this to be significant. Am I right? OzMeg, You seem like a very wise woman. Thumbs up to you! I hope you will find someone to match you equally! IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 07, 2007 07:50 AM
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 07, 2007 07:52 AM
Hi Ladies, You have all asked very important questions and it will take me sometime to compile the best info.For now, let me briefly answer. 1. Maire, you are an optimist but a wise optimist. Let us hope that this younger man is an exception to the rule. 2. Izo, any double whammy to the Ascendant is very important. Asteroid Wild shows you where your wild or freedom filled side is. Look up the Sabian Symbols of that degree for more understanding. 3. OzMeg has undergone very important transformations and I am hopeful that her next relationship will be very fulfilling and enlightening. 4. DulceLuna, Amor conj Ascendant means a very lovable exterior personality or possessing the right features that cause others to love you. In the research of knowflake Gemini Nymph, Amor has had some sexual connotations too. In which case you will be more sexually attractive than normal irrespective of any negative aspects that hamper attractiveness. 5. Lana, Cat71 gave you an excellent answer, better than the way I would have put it. 6. Cat71, I am "internet challenged" at the moment, will look at the email Monday evening. 7. Diandra, orbs means the degrees that decide whether to consider the aspect or not. Example: If your Sun is 20 Sag and Moon is 15 Sag, I do not consider it as a conjunction because I consider only 2 degree Orbs. Moon should either be 19 Sag or 21 Sag to be considered as a conjunction for my synastry rules. Thus, in all your synastry, you should use 2 degree orbs for the asteroid links. It will be better if you just post the natal chart informations for us to create the charts too. 8. Libraschoice, your placements indicate plenty of post marital love and romance. 9. Brother Hank, you hit the bulls eye on your interps, well done!
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 07, 2007 10:36 AM
Thankx for the explanation Iqunki´ve already post the sinastry here but only for the normal planets aspects. Thankx again Iqunk IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 07, 2007 10:52 AM
quote: Amor conj Ascendant means a very lovable exterior personality or possessing the right features that cause others to love you. In the research of knowflake Gemini Nymph, Amor has had some sexual connotations too. In which case you will be more sexually attractive than normal irrespective of any negative aspects that hamper attractiveness.
Hehehe, I really hate to be one to brag but some of that is true. I've gained ten pounds and everyone still thinks (so they say) that I look good, I still get hit on by random guys, and so on. *edit* I did look at GN's post also and I do get what she meant when she equated Amor with Venus in Pisces. So I guess that it would apply (attractiveness) in that over-romanticized neptunian sort of way??? Thanks alot, IQ!  IP: Logged |
lovethemind unregistered
posted April 07, 2007 03:30 PM
hey IQ, i know that you are SUPER busy but i was just hoping that when you get a chance, you could tell me what my placements indicate. i went back, and went over i think these are right. thank you! oh, and i was wondering, how did you learn about ALLLL these asteroids? there are sooo manny!! does it say anything in your chart about being an astrowizard, or something along those lines?(guy's planets first) SUN sextile sun SUN opposite moon--- just a note. hehe. SUN conjuncts aphrodite (0s) SUN conjuncts juno (4s) *SUN conjuncts lust (1s)* *My SUN conjuncts lust (0s)* SUN conjuncts union (1s) SUN conjuncts zeus (2a) AMOR conjuncts my venus(0s) and trine pluto MOON conjunct amor (0s) and isis (2a) MOON trine nessus, psyche and MC ISIS opposite jupiter and AC My ISIS trine Saturn, Uranus, neptune VALENTINE trine sun, saturn, uranus VALENTINE conjuncts moon (2s) MERCURY trine karma, eros, mars…and sextile pallas and mercury APHRODITE conjuncts mars (0a) JUPITER conjuncts eros (2a) CERES conjunct jupiter (0a) ZEUS conjuncts jupiter (2a) and AC (3a) AC conjunct zeus (2s) and opposite moon MC conjunct hera (0a) and utopia (0s) MC trine osiris (-3s) OSIRIS sextile MC (1a) HERA conjuncts sun (2a), trine moon (2s), Saturn (0s), and uranus (-4a) JUNO trine neptune (3s) and MC (0s) PSYCHE sextile venus (-2a) and square sun URANUS trine psyche (-0a) VENUS sextile true node (1a), hera (-0a), utopia (0s), valentine (0a), AC (-1s) MARS conjuncts vallas (1a), pholus (3a) and trine MC (8a) KARMA trine jupiter (4a) and AC (4a) My KARMA conjuncts jupiter (2a) UNION conjuncts moon (2a) and trine Uranus (-0a) LUST trine saturn (-2a) UTOPIA conjuncts venus (4s) and sextile neptune (2s) and trine pluto (1s) My LUST square neptune and saturn (0s) its such a spiritual feeling between us two. there is soo much energy when we are together and i feel very telepathic with him. i just don't know how deep the emotions are and i thought this may help me understand it a lil more. he and i get each other...but right now we're going thru something. AND OMG! the activities that we share together ; ) ; ) lol are SO intense- so emotional and i feel like our minds and souls are one. hes the only person that i have ever really wanted a *gulp* FUTURE with and it scares me because im young but its sooo real :-P anyways, sorry for sucha long post and thanks for the input guys!! :-) im sorry, ive just been really curious and ive been trying to make sense of it, but i cant. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 07, 2007 04:16 PM
forgot to tell his birth year: 1982 
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 09, 2007 12:31 PM
Hi LoveTheMind,<<SUN sextile sun>> Core personalities at ease of communication with each other. Body Language and general rapport will be good. <<SUN opposite moon>> Guy's personality at odds with your emotions. A tension that is good for a stimulating relationship. <<SUN conjuncts aphrodite>> He likes those specific feminine attributes which you exhibit more than normal from your full set of feminine attributes. <<SUN conjuncts juno>> A great placement for indicating very high chances of marriage. <<*SUN conjuncts lust (1s)*>> His core personality is a sexual turn on for you. <<*My SUN conjuncts lust (0s)*>> Your core personality is a sexual turn on for him. Sexual Fulfillment is thus assured. <<SUN conjuncts union (1s)>> A placement that helps bonding in a relationship. <<SUN conjuncts zeus (2a)>> Have not researched. <<AMOR conjuncts my venus(0s) and trine pluto >> Wonderful placement for enhancing his love for you. <<MOON conjunct amor (0s) and isis (2a)>> His emotions and subconsious actions inspire lovey dovey feelings in you for him, and also inspire the better/divine feminine attributes in you to improve. ISIS represents the qualities of the best wife, one who pines for her hubby and searches all corners of heaven and earth for him. <<MOON trine nessus, psyche and MC>> A psychologically deep relationship is indicated. His emotional feelings might heal your past abuses and feelings of not being loved adequately. Remember all those times as a child when you needed strong hugs and encouraging words from family members that you were loved, yet did not get it or may have got abuse instead? When he hugs and encourages you in similar situations, it would heal those missed out hugs. <<ISIS opposite jupiter and AC>> His feelings of the ideal wife are complementary to your wisdom/luck and exterior personality. <<My ISIS trine Saturn, Uranus, neptune>> Excellent indicatiosn that you could be his divinely appointed or karmic soulmate. <<VALENTINE trine sun, saturn, uranus>> Excellent placement for long lasting love. <<VALENTINE conjuncts moon (2s)>> Sure shot placement for enhacning emotional love between you. <<MERCURY trine karma, eros, mars…and sextile pallas and mercury>> All forms of communication are stimulating and energizing, erotic at times and fulfilling in general. <<APHRODITE conjuncts mars (0a)>> Very good placement for sexual attraction between a couple. <<JUPITER conjuncts eros (2a)>> His wisdom/expansion/luck have a way of arousing you. <<CERES conjunct jupiter (0a)>> He gets nurtured by that which adds wisdom/luck to you. <<ZEUS conjuncts jupiter (2a) and AC (3a) AC conjunct zeus (2s) and opposite moon MC conjunct hera (0a) and utopia (0s)>> Have not studied Zeus/Hera dynamics. <<MC trine osiris (-3s) OSIRIS sextile MC (1a)>> Irrelevant Placements. <<JUNO trine neptune (3s)>> His general concept of a wife has those characteristics of dreamy romanticisim which are strong in you. <<PSYCHE sextile venus (-2a) and square sun>> Your generic feminity and core personality stimuates him psychologically, triggering him occasionally.
<<URANUS trine psyche (-0a)>> Hi insights and sudden changes stimualte you psychologically. <<VENUS sextile true node>> Past life wife indication. <<KARMA trine jupiter (4a) and AC (4a) My KARMA conjuncts jupiter (2a)>> Definite past life student-teacher relationship. <<LUST trine saturn (-2a) My LUST square neptune and saturn (0s)>> PAst life Karmic debts include sexual excesses against each other. A placement that suggest you both must never use each other only for sex in this lifeline. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 09, 2007 01:39 PM
Dear Diandra, I am sorry to say that some of your posted aspects are incorrect for synastry. You have used Orbs in excess of 3.5 degrees for conjunctions and oppositions. That wont help for accurate synastry. And many squares and trines have 4 degree orbs. These are also unacceptable because millions of men will have the same aspects! The unique true karmic love will have 1 degree orb aspects with you. I have studied those and highlight the most important ones, which definately point to a past life based karmic relationship. However, he cannot be your twin soul. His placement first: Sun conj Asc Sun sextile Uranus Moon conj Ceres Asc sq Saturn Venus sq Neptune Venus sq ISIS Mars conj Uranus Jupiter square your (Mars conj Valentine) JUpiter trine Eros Jupiter sextile OSIRIS True Node trine Saturn (Uranus conj Ceres) conj Ceres KARMA trine Sun Amor opp Amor Valentine sextile KARMA (ISIS conj OSIRIS) trine Sun (ISIS conj OSIRIS) sq Asc
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 09, 2007 02:02 PM
Thnks Iq !Hope some aspects are good for us Thankx IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2007 02:09 PM
Ok, I have to come over here and ask you about these asteroids, it seems I have SIVA, ANUBIS, and HYPNO all three are clustered together. Now that has to mean something, should I be worried?------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 12:41 AM
Hi Diandra, Most of the aspects are good for a steady relationship and possibly a happy one. Will it make for a great and long lasting marriage? I dont think so, unless both of you put in equal effort at all times. With a positive outlook, every negativity can be converted to positive, and hence you both can still achieve a very happy long term relationship. Hi Libraschoice, Will answer you in the other string. Siva-Anubis-Hypnos allows you to travel to other lifelines easily in your dream state. Also helps lucid dreaming and sometimes will create the effect of waking up into another reality. You may have to "wake up" again to get back to this reality!IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted April 10, 2007 04:32 AM
Iqhunk - I am so impressed by you. Certainly by your astrological knowledge, but even more by your generosity with sharing it. I would've been overwhelmed with all this data to interpret and you tackle it with such apparent ease. People like you make me ridiculously happy . IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 04:42 AM
Hmmm... how about these:-Geisha (1047) -Tanga (1595)  -Sweet (11727) -Sparks (15129) -Fanatica (1589) ~ covering the obsession part maybe... -Link (3550) IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 10, 2007 06:35 AM
You´re a dear Iq..i apreciate your generosity by helping all knowflakes Take care IP: Logged | |