Topic: cancerian men
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 03:58 PM
Swerve,Yes..I was referring to the moderator. experiences help me to empathize with others who are being condescending to and mistreated in other ways. So what? I care about people in general. I don't like people being addressed like they are children because they have disagreements. I don't like seeing others mistreated. It shouldn't happen here. It shouldn't happen any where. It should happen to Dulce. To accuse people of being oversensitive is condescending too. You don't know me. I was just sticking up for Dulce. If you don't like that, tough crap. I am not trying to be a savior. I am trying to be a human being who will speak out against stuff..I don't care if it's some authority. I will fight against injustices or things that's not right. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr did that himself. He was a simple human being just like all of us. He didn't do it out of some delusion or ego issues. He did it because he was sick and tired of people being mistreated and wanted everybody to treat each other equally. I am proud to share a Pisces Moon with him. I wouldn't accuse him of being overly sensitive for caring about people. As a black man growing up in South,he knew what it was like to lack civil rights. It often takes a person to have the same experience to help others with the same experience. I HAVE A DREAM! I believe in his dream that all of us will treat each other as equals. My mom is white and my dad was black too. Actually,my ethnic background consists of Black,Portuguese,English,German,French,Italian,Puerto Rican,Native American,and Jewish. That has helped me to be tolerant and treat others as equal. That has helped me to treat others like I want to be treated. There shouldn't be any generalizing about sunsigns. That's superficial BS. There is no room for it in real Astrology. I definitely don't do that. If I did, I would be ashamed to be an astrologer period!
I don't really need your lectures. You take them and shove them. Besides it's your opinions just like I have my opinions just like Dulce has her opinions.
Yeah..I am highly sensitive person. I am not ashamed of that. Thank god for highly sensitive people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I have Sun,Mercury,and Venus in Scorpio Moon in Pisces Sun trine Moon Moon square Neptune Mercury parallel Neptune Venus parallel Neptune Saturn oppose Neptune Saturn contrparallel Neptune Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint Mercury conjunct Sun/Neptune midpoint Neptune square Venus/Midheaven midpoint
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Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 03:58 PM
Look, I actually really like your attitude in terms of sticking up for people all the time, thats great, I have that myself! But seeing oppression where none exists is a seperate point.Dulce responded to MY posts, NOT the other way around. This is no lecture it is one-on-one full respect given debate. Stop accusing people of things they aren't doing, second guessing their motivation. You are patronising people as you accuse them of it yourself. I say don't be over-sensitive not to condemn you for it, but because YOU are telling ME what I am doing. You have it backwards. I love sensitivity and sensitive people. I am one. Swerve IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 04:10 PM
so what if Dulce responded to your posts. I would respond to your posts. Everybody has the right to respond to your posts and express their opinions. She didn't do anything wrong to you. She didn't insult nor did she attack you. How that moderator addressed her was unfair,ridiculous,and pretty much biased. She even accused her of not knowing what a Cancer man wants. I called her on her crap. I won't hesitate to do it again either. I don't judge people by their sunsigns. That's not Astrology. Dulce makes good points about not generalizing. You don't know me. So please refrain from your accusations,assumptions about me.
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Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 04:19 PM
>>>I don't see much room for growth or interaction of experience with the way Dulce and you present your arguements<<<I don't understand this. You made a statement, and I was pointing out where you were wrong. How is that the incorrect way of stating an argument? Ok, if I was being over-sensitive then I'm sorry but I didn't put words into your mouth. All I said is that the way you made "The Bubble Statement" was insulting and made to make cancers look very un-evolved,adolescent, and all about themselves. Maybe it was toungue in cheek, but cannot deny that is was insulting. Yes, Cancer is one of the 6 personal signs but like the other 11/12 of the human population,Cancers have horoscopes and Cancers have free-will. You say you feel qualified to say this but would you like if I said I felt qualified to say that Pisces are backstabbers and promiscuous(sp?). No, you wouldn't. Because they're not all backstabbers and promiscious-just some of the ones I've come across. I have not had good relationships with alot of Pisces (except my sister) and it may be my karma. I accept that but I don't go damning all of them. And Glaucus wasn't even responding to you, he was talking to Natasha because Natasha felt that she was more of an expertise on my own sign than I am. There's no need to mock him and accuse him of trying to be some "savior". IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 04:26 PM
OK, I can see that neither of you will be budged or take my posts in the manner they are meant. Or listen to what I am actually saying.This has become somewhat pointless with such defensive postures. Swerve IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 04:43 PM
Swerve,I dont think you realize how personally offensive some of your accusations are. I appreciate you wanting to tell it like it is, but you are in no position to make such a sweeping diagnosis of Glaucus' motives, as when you say, "But seeing condescention everywhere because you have faced it in your past is no excuse." Are you a shrink? Are you Glaucus' shrink? It seems presumptuous to even form such a conclusion, let alone voice it, and in such an insensitive way. Your previous post WAS insulting. I know you have a Scorpio Ascendant, and, as a Scorpio myself, I know how we have a tendency to overlook our own flaws when we zero in on other people's. I read your post to Glaucus (the one before the one I just quoted), and it seems to me it is loaded with sarcasm and insults. I also know you have an Aqua mercury, and w/ Aquarian influences myself, I know that often we take things a bit too IMpersonally. Let's not forget that we ARE people, and telling someone they are "arrogant" for standing up for another person's fair treatment, or that they clearly must see themselves as a "savior" (and should "step down my man" - very condescending; he is not "your man") just because they seek to defend the rules of fair play, seems out of line, to me. Personally, I think LL does need a savior. The world, more than anything, needs selfless people who are willing to speak up for eachother's rights and sensitivities. It is not self-righteous to try to fill the role from time to time. I should know. I am clearly one of these people you are referring to on LL who gets more ego-strokings than just about anybody (although I had to read your reply to someone else in order to hear your opinion of me), for all my attempts at building people up and keeping the peace, and, yes, it is difficult to resist the temptation to form a disproportionatly high opinion of myself. I'm the first to admit that, if anyone is guilty of self-righteousness, and having a savior/martyr complex here, it is me. Having said that, I think I can recognize it in others very well, and I dont see Glaucus as being especially susceptible to that temptation. On the contrary, I very much admire his reserve, and his tendency NOT to go over the top. I followed this thread, and was about to say something as impartial as can be, when your last three or four posts all struck me as particularly evidenced by a form of double-dealing which tends to really turn me off (and, from what you have said, it is apparent that you are not all too fond of that particularly "piscean" trait yourself). Although I too can appreciate the significance of sun signs, you do seem to generalize somewhat in this regard. You also show signs of taking things very personally yourself, in the strongly ironic and sarcastic tone you take in advising others on avoiding the pitfalls of sensitivity. And, tagging on the words, "I'm just kidding," or, "hey, but I really like this thing you said one time," after tearing into someone, doesnt exactly make it copacetic. I dont claim to have expressed my perceptions here with perfect sensitivity or objectivity, and I am sure you can spot the flaws in my own manner of expressing myself. I hope I will be open to your criticisms, which, in any case, I expect to encounter. But, I do hope you will take some of the things I seem to see in your posts into consideration, without dismissing them out of hand. Perhaps this is an ideal opportunity for you to show us all just how impersonal you can be, when you yourself are under the microscope? I hope so. I am always hoping to meet with people who are strong enough, and bold enough, to shine forth as good examples for all of us. I promise not to accuse you of having a christ-complex. provocatively, HSC
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Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:01 PM
My God HSC where on Earth did you get the impression I was ever referring to you? I think you are great! Not a bad word to say about you. I thought you would have known that.Again I am being misinterpreted. I think you all are taking yourselves way too seriously. Thats the problem, you are assuming I am too. Lighten up guys. I do actually really admire the way you defend each other, and I agree that people should adopt that role from time to time. I assure you I am not reacting here to any offence I feel. As far as I am concerned none of you have offended me. You're all nice people. I am perplexed as to why my words are being so misconstrued. HSC you just confirmed this beyond doubt for me with your post. Where did you ever get the idea I was talking about you??? I consider you a friend full stop. Must be something in the air. Swerve IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 05:03 PM
I have Sun,Mercury,and Venus in Scorpio along with Moon quincunx Pluto in 1st.I even got strong pluto midpoints. Pluto square Sun/Mars midpoint with 14 minutes of arc. Ascendant square Mars/Pluto midpoint with 4 minutes of arc. Sun square Pluto/Midheaven midpoint with 42 minutes of arc. Sun conjunct Jupiter/Pluto midpoint with 46 minutes of arc. Moon sesquiquadrate Sun/Pluto midpoint with 5 minutes of arc. I know what it's like to be a Scorpio/Pluto type and tell it like it is. I have called people on stuff. I am very intense. I have really told people off. I have actually controlled my temper in here quite well. I will continue to do so. I used to wish that duels were legal. Back in the old days when people talked mess to you, you can challenge them to back it up with a fight to the death. I am a strong believer in self defense too. I never believed in turning the other cheek. People have the right to stand up for themselves. I definitely believe in standing up for myself and others.
I grew up reading the Arthurian Legends. I loved the knights of the Round Table. my favorite character is Lancelot. I even have the asteroid, Lancelot conjunct my moon with 3 minutes of arc.
birthdata October 29, 1971 San Francisco,CA 3:20 AM
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sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:14 PM
GlacusI was born on 29th October too, but 1958.... Maybe we are similar....i often wondered if I would ever meet a male version of me....LOL !! I was born 340pm UK IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:19 PM
You know perhaps from an outside point of view it can seem like generalisation, but maybe this is due to something I can do naturally in real life. It's like a reading of seomone's energy. I instantly know what they are about and of course I questions whether I am right every time. I'd be an idiot if I didn't.You know it's hard to relay that when you talk about astrology. From what I gather you guys see astrology and the intricacies as different aspects to one character. I see it differently. I see it like a shade of colour that is sublty changed by those influences but is always the shade of colour it was meant to be. So, bringing this to the current debate, I can feel certain energies, patterns, whatever you like to call it in a person, and the similarities in this in people of the same sign is always there, subtle, varied. complex, but ever present. You need to know that just because I know something doesn't mean I judge it. For instance, the "selfishness" of Cancer. This can be viewed this way or flip it around to say that the soul has emerged from the Gemini inquisitiveness and has now progressed to the realm of Water and is flooeded with emotions it has never experienced before. The natural reaction? To be focused on Self, to seek to understand and to find a way of controlling the emotions, or if that doesn't work a way to defend yourself against them, i.e., go into your self (read shell). Trust me , I get it. Pisces who know their craft don't judge, they know and accept. Doesn't mean they have to like lol.! You are all selling me short through defensive postures. Believe me. I can't very well lay down my entire philosophy and complete wisdom (matter of opinion lol)before saying something I have experienced now can I? By being offended (especially you HSC tut tut old friend) you are judging me not the other way around. There was nothing to defend really. Besides Natasha is one of the warmest and most understanding people on Lindaland. I felt a little protective of her, especially when the odds became 2 to 1. (Not saying she was right or wrong with her post, just that maybe she was judged quickly and harshly, something you chaps seem to defend stoutly yourselves). Perhaps things aren't as clear cut as they seem guys...... Swerve
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sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:23 PM
Swerve....How are you? I think it is a Scorpio thing! I have in the past been accused of being too intense and full on, especially by those I live with,,,,, Now I am older, I have relaxed a little, and love to focus on the lighter side of life too, although I love the depths of Pluto....she still pulls me like no other!!! So anyway.....I hope you understand....(not always easy with the blessings and curses of Scorpio energy}  p.s. I have been told in the past to lighten up a few times, but these days I am having a tendancy to say it to others.....hmmmmm...... IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:28 PM
Hi Sue  Of course I understand. I'm Scorpio Moon 1st House and Ascendant, Scorpio True Node, etc etc blah blah blah lol. Most of my posts have been moaning about how intense I am and how it scares people and oh woe is me, blah blah blah. Well, I have a grip on it now. Focus is the key. Thats another point though. Do you think I was being offensive? I can handle objective opinion. Hit me with it babe. Swerve IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:40 PM
I dont think anyone is being offensive....Just sensitive, including you....nowt wrong with that....but maybe you have had bad experiences with Cancer (so have I) which of course have coloured your perception of them. I was becoming like this too, and then I go and meet a Cancer woman who has become the best friend I ever had!!!!! So no, I wouldnt have been offended by you, but then again if someone said all Scorpios are sex crazed paranoid axe murderers....I wouldnt get offended... Cos I know this could be true (well elements of it anyway...I aint tried the axe thing out yet...still time tho)...hahaha.... But I aint gonna cry "do you mind I am a Scorpio blah blah blah" Just different perceptions hey one is right and no one is wrong... And Swerve....I think you are cool man...  IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 05:43 PM
Just wanted to let everyone involved know that there are no hard feelings from me, I was just trying to make a point that is all.  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 05:47 PM
My mom has Moon in Scorpio square Pluto,and she is too intense. She was verbally and physically abusive to me. She's is no "typical" Gemini for sure. She only has Sun in Gemini She also has Ascendant,Mercury,Venus,Jupiter,and Uranus in Cancer. She has Saturn in Scorpio. Too much water. She also Sun in 12th trine Neptune as well as Mercury-Venus-Uranus square Neptune.My Aries gal has Moon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio along with Moon conjunct Pluto,Pluto sesquiquadrate Ascendant,Mars oppose Pluto,Mercury-Venus quindecile Pluto. I love her depth,intensity. I likes how she can knock sense into me. She helped me let go of the past and inspired me to forgive my mom for her abusing me and psychiatrists for misdiagnosing me. She and I like each other's depth,intensity,sensitivity. Her Sun,Mercury,and Mars are in my 8th. My Sun,Mercury,and Venus are in her 8th. She has Pisces Ascendant along with Moon sextile Neptune,Neptune conjunct Midheaven,Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune,and Mars trine Neptune. Her Neptune is stationary. IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:48 PM
Thanks Sue,Only thats why Pisceans are more evolved than Scorpios - we use machine guns instead!  Swerve  IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:53 PM
Swerve....Oh machine guns...sounds a better option somehow...  Glacus... Sorry about yer mum and how she treated you....  Bless you both  IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 05:58 PM
Glaucus - I had a similar relationship with my Mother too. I hear you.Lucky man to have found such a wonderful partner - I envy you - truly. Dulce - no hard feelings sweetheart, maybe we should all start showing that watery forgiveness thing and start again? Peace to you both. Swerve  IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 06:03 PM
Sorry to hear that Swerve....  We have a little Scorpio son of 7 always brings tears to my eyes when I hear of children being treated unkindly by their mothers...  He sees me getting upset and times and he will say to me "you are very kind Mum" followed by "even tho you are miserable sometimes(he means moody) ....LOL...... Gotta love them watery ones...   IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 06:09 PM
Oh it's ok, it's made me that much stronger. Also means I'll know when I'm not being a good parent myself if I eventually have kids (which I doubt). You can't pay for that kind of education. Swerve IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 06:12 PM
SwerveI used to say I will never have kids....and I did have a lovely little boy at age 40!!! Never give up hope....  IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 06:12 PM
 a bystander perception?  no worries, I hope. You're all wonderful.  IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 06:20 PM
Lia  This thread has really moved me for some reaon...all that water flowing in one place, I suppose..... And interesting how a "cancerian men" thread develops into home and children and families.... Well not really.....  Cancer ruled by the moon, the mother......etc...... IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2006 06:31 PM
Ayy, I kind of wish I was airy right now. I'm kind of exhausted and I have this paper I have to type for a nightclass.Sorry about you guys' and your mothers.. I couldn't imagine not being close to your mother...but for me, father is a different story. You guys are all great and have wonderful info to share so don't stop.  I hope I wasn't harsh to anyone on this thread its just that sometimes when my aries mars in the 3rd gets fired up....I get too into it. Sorry 
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sue g unregistered
posted August 14, 2006 06:34 PM
Dulce....  to you IP: Logged | |