Topic: Intercepted planets and signs
Inner depths unregistered
posted June 07, 2006 12:20 AM
Could somebody review this again for me? I forget what it means to have intercepted planets etc.....and I have my 12th house mercury and saturn in taurus intercepted. Mercury is my chart ruler too.thanx a bunch  IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted June 07, 2006 01:50 AM
Inner,Some astrologers don't pay attention to interceptions, since some chart systems don't have interceptions. For those astrologers who do pay attention to them, they say the interceptions of houses point out houses that we have to work harder on in some way. Also, it is possible that we have to work out harder in balancing out the issues of both intercepting houses. For example, if the 12th house (spirituality) and 6th house (daily work) is intercepted, the person might have to work extra hard at balancing out spirituality with routine (daily work). Intercepting, Tim IP: Logged |
geminstone unregistered
posted June 07, 2006 04:33 AM
Hi Inner depths, Tim...  Just adding to what Tim has given, I have understood, also, that the house axis that is intercepted by sign, ( personally, my 3rd/9th houses are intercepted and my 5th/6thAries and 11th/12thLibra houses are sign intercepted ), hold within, keys to help unlock the issues of the intercepted house axis. I'm still trying to understand it myself so, hopefully that made some sense If not, maybe Tim or, another knowledgable Soul here can help us...  ~ geminstone IP: Logged |
Rev. Alice unregistered
posted June 07, 2006 09:57 AM
Interceptions are my specialty. They occur when 2 signs appear on no house cusps, and 2 other signs occur on two houses each. I believe that they mark "one born outside the general consciousness"---ordinarily an advanced soul, born into a family that is less advanced. I have two published books on the subject: Heralds of a New Age: Interceptions (published by AFA) Possibilities for a New Age: Intercepted Planets. (published by 21st Century) Contact me personally or visit my site for purchasing information. ------------------ You are a blessing and you are blessed. Rev. Alice IP: Logged |
LILYGIRL unregistered
posted June 07, 2006 04:39 PM
Thanks Rev ALice. That's fascinating. I need to check your site!I wonder if their is a bigger implication if one's nodes fall in the intercepted houses. For example I have two Taurus Houses and Two Scorpio houses but no houses being ruled by Virgo or Pisces. Yet my NN is Virgo and my Sn is Pisces. I was recently told by an astrologer who has known me only as a friend not a client that when she finally looked at my chart this weekend she thought it was interesting that my Virgo was NN and my Pisces SN because I really seem to have the Virgo NN of my life's journey down to a science. It's the Pisces part that has suddenly in the last year come crashing into my life. That's odd since the stock answer about the nodes is that people always fall back to the comfort of their SN. Until recently I actually think I have been afraid of my Pisces SN. No natal water planets except scorpio neptune and only Chiron in Pisces and that in House 3.....At any rate I grew up with 5 siblings and was always the odd genius, very alone, a solitary dangling appendage in family (4th of 6). I do wonder about that interception there... IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 07, 2006 05:17 PM
Inner depths,Intercepted Signs Duplicated Signs Intercepted Planets As your chart progresses, and as you experience transits to these planets (Mercury and Saturn) the energy will be released and may actually get stronger as you age. Until then, their power is caged, waiting a release and is seen as subtle. You will also see some Mercury and Saturn energies at work through house cusp rulers: Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn.
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Inner depths unregistered
posted June 07, 2006 05:41 PM
Thank you all!That sheds new light on my chart..even though in a reading I do NOT usually use them. On my experiences side, I'm not sure what experiences that I have had would reflect an intercepted mercury and Saturn in taurus.... Thanx again Inner IP: Logged |
Rev. Alice unregistered
posted June 08, 2006 09:40 AM
The simplest translation of intercepted nodes is "neglected child".....may not mean that the child was not fed , etc, but does mean that it was not "seen" and/or "heard."This being must be a very advanced one, else it would not survive. ------------------ You are a blessing and you are blessed. Rev. Alice IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted June 08, 2006 12:21 PM
Thank you for all the info. I have intercepted Sun in 4th, so naturally, this topic is important for me.  ------------------ No hesitation. No regret. No looking back. IP: Logged |
Rev. Alice unregistered
posted June 09, 2006 10:02 AM
Aen I share your experience of an intercepted Sun--mine is in the 6th. That started my research on the subject.With the Sun intercepted, you know who you are, but it is difficult to tell what you "look like" to others. Periodically you get responses and reactions that may make you wonder just what it is that they see when they look at you. A rather interesting placement, but a hindrance if you want to become visible to the public eye. I find that I would much rather people know my work than my face. Now, late in life, I work out of the mainstream of life, from my home office. While I sometimes see no one else for days, my clientele and correspondence is world-wide. That seems to fit the intercepted Sun very well indeed!
------------------ You are a blessing and you are blessed. Rev. Alice IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted June 11, 2006 05:17 AM
quote: With the Sun intercepted, you know who you are, but it is difficult to tell what you "look like" to others. Periodically you get responses and reactions that may make you wonder just what it is that they see when they look at you.
Yep. To add to confusion - others see my 12th hs Moon that *I* don't see or my heavily aspected Asc. Other peoples' vision always comes as a surprise to me and every now and them it makes me feel like a fraud. Like I had been pretended to be something other than me. Usually they see more Jovian than I feel. I guess it is because intercepted Sun is in Cap, hiding behind Sag hs cusp and Jupiter makes tight sextile to Asc. ------------------ No hesitation. No regret. No looking back. IP: Logged |
Rev. Alice unregistered
posted June 11, 2006 09:36 AM
AenYou are not a fraud!! Definitely!! You are more "whole", more evolved, developed, aware, than those around you. The non-intercepted Sun can "see itself" in the refelection that (significant) others provide, but this does not happen with the intercepted Sun because it is so much "more" than others can reflect. What seems to happen is that some people see some parts of us--and not always clearly--but few (if any) see the totality that we are. Think of the Zen parable about the blind men and the elephant. Each "saw" a different part of the elephant, and each described the elephant differently. You are not responsible for what others see, because, even those parts that they see, they will interpret in their own terms, which are not always accurate. What is going on here is like you are an adult in a world of toddlers. You cannot use their terms to define yourself, and they cannot really understand you. The good news is, that as you get older, the world will "catch up" with you to some extent, and people will begin to see more of you, and that more clearly. The other good news is that when you stop trying to be like everyone else and just accept that you were designed to be an example of what others will (in time) become, things will get better. You model the future. That is your gift and your burden--but the burden lightens when you accept yourself as you are. Thank you for being here on this Earth. Thank you for your courage and your character. You are a blessing and you are blessed. ------------------ You are a blessing and you are blessed. Rev. Alice IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5125 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 11, 2006 02:36 PM
another thing about intercepted signs are that they are "hidden" The first thing you see relating to the house cusp in question is the energy of the preceding sign. Planets will modify this.IP: Logged |
mars446 unregistered
posted June 11, 2006 10:27 PM
Can houses be intercepted instead of signs? If does it work? The same issues as if they were signs?I have aries-libra interception, and the 3-9th axis sandwiched b/w 2 houses in one sign. Thanks for ur input...
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nove731 Knowflake Posts: 324 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 11, 2006 11:01 PM
You know, I have always wondered what effect having Virgo on both the 1st and 12th House cusps meant. It seems so contradictory, doesn't it? The first house is about what others see about us, but the 12th is about what's hidden from us (and from others, too, I guess?).It makes me wonder how I can be perceived as being a Virgo Rising if those same qualities are supposedly hidden. And then the North Node is confusing too. For one, it's in Aquarius...but in the 5th House. And then further complicated by being intercepted. It's frustrating, because I can't understand that. I just can't wrap my head around the concept. IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5125 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 12, 2006 12:01 AM
when you have the same sign on the 12th house cusp as the Ascendant this could show that you are your own worst enemy.Mars, If you are born in the extreme north/south you can have more than one sign in a house and then just a few degrees for other houses, but you can't have a house inside of another house. If thats what you're asking. IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 12, 2006 12:28 AM
mars446, quote:
Can houses be intercepted instead of signs? If does it work? The same issues as if they were signs? I have aries-libra interception, and the 3-9th axis sandwiched b/w 2 houses in one sign. Thanks for ur input... Aries-Libra Intercepted: Intercepted Aries makes it difficult to take action. Since Pisces is the sign on the cusp (beginning) of the house, the person will generally find it easy to daydream in the area of life ruled by that house, and daydream, and daydream…Taking action tends to get put off. When they finally do act, they are likely to suddenly dive in as if they had never thought about the thing they were considering. Pisces is dreamy and peaceful. Aries is aggressive. Intercepted Aries makes it difficult to be assertive in the life area ruled by the house where it is located. Pisces on the cusp would rather avoid confrontation. Those with an intercepted Aries may fear taking action or asserting themselves. Emotional pressure can build up, and when they finally do assert themselves, they frequently explode, doing something totally inappropriate. In the opposite house, it is difficult for them to form partnerships where both parties are equal. For example, if the intercepted Libra is in the 6th house, that would cause problems treating co-workers as equals. If it were in the 11th house, the problem would be with friends. Since Virgo is the sign on the house cusp, a person with intercepted Libra will be seen as a servant in that area, or as someone who is always supplying services, or who always has the answers. Conversely, other people may be the ones who are forced into the role of servants. A balanced relationship is difficult to achieve and sustain. How do you deal with these problems? Look to Venus and Mars in your horoscope. Their sign and house placements, as well as the aspects they form may offer a way out. Also, see which signs appear on two houses. The functions of these “duplicated signs” and the areas of your life affected by the houses they occupy can give you an escape hatch from the interceptions. Gemini and Sagittarius Duplicated: Communications and travel are your way out of the problems caused by your intercepted signs . My own chart is a good example. I have Aries intercepted, which means I tend to daydream for a long time before taking action, and then dive in like I never thought about it before. With duplicated Gemini and Sagittarius, the way out is to read, study, and discuss proposed courses of action first (and then try to talk someone else into taking the action for you!). Don’t forget to check the aspects and the house and sign positions of Mercury and Jupiter for further information on these matters, and to see if there are contrary indicators. Third and Fourth Houses, Ninth and Tenth Houses: This is a perfect combination for a teacher, writer, or advisor. The famous and amazing astrologer Bob Marks (Hey! That’s me!);-) has this in his horoscope.
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astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 12, 2006 01:25 AM
nove731, quote:
You know, I have always wondered what effect having Virgo on both the 1st and 12th House cusps meant. It seems so contradictory, doesn't it? The first house is about what others see about us, but the 12th is about what's hidden from us (and from others, too, I guess?). It makes me wonder how I can be perceived as being a Virgo Rising if those same qualities are supposedly hidden. And then the North Node is confusing too. For one, it's in Aquarius...but in the 5th House. And then further complicated by being intercepted. It's frustrating, because I can't understand that. I just can't wrap my head around the concept.
Having the 12th and 1st houses linked can mean that you have tremendous inner strength or that you are shy and sensitive or you may enjoy solitude. Anything that pertains to the 12th house will be linked to your mask and your personality. As lalalinda said, it may mean that you are your own worst enemy and sabotage yourself somehow. Resist the urge to pick yourself apart and dwell on your own faults. Try to be honest with yourself. NN in Aquarius - focus on humanity, friendships, groups, social consciousness. SN in Leo - let go of the self and your pride. NN in the 5th - focus on creativity, loyality, children, love affairs, sports, entertainment, pleasure, fun. SN in the 11th - Resist the urge to change and revolutionize. As transits and pregressions activate your NN, the energy will be released and possiblty become stronger instead of hidden and weak. Hope this helps you. 
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wilsontc unregistered
posted June 12, 2006 01:34 AM
mars,Another way to think of this is you have a need to balance out yourself and your actions (1rst house) with those around you (7th house). Balancing it out, Tim ------------------ For information on basic astrological chart interpretation see: IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted June 12, 2006 01:36 AM
nove,I suggest focusing your attention on the 5th house (self-expression) and figuring out ways to express yourself. You most likely will find you choose Aquarian ways (helping other people's self-expression) to do this. It SOUNDS confusing, but it is a natural focus of your self-expression. Just remember, focus on expressing yourself in some way and let the rest of it happen naturally!  Expressing myself, Tim ------------------ For information on basic astrological chart interpretation see: IP: Logged |
mars446 unregistered
posted June 12, 2006 05:29 AM
Oh that's what you call duplicated signs...I had no idea what to call it...and I wasn't sure.Teaching? Oh lord...that's the very thing I try to stay away from. Well, perhaps if I find the right "students" then I'll go into some "type" of teaching. Thanks a lot! I do have a huge problem being assertive, and when it comes to partnerships...don't know how to balance it out. On top of that, I have a cardinal singleton (neptune in cappy)...oh well. But that whole 3rd-4th, 9th and 10th...I do have a lil bit of 2nd and 9th houses...or do u only go for the beginning cusps? Thanks a lot...makes a lot of sense. IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 12, 2006 11:45 AM
Mars446,You're welcome.  Duplicated houses can also be called linked houses. Some other possibilities of linked 3rd & 4th houses and linked 9th & 10th houses. 3rd with 4th - your communication maybe flowing with emotions, siblings or friends may live with you, may have attended many elementary schools, homelife may have been unsettled or you may have moved around several times 9th with 10th - you may like to teach and educate, you may travel for work, your father helped to shape your higher mind, you make work with your in-laws if you marry. Knowing your own chart, you probably could come up with some other examples of linking the 3rd house with the 4th and the 9th house with the 10th. quote:
But that whole 3rd-4th, 9th and 10th...I do have a lil bit of 2nd and 9th houses...or do u only go for the beginning cusps?
Yes, you use the sign on the cusp.
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Aen unregistered
posted June 12, 2006 02:56 PM
Thank you Rev.Alice.  These were kind words. Nove I have felt that I'm in the right track with my NN in Aqua/5th when I'm being generous with my time & creativity AND having lots of fun in the process. Sowing without thinking about who'll collect the crop. Don't hold yourself back when you want to say/do smth. Especially if it doesn't seem to make sense. I know how difficult it is with Virgo on the cusp of both 12th & 1th hs, but it gets easier with some practice. 
------------------ No hesitation. No regret. No looking back. IP: Logged |
mars446 unregistered
posted June 12, 2006 10:36 PM
Thanks a lot...makes more sense  IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 13, 2006 02:00 AM
You're welcome.  IP: Logged | |