posted October 07, 2014 09:54 AM
My experience with my Cancer SO was a little different. Mind you he has Cancer Sun/Mercury, Taurus Moon, Gemini Venus and Libra Mars so not TOO watery but still...We met online and then in person less than 2 weeks later after some really great emails and phone conversations. After that he pursued me HARD. He asked me out on a 2nd date before the 1st date was even over, and then on a 3rd date at the end of the 2nd date. It was all very hard and fast and there was no mistaking that he liked me.
I would say about a month into things (by then we were official) is when he started doing the crab dance (back and forth, side to side). The reason why I got into astrology was because of this man, actually. I just COULD NOT figure him out so I started googling about "Cancer Men." Very slow and careful to reveal himself, very guarded yet at other times SO sweet and affectionate. It's like I was constantly being tested - he would push my buttons or my boundaries on purpose to see how I would react, and if I would still stick around. It was very hard for me, and still is sometimes, to endure the "mood swings" but their love is SO worth it. He knows now that I'm not easily swayed by his nonsense, though I do have to constantly remind myself that as quickly as the nonsense rushes in, it will rush out and all will be well again.
My best advice as was mentioned previously is BE PATIENT. It's been about 8 months for us now and it's better than ever. With time we are better understanding our "groove." Let them be when they're being distant and they always come back. Be there for them when they're seeking you out and be that comforting spot for them to feel safe. The reward is someone who cares about you more than you probably realize and whose love is second to none