Topic: Asteroid Karma
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 02:13 PM
We can analyze this asteroid's Natal chart and its aspects here.The Natal Chart of Asteroid Karma (discovered Oct 13 1953) has two powerful synchronicities. Asteroid SIVA conjuncts Asteroid ANUBIS. A meeting of Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Indian Spiritual Principles of Death and Soul Journeying for rebirth. Asteroid SUMERIA conjuncts DNA in 0.5 deg Virgo. Indicating humanity's karmic link to the suposed genetic experiments in ancient Sumeria where "gods" created men in "their" image. Also "Karma" denotes action which must be balanced. The Sun Sign of the discovery is Libra! IP: Logged |
lovegoblin Knowflake Posts: 27 From: neverland Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 23, 2006 03:14 PM
hi againwhat would karma sextile uranus and karma biquintile uranus indicate in synastry?
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redbubblesbleed unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 03:56 PM
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Devilfish unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 03:57 PM
My karma is conj. my sun 25'18 pisces sun 25'31 pisces karma ugh, yeah explains alot. any thoughts IQ?IP: Logged |
mars446 unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 04:24 PM
Karma is 14 Sag 17' 3" and Uranus is 14 Sag 8'58"Both oppose my chiron, trine my venus, and square my mercury....any idea what that would mean? If Uranus is squaring my asc, would that mean that Karma is doing that as well or not? Asc is 21 pis 8'46" Thanks a lot IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 08:46 PM
Well, you already know about mine but it is an interesting case study.Karma 1st house 29 degrees Scorpio EXACTLY conjunct Venus and Ceres.......blah! also conjunct my Ascendant and Neptune by 3-4 degrees... plus a half a dozen other aspects..... lol; I can't imagine any possible worse placement. IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 09:12 PM
What about Karma in Scorpio 6,48 degrees and a sextile with Moon?  IP: Logged |
Q unregistered
posted May 23, 2006 10:13 PM
whoaaa first house square mars sextile sun, very clost to vesta which is on my uranus and my ascendant. err yeahhh what does this mean?IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 05:04 AM
Let us go step by step, first we will analyze the Asteroid itself then its role in each sign. Then we can get back to each and every specific case that you all have listed. This is avery important asteroid, even in transits. I wholeleartedly suggest that you see in your extended charts transits back in time to important events that occured suddenly in life. Where was Asteroid Karma then? Also try to remember if anything significant occured when transit Asteroid Karma was conjunct your True Node, Chiron, Natal Karma, Moon or Saturn. These occur once ever 4 and a half years and hence every year one major event could have been triggered by transiting Asteroid Karma.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 10:42 AM
Natal Chart of Asteroid Karma ==============================Discovered on the 13th, a number that promises great power to those who understand its meaning. The Sun in the Sign of Libra synchronizes with the implied meaning of "Balance". Balancing actions in past lives ad present. The Law of Karma is an eternal law for the physical plane and traditional Vedic Myths speak of how even gods are susceptible to this law. The Numerology of KARMA = 10, which is "Wheel of Fortune". How very true. The wheel spins positively to those who set up actions with a positive rhythm and vice versa. Natal Aspects: Siva conj Anubis in 3.2 Scorp. Sabian Says " Youth Carries A Lighted Candle In A Devotional Ritual ". A ritual of enlightenment that merges the best principles of Ancient Egypt with Ancient India. Anubis, Guardian of Dead and posessor of wisodm about Rebirth and Soul Journey meets Siva, Lord of Consiousness and Death who rules the Third Eye and who the goddess Kundalini years to meet. (She is also called Kaali in Vedic myths and Sekhmet in Egyptian Myths) The Sign is Sorpio, occult and transformative. Sumeria conjuncts DNA in 0.5 Virgo. Sabian Says "In A Portrait, The Significant Features Of A Man's Head Are Artistically Emphasized". Is the alternate theory of Man being fashioned by ETS in ancient Sumeria a Karmic necessity for mankind's evolution? Pholus 1.05 Aqua conj True Node in 29.1 Cap: The Chilling Sabian of the True Node is "A Secret Meeting Of Men Responsible For Executive Decisions In World Affairs". Lords of Karma taking ruthless and impartial decisions inspite of the result grief? Pholus Sabian is "An unexpected Thunderstorm". Karma never shows any emotion. Uranus sq Neptune, indicating disruption in spiritual thinking and challenges to perceptions by this Asteroid. Also indicates rebelliousness causing confusion, and further Karmic debts. This can be a blessing or a vicious cycle depending on our thought pattern. PLuto 24 Leo has the Sabian: " A Large Camel Is Seen Crossing A Vast And Forbidding Desert " Hence, balancing our lessons and transformation can take the soul across its biggest challenge. Jupiter in 26.1 Gem opp Moon in 26.1 Sag: Spritual Expansion at conflict with emotions ? Gypsy versus Sculptor say the Sabians. Innate knowledge versus Artful Structuring? A suggestion to think logically even when emotional with maximum data before any action because every action produces a "karma" which can be good or bad. Saturn in 28.5 Libra has this enlightening Sabian: "Mankind's Vast And Enduring Effort To Reach For Knowledge Transferable From Generation To Generation". So Karma clealry indicates structures and limitations and lessons of past lifes. Karma itself was in 25.1 Aries Sabian: "A Man Possessed Of More Gifts Than He Can Hold". A positive side of Karma is the rewards of good karma are always more than deserved. Truly, we have uncovered profound knowledge about this Asteroid from the above placements.
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geminstone unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 01:26 PM
This is so very cool!! I pulled a particular date and, Karma is at 26Pisces... which happens to be the Moons position in both, my husband's and my own natals. The date I pulled is for the moment I first laid eyes on him Wow, lots more going on too! Not to mention, our first born is a 24Aries Sun and born April 13th! Cool! Thanks IQ!  ~ geminstone IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 02:55 PM
Dear Gem, The feedback is invaluable! This particular asteroid has amazed me the most. It is the sheer name frequency power. An occult Law vibrating through space and making us complete karmic debts, both positive and negative. The Natal Chart of this asteroid left me breathless, as if its Sabian Symbols existed only to describe it.IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted May 24, 2006 03:11 PM
I checked the transits for some really bad, completely horrible days and they all have aspects between transiting karma and chiron or saturn........ IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted May 25, 2006 01:17 PM
I am more confused now  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 25, 2006 02:12 PM
Nothing to be confused. In Mystical Dream's case, the KARMA transits helped balance her past life negativity and have paved the way for faster spiritual evolution. The good deeds done hence would translate as rewards. Let us now try to elaborate the meaning of KARMA in each sign and aspects to planets. I will speak on transit aspects. Natal aspects imply that lifelong, there would be a balancing of the same until all negativity is settled as challenges or all positivity is exhausted as thoughtlessly wasted riches and rewards.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 25, 2006 03:38 PM
ASTEROID KARMA (3811) in the signs. =====================================Note: 3811 can be expressed as 3+8 11 or 11 11, the trigger code for higher awareness. Karma can indicate a negative balance or positive balance. Negative Karmic events are like accidents, heart breaks, exposure to outbursts that seem unfair and losses Positive Karmic events are sudden strokes of good fortune, chance meetings with a true love and so on. Retrograde Karma means you dished out more negative karma than positive karma in the mentioned areas. Karma in Aries: =============== Destined for balance in creative impulses, egotism, self absorption [Did you pay enough attention to self in the past lives?], head wounds [being safe or getiing them], argumentativeness, entrepreneuristic business ventures [Did you scuttle someone's business in the past life? Did you motivate to help someone succeed?] , independence and family values reform. Karma in Taurus: ================ Destined for balance in accumulating posessions, patience in projects [Did you stifle others projects in the past? Did you enable other's projects to proceed speedily in the past life?], enjoying creature comforts [Did you enjoy too much? Too less?], reacting to survival mechanisms.
Karma in Gemini: ================ Destined for balance in the intellectual and communicative plane. Did you talk too much in the past? Was the talk useful or harmful? Did you deceive using fast wit? Did you write enlightening literature or books of facts? This placement also indicates experiences that help the individual guide social reform. A hidden law may help many innocents reclaim dues and one with Karma in Gemini may be destined to research this data and be of so much use to thousands. In the past life he may have been cheated because of ignorance. Karma in Cancer: ================ Destined for balance in emotions, financial security and basic survival. The Native may not have attained any financial security nor had a decent home life in the past. Karmic debts to the native are in getting money, home, emotional nurturing. Had he abused these, then he may have to pay others financial dues, nurture others and give emotional empathy to others because he did not do so in the past. Treating your mother well can be part of the destiny. This Native in the highest level can pay his dues by initiating child welfare, creches, reforms in maternal care, soup kitchens or be a philanthropist who gives away interest free loans. Karma in Leo: ============= In the Positive sense, this Native is very likely to have been a total pussycat in the past lives. Time to roar, time to be forced into expressing some creative aspect of Self, to wallow in the ego and enjoy romance and luck in gambling. Negatively aspected or retrograde, this means balancing experiences that cause the ego to suffer, public insults, shut ups, failure in speculation and lack of romance in life due to abuse of persoanlity in the past lives. Karma in Virgo: Destined to balance health issues, critical studies, routine work. Were you a miserly boss who made workers suffer? Did you neglect your health in the past? Did you work as a nurse who selflessly toiled? Depending on the good or bad of the past and the positive or negative of the present, this can be a very useful placement. Career success is assured for one who builds on the positive karma. Karma in Libra: The most challenging placement. Destined to Balance and balance and balance!!! Every thought that is wrong may instantly be balanced by contradictory evidence. You may judge someone as wicked and proof may come that he is good. Watch out for guilt trips and pricks to the conscience. Best to never judge or label anyone but instead objectively analyze and assess with disclaimers. Negative karmic expereinces here include heart vreaks owing to being too flirtatious in the past. Positive debts may mean a wonderful spouse and relationship in this life, wonderful surroundings and so on. Karma in Scorpio: A rogue occultist or a dedicated surgeon? A balck magician or a healer? A monk or a sex maniac/mass murderer? A challenging placement that can help fate plan a powerful destiny or a punishment of sinking to the lowest depths of despair. Emotional control is the ally for this native. Letting emotional hatred go out of control will set up a vicious cycle of karmic debts that never benefit anyone. Forgiveness is a fantastic asset. These natives must master breath control, meditation and some form of social service, atleast mentally. Karma in Sagittarius: Were you a religious fundamentalist or a social reformer? A corporate cheat or a philanthropist? Watch for expereinces that balance your clumsiness, your kindness, your luck, your manner of speech and your friendships. If you are unkind in words even if you meant otherwise, the asteroid Karma will still make you feel the other persons emotions at your words. In the highest level, such people can become great religious reformers. Karma in Capricorn: A very difficult placement. I have this retrograde myself meaning I was like a corporate white collar criminal or big billionaire conspirator against the masses in a past lifeline. Greedy Ambition and status consciousness that sacrifices ethics and truth leads to humbling balances in this life. The native must practice generosity, inner and outer. He must treat all people with respect and must not be condescending to others. No misdeeds like ratting on fellow employees for promotions, for instant karmic punishment will follow. The Native must balance career and affection to family, and not let career be the only objective in life. Once positive loops are set and old karmic debts erased, this placement can bring large financial rewards. This will then become the new test. Is social service funded with the rewards? Is egotistical reputation concern mellowed? Is Status still given importance or character of people? Is ambition under control or do the past bad habits of power trips raise their ugly head again? These natives can become Nation Builders or Global Corporate/Financial Reformers in the highest positive level. Karma in Aquarius: ================== Destined to balance their capabilities for humanitrain causes and to find guidance for individual reform. Were you a thinker who was too lazy? A mad scientist? An eccentric engineer who burnt his inventions because he did not get a patent? These natives will be prodded in this life with expereinces that settle the old debts of neglect and inspire ideas of benefit. Negatively, they may have made many people uncomfortable with unrestrained wildness/rebelliousness in the name of individual freedom and in this life, their freedom may be curtailed. Karma in Pisces: ================ The end of the karmic wheel! A native who could have transcended the highest Spiritual realms of ecstatcy or crawled through life as an alcoholic or drug abuser. This placment may also indicate that the native had mislead others in tpics of spirituality or deceived others by misusing compassion. Positively, this can be a native who was so selfless in thought and deed that this life will give a balance in the form of true knowledge or opening of the third eye/psychic powers and higher states of consciousness. Retrograde Karma here could mean chances of psychiatric illness, schizophrenia and more drug abuse. Great honesty, objectivity and self mastery is needed in this case for setting up the positive karmic loops to enable Neptunian rewards from this Asteroid placement.
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Green Fairy unregistered
posted May 25, 2006 07:32 PM
Sure take all your time  Your collaboration is deeply appreciatedIP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 02:31 AM
LoveGoblin <<what would karma sextile uranus and karma biquintile uranus indicate in synastry>> I have not studied biquintile but Karma sextile Uranus means the sudden changes in life situations or sudden ideas that change the course of routine in life togther are FATED to occur harmoniously. RedBubble <<Asteroid Karma is in my 8th house at 27'44 Virgo. It makes a square with Nep and a sextile with my sun. But what really caught my eye, it is that this asteroid conjuncts exactly my venus/mars midpoint.>> Fated to balance whatever you omitted in the past with respect to transformation in your health, studies, atention to details. The expereinces for balance will be hlped by your inner personality but there will be strong challenges that cause confusion or delusions too. Mental Health problems may occur later in life if you get discouraged or seek the easy way out through addictions. [Karma sq Neptune is very challenging.] This placement insists that you be more optimistic and non-escapist to overcome the past life mistakes. Look at one of your threads here . Fantasy escapism is NOT why you incarnated in this time. Post your chart here, let me have a look and see what are the possible higher purposes for your incarnation. Add Asteroids: 3811, Pallas, 42, 1923, Pholus, 1912, 1198, Lilith, 447, 1170.
Also write down the placements of Asteroids: 2598 33154 3402 9770 8990 8991 8992 37452 19521 19 55 2847 4386 433 16 9500 9499 1970 1221 11911 55555 Ceres Part of Fortune You have to be patient and type out three rounds of data because astro allows only 10 at a time. Write the exact degree and minutes and sign for each of these so I can mentally compare with the main chart having the 10 highly spiritually relevant asteroids. Devilfish << My karma is conj. my sun 25'18 pisces sun 25'31 pisces karma ugh, yeah explains alot. any thoughts IQ >> Oh My God!  For you, I looked into the Sabian Symbols. It said: Watching The Very Thin Moon Crescent Appearing At Sunset, Different People Realize That The Time Has Come To Go Ahead With Their Different Projects So your destiny is to use the strength of your inner knowledge to guide these differently thinking people near the sunset of life who may consult your on spiritual matters to begin doing what their souls incarnated for in this lifeline. This can be mentally through prayers also and it can also be through writing, maybe in a local column or a website. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 03:38 AM
Mars446 <<Karma is 14 Sag 17' 3" and Uranus is 14 Sag 8'58" Both oppose my chiron, trine my venus, and square my mercury....any idea what that would mean? >> Karma sq Uranus opp Chiron and sq Mercury is a very challenging position. You may have either utilized well or abused your your intelligence in the past lifelines to cause revolutions, rebellions and all kinds of disruption. So this will get balanced in this life. Actually it is in your destiny to be hurt and then healed by a negative experience, unless you change the past by meditating, good actions, affirmations and forgiveness.You have to note down any changes in your life when Transit Karma cnjunct your Natal Uranus, any time in the last 4 years. An Astro Diary is compulsory please. Every transit should be logged. Venus return brings bliss, Mars return brings strength, Lunar return every month arranges new emotional experiences for the next month, Jupiter return brings knowledge and luck, Saturn return brings massive change etc. However, every fortnight, one trasit asteroid or personal planet is conjunct another important asteroid or natal planet. Noting down the events in these occurences will be a treasure troev for you a couple of years from now. Karma trine Venus indicates destined for harmony in love and all good things Venusian. IP: Logged |
redbubblesbleed unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 03:41 AM
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 03:44 AM
Hi MysticalDream,<<Karma 1st house 29 degrees Scorpio EXACTLY conjunct Venus and Ceres also conjunct my Ascendant and Neptune by 3-4 degrees... plus a half a dozen other aspects..... lol; I can't imagine any possible worse placement. >> Focus on the positives!!!! Why did I recommend the books that I did to you? Exactly because of the Karma placement. Once the past debts are balanced, this very placement will open up rewards in love, spirituality, nurturing, evergreen looks and transformation.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 04:12 AM
GreenFairy <<What about Karma in Scorpio 6,48 degrees and a sextile with Moon? >> Destined to balance indepth study of esoteric subjects. I used the Sabian Symbol to pinpoint. Also indicates that this knowledge was not adequate in the past lifelines to transform your way of thinking. Experiences to balance Emotional Harmony are also fated in this life. Q <<whoaaa first house square mars sextile sun, very clost to vesta which is on my uranus and my ascendant. err yeahhh what does this mean?>> Tough one. You may have been an aggressive and accident prone person in the past life and this life may involve account balancing of those actions. Is Uranus sq Mars? If so, I need to see your chart too. Do exactly what I told RedBubble to do. Uranus sq Mars and Neptune sq Mars are the worst possible aspects, implying tragedy if one is not made self aware. You need to calm down and always think of being in the other person's shoes before your actions. You must also increase happy thoughts for others to circumvent negative karmic experiences from this placement. I am very glad that we found out about this placement early. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 04:16 AM
Dont you fret for even one second RedBubble! You have not yet focused on your positives. You are such an exceptionally attractive girl (I have seen your pics ). Plus, you have not let a software crash discourage you and have repeated a laborious task. This tells me that you are just perfect for a career where the onus is on good human resources. Let me study your chart now and see what else I find.IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1281 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 26, 2006 04:57 AM
Hi lQ; What about Karma square Saturn, and Trine Venus? And Atlantis opposing Moon[1 chart] Or Karma Trine Chiron, Injunct Sun, and Sextile Uranus and Pluto in another? IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted May 26, 2006 05:06 AM
Hi Node, <<Hi lQ; What about Karma square Saturn, and Trine Venus?[1 chart] Or Karma Trine Chiron, Injunct Sun, and Sextile Uranus and Pluto in another? >>Karma square/opp Saturn is the heaviest position. Indicates a life full of lessons to be learnt and karmic debt to be balanced relating to all human limitations in general. This is a bit like 29 in Numerology, to master grace under pressure. The rewards for bearing the lessons gracefull are tremendous. Karma Trine Chiron means a destiny for balancing those karmic debts that help cause harmonious evolution into a superior level. The sextile to Uranus and Pluto is a definite plus for this destiny and the quincunx Sun indicates the adjustment to be made in getting the Ego hurt so as to pave the way for evolution. IP: Logged | |