Topic: Clues in a chart that you may marry a foreigner
Lousianagrl unregistered
posted July 24, 2006 10:23 PM
Well I dunno if I'll marry a foriegner but latin men are hot...I love the whole tall dark and mysterious. YUM! I have eros in Scorpio in the 9th. I have pluto in the ninth. I can't stand when guys have blonde hair..yuck  IP: Logged |
Venusian Love unregistered
posted July 24, 2006 10:50 PM
Yes. Many scorpios, capricorns, and saggis love women with dark looks. I Love men with dark looks 
------------------ Gemini/Cancer Cusp, Cancer ascendant, Taurus moon *29, Taurus venus, Libra mars *----------*----------* Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
-William Shakespeare IP: Logged |
jkxx unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 01:54 AM
LoL Venusian Love, that's a good assessment there.I have sun conj jupiter, libra on the cusp of my 9th house, and venus square uranus as well. And I've been living in a foreign country and will very likely marry in one, so all these placements seem to play a part. Interracial relationships seem to fit in with venus/uranus well, mostly because they're more about doing something differently in the eye of society than anything else. [Interesting topic] IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2006 02:22 AM
I'd say: Moon/Venus in Sag or IX house for guys, Sun/Mars in Sag or IX for girls; 7th/4th/5th house ruler in the 9th/Sag or DSC/NN in Sag;Kamilla! When I first saw your pic I was surprised how Slavic you look! Let me ask you: have you ever drawn a relocation chart for yourself? Do you think it describes you better now than your natal chart? Do you think a relocation or a natal chart should be used for compatibility analysis if someone lives far from the place they were born?  ------------------ Where there is feeling, Life itself is right behind. Carol Willis IP: Logged |
sugar_buns unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 02:23 AM
hey what about mars??? as in mars conj uranus?n i was thinking...its considered that mars in a woman's chart shows what type of man she likes...n venus shows this in a man's chart(the woman he likes)...what about that? IP: Logged |
hayek unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 06:59 AM
Another aspect is Jupiter in the Seventh. Jupiter in the Seventh House: Just because Jupiter is the planet of "good" luck, don’t jump to conclusions. Rod Chase gave a lecture some years back called "The Perils of Jupiter" during which he told of a cousin of his who had this placement and "She loved marriage. She was married three times". Remember, Jupiter shows the place in your life where you feel confident and overconfident, where you can overreach yourself. It can favor marriage to a foreigner or someone from a totally different background, or to someone in a Jupiter occupation (e.g.teaching, religion, architecture) or just plain wealthy. IP: Logged |
Kamilla unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 08:02 AM
PeriYeah...It's kind of hard for me to hide my heritage not that I would try. Actually, I never thought of doing a relocation chart. I changed reference place on astro but not the birth place. Is that how you supposed to do it, change the birth place to current location? Or is it more involved? (I know, I sound pretty ignorant IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2006 08:33 AM
Go to 'Extended chart selection' then 'Please select the type of chart you want' choose Relocation and then just modify reference place.  IP: Logged |
Kamilla unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 02:14 PM
PeriThank you. That is very interesting. I can't beleive I didn't think to look at the relocation chart before. My natal chart literally got flipped upside down with Ascendant changing from Leo to Aquarius. A lot of things made sense that way. For instance, I could never relate to the loaded 4th House. Venus and Neptune in 9th and Moon in 8th are definitely more "me". IP: Logged |
EccentricGypsy28 unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 04:16 PM
Well I have Venus in Sag in my Fifth House. I only have my Mars in Aries in my Ninth House. I also have my Saturn and Uranus in Sag. Hopefully my Venus will work in my favor!! (I only seem to like foreign guys) Thanks for the replys! IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 05:00 PM
glaucus -If the 7, 9, and 11 principles are all conneted. Like, venus is in relation to uranus and jupiter or aquarius and jupiter or aquarius and sag or uranus and sag or the 11th house and jupiter or the 11th house and sag or if libra, or the 7th house is in relation to uranus and sag, or uranus and the 9th etc.
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Duality unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 05:11 PM
Glaucus, I have a question:How would one even see a marriage/ relationship to a different "race"? How can all these indicators you and others mentioned even show a different "race" as opposed to someone who's simply different from you in culture, religion, ethnicity, country? Wouldn't "race" just be one of those things but not necessarily a separate factor? I'm not sure I expressed myself clearly, lol. What I mean is that all those chart indictaors simply show attraction/relationships with someone from a different background, whatever those differences may be. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2006 08:57 PM
I honestly don't know. I actually believe in the human no different races. I should have said something like interethnic not interracial. I see black and white as two different ethnic groups and not two different races. It's just that interracial is word that is widely and that I am used to using. I should say interAll the indicators I listed are more about involved in different cultures or with something that is not in the norms or that is different. Interethnic relationships fit right in with that. There are so many reasons that people can marry people of different ethnic groups could be a Neptune/Pisces thing....universal love and unity...see everybody as fellow souls and don't care about color,ethnicity,etc. My parents had Venus conjunct Neptune in the composite chart. the relationship was father had drug problems and got my mom using drugs. also my father had speech problems and my mom would speak up for him. IP: Logged |
Duality unregistered
posted July 25, 2006 09:27 PM
quote: I honestly don't know. I actually believe in the human no different races. I should have said something like interethnic not interracial. I see black and white as two different ethnic groups and not two different races. It's just that interracial is word that is widely and that I am used to using. I should say inter All the indicators I listed are more about involved in different cultures or with something that is not in the norms or that is different. Interethnic relationships fit right in with that. There are so many reasons that people can marry people of different ethnic groups could be a Neptune/Pisces thing....universal love and unity...see everybody as fellow souls and don't care about color,ethnicity,etc.
I just want to make it clear I wasn't criticizing you, lol. I was just curious. Just like one cant look at a chart and know if it's a man, woman or kitten, I'm pretty sure "race" (and I hope it's clear I don't believe such a thing exists) can't be seen in any way in any chart, just the attraction to the "different from us" a person might have. You have an amazing life story
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jehovah81 unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 05:06 AM
hey all, Venus is the 1st house in Saggi and trine neptune in the second house, must have some truth to it as i have been and met a beautiful australian woman myself being a new zealander,and every new experience i have had has been with overseas connections especially the last four years now even more so.With my last job was an australian company i had been employed there(the company was in NZ) bfore i met my partner, and all going back to school am right next to a foriegn backpackers,so Venus in sagittarius must hold some truth towards the way we meet foriegners whiether we loved them,emport/trade goods and services with them The Means Justifies The End.IP: Logged |
MoonPixie Knowflake Posts: 134 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2006 01:49 PM
Cancer Sun/Chiron in 9th Gemini Mercury/Venus in 9th Saggi Uranus conjunctSaturn in 3rdI already know I'm inclined to love travelling (I've always know that I like travelling actually, before I started studying astrology). Any Venus in the 9th (in addition to any other 9th house placements) will prefer foreigners or anything with an exotic touch or flavor. I am 100% confident that whomever I marry will most likely be someone I meet while studying abroad (I'm planning on going into international journalism) and they'll probably be European (I'm Filipino), lol. Funny as it is, I have a thing for Italians... Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes... tall... tan..... FOOD. lol. Go figure, I'm from Chicago. Hey, I can always go for the scruffy blonde haired, dark blue-eyed sagittarius londoner, lol. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6373 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted April 27, 2024 05:41 PM
Is it always a foreigner? Could it just be interracial dating?Sag rules my 5th house and I have Sun in the 9th house. I'm attracted to men of a different race but not necessarily a foreigner. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 190633 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2024 12:05 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 190633 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 03, 2024 10:01 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Lamplighter848 Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Registered: Oct 2022
posted August 07, 2024 08:22 PM
I have read many interpretations regarding sag, venus , Uranus,9th and 7th house.myself I have a venus in Aquarius in the 9th, Uranus in sag and venus trine pluto. Oh and Jupiter conjunct the descendant. I have always appreciated those who were different than myself culturally. Though I did not marry someone foreign nor significantly culturally different. Though I have lighter features and my husband has many dark features. I did tend to date men with darker features as well. But my husband does have venus in aqua as well and he did grow up with much different landscape than my own. we give each other much perspective and value very similar things compared to how we were raised. I have noticed that with my son. He is a sag ascendant square venus/mars. He has shown an almost exclusive attraction to people of other ethnicities than our own. It has been hard to miss as he is usually not interested in many people and he has only bonded or shown adoration for those with physical properties completely different than his own. Other than my husband and myself. Though he doesn’t show us as much interest as the people he has chosen. He will approach a complete stranger and enter their space..look them deeply in their eyes and stroke their face. It is a huge difference than what he usually does even with us. It is very sweet and he has been met with much kind response when it has happened. People are usually quite fond of his natural appreciation of their beauty. He tends to invoke an almost universal love within moments when this happens. My husband and I have been completely surprised as we sometimes cannot get a lick of affection out of him and the boy will not give a kiss ever. So to see him approach a stranger, embrace them and become affectionate..we are completely jealous at times. He tends to have a type that he primarily appreciates. Lovely strong black women are his favorite with Puerto Rican or mixed ethnic coming in second. He is not aprehensive to approach a beautiful and strong woman. As a matter of fact he’s a magnet to them. When this has happened the women always express complete adoration for his fair features. Always complementing us on what a looker he is and what a great catch he will be one day. Ahh he’s just too cute..that boy gets a lot of compliments for his almost typical gerber baby appearance and cuteness. I think that has a lot to due with his venus/mars conjunct in virgo though. IP: Logged |
Lamplighter848 Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Registered: Oct 2022
posted August 07, 2024 08:22 PM
Sorry double post. IP: Logged |