Topic: Chiron Questions
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 17, 2006 11:32 PM
Okay ~ So I understand that Chrion is the 'wounded healer' and I understand on a basic level what it represents in my chart, however I am not sure how often it moves from sign to sign...The reason I ask is because a huge amount of people I know have their Chiron in Aries. At first I thought that this was likely because Chiron moved so slowly through the signs. Now I think I may be wrong. For example, some people I know who are between one to three years older than me have Chiron in Aries. But I also know several people younger than me who have their Chiron in Aries as well. This would mean that Chiron must switch signs more quickly than every few years. My Chiron is in Taurus and after researching what Chiron in Taurus means, I found that several men who have been very important to me also have their Chiron in Taurus as well. Does anyone know Chiron's transit time between planets? I feel like I am starting to see some interesting patterns in the charts of my friends... Love  IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2006 06:24 AM
Chiron moves too slowly that's why, I think, its house placement is much more important than its sign; it takes 50 or 51 years for Chiron to return.Go to this link, you'll find lots of info there: IP: Logged |
Ingrid unregistered
posted May 18, 2006 07:56 AM
Intersting! any suggestion about any website where can I calculate the house where my chiron is? thank youIP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2006 08:36 AM
the golden standard I think chiron is included in their extended chart, without having to request it. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2006 02:09 PM
Well, then there is something I do not understand. My Chiron is in Taurus and many of my friends who are older than me have their Chiron in Aries. One of my best friends has her Chiron in Aries as well, but she is 6 months younger than me...????I don't get it. How can this be? Love  IP: Logged |
Betelgeuse Knowflake Posts: 33 From: England Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2006 02:31 PM
Love, Chiron can also travel retrograde like the other planets. This apparent 'backward' motion of the planet is actually an optical illusion to an extent. A planet never stops or reverses its motion backwards, because gravity also perpetuates its forward motion. But the planets do not have circular orbits, they have elipitcal orbits, and this is even more accentuated for the outer planets. So as the Earth moves in its own orbit around the Sun, it can sometimes appear that a planet is moving backwards due to the difference in orbital planes.IP: Logged |
geminstone unregistered
posted May 18, 2006 03:06 PM
Exactly what Betelgeuse wrote.... I have Chiron at 29Aries direct but, my husband's is 25Aries retrograde... I've also heard that Chiron sits in Aries for a much longer period of time, than any of the other signs...~ geminstone IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2006 07:28 PM
The following is from Barbara Hand Clow's "Chiron - Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets": quote: Definition of Chiron by sign is a highly controversial and complex issue in contemporary astrology. Chiron is extremely elliptical and by distribution is located heavily in the eastern signs (Aquarius through Taurus) for thirty years, and lightly in the western signs (Leo through Scorpio) for eight years. Thus, many more people have Chiron in Aquarius through Taurus than in Leo through Scorpio, (See Figure 2 ) and the historical phases at this time have a heavier influence from the vibration of Chiron in Aquarius through Taurus. But individuals with Chiron in Leo through Scorpio probably play a stronger role in breakthrough consciousness because their Chirotic perceptual base is less attuned to the cultural vibration. They are radical movers and shakers instead of being at ease with convention. We have much observation ahead of us on questions such as these. Also, due to the precession of the equinoxes over time, the signs which contain Chiron change for longer or shorter periods of time.
Here's the graphic of that: Zala IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2006 11:20 PM
PS: There's a bunch of Chiron links in this thread -- And Love, have you ever checked out all the cool links in the Cool Links thread? IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 25, 2006 05:44 AM
Hey Guys!Thanks for all the info! It took me a while to re-find this link, but thanks a bundle! Love  IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted May 25, 2006 10:59 AM
Chiron in Taurus here also. What house is yours in?
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra -I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind. I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. I feel there's nothing I can do. -Three Doors Down IP: Logged |
Ingrid unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 06:49 AM
Talking about chiron........ I understand the basic meanig of chiron as a wounder healer, but what is the diference of interpretation when it is in retrograde? and also in a composite how can I interprete chiron in taurus stationary before going retrograde in twelve house?it is still a wounded healer...too complex for my little knowledge... I would appreciate any suggestions! thanks!
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Sweet Stars unregistered
posted February 06, 2007 12:28 AM
My Chiron is in Taurus, so is my Moon, and my Venus. The only person who I have met with Chiron in Taurus is my boyfriend, he also has his Moon in Taurus, and his MC.
------------------ I know you see me looking at you and you already know......I wanna love you, you already know. *----------* Gemini/Cancer cusp Cancer Ascendant Mercury Gemini Taurus Moon *29 Venus Taurus Mars Libra IP: Logged |
Salisa unregistered
posted February 06, 2007 02:14 AM
My chiron is in Gemini 10th well as my sun and mercury my mom is aquarius my dad is sagittarius my sister is Taurus my grandmother is Taurus my aunt is Scorpio------------------ and then the lord said let there be crazy people, and he saw that it was.......oh crap..........this is not good.........ummmm...cough,cough I didn't do this.. ummmm Luna whats wrong with you, why'd you make these people crazy Luna: WHAT?!? your not going to pin this on me! God: cough cough and then the lord dubbed the crazy people Lunatics Luna: WHAT?!?!!!! don't name them after me! Luna: and why are you talking about yourself in the third person God: God can do what ever he wants to do, Muahahahahah Luna: I hate you....sigh...I'm never going to live this down IP: Logged |
Kay Libra unregistered
posted February 06, 2007 09:20 AM
My Chiron is in Taurus as well. I've only know of one other person who has Chiron in Taurus and he's my son's dad. I've found that the most meaningful and significant relationships I had were with guys who had Chiron in Aries. We had Venus opposite Chiron in synastry. I hear the softer aspects of Venus-Chiron point to true love. I don't know because I did love each of those guys. Very interesting indeed. IP: Logged |
mudmama unregistered
posted February 06, 2007 01:43 PM
I'm a Chiron in Aries! Not very far into though, 0 Aries 50' 7" and retrograde in my 6th house.I too am interested in the affect of it being retro. ------------------ Sun: Libra Asc: Libra Moon: Capricorn Merc: Scorpio Venus: Scorpio Mars: Virgo IP: Logged |