Topic: Ascendent conjunct Ascendent
freebird unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 08:20 AM
Have you ever met someone who has Ascendent conjunct to yours ?My expereince has been wonderful!!!Sag Asc. conj Sag Ascendent.We also have good Sun placements ( Scorpio- Virgo). I get that person every move and so much non-verbal communication.Although our mercuries are square still it's just amazing.I wouldn't be able to understand this person if he is far from me but when he is there in front of me. I would get exactly how he is reacting. So much FUN!!! Anybody else to share their experience ? IP: Logged |
Venusian Love unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 08:29 AM
I have this also. Mine in Cancer and his in Leo. I like this aspect.
------------------ Gemini/Cancer Cusp, Cancer ascendant, Taurus moon *29, Taurus venus, Libra mars *----------*----------* Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. -William Shakespeare IP: Logged |
Full-fifthhouse-loulou unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 08:31 AM
Do you think totally opposite ascendants would be as favourable? I guess then one persons descendant conjuncts the others ascendant.I ask because my son and daughter have exactly opposite ascendants...him 26degrees saggy and her 24degrees gemini..... Freebird, I had an ascendant conjuncting a friends once years ago and we really 'clicked.' ------------------ SCORPIO SUN 5TH HOUSE ASCENDANT CANCER CANCER MOON 12TH HOUSE IP: Logged |
freebird unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 08:48 AM
Venusian Love: So cool !!Full fifthouse : Well I do find initially Gemini influenced....Gemini moon, asc or sun anything Gem very interesting but after that it's ofcourse overall aspects in chart. I am sure Gem Asc would keep Sag Asc entertained. Never dull moment. To be honest I never get bored. I always have something to do or keep myself busy and I would want more than 24 hours..Maybe it's Sag Asc. I really get annoyed by people who say "I am bored". I think it comes from Sag Asc. I had read in LL and vaguely remember that Sag and Gem don't get along so well or opposites... but I would say for me being Scorp - Taurus... I love them....male... female..old ...young...anyone... IP: Logged |
BlueEyes24 unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 09:43 AM
Full-fifthhouse-loulou: My sister and I have opposite rising signs also, in Gemini and Sag. I'm the Sag, and she's the gemini.
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Full-fifthhouse-loulou unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 09:47 AM
How do you two get along BlueEyes?Am I right in thinking you also have scorpio moon, as my son does too funny enough (the one with saggy ascendant.) ------------------ SCORPIO SUN 5TH HOUSE ASCENDANT CANCER CANCER MOON 12TH HOUSE IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 01, 2006 09:55 AM
Ascendant oppose Ascendant is not necessarily negative because it's the same as the Ascendants conjunct Descendants both ways. That means that their personas,selves,personalities are fused,merged with how they are in relationships,partnerships and how their partners are.Therefore Sagittarius Ascendant oppose Gemini Ascendant is the same as double whammy of Sagittariius Ascendant conjunct Sagittarius Descendant and Gemini Ascendant conjunct Gemini Descendant. They are each other's natural partner. My gal's Pisces Ascendant opposes my Virgo Ascendant with 16 minutes of arc,and we have a very strong connection,attraction. It also helps that her Taurus Venus trines my Ascendant with only 3 minutes of arc. She has Venus sextile Ascendant,and my Ascendant links with that. My Pisces Moon also helps me relate to her Pisces Ascendant. Her Scorpio Moon is conjunct my Scorpio Sun with 4'56 orb and in same sign as my Mercury and Venus,and is same element and trine my Pisces Moon with 1'47 orb,and so we can easily relate to each other. That's great for relating well with each other. you have to remember that opposing angles aren't same as opposing planets. angles are part of an angle axis and are very sensitive oppositions to angles aren't necessarily negative because they are also conjunct the opposite angle. I have an interesting dynamic in that my Virgo Ascendant/Pisces Descendant squares my Gemini/Sagittarius Midheaven with 2'13 orb,and so any point or planet that conjuncts an angle/opposes an angle automatically squares an angle axis. My Jupiter conjuncts my Imum Coeli/oppose my Midheaven,and it squares my Ascendant/Descendant axis. My gal's Ascendant conjuncts my descendant/opposes my Descendant and squares my Midheaven/Imum Coeli axis. Her Jupiter conjuncts my Jupiter and Imum Coeli/oppose my Midheaven and squares my Ascendant/Descendant axis. Her Jupiter square Ascendant links to my Jupiter square Ascendant. Powerful aspect dynamic. She and I have similar beliefs about religion,philosophy. IP: Logged |
BlueEyes24 unregistered
posted August 01, 2006 10:06 AM
Yup, I also have a Scorpio moon.My sister and I get along okay, but I wouldn't say that we are extremely close. BUT, I have a Virgo sun, Scorpio moon, and Scorpio venus... she has a Leo sun, Aries moon, and Libra venus.. so you can see the differences there. What's weird is that looking at our placements, you would think that she's the outgoing one.. but I'm outgoing, and she is very very shy. The majority of my planets fall in the 1st, 3rd, and 9th houses... hers fall mostly in the water houses, so that could have something to do with it. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 01, 2006 11:56 AM
This is from Astro123 softwareAscendant oppose Ascendant This aspect suggests that both your basic dispositions and temperaments are either balanced nicely and are compatible and harmonious or that they oppose each other and you find yourselves at opposite ends of the spectrum. In love and marriage, this is an aspect of strong physical attraction. Exactly how this aspect works out will depend on the two of you and how you are able to handle your differences,how well you are able to relate to each other's temperaments, viewpoints and moods. It is important for you both to learn how to give and take. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 24, 2008 04:24 PM
For Meta.  IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1122 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 25, 2008 04:06 PM
AWWWW!!!! BM, Thou art beauty in woman form! MUAH*** IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted October 25, 2008 06:51 PM
Alot of poeple i know have the same ascendant as me in virgo and its good because we have the same shifty way of thinking and usually were very similiar.My mums boyfriend has virgo rising but hes not like my other virgo rising friends hes a bit more normal than us lol  I feel more the same as them if theyre ascendant is late degreees virgo like me ..then we have alot in common and similiar attitude towards life ------------------ Sun.. Cancer Moon.. Gemini Mars.. Cancer Mercury.. Cancer Venus.. Leo Ascendant....... Virgo IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 26, 2008 09:14 PM
From Ascendant conjunct Ascendant Both of you are likely to show the same type of face to the world, and to express yourselves similarly. You can identify with each other in an immediate way because your self-image is similar. But you may realize that, after getting to know each other better, what¹s underneath that self-image may be quite different. The Ascendant, while one of the most important factors in each of your charts, is not so much an indication of who you are, but who, at first glance, you appear to be. Often, the Ascendant is a good indication of the person underneath. But, most of the time, there is far more to a person than what meets the eye. If there are truly deep connections between you, they will be indicated by other factors in the chart comparison. On a superficial level, this conjunction should make it easier for you two to see eye-to-eye, although it may also inspire some competitiveness between you.IP: Logged |