Topic: The Eclipses Are Coming!!
eightdegrees unregistered
posted August 23, 2006 11:34 PM
The Sept 22 eclipse will conjunct my Mars at 28' Virgo in the seventh house (or eighth house, via equal house system) and square my Sag sun/neptune. Any thoughts? I've been single for just about forever. IP: Logged |
jenfullmoon Knowflake Posts: 35 From: California Registered: Jun 2009
posted August 24, 2006 12:57 AM
eightdegrees, it sounds like we both have conflicting yes/no aspects for romance is confusing!My fifth and eleventh (Pisces/Virgo) houses are both empty, but transiting Uranus should be conjunct the 15 Pisces point, and transiting Sun/Venus/South Node should all be conjunct the Virgo 29 eclipse point. The first eclipse squares natal Jupiter and the second squares natal Neptune. What the heck does this mean? On the one hand, the squares should guarantee that disappointing things go on in the fifth and second (Sag house), according to Carol Rushman. On the other hand, hitting Uranus AND the Sun AND Venus makes me wonder if that's the start of romantic things. Or maybe it is the start of romantic things and then I'll just be bitterly disappointed again. What do you think? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 24, 2006 01:36 AM
September 7th:Eclipse conjunct 11th House cusp Eclipse Square Mercury in Sag 2(7th) Eclipse Square Saturn 0 (1st) Eclipse Square Sun/Mars Midpoint 1 (7th) September 22nd: Eclipse Conjunct Moon 0 degrees in the 5th Eclipse Square Sun 5 degrees Eclipse Sextile Mars 2 degrees Eclipse Sextile Neptune 6 degrees Eclipse Conjunct Pluto 4 degrees Eclipse Trine Ascendant 3 degrees Eclipse Square Mercury/Jupiter midpoint 2 Eclipse Square Venus/Jupiter midpoint 1 Ok, so I went way overboard, and won't even attempt to find meaning in all these transits.  It is interesting that the Solar Eclipse is conjunct my Moon at zero degrees.  IP: Logged |
eightdegrees unregistered
posted August 24, 2006 11:00 PM
jenfull,I don't know. And I guess no one else does either! Let's compare notes after the fact and then we'll see if there were any major occurrences or similarities! IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:49 PM
Another good eclipse link: (all the following interp posts are from this website) IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:52 PM
Node and Kim ~Yay!! An interp for the eclipses happening in the 1st/7th axis ~ quote: Eclipses in the 1/7 axis: Crisis of Individualism vs. Relationship. We meet a young woman who has just become engaged to the man of her dreams – a fairly common event during this cycle, with its connection to the seventh house of partnership. She can’t believe he loves her and treats her so well—all the other men in her life have been rotten. He wants to take care of her, support her emotionally and financially, and she’s torn between not believing her luck and really not believing her luck. "What did I do to deserve this?" she asks herself, just like all those other times when the treatment she was receiving was not so loving. Her decision to marry him will probably be the simplest part of this cycle. The minute they announce their plans to marry, their excited friends and families pounce, anxious to help, to give advice. Before the bride knows it, the plans for her wedding day have been taken over and she has ceased to be a flesh and blood person: she is now a “bride,” constantly shuffled around from caterer and wedding consultant and her new in-laws. As the weeks pass, she shows the strain of constant planning and decision making, trying to please new and important people in her life, trying to keep everyone happy as the plans for the wedding progress -- she becomes more and more frantic and exhausted. Meanwhile, people are treating her differently. Her single friends wish her well, but they treat her with a curious mixture of enthusiasm, resentment, and sadness – “We’re losing you,” they tell her, and she wonders with a start if that’s true: will she be one of those women who abandons all her friends when she gets married? Her friends have helped her define herself, and the thought of losing them is like losing part of her identity. She becomes anxious that the “I’ will not survive becoming part of a “we.” She finds herself growing short-tempered and defensive with her husband to be, who tries to be understanding but has worries of his own, particularly about how much she’s spending on the wedding. Eclipses falling in the first and seventh house axis don’t always describe a marriage, but it is an event that well describes the fundamental crisis of this cycle: profound challenges to self and identity brought about through close relationships with others. It’s a cycle that frequently describes turning points such as marriage, divorce, moving away from home. Like eclipses to Mars, the ruler of the first house, this cycle is a time of marking out important territory for ourselves in the world, and trying to defend ourselves against perceived attacks on our individuality; as with eclipses to Venus, ruler of the seventh house, we are evaluating our self-worth and values in the context of personal relationship. And because eclipses falling in the 1st and 7th houses often square natal planets in the 10th and 4th houses, we find that changes in our identity and personal relationship status can also have an effect on our career choises, as well as marking a significant change in how we relate to our family of origin.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:53 PM
The 12th/6th-house axis: quote: Eclipses in the 12/6 axis: Crisis of Retreat vs. Adaptation. After the hectic activity of eclipses moving through the first house and seventh houses, eclipses move into the 12/6 house axis, and our young newlywed finds herself in a Crisis in Retreat and Adaptation. After months of frenzied activity, planning a wedding, setting up a new household, our young couple enters the honeymoon phase. For a year or so they barely leave the house for social engagements; they’re just plain worn out, and they need some time alone. Our young bride is wondering just when the exhilaration of married life is supposed to kick in! She adores her husband, and their wedding day was beautiful. So why does she feel so tired all the time? Why does she find herself crying at odd moments, picking fights with her husband over inconsequential things? Why does she feel so weird? Meanwhile, she’s spent hours changing her name on countless documents: the DMV, the passport office, Social Security office, credit cards. People call her by her new name and she doesn’t even know who they’re talking to. Living with someone new has brought about the challenge of working out new routines and adapting old habits. Will we have separate bank accounts or joint? Which toaster will we keep? Who does the dishes? After years of sorting out her own routines, each day with her husband is like recreating the wheel! Eclipses in the twelfth house, like eclipses to Neptune, are times for retreat and recuperation. Our young bride is recuperating not just from the wedding, but from a lifetime of bad relationships, stored up hurts and disappointments – and confronting her illusions about relationships, and her new husband. Now that she has a safe haven, she can surrender her armor – and purging the emotions that have resurfaced is a tiring business. Eclipses in the sixth house, like eclipses aspecting Mercury, find us delineating and defining roles and expectations, and dealing with the day to day reality of living with whatever changes we made in the 1st and 7th houses. The fundamental crisis of this cycle involves honoring our need for solitude and contemplation, while simultaneously taking care of the mundane tasks at which we spend the bulk of our time. Ideally, we can bring some 12th house contemplation to the 6th house, and approach our tasks as a spiritual journey – instead of envisioning spirituality as something which occurs apart from the everyday world.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:54 PM
The 11th/5th-house axis: quote: Eclipses in the 11/5 axis: Crisis in Reception vs. Self-Expression. After awhile our young bride, a little stronger and better rested, emerges into the world to reconnect with her old friends. But some of those friendships didn’t survive her disappearance. Some of her single friends are convinced they were right about her dumping them when she got married, and don’t return her calls, while others insist she continue the social pace they enjoyed together when she was single. Some of her married friends have upped the ante and moved on to having kids, and have no time for her. Maybe her marriage required her to move a great distance from her ordinary support systems; maybe in making the life-changing transitions of getting married and confronting her past, she has outgrown a lot of her old friends. Anyway, it seems that everyone has abandoned her at once, and the more she tries to pretend that everything is the way it’s always been, the worse she feels. One day, while unpacking some boxes, she runs across a short story she had started writing a few years ago, and then set aside when she became engaged. Reading through it, she starts making some notes in the margins; when she looks up again, she notices that several hours have passed. She sets the story aside to make dinner – but is excited at the prospect of getting back to it tomorrow. As with eclipses to Uranus, the ruler of the 11th, this cycle finds us out of step with those around us. The crisis lies in rediscovering the 5th house part of ourselves, those creative passions that are more compelling than any dinner party we could go to, and that eventually lead us out to share ourselves with the rest of the world – at which point we naturally attract the friends and associates which are appropriate for us.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:55 PM
The 10th/4th-house axis: quote:
Eclipses in the 10/4 Axis: Crisis in Direction vs. Connection. It’s a couple of years since our young woman rediscovered that story she’d written, and eclipses have moved on to the 10/4 axis of her chart. She’s happily married, emotionally sound, she has new friends and creative energy to burn; but she finds herself feeling the lack of a strong purpose, a direction, a sense of meaning to her life. She dislikes her job and doesn’t feel she is working in her ideal profession; her boss is a real tyrant, and lately has been piling lots of work on her and blaming her for missing deadlines she didn’t know existed. Her husband encourages her to leave the job; after all, they both can live on his income. But that wouldn’t solve the problem, because it goes deeper than just her problems with her boss: she doesn’t know what to do with her life. She might have more clarity, she suspects, if her mother had provided a stronger role model. Her mother stayed at home and cooked pot roast and raised her kids, and that certainly is not the direction our modern young woman wants to take. Then one day, as eventually happens in life, her mother dies. Our young woman returns to the family home –and, metaphorically, to her fourth house-- to celebrate her mother and mourn her loss, to grapple with endings and mortality. One day, sorting through a trunk of her mother’s momentos, she finds something that shocks her: the yellowed, hastily scrawled pages of a short story her mother had written years before. … Her mother, a writer? She’d never thought of her mother as a writer, or indeed as a creative person at all. If the 10th house and Saturn, its natural ruler, send us out into the world looking for meaning in life, the 4th house and the moon send up on a treasure hunt deep within ourselves and our lineage. Here, we find the raw material, diamonds in the rough, that we can polish and refine into a meaningful gift to offer the world.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:56 PM
The 9th/3rd-house axis: quote: Eclipses in the 9/3 Axis: Crisis in Mastery vs. Skill It’s been some months since the death of her mother, and our young woman has a secret: late at night, after everyone has gone to bed, she has been rewriting her mother’s short story, and it’s been growing and growing. She’s added pieces of her own story, the one she found in that box a few years ago. And she thinks – just maybe, when she dares to think about it – that it’s good, this story, and she thinks if she had the time, she could maybe even make it into a proper book. One morning at breakfast she confides in her husband about the story, the idea of the book. He tells her what a marvelous idea it is that she has, to write this book! “Oh, leave that damn job, you’ve hated it so long – why don’t you take a chance and do this marvelous thing?” And the more supportive he is, the more resistant she becomes. “I’m not a real writer, I majored in accounting, if I leave my job and this doesn’t work out it’ll leave this big embarrassing hole in my resume…” In her heart of hearts, she knows she’s found her career, you see. The hours she has spent working on this story have been the happiest she’s known in years. But the thought of committing to something so unknown terrifies her. Who is she, after all, to think she can be a writer? She feels she needs an objective analysis of her ability, so she decides to take a creative writing course at the local university. For her final paper, she submits part of her story. A week later she receives her paper in the mail with her professor’s glowing comments. The next day, her heart absolutely in her throat, she goes to work and gives two weeks notice. Eclipses in the ninth house, like eclipses to Jupiter, invite us to take a chance in life, to act on faith, even though we feel we are not up to the challenge. While eclipses in the 3rd house, like eclipses to Mercury, provide the impulse to develop skill. Often, this is the cycle when we take an existing interest to a journeyman level – make the leap from reading and writing a language to speaking it.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 09:58 PM
The 8th/2nd-house axis: quote: Eclipses in the 8/2 axis: Crisis in Intimacy vs. Self-Sufficiency It’s perhaps a year since our protagonist made her dramatic leap of faith, throwing herself headlong into a bold new enterprise. The thrill of sleeping late and taking long lunches with her friends has worn off. She and her husband are beginning to notice the loss of the income she was earning at her job. And she finds it’s every bit as grueling to sit alone in a room writing all day, as it is to sit in an office hunched over spreadsheets. The book is shaping up into something a little different than she had anticipated, and in exploring the motivations of her characters as she writes she is confronting some of her old demons as well. She catches herself brooding; she’s often troubled, for reasons she can’t quite explain to her husband. A good friend discovers a cancerous tumor; and in the face of her friends’s ordeal, our young woman feels increasingly ridiculous, sitting around in a room writing stories all day – and even more ridiculous for feeling increasingly depressed. Her moods are straining her warm relationship with her husband. He applauds her compassion for her friend, but doesn’t understand why she seems to be taking it so personally. “You should be enjoying what you have,” he tells her, “instead of feeling guilty for having it.” But that’s part of the problem, because more and more she’s feeling like nothing she has is really hers. She’s unaccustomed to being completely supported by someone else financially, and it makes her doubt she’s worth anything on her own. She might eventually be able to sell her book, but she is realistic enough to know that might be a long shot. So the crisis becomes, is my worth dependant on how much money I’m earning? Is the worth of anything I do accurately reflected by the money it can earn me? The questions we ask ourselves during this cycle are among the most fundamental: who am I really, and is that of any intrinsic value? What’s important in life? Usually we experience some level of psychological discomfort, as we are tested in our resolve in pursuing whatever thing we went after in the previous cycle, or through exposure to the illness or death of others. Usually, this cycle also introduces financial discomfort, because money, in our society, has come to define our self-worth; working through financial difficulties often clarifies for us our true self-worth, apart from our bank balance. And we must know what is valuable about us before we enter relationship with another--which is the promise of the new cycle ahead. And what becomes to the young woman in our story? Well, maybe the financial strain weakens her marriage and she experiences real problems in this area as eclipses move back into the 1st and 7th houses. Maybe she completes her book so she can take it out to meet other people (7th house) in the next cycle. Maybe she just incorporates a whole new level of understanding of herself and what’s important, into her existing relationships, so that they became richer and more authentic.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 10:00 PM
Eclipses in Aspect to Natal Sun: quote: Eclipses in Aspect to Natal Sun Todd's third house Sun in Pisces conjuncts Mars and Mercury, trines Neptune, and opposes Pluto. We might suppose that a Sun in Pisces would be sensitive and spiritual, which he is. We might guess a Sun in the third house would be witty, versatile, and have issues with siblings, all of which is true enough in his case. And with the Sun conjunct Mars and opposed Pluto we might hazard a guess or two about the nature of his relationship with his father-- none of them pleasant. Todd's father was harsh, verbally cruel, and occasion, physically punishing. He spent the last few years of his life gravely ill and eventually hospitalized, and during much of this time Todd was on the opposite end of the country, on a spiritual and sexual journey of discovery. As an eclipse conducted his natal Sun, Todd returned home to help his family through the last days of his father's life. Although he was a source of strength and comfort for his family, his grief over the loss of his father was complicated by his secret--he was gay-- which left him feeling isolated, guilty, and profoundly relieved at finding himself freed from the Sun/Mars/Pluto reality of life under his father's dictatorial rule. Although the Sun is an astrological symbol of the father, actual, physical death of one's father is not a foregone conclusion when an eclipse aspects this point. But it often marks a time when we stand up to him or his memory, or go against his wishes often for the first time. Sometimes it's not our father at all, but a father figure "stand in" -- boss, mother, husband. One client had a particularly difficult T-square in her chart involving the Sun, Moon, and Pluto. When eclipses aspected these points a few years ago she was caught in the death throes of a longtime, enormously painful relationship with a noncommittal man, a man as emotionally remote as--you guessed it--dear old dad. Encouragingly her father, long estranged from her since his divorce from her mother, began to reach out to make an emotional connection with her, and within a couple of weeks of a solar eclipse conducting her natal Sun she was to see her father for the first time in thirteen year. My hope for her was that through this interaction with her father she could come to an emotional resolution about his early rejection of her, and so could begin to release this negative, rejecting image of her father. Having confronted and rejected this negative archetype, hopefully she would no longer need to hold on to a difficult relationship with an emotionally unavailable lover. However the symbolism plays itself out, an eclipse conducting, opposing, or squaring the natal Sun signals a time when we stand up to be counted; a time characterized by the fear and confusion that come with claiming our throne, and a time of inevitable clashes with authority figures in our lives who are invested in our staying in the role of child. When we surrender our ties to "father"--whether through literal separation or a psychological turning point whereby we break ranks with what he stands for -- we lose our King, the absolute ruling monarch of our mythical childhood kingdom. Never again can he hurt, demean or control us--but never again can he protect us, play with us, or hoist us up, laughing on his shoulders in the afternoon sun. We become, for better or worse, the ruler of our own kingdom.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2006 10:01 PM
Eclipses in Aspect to Natal Moon: quote: Eclipses in Aspect to the Natal Moon by April Elliott Kent
There's a wonderful scene in Steve Martin's movie The Lonely Guy in which Martin's character--a real loser--walks into a swank restaurant for dinner and requests a table for one. Immediately, a hush falls over the entire restaurant and a spotlight follows the lonely guy as he makes the long, agonizing journey across the room to his table. "Is there anything I can get for you, sir?" asks the maitre'd in a superior, patronizing tone. "Could you turn off the spotlight?" pleads Martin, in mortified sotto voce, "and could everybody go back to talking?" Anyone who's ever had dinner alone in public can relate to his feeling of being completely and embarrassingly exposed! It's funny about the moon--as a symbol, it describes both our most public and most private selves. It describes many of our publicly observed characteristics, yet it also describes what we do after a long day amongst the savages, after we get behind the delicious privacy of our front door. What do we eat? Do we turn on the television, pick up the phone, read something? (If you have a Gemini moon, like me, you do all of these things at once.) And oddly, it is that very same "every(wo)man" self which, when revealed, makes the public identify with us. Long before I was an astrologer, a musician, a secretary, a wife, a cat-owner--I was a writer. It came as naturally to me as breathing: moon in Gemini. Whether I was lonely, bored, upset, or suffering from a case of unrequited love, virtually no situation could not be made better by the simple act of putting a writing instrument to a sheet of paper. Notebooks filled with inane scribblings dating back to my teenage years fill a couple of large cardboard cartons in the garage, and one of my deepest fears is that one day I'll be killed suddenly in some freak accident and someone, cleaning away the remains of my life, will run across them and have a good laugh. Soon after we were married, and a few months after a lunar eclipse opposed my natal Moon, my husband came to me with a sheepish expression and confessed that he'd run across one of my notebooks while looking for something in the garage and had read a bit more of it than he should have. Well, I came completely unglued. I felt so--exposed! It was weird; here's a man who knows the deepest, darkest secrets of my finances, my sexuality, my bodily functions, and I was going berserk just because he read some stupid thing I wrote in a notebook? He was completely taken aback by my reaction, which was basically stunned silence, quickly followed by heaving, hysterical sobs. My client Barbara would understand perfectly. She describes herself as a writer and consultant specializing in relationships, which is described pretty well by her natal moon in Gemini in the fifth house opposing a Sun/Mercury conjunction in the 11th. For the past year, eclipses have been conjuncting these points. "...(At the moment) my boundaries and sense of stable self are not good," she wrote to me. "It's hard to be around people at all...the reality of exposing my writing (which stems from my deep self) triggers all my exploitation d abandonment traumas at a deep level." This is, of course, the kind of person who will be a deeply affecting writer, the most sensitive of counselors; but now, under the shadow of the eclipses, is the time for healing her own pain. The moon represents that part of ourselves which is most vulnerable, and which we strive to protect. It's not like Mars, the guardian of our need to survive; it's more about our need to protect what we are, our fundamental self. When an eclipse stirs up this instinct, we perceive that we are engaged in a battle to be ourselves. My eclipse-provoked hysterical fit was not about my husband reading my notebook. It was about the process described by the eclipse opposing my moon--getting married, moving in with someone, and learning to trust him with my fundamental, everyday self, the one who watches soap operas and Beavis and Butthead; who can eat a whole box of Kraft macaroni and cheese in one sitting; who must read TV Guide on a weekly basis. This kind of stuff seems shallow, but it is the mundane stuff that constitutes our daily reality. It is the stuff which, in the hands of an enemy, can be used to hurt us most deeply.
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astro junkie unregistered
posted August 28, 2006 10:50 PM
quote: The moon represents that part of ourselves which is most vulnerable, and which we strive to protect. It's not like Mars, the guardian of our need to survive; it's more about our need to protect what we are, our fundamental self. When an eclipse stirs up this instinct, we perceive that we are engaged in a battle to be ourselves. My eclipse-provoked hysterical fit was not about my husband reading my notebook. It was about the process described by the eclipse opposing my moon--getting married, moving in with someone, and learning to trust him with my fundamental, everyday self, the one who watches soap operas and Beavis and Butthead; who can eat a whole box of Kraft macaroni and cheese in one sitting; who must read TV Guide on a weekly basis. This kind of stuff seems shallow, but it is the mundane stuff that constitutes our daily reality. It is the stuff which, in the hands of an enemy, can be used to hurt us most deeply
That's why my Beavis & Butthead book is gathering dust, I've eaten Mac'n Cheese only once in one year, and I no longer allow myself to schedule my life around any TV program. "Mundane -- daily reality" is overrated, unless you're into wife of chucky type thing.
To find out what House in your Chart will be affected, I'm going to start a separate thread. Thanks ... ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted August 28, 2006 11:10 PM
I had to take a deep breath after trying to keep up with all the text. Albeit, it's all very good text. for sure.Early on, I just wanted to locate which of my Houses would be affected, etc. I'm still trying to think like a newbie. (potato head -- hee hee). ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 40 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted August 30, 2006 02:31 PM
Ugh, this Eclipse is directly opposing transiting Jupiter conjunct my Natal Uranus in my 5th houseIP: Logged |
amisha121877 unregistered
posted August 30, 2006 04:37 PM
thanks Akalaksh for the heads-uphere is another site for eclipse interp So, how do eclipses impact our natal charts? Eclipses always mean crisis. Now, crisis is not necessarily a bad thing; however, wherever an eclipse falls in your chart is an area of life that is going to undergo some change, or at least require more of your time and attention than usual for the next five months or so. Solar eclipses are far more important the Lunar Eclipses. The house where the Solar Eclipse falls in your chart will be the main focus of crisis for the next five months. The house where the Lunar Eclipse falls (usually the opposite house) will be a secondary area of crisis. Since opposing houses are so closely related, however, it's often easiest to consider the pair of houses as a unit. The October 2004 eclipses occurred at 21 degrees 6 minutes of Libra (Solar Eclipse) and 5 degrees 2 minutes of Taurus (Lunar Eclipse). Look at where the eclipses fell in your chart, and read on! 1st House—7th House. If the eclipses occurred in your 1st/7th houses, the focus for the next five months will be on your relationships. The 1st house is our sense of self; it is who we are as individuals. Eclipses in the 1st house usually signal a period of personal development and growth. The 7th house is how we relate to other individuals. Naturally, when we ourselves change, this also changes how we relate to other individuals. Eclipses in the 7th house also signal a period of personal development and change; the main difference is that we experience the crises and the need to change as if it were coming from outside ourselves, because we project our 7th house on other people. No matter how it appears, it's never about the other person. It's always our own stuff.
2nd House—8th House. If the eclipses occurred in your 2nd/8th houses, the focus for the next five months will be on your resources. The 2nd house is the house of our personal resources; our possessions, our skills, our talents, and our finances. An eclipse in the 2nd house will always make us more aware of our attachments: the things that we believe that we cannot survive without. Since most of us are very attached to money, this may be a time to reevaluate and explore your relationship with money. The 8th house is the house of other people's resources, joint finances, taxes and inheritances. An eclipse in the 8th house makes us aware of our responsibilities to others: both physical and emotional. Its often an indication that it's time to explore what truly belongs to us, and what belongs to our partners.
3rd House—9th House. If the eclipses occurred in your 3rd/9th houses, the focus for the next five months will be on your relationship to the world. The 3rd house relates to our personal domain: the places and things that we are the most familiar with. The 3rd house also relates to our communication and to our personal, individual spiritual practices. An eclipse in the 3rd house often forces us to reevaluate the things we take for granted, and become more aware of how we communicate with ourselves and with others. The 9th house relates to unfamiliar environments: foreign countries, new ideas and philosophies, and organized religion. An eclipse in the 9th house causes us to consider the bigger picture of our lives. How do we want to grow and expand?
4th House—10th House. If the eclipses occurred in your 4th/10th houses, the focus on the next five months will be on balancing your private live with your public life. The 4th house relates to our private lives: our home, our family,and our emotional and spiritual connections to our ancestors and heritage. An eclipse in the 4th house can often indicate a time of family crisis. Of course, since an eclipse in the 4th house often means an eclipse in the 10th house as well, that crisis may have a lot to do with balancing the demands of your career or public life with the needs of your family and private life. 5th House—11th House. If the eclipses occurred in your 5th house/11th house, the focus on the next five months will be on issues of individual expression and group participation. The 5th house relates to the things that make us feel special and worthy as individuals. It's the house of our creative expression, and includes children, gambling, and love affairs. Eclipses in the 5th house can stir up the creative urge, or represent changes in our relationships with our children or with our casual romantic partners. The 11th house is the house of friendships; this is the house of group participation and shared creativity. Eclipses in the 11th house can often indicate changes in our relationships with our peers and our friends. 6th House—12th House. If the eclipses occurred in your 6th house/12th house, the focus on the next five months will be on your health, both physical and spiritual. The 6th house contains all of the things we need to do on a daily basis to maintain a physical body: food, exercise, nutrition, and our daily routine, including our jobs. Eclipses in the 6th house often indicate changes in our routines, and it's important to be aware of your physical needs to avoid illness. The 12th house contains all of the things we need to do on a daily basis to maintain a soul. The 12th house is where we meditate, and explore our unconscious. Eclipses in the 12th house often indicate that you will need to spend more time alone, in your personal spiritual practices.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 01, 2006 01:11 PM
from Amisha:FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE SEPTEMBER 7, 2006 by Eileen Nauman Copyright 2006 Eileen Nauman All Rights Reserved Email: Websites: , Blog: Permission for individuals to send to friends. Websites: must email me to post on their website first. On September 7, 2006, we’re going to have a Full Moon Lunar eclipse. It will occur at 11:42 a.m., PDT at 15 degrees Pisces 00 minutes. That means Pisces and Virgo people in general, are most affected by this eclipse. This eclipse, however, carries a weight and energy to it that is highly unusual and potentially, enlightening on a spiritual level. As well as the potential for transformation through Plutonian birthing and labor pains as it goes direct on 9.4, and the eclipse takes place three days afterward. We are riding a runaway freight train on the Cosmic Railroad Tracks of Life, folks. But even a runaway can be to our read on! For better or worse, this is a FULL moon eclipse; which puts the power in the punch into it. On a full moon, the ‘tides’ of the blood in the body are at their highest ebb. With a lot of excessive water/fluids in the body to put pressure on the sensitive brain, people’s emotions are going to be trigger-happy. Drama kings and queens will abound. Over reaction to even minuscule things or situations, are going to be common. Road rage will be big. Someone shooting people in an office could happen. People have their patience on a short leash. Men, especially, are more prone to rash acts during this time when it involves their temper. And if we look at the wider scope, there’s a lot of ‘stuff’ going on in the world presently from North Korea firing off missiles, to Iran thumbing their nuclear nose at the world, to Bush’s deepeing screw up and crisis in Iraq sliding into civil war, and terrorists are winning on airplane flights (I don’t know about you--but I’ve quit flying... I’ll take a bus, train or ship or I won’t go....), the stock market is shaky and the economy is perched and possibly unstable. World affairs, however, rarely touch most of us and we’re more interested in everyday, mundane affairs. With Pluto pushing this burgeoning full moon energy, it’s like a cosmic avalanche out of control and all we can do is make choices on whatever is presented to us during this time frame. For people who are prone to heart attacks--this is a very serious period for them. Health concerns will figure for a lot of people--particularly accidents involving driving, having surgery because Mars goes into Libra on the day of the full moon eclipse. There’s going to be a lot of confrontations, power plays and control freaks who are going to get chucked under the chin during this period. Bullies are out in force--so don’t take them on unless you’re confident in winning the fracas. It’s always wiser to walk away and choose and pick your battles--not letting someone else do it for you. There’s going to be a lot of people ‘flipping out’ and doing drugs and probably dying from over doses during this period as well. As they say, the insane come out at a full moon--but THIS one is going to bring them out in much higher numbers than ever before. Our emergency rooms are going to be packed and over flowing. People are going to be ‘losing it’ on the road, at work, at home behind closed doors. How to handle this kind of bubbling pot that is sure to scald you if you get involved? Do some serious deep breathing, for starters. And don’t get hooked into the other person’s emotional drama and trust me on this one--there IS going to be HUGE emotional drama the Labor Day holiday week--count on it. Try your best to be detached... as if you are viewing a movie... and you are not one of the actors on the stage. The useful side to this full moon + eclipse + Pluto going direct is to flow with it to create an inner garden of peace within yourself. There is no doubt about it--this week is a week of INITIATION for many, many people. You could be one of them. Initiations come after severe, ongoing, long testing. A breakdown for a break through. This is a great week to go on sabbatical, to a spiritual workshop, on a back packing trip, a hike into the wilderness, canoeing on a lake, being in touch with Nature, connecting with the peace and love of Mother Earth. If you can do any of these things--plus meditate daily during this time frame--you will derive an avalanche of help, support and breakthrough. There’s nothing like being a Cosmic Surfer on the Surfboard of Life taking on a fifty foot breaker coming into shore--and that’s exactly what September 3-8th is all about. So, ride it for all its worth. The way to do this is to follow your intuition--it will be quite sharp and honed during this time--so use it to your best benefits. Full Moon always signals the culmination or fruition of something coming to a head. Decisions are made. It could involve quitting a job, moving to another city or state or country, starting a new job, asking for a divorce, asking someone to marry you, something you’ve been working on for a long time, manifests. It could also trigger terrorists events, as well. Especially five days BEFORE the actual eclipse, we must be watchful of this possibility. This means the week leading up to it, from September 7, 2006, is like a powder keg ready to go off. We call this the ‘shadow’ time where the buildup phase occurs. Be more aware and pay attention. Decisions of all kinds are made now and with an eclipse pushing it, think long and hard about your choices---because they are going to stick with you for the WHOLE YEAR. This is NOT a time to act rashly or quickly. Sit back and think about your decision and how it will affect you as well as others. Think about the ramification of your decision. Think of this action as seeds that are planted now, that will be harvested in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months from the above date. Things might now happen right away, but guaranteed you will see action on your planting September 7, 2006, December 7, 2006, March 7, 2007, June 7, 2007 finally, back to its original position on September 7, 2007. This is because as the eclipse squares and opposes its original position and it triggers off energy that is can be catalyzed. This catalyzation process is not going to be obvious; for a lunar (moon) eclipse usually triggers INTERNAL events.... but what starts out as internal may become external and could manifest outer events, such as a person, a group, or a body of individuals who make decisions and you are influenced by them. How much you’re influenced depends up on how close to the eclipse you have a planet or your ascendant, Midheaven, for example. THREADING THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE The best way to get through this chaotic and confusion period is to pay very CLOSE attention to your intuition and inner guidance because the outer ones aren’t going to be there like sign posts as much as we wish they were. It is the blind leading the blind shortly. We’ll find out who has really good internal radar and who doesn’t. Those that do, will be able to navigate this difficult period with ease. The rest of us will trip, stumble and bump around like gawky kids learning how to walk! The lunar eclipse is always about one’s inner emotional contents, beliefs, old tapes, new tapes, and harking back to the past to find an answer to the present situation/person/thing that is now confronting you on some level. Lunar eclipses bring Shadow events to our doorstep...those things that we push away from us, fear, or are ourselves but really don’t want to admit it, much less embrace, occur now. HOW you act and respond to this event/person/thing or place, will have reverberations throughout the coming year for you. A very good example of this inner work is the 9-11 crisis. It touched everyone. And the internal work we did (and are still doing because of it) is changing how we think, how we perceive our reality, for starters. That is HOW a lunar eclipse works. The work, the changes of attitude, emotional adjustment are done within each of us. By doing that, we do CHANGE our outer reality. Don’t ever forget the visual on what an eclipse is: pretend you’re in a dark room. You have a flashlight in your hand. You switch it on. There is a sudden illumination of a spot on the wall in front of you where you have pointed it. This visual is symbolic that the eclipse is giving us an opportunity to move through our own unique darkness and “light up” something that our psyche/subconscious wants us to pay attention to and “get.” What “get” means is that it (the issue) will become conscious to you (either through an internal “aha!” or an outward, third dimensional event that will give you the “aha!”). When it comes, pay attention. and work on not try to suppress it, push it away or ignore it. The eclipse is telling you where you have work to do--and to roll up your sleeves and get to it. Don’t try to avoid what an eclipse illuminates within you. Take it seriously and work THROUGH whatever the issue is and CHANGE it for a healthy, positive position, instead. Lunar eclipses are also symbolic of women. There could be a daughter, niece, cousin, wife, grandmother, sister or aunt in your life that will highlight you in some way...or you will have to deal on an emotional/visceral level with this individual at this time. It could also be a woman that you work with, as well... but usually Moon-related things have to do with relatives, near or far. Or, it could have a greater fall out on a national field of play. It’s really about out-of-control emotions at its worst. Road Rage is a great example of a full moon lunar eclipse gone berserk--these people think nothing of pulling a gun on some unsuspecting motorist and killing them for some idiot transgression. They become judge/jury/hangman. WHO IS AFFECTED? This time it is Pisces sun sign people and it’s opposite sign, Pisces, to be highlighted. Sun in Pisces people born between March 4th through 8th with March 6th being the most important, are the most affected by this lunar eclipse. The sun is at 15 Virgo on September 7th, which will receive the full energy of this eclipse By opposite sign,Virgo people born between September 6th through the 10th with September 8th being the most important, are affected by this lunar eclipse. The Sun is at 15 degrees Virgo is opposite the position of the eclipse at 15 Pisces. People born on September 8th, will receive the full energy of this eclipse. For Pisces, there is going to be decisions made, because this eclipse is conjunct their Sun. This is decision time. The rubber meets the road here, for Pisces’ folks. It is not time to stand and be stubborn. It is a time for pro-active movement FORWARD. Pisces is usually pretty good at full speed ahead, so they should be able to handle this influx of energy fairly well because they are a mutable sign--that’s the good news. Situations, a person or an event is going to repeat itself on the above dates, throughout 2006 and 20067; so you might as well bite the bullet and “just do it” and make a final decision and move on. Look before you leap, Pisces; you’re famous for thinking and you don’t want to procrastinate now with the eclipse. You have choices and you need to assess them appropriately before diving off the board of Life. The key here is not to “leap before you look” on this eclipse, Pisces. DO look. Investigate. Mull it over. Get the input of others you trust. MOVE--and then make a choice after THOROUGH deliberation, first. Pisces, this is eclipse will highlight first house issues. That means its about you in every way possible. And how you relate and get along with other people, generally speaking. This is about change within yourself if you see something you don’t like (a wound that needs healing, for example). Or someone may bring your behavior or leadership abilities into question and changes have to be made, as another example. First house is about one’s Ego. It’s a highly narcissistic house but also a house where one needs a strong, viable ego to move forward to manifest their vision, too. Chances are, your Ego may need some tweaking or changes so be open to what other people have to say and take their sincere observations as a work-in-progress with yourself. Pisces rules the seventh house of relationships, legal travails and other people (whether personal or impersonal plus career). Translated, that means you may be embroiled in a legal difficulty, a change of relationship position within your job or company, a focus on a personal relationship (marriage, divorce, separation issues) in general. Any and all of these areas may come into contention for you to look at. In your case, this eclipse is about making a final decision on it or them, and moving forward with your new plan of action. PLANETS IN PISCES? If you have a planet between 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 degrees of Pisces or Virgo, you are most effected by this eclipse. Particularly, if you have any planet at five degrees Pisces or Virgo, you are going to receive a full energy and opportunity from this eclipse. And trust me--there is a bonanza of positive things that an eclipse can yield out to you now! HOW this eclipse affects these people is entirely dependent upon what HOUSE the eclipse falls in, what PLANET it affects either by conjunction or opposition, as well as the other ASPECTS to that planet, to either modify or intensify this eclipse. This requires a professional astrologer to look at your chart to tell you the possibilities. Rosemarie Brown is our core faculty astrologer and can be reached at: ASCENDANT OR MIDHEAVEN INVOLVED? If you have an Ascendant (rising sign) at 15 Pisces or Virgo, or your Midheaven (10th house cusp), then you are going to be directly affected by this eclipse. How? If the eclipse highlights your ascendant, expect a person or several people within your circle of friends and acquaintances, to get in touch with you. It might be by phone, e-mail, a letter, or they may be coming to visit you or you’ll hear from them. Since this is Lunar eclipse, and because these two signs have to do with transformation (Pluto). If the eclipse is conjunct your Midheaven, then you can expect to have ideas or have contacts with people that you work with or for. It may be that you’re going to a business in early November; with your boss or someone from work. Pay attention if this is so, because some very good long-term things can come out of it for you and your career. Just remember, the seven days BEFORE the eclipse are usually when it “pops off” and there’s a lot of action and energy. (This will be September 1st through September 7th). Drive safely. Don’t invite road rage. Watch for people becoming emotionally unstable or who aren’t too tightly wrapped in the first place--steer clear of them because they are ready to blow sky high. Don’t be their target of opportunity. Eclipses tend to cause chaos or make us feel like we’re blind in a dark room and bumbling around without proper light to see our way clear to be proactive. Things are falling apart for people internally as well as the world around them is crumbling and falling apart, as well. If this is happening to you, take a deep breath. BREATHE. It will be okay in the long run. Expect to make more mistakes than usual in the bracket time. This is a time of intense learning for many of us. Don’t be hard on yourself if you screw up. Just learn from it and don’t repeat the mistake, that’s all. With Venus hanging around, it won’t be as bad as it could have will slide through unscathed. Our world is being plunged into a twelve-year cycle of CHAOS. The Mayans and many others have predicted this. From 2001 to 2013, we are, quite literally, in global chaos. How do you handle chaos? You don’t try to. What you do instead, is be FLEXIBLE, bend and change as the chaos walks into your life. Don’t fight it. Don’t dig your heels in. Earth and fixed sign people, in particular will want to knee-jerk into this mode. Don’t do it. You will get run over with a Cosmic Bulldozer that will take your breathe away and level everything in one fell swoop. So, don’t fight this. Roll and bob along with it. Pretend that you are a cork in a swiftly moving river that you can’t get out of, you can’t reach the banks of safety. Just ride it out. Bend, twist, turn, and roll. Let go. Surrender over to a higher power and have FAITH that you are being protected and led even if you can’t see it right now. One way to really soothe and calm yourself so that you can ride/work with these chaotic energies, is to sit in the Vesica Pisces ‘eye’ where the two circles overlap. See my article on this--PREPARING FOR THE GLOBAL SHIFT Moving to the LIGHT from the DARK: How to Do It By sitting and meditating once a day in the ‘eye of this overlapping double circle, you will find yourself harmonized and equalized. The symbol, which is older than human memory, is designed to help us get through periods of chaos in a positive and healthy way. I guarantee you, that if you will let go of the control of your life that is now disintegrating around you, and these eclipses, back-to-back, are going to insure this slide to continue, that good will come out of this. It is always darkest before the dawn and we are in the dark right now. That is what eclipses are about: our darkness. Let us know be afraid of it. Try to embrace it openly and without fear. Understand we are deeply loved and cared for on the other side, and all our guides and teachers are assembled and with us every moment of our twenty-four hour day down here. Even if ‘bad’ happens, there’s good reason for it. If a mindset by humans will not change or bend, then Chaos must come in and shatter it to smithereens in order to recreate and redraw it into something healthier and more positive for all of us. Just keep this in mind if this happens to you. The reordering is painful. But the end product can be beautiful and positive. We are at a point in our spiritual consciousness that we MUST have faith....a deep, abiding faith in the unknown and unseen to get through this mine field we’re presently created for ourselves. The good news is, we can negotiate it and get to the other side. So, keep the faith! And you can look at an eclipse in another way: birthing pains. If you’re a woman who has had a baby, you understand this very clearly. While the baby is working it way into the new world, the mother is in deep, constant pain. And no birth is without pain, but the outcome is good. And eclipses tend to births on some level for all of us; especially now as we are six years into the chaos for the New World where we can have that one thousand years of peace. If you can understand that you are in the throes of a birthing, this should help you accept your pain or discomfort knowing that in the end, it will be good and things will eventually smooth out for you. So, just old the faith and know that you have not been abandoned by the Cosmos at all--even if it feels like it from time to time. POSITIVE USE OF ECLIPSE ENERGY A good attitude is essential around any eclipse; particularly a full moon, because emotions are running at ‘high tide.’ Practice patience with others--a lot of it. Give people more room to run around on their leash, understanding, they are feeling the same effects of this energy as you are and probably don’t have the awareness of what is triggering it in you know, and it’s your responsibility to rein yourself in accordingly with these uneducated folks. That said, you can use this energy to “clear the air” with someone or a group. HOW its done, of course, is key. One does not want to get confrontational about it, because that will trigger an aggressive reaction on some people’s part. Diplomacy, setting firm boundaries, Pisces and being honest about how you’re feeling emotionally without using the “you” word, is best. This can be utilized to help all parties know where they stand with one another...key here, though, is DIPLOMACY with FIRMNESS. Not attack. Not assaulting verbally, mentally or emotionally. Those things will garner a real fast visceral reaction on the other party’s part and you won’t like what’s coming down the pike at you at all. Just try to instill the Golden Rule here: Treat others as you’d like to be treated. Eclipses are about our Shadow contents, our own, inner darkness and thanks to it, a “light” is shined on our “stuff.” Shadow work is essential, and looking at what we hate or dislike the most in others, is usually what we have alive and well (and untamed) in us. So, make a list and check it twice and look at what’s on it. Then meditate on these things and ask yourself how are you like that yourself. For example, if you absolutely cannot tolerate someone who lies, then ask yourself: “Do I lie to others?” “Do I lie to myself?” How do I do it? And take a ruthless look at yourself and be honest about it all. That is how you can use an eclipse to dig yourself out of your own personal emotional/Shadow hole. It is also very good for going into psychotherapy to plumb the depths of ourselves and see what’s going on, what is acting out (usually the suppressed male or female energy is, and/or Shadow is jumping up and down and wanting attention). To make key breakthroughs the full moon lunar eclipse is a dandy to do just that--so use this energy for forge new paths of understanding into yourself. THE PLUTO FACTOR On September 4th, Pluto goes direct at 24 Sagittarius and this is a HUGE event in everyone’s life--see my article or my blog of August 26, 2006,on it. There’s a lot of energy involved with Transforming Pluto going direct and then we get this full moon eclipse three days later. We will receive interesting and diverse blessings from this eclipse, you may be handed many choices in the coming week. Use this time to do deep, deep meditation to remain in your core, in your own comfortable sense of harmony and balance to be most receptive to what will be doled out to those who are deserving. IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted September 01, 2006 05:50 PM
Wow! So much great info to read. I'm going cross-eyed!  IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 05, 2006 10:33 PM
Counting down..... day after tomorrow  A short interp, although a bit outdated -- An excerpt from "Spiritual Astrology" by Karen McCoy and Jan Spiller (the Nodes Lady ) quote: Eclipses & Their Meanings by Karen McCoyWhen the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth a solar eclipse occurs; a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon. Prior to your birth (sometimes between conception and the first breath of life) there were at least two eclipses — one solar and one lunar. These prenatal eclipses have a profound influence on an unborn child, and the energy pattern dispensed during these eclipses follows you the rest of your life. The magnetic pull of the Sun and the Moon eclipsing is strong enough to open the Earth's sheath temporarily so that these energies can be received. At the time of the solar eclipse the planet is seeded with the energy pattern that correlates to the psychodynamics of the constellation the Sun is in at the time. One way to think about this is that when the Earth's "window" opens to receive this "cosmic dusting", the "view" (energy, information and knowledge) that is in front of the window is what is perceived. So if the Sun is in Sagittarius when the eclipse occurs, the knowledge and information available through Sagittarius is visible. When the window is open, not only is that knowledge visible, but the Earth's magnetic field pulls in the energy of that constellation. When the Moon is eclipsed, a similar process takes place. At birth, both of these energies enter the body. By knowing the sign of the solar eclipse preceding your birth, you can identify the covenant you made with the universe in exchange for the privilege of having a body and being on the planet. Impact Of Eclipses The immense impact of the eclipses on individual destiny seems to be tied in with the workings of the planet Pluto. Our research has shown that those born prior to the discovery of Pluto in January 1930 may not be as subject to the effect of their prenatal eclipses. However, those born before 1930 who are particularly evolved and aware beings are just as sensitive to these influences as those born after January 1930. This can be explained, in part, by the fact that even though the planet Pluto was in existence prior to 1930, humankind's consciousness had not yet evolved to the point where Pluto's energies could be received. Once that point was reached (in 1930), Pluto was "discovered" on the physical plane. What Eclipses Mean The sign of the solar eclipse shows a "universal" destiny. It is the energy of the collective unconscious that needs to be actively expressed on the Earth at that given point in time for its own balance. The souls that are born into each solar eclipse have been "dusted" with that energy and have promised to spread that energy on the Earth to help with the growth and evolution of the planet. Thus, whatever solar eclipse preceded your birth is the energy the universe has invested in you and that you have promised to share during your travels on Earth. The solar eclipse energy is what you are here to clarify for the collective whole. Where your solar eclipse is concerned, you must share as you have promised in your covenant with the universe. Your only choice lies in whether to share your gift in a positive or in a negative way. You can go about your life willingly sharing this gift with your fellow beings, or you can teach the lesson by having such negative traits that those around you learn what not to do from your behavior and personality. If you do choose to teach these lessons in a negative manner, you are creating an imbalance within your life that causes your own lessons to be learned with more difficulty than is necessary. You promised that you would share the energy of the "solar" eclipse in order to earn the right to come onto this plane and learn the lessons represented by your "lunar" eclipse. The universe operates in perfect balance. If you give something, you open yourself to receiving something. So when you accepted the gift represented by your solar eclipse and promised to share it with others, you earned the right to learn the lessons you need in order to evolve, as shown by your lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse is what you need for your own soul growth pattern: what you have come to learn, where you hurt, where you need completion. And as you master these lessons, the entire planet learns them, and part of the universal balance is attained. Evolved souls cooperate with this universal plan, spreading their solar eclipse teachings and mastering their lunar eclipse lessons, thus fulfilling their contracts with the universe. At that point, they are freed to enjoy being on the planet without obstructions, free to attract and experience the beauty, fun, and bounty available on planet Earth.
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DayDreamer unregistered
posted September 05, 2006 11:52 PM
Not sure if this one's posted in LL already, but here's an article on the Lunar eclipse we'll be having this thursday....Full Moon in Pisces Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:42am PDT 15º 00' Partial Lunar Eclipse 11:51am PDT 15º 06' edit...
another one... quote: Eclipses have long been reputed to be evil omens; they get their rep because they are augurs of change. During a Lunar Eclipse the light of the Full Moon is temporarily hidden to our view, blocking our self-awareness, crashing our emotional-defense systems, and oversensitizing our emotional reactions. Faced with a sea of exposed irrationality, bouts of emotional insecurity are possible, especially in regards to where the Eclipse occurs in your natal chart. The Solar Eclipse location points to what you're aware of, the Lunar Eclipse location shows where there will be the most obvious changes in the daily routine. The effects of a Lunar Eclipse usually last for about 6 months, or until the next Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipse: September 7, 2006 in Virgo-Pisces (15 Pisces 00) @ 2:42 PM EDT :: 11:42 AM PDT. If you're accustomed to using the threat of "flipping out" or your superior position to get your way, you may be in for a rude awakening, but one that is necessary if you want to grow into a real, meaningful, functional human. Emotional manipulation, threatening to gossip and turn people against each other, is not the path to being a peacemaker, and if your path is to blame and shame to maintain control, your world is (hopefully) in for a shift of perspective. What if no one cares WHAT you call them, what names you sling at them, who you tell, or how much you try to shame and embarrass them. Then what? Then you find yourself without power, but it's power to hurt in sneaky ways and you're doing it because you don't think you anyone will listen if you speak your truth. Maybe they will and maybe they won't, but no one will ever believe anything you say and you will lose everything you've been working towards if you use threats to keep others in line. Do your worst! And observe how YOU wind up frustrated and stuck, again. What to do? STOP blaming others and start being accountable. It's a lot easier to come clean than to have to cover up more and more and more and more... and remember all those lies. It's so confusing that you are apt to trip over your own lies, and sooner than later at this Lunar Eclipse in Virgo-Pisces.
Before you take that next step, remember-- what's done is done. and another one...
quote: Full Moon in Pisces Thursday, September 7, 11:43 am PDT, 2:43 pm EDT This Sun-Moon opposition is a Partial Lunar eclipse conjunct eccentric Uranus that can wake, shake and irritate with feelings of uncertainty, rumblings from the Earth, and unexpected news. The Sun in Virgo facing this explosive Pisces Full Moon prefers slight adjustments to radical change, but the planetary tides are too high to maintain the status quo. The reward for those able to flow with the unsteadiness of these times include spiritual awakening, shucking off old habits, and psychological breakthroughs. Flexibility allows us to find the unexpected currents of awareness that bring freedom, so stay light on your feet, adaptable in your mind, and open in your heart to ride this wild wave into the future.
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Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 06, 2006 05:10 PM
The eclipses are happening basically right on top of my MC and IC. Pisces MC at 15' 03 degrees and Virgo IC at the same degree....So I am assuming that these eclipses will be occuring in my 9th and 3rd houses...but they are so close to the 4th and 10th.Can anyone confirm that these eclipses are definitely in my 3rd and 9th houses? Or is it possible that I might be affected in all four houses? Thanks a bundle, Love  IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 06, 2006 09:09 PM
What if you have no houses in virgo or pisces? What could that mean?Also, I have pluto in virgo at 29 degrees in the sixth house - does that mean my sixth house is affected? I have no planets in pisces and none at 15 degrees. I wish there was a way to find out how and what is affected without being an expert. Does anyone have a link for that? EDIT: UH-OH I was wrong. I DO have a 15 degree planet...Saturn (Taurus) in the 12th. Lucky me. It will be interesting to see what happens. It looks like I have saturn square pluto( pluto is 29 degrees in virgo, natally). I wonder what this means. Also, Saturn at 15 has a right angle thing(symbol), it looks like an "L" - I don't know what that means - with pluto. Saturn is also conjunct my AC. Venus and the moon are doing something too, but I dont know what the symbols mean. Hehe, I guess I'll find out tomorrow.  Oh, I have lilith at 15 degrees in virgo in the 5th house too. Apparently, I'll be affected by this eclipse, when I thought I wouldn't! IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 07, 2006 07:24 PM
It's the 7th!I do have squaring placements in both Gemini (Saturn) and Sagittarius (Mercury & Venus). Not exactly sure what I'm supposed to feel. I'm pretty sure I'll get through it, though.  IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2006 03:59 AM
<<< "The Solar Eclipse on September 22 will be in Virgo at the Karmic 29 degree point. We had better be ready to wrap up the old and begin the new, because ready or not, its going to happen.">>>So, why is the 29 degree point karmic? It's funny because my ex and I have our composite descendant at 29' 29 degrees Virgo conjuncting Vertex, True Node and Juno (although Vertex is technically in the 7th house in Libra). Would this maybe mean that our karma could potentially be wrapped up during the solar eclipse coming in a couple of weeks? After all, we have a double 29! If anyone has any ideas about this I would be extremely interested in hearing them. Thanks! Love  IP: Logged | |