Topic: The Eclipses Are Coming!!
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2006 04:22 AM
This is amazing, the eclipse on the 6th Sep happened and was conj my 6th house - I quit my job that day (under stressful situation) without even knowing that the eclipses happening! The 29th deg Vir sits in the 6th still for me, so what will happen with work?IP: Logged |
Full-fifthhouse-loulou unregistered
posted September 08, 2006 05:05 AM
Mustang m'dear I too have pluto in Virgo at 29 degrees but in the fourth house!!! I am really worrying what home/father/mother/family thing might happen at the next eclipse....but am not an experienced enough astrologer to predict in detail.Anyone help us both with our pluto placing? Also the eclipse just gone was right on my pisces MC which is 14 degrees. I applied for another job yesterday as I am tired tired tired of this one! So let's see what happens...... ------------------ SCORPIO SUN 5TH HOUSE ASCENDANT CANCER CANCER MOON 12TH HOUSE IP: Logged |
Wednesday unregistered
posted September 08, 2006 05:56 PM
Hmm, the Sun will be in my 7th House on Sep 22. Wonder if that means my love life will light up? quote: If you are single, personal relationships of all types require your attention. Suddenly how you get along with others is very important; you are more dependent on other people than usual. You may form (or discontinue) a serious relationship at this time.
Hehe, well I certainly hope I would be forming a new relationship. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted September 09, 2006 03:58 AM
eightdegrees -I have this feeling, and could be way off, but that you are the very modest type of Sag. You may not take complements lightly, they may make you nervous sometimes. But you are full and whole in knowing you have a full happy house. Plan on being somewhere very special at that time. Plan what you'll wear, everything down to the last detail. You might just be so casual about it, that the moment passes you up, and there's NO Sag who enjoys thinking that time passed them by. 23 -
I love when that happens, cuz it's like one of those times when you really don't regret it. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 03:58 AM
LoulouI hope everything goes well with your fourth house eclipse. As for me, saturn + pluto + eclipse is bound to = disaster, I'm sure. Did someone say we have a whole year of this shiznit?! Good luck with the job. I hope you get it! IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 06:35 AM
Still worrying about this eclipse... turns out that there are changes happening in my 10th house as I thought, I am definitely having crises there but positive changes seem to be coming into place (hopefully these will remain positive changes). And my fourth house is also getting some attention. What is really worrying me is that the eclipse is conjunct my Mr Gemini's Pluto (27 degrees) in the fifth house... I'm not sensing anything bad yet but I'm feeling really anxious about what may happen!! IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2006 12:47 PM
Anyone want to tell me what happens when an eclipse conjuncts your nodal axis? IP: Logged |
and unregistered
posted September 13, 2006 12:52 PM
bump------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit" "Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation" -Khalil Gibran IP: Logged |
Wednesday unregistered
posted September 13, 2006 06:05 PM
It's kinda crazy lately. The unexpected death of Steve Irwin, the sudden, mysterious (for now) death of Daniel Smith, and today a shooting at Dawson College in Montreal (4 dead so far). What's up with all these weird way people die?IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2006 10:38 PM
From Lisa Dale Miller: quote: New Moon in Virgo Friday, September 22, 2006 4:45am PDT 29º Virgo 20'Annular Solar Eclipse 4:51am PDT, 7:51am EDT, 12:51 GMT 29º Virgo 23' So we have a second New Moon in Virgo this year. I suggest you take a moment and refresh your memory by rereading the last New Moon in Virgo Moon Message before continuing any further. [see below] This is a special New Moon in Virgo for several reasons: it occurs at 29º, the Moon and Sun are conjunct the South Node in Virgo, in a T-Square with the North Node in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius, and all this occurs during a solar eclipse. This will be an annular solar eclipse, where a narrow ring of the Sun is visible around the dark moon. This eclipse will be visible throughout South America and western Africa. For more information on the eclipse go visit NASA's eclipse web site: Eclipses are especially sensitive when they conjunct the Nodal Axis because they enliven the collective memory of past deeds and the future evolutionary trends of our species. This solar eclipse represents the energy of the Virgo Sun being hidden from view by the Virgo Moon. So the readily apparent qualities of Virgo become subsumed by the unconscious properties and propensities of the constellation. It is easy to consider the dark side of Virgoan qualities like perfectionism and idealism; I know my inner critical tyrant quite well. Maybe you know yours as well! What is not so easy is to imagine the dark side of the desire to serve and/or heal. This New Moon in Virgo at 29º, is asking each of us to look deeply at our own inner agendas, with a critical eye toward whether we do this work to get our own emotional and egoic needs met? Do you empower or dis-empower the people you help? Consider how much you walk your talk? Do you teach others to live better, healthier lives and still find yourself unable to change your own physical, emotional and mental condition? With the T-square to Pluto and the North Node, and Uranus in Pisces, the call to let go of self-gratification is quite big on this New Moon. We also have a T-square with Saturn in Leo opposing Neptune in Aquarius and both squaring Jupiter in Scorpio. This is a T-square about the nature of power and the need to tell the truth. It has been with us since August 24 and will continue to be in effect through the beginning of November. Politics gives us a great example of how power and service can be misused. Our elected officials are supposed to be serving the people, yet more often they seem to be serving their own needs or those of their rich campaign funders. Over the last two weeks we have seen revelation after revelation concerning Iraq and other incredible misuses of power by the Bush Administration. Several congressional reports and some very interesting books by much respected journalists have come out in recent weeks and are bringing into light the lies that have been hidden from the American people for so long. So what about each of us? What inner untruths can be brought to light on this New Moon? Look at your body, your mind, your heart: where is your pain? How much compassion and love are you willing to bring to bear upon that pain? How much can you extend that compassion and love out to the ones you most care about and then to the ones you least care for? I feel an intensity building in the world and know that the only real defense against hatred and violence is basic human kindness and affection. I will end with a small section of the transcription I made of the HH Dalai Lama's lecture in Vancouver on September 8. "From birth to death human affection is the main thing for a happy life. Compassion, forgiveness, loving kindness; some people think this is a religious thing. These things are not exclusive to religion. Basic human good qualities are separate from religion. Now today, our world, at the beginning of the 21st century. Look back to the 20th century, I think we will remember it as a very important human century. During that period I think humanity carried out a lot of different experiments: political, technological, economic. There were many advances. But the amount of human suffering through war makes it the century of violence. Including terrorism, the violence of Sept 11 doesn't just happen out of nowhere. There are centuries-old grievances involved in these actions, conflicts of ideology even. Now we have to make an effort to make this century a century of dialogue. Using force against disagreements is out of date. We must talk and respect others as a part of ourselves. Because of high energy use, rising living standards, the whole world is heavily interdependent. The concept of We and They is no longer. The whole world should be an OUR. The concept of war is eliminated when there is no enemy! With dialogue, just a few words is not sufficient. The way of life should be advanced. Consider others as a brother and sister. Respect them no matter how difficult it is. We can find some way to find a solution: compassion is an important attitude…. Every event is due to many factors. This is very complex because of the nature of interconnectedness; also the nature of the cycle of causes and conditions. Things are not easy. A calm mind is very essential to deal with complex issues and problems. Even positive events—we must have a calm mind to see them clearly. Destructive events we should not want, but it depends upon many factors. In order to overcome that we must overlook many causes and conditions. Too much emotion, even positive ones, is not helpful to analyze precisely complex situations. In order to develop a calm mind one key factor is a compassionate attitude. We cannot promote human values through policing: Only through reason. I think our educational system must pay more attention to warm-heartedness; in a secular way." HH Dalai Lama, Sept. 9 2006, Vancouver Canada New Moon in Virgo Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 12:10pm PDT 0º Virgo 31' When most astrologers speak about Virgo (usually through gritted teeth and with more than a bit of negativity) they use descriptives like perfectionistic, critical, analytical, organized, discriminating, scientific, empirical, and calculating. Well, show me one person who hasn't wished to have any one of these qualities when they were badly needed! In truth, we all express our Virgo side when we strive to be our best. (Which I might add is not such a bad thing.) Sometimes, when referring to Virgo, we are lucky enough to hear astrologers use words like healing, service, sacrifice, and mentoring. Virgo is the healer, the doctor, the nurse, the teacher, the therapist, the worker, the researcher, the scientist, and the engineer. For Virgo, caring comes in the form of finding workable solutions to everyday problems. Virgo is the true healer of the zodiac because for Virgo, if something causes pain, it warrants serious attention and a real cure. If health and well-being is your goal, this is the New Moon for you! Virgo rules the physical body, the temple of the spirit; and Virgo cares deeply about bodily purity. If we view the body as a sacred vessel to house the mind and heart, it becomes almost impossible to consider doing it harm. Long ago, a Virgo native must have coined the phrase, "A healthy body creates a healthy mind." Health is the keyword with a New Moon in Virgo. In extremis, Virgo is hypochondriacal and often follows a compulsively restrictive dietary regime. In balance, Virgo is attentive to good health and ingests deliciously healthy foods in moderation. Mars (action and self-directedness) in Virgo will definitely bring some big energy and motivation toward better health. And don't underestimate the power of Venus (beauty) in Leo, Mercury in Leo (a mind obsessed with looking good) and Saturn in Leo (the long view about achieving your goals) as helpmates in the effort to get healthy. Under the right circumstances, vanity, a normally negative expression of Leo, can have positive consequences. This is the best New Moon for initiating an intention to deal with substance abuse, weight problems and eating disorders. This is the New Moon to get serious about seeking medical attention for symptoms or illnesses you have been avoiding or denying. Bring happiness to your loved ones by committing to illness prevention and better health. This is the time to investigate dietary changes, daily exercise programs, improving sleep, and learning relaxation techniques. If you are one of these people who find it hard to do for self, then do it for your loved ones. Uranus (alternative thinking) in Pisces (peacefulness, unconditional love), Neptune (immune system) and Chiron (wounding) in Aquarius (alternatives), and Sun/Moon in Virgo all support achieving total health through modalities like Mindfulness meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, or Aikido, all of which integrate the Virgo/Pisces polarity by simultaneously healing the body and centering the mind. Getting healthy is one of the highest forms of self-love. Remember that in order to make your commitments stick you must continue to give your health goals lots of attention and energy during the two weeks while the Moon is waxing to full. So, get working to heal your body, mind and spirit on this most amazing New Moon! This is the New Moon to connect with the part of you that expresses the values of service and selflessness. Virgo rules compartmentalization, perfection, science, medicine, health and healing, engineering, teaching, working for the common good, and aiding the poor and sick through research, development and humanitarian aid programs. The Virgo New Moon marks a critical evolutionary shift from the penultimate relationship with the creative self (Leo) to an initial opening up of individual consciousness into its communal/transpersonal responsibilities. Virgo recognizes the value of healing oneself and the world. Though it can be hard to do, this is the New Moon to realize that we each have a duty to heal ourselves by reaching out to heal others. The secret is when you heal the pain around you; you end up healing your own pain as well. So look to those less fortunate and in need of your help: they are your salvation and the true path to healing your own internal suffering. And by the way, you can't heal the planet if you won't take responsibility for your own health and well-being. Since Virgo usually takes something very personal and expands its sphere of influence out into the communal/transpersonal realm, here are a couple of examples to inspire you to get on the Virgo health and healing bandwagon. Choose to walk instead of driving to work or to the store, and you will increase your own health while helping the planet. Join AA, OA, NA and other support groups and get help for your own addiction while playing a part in the healing of others. How about this: buy your normal allotment of groceries but eat half of what you would normally and give the rest to a food bank. Buy less, save more, invest your savings and help stabilize our economy. The New Moon in Virgo is also the right time to deal with unrelenting self-criticism and perfectionism. Virgo tends to suffer from a sense of never being good enough; nothing it does, creates, thinks, or feels is worthy and therefore it constantly questions and critiques itself. If this sounds like you, this is the New Moon to take your inner critic in hand and tame it. With Venus (creativity), Mercury (mind) and Saturn (serious intention) in Leo the artist, any effort to take the inner critic will reap huge creative rewards. Here is something you might not know: the Goddess Astrea, the "Starry One" symbolized Virgo, the sign which rules the physical world and by extension, our bodies. Virgo knows that all life comes from star-stuff. Everything you are existed 15 billion years ago at the time of the Big Bang. Virgo and Pisces enjoy a deep connection around this realization. Pisces understands the oneness of all life through a deeply spiritual lens. Virgo understands the oneness of all life through the physical realities of cosmology, mathematics and physics. If we all experienced our bodies with this kind of integrated Virgo/Piscean conscious awareness, we would experience existent transcendent reality in every cell, in every life form. There would be no violence because everything would be holy. In Virgo's world, holiness is achieved through transcendent embodiment, and from this state of embodied awareness one can heal almost any malady. Make no mistake about it; the mind-body connection is the most powerful medicine for healing and the true wisdom of Virgo. The potential of the entire cosmos lives within the body. So on this New Moon, experience your celestial origins by treating your body as a heavenly gift. One last thing to remember: the pressure being created by the North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo axis squaring Pluto in Sagittarius has recently become quite intense. It is clear from all the beautiful, heartfelt emails I received about the Full Moon in Aquarius Moon Message, that the desire to heal misunderstanding and suffering in this world through a compassionate, non-violent stance is shared by many around the globe. A New Moon in Virgo, and the subsequent waxing two-week phase to the Full Moon in Pisces is a time for serious inner reflection about how one can realize this intention through real action in the world. I know that the energy we create during this time can absolutely have an impact on reversing what appears to be a world spinning out of control. My heart goes out to each of you in thanks for your efforts in this regard.
Zala IP: Logged |
Jan_A unregistered
posted September 14, 2006 03:22 AM
Ascendant Virgo 29°04'13 Imum Coeli Sagittarius 28°41'45 Descendant Pisces 29°04'13 Medium Coeli Gemini 28°41'45 Sun Pisces 25°02'49 And Pluto is transiting in late Sagittarius  I am not afraid at all IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted September 14, 2006 03:28 PM
LOL JanI share your AC, etc degrees. Fear won't help us.  Thank you Zala for posting this info.
 ------------------ No hesitation. No regret. No looking back. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 12:27 AM
Wednesday -I notice that too, and wonder if it's a residual pull, if you will, between the recent Full Moon Eclispe on September 7th and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on September 22, 2006. Maybe we are at a Midpoint, of sorts. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
aloneinkyoto unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 02:38 AM
Well, I can definitely feel these eclipses. I have felt as if I have been going insane for weeks now! I felt insane the first week before the lunar eclipse, had a few days off, and now I'm feeling insane again.I keep on getting the urge to move somewhere, change my look, talk to an ex boyfriend to attempt a friendship, (who was part of my whole lunar eclipse "throwing out".. the week before was very stressful, and I spent way too much time trying to disconnect with him and finally after the lunar eclipse, all of my feeling were gone), I suddenly am starting to predict some major upheavals (not in a bad way) and it's driving me nuts! I've been extremely moody, restless, haven't been able to sleep right, my eating has changed, agh! Is anyone else feeling as crazy as I am? I know my roommates are, they just don't know it's the eclipse.. none of them can sleep. One of them just came upstairs screaming, "OH MY GOD, WHY AM I STILL UP?!!" IP: Logged |
Charlotte unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 02:52 AM
Great thread!IP: Logged |
Wednesday unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 07:10 AM
astro junkie... so when we're at a midpoint people are getting killed? What's the significance of a midpoint?IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 12:52 PM
Pluto Virgo 29°34'34 end of house 5 retrogradeTrue Node Aquarius 23°45'44 end of house 10 retrograde I'm wondering what will happen with my pluto situation. Any insight would be loved. --------------------------------------------- I'm feeling the eclipses too. Ironically, I am a chronic insomniac, but lately I have been able to fall asleep so easily. Isn't is odd that you and your friends are having the opposite reaction! I wonder what the significance is, if any? Perhaps it means the eclipses are doing the opposite of what is normal for people...? It's funny, because I really stepped-up on health issues in the past month - I made the appointments before I knew about the eclipses. Kinda cool. Don't shoot the messenger, but I looked at the ecipses for 2007 and they are in virgo and pisces too...Is it normal to have eclipses in the same signs in two years? IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 11:07 PM
Welcome aloneinkyoto ... so how are things in kyoto-ville? ... Wednesday -
Yeah right! MUSTANG -
That's the second time I almost pass the "second half" of your post. I'm not one of those who has each Planet's "schedule" in memorization, but my guess is they are probably not as unexpected as we think, yet, not as predictable. The Moon's pull becomes a very subjective experience. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 17, 2006 09:41 PM
More Solar Eclipse stuff for Friday the 22nd.....From Robert Wilkinson at Aquarius Papers: The Solar Eclipse of September 2006 In Virgo - What Does It Mean, and What Are its Effects? by Robert Wilkinson The Solar Eclipse will occur at 30 degrees of Virgo on September 22 at 4:45am PDT, just before the Autumnal Equinox at 9:04pm PDT the same day. This Solar Eclipse will free many of us from "a narrow destiny" if we hear and take the call and joyously rise to the occasions about to be presented to us. The quality of what will be offered entirely depends on our willingness to be trained and educated in ways appropriate to our individual mental-spiritual dharma. This will be an amazing eclipse that will affect us all for some time to come, since that's the nature of Solar Eclipses. So we're about to finish up our training wherever late Virgo falls in our charts, and cut loose into new ideal ways of being. I spoke briefly about the coming eclipse in context with the recent Lunar Eclipse in the linked article. If you haven't already, check it out since it contains links to last Spring's Solar and Lunar eclipses and what they've brought all of us these past 6 months and will continue to bring us for some months and years to come. In that article I covered a little of what's up with the coming Annular Solar Eclipse, since it will affect us all for 5 to 7 years, thus affecting what happens in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Later we'll see what NASA says about the coming eclipse. For now let's explore the astrological meanings behind the Eclipse configurations. To begin with since the Eclipse falls in the last degree of Virgo, one could say the Moon is void of course, but I wouldn't bet that the usual interpretations hold in the case of this eclipse. Mercury is important due to its rulership of the sign of the Sun and Moon, and we find it in a mutual reception with Venus in Virgo. Mercury is on a degree of "constructive results of apparently destructive forces" that are the "stimulation to new accomplishment." Be happy in responding to your work as you also live out Venus' degree of using team effort and physical improvement "as prelude to inner integration" and a means to train and fix in a discipline that opens you to reconstruction. This Eclipse will work as a Feeling-Deciding-Thinking sequence of response. It will require that we make sure our vision and information is up to date, and not just act and emote. Follow decisions with research, information that updates your understanding, and through that new experience you can move forward. Just don't get hung up on old ideas. How the planets are proportioned in the chart determines the Jones Patterns. The Eclipse chart has elements of being a Bowl due to all the planets occupying half the chart with nothing on the other side, and with the Saturn opposition Neptune defining the axis of opposition, shows there will be major scooping up of life, based on past Neptunian karmas unveiling many things. Find much that can be given and received, lead with your discipline, and you'll wind up with courage, focus, and determination you never thought possible. The planets could also be interpreted as a modified Seesaw, due to very strong oppositions between Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces. Due to their being only 53 degrees 14 minutes between Neptune and Pluto it falls short of the ideal as stated by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, formulator of the Jones Patterns, the Sabian Symbols, and a host of other pioneering efforts, astrologically and metaphysically. Still, the oppositional awareness and need for balancing opposing energies is in the Eclipse chart, so that element is there, along with the fact that if Neptune and Pluto are determining the span dividing the oppositions, they are very unpredictable due to anchoring the Grand Irrationality persisting for years. For the most part, the oppositions are mitigated by planets that are in sextile and trine to the opposing forces. Thus the Saturn opposition Neptune is harmonized by Mercury in Libra, throwing positive energies into Aries. The Virgo opposition Pisces is helped by Jupiter in Scorpio, throwing harmonizing energy into Taurus. As Taurus is also the void of the Fixed T-square formed by Jupiter opposing the Saturn opposition, that sign shows us what we're all dealing with right now, for better or worse. Time to show all the best Taurus traits in our lives, and none of the worst. Keep it sweet and simple, focused and natural, and be more flexible, pleasant, determined, and durable as you capture the natural resource you need. Other outstanding aspects are Saturn trine Pluto, Jupiter trine Uranus, Mercury harmonious to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, Venus harmonious to Jupiter, Saturn, and the New Moon itself, Mars favorable to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto while triseptile Uranus, and overall there's a lot of harmony in the coming eclipse, with that building energy release through the Fixed T-square stimulating planets at 16-22 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. If you have planets in that span, those will be the functions you need to take care of business directing your energies to more productive endeavors. On a final note, the New Moon North Node is on a degree that blesses us to go our own way, not expecting others to conform to a pulse from Divine Mind the same way we would. Also, we get to do our thing in our own way, and don't have to conform to another's expectations. To some extent this sanctions the passages, and shows us what is closing out in our lives. Pray, meditate, forgive, release, and merge into the compassionate ALL of the oceanic field that is Pisces, symbol of the great Ocean of Consciousness. For those of you into what NASA has to say about eclipses, here it is, straight from the site: The final eclipse of 2006 is an annular eclipse of the Sun. The track of the Moon's antumbral shadow begins in northern South America and crosses the South Atlantic with no further landfall. A partial eclipse will be seen from a much larger region including South America, the eastern Caribbean, western Africa, and Antarctica. The path of the annular eclipse begins in Guyana at 09:48 UT when the Moon's antumbral shadow meets Earth and forms a 323 kilometre wide corridor. Guyana's capitol city Georgetown lies just a few kilometres outside the path's northern limit. Rushing east, the antumbra quickly enters Surinam where its capital city Paramaribo lies deep within the antumbral path. Maximum eclipse in Paramaribo occurs at 09:51 UT, the Sun's altitude is 5° and the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 1 seconds. Continuing into French Guiana, the capitol city Cayenne stands just 10 kilometres south of the central line. Maximum eclipse occurs at 09:53 UT as the Sun stands 8° above the eastern horizon during an annular phase lasting 5 minutes 42 seconds. The southern edge of the antumbra briefly clips the north coast of Brazil before spending the next three and a half hours sweeping across the South Atlantic. Greatest eclipse occurs at 11:40:11 UT. The annular duration is 7 minutes 9 seconds, the path width is 261 kilometres and the Sun is 66° above the featureless horizon of the open ocean. The central track runs south of the African continent and nearly reaches Kerguelen Island before ending at local sunset (13:31 UT). IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 17, 2006 09:43 PM
From Jan Spiller – Solar Eclipse in the Houses A SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs on Friday, September 22, bringing in a 6-month cycle that will affect you in whatever house in your natal chart the Solar Eclipse - located at 29 degrees Virgo 27 minutes - falls. For example, if your 2nd House cusp is ruled by 6 degrees Virgo - and your third by 10 degrees Libra - the eclipse (29 degrees Virgo) would fall in your second house and it is issues of your money and increasing self-esteem that will rise to the surface and take first precedence over the next six months. In whichever house in your natal chart the current Solar Eclipse falls, here is a preview of the area of your life that will emerge as a primary focus over the next six months: 1st House: you will be working on how you present yourself to others during this period - your personality, style of dress, and general presentation in your daily life. You will be focusing on YOU and your own personal desires. 2nd House: money will be foremost on your mind and you will be focusing on bringing your financial affairs into order. 3rd House: you will be refining your ideas and noticing how you communicate with others. Also, a sibling or neighbor may draw you into more interaction than usual. 4th House: home and family will become a primary focus of your attention. 5th House: romance, play and expressing your creative talents will be the area you will begin to focus on during this six month period. Also, a child could come into the spotlight of your attention. 6th House: your health, job and work projects will become the paramount issue at this time. Issues with co-workers may arise. 7th House: your marriage partner, or your relationship with the public will become the area drawing most of your attention at this time. 8th House: debt resolution, shared money, or deep psychological issues will become a primary issue to be looked at and worked on. 9th House: foreign travel - either of the body (trips) or the mind (prayer and meditation) will become uppermost in importance. Seeking peace of mind will become a priority. 10th House: your profession and/or status will begin demanding more of your attention than usual. A boss or other authority figure may be part of prompting you to an expanded level of taking charge in your life. 11th House: your friends or a situation involving a group activity will begin drawing the greater part of your attention. You may be taking action on life goals, manifesting dreams, and humanitarian projects you had previously been thinking about. 12th House: you will feel an urge to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of worldly activity and in your retreat, become aware of self-sabotaging patters. This will empower you to release factors that had been unconsciously limiting your life. For more insights into the meaning of each of the houses, click here to see what areas of your life will be affected over the next six months by September’s Solar Eclipse. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 17, 2006 09:46 PM
From Lunar Tunes (cute name!! ) New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo - September 22, 2006 This Solar Eclipse is the second New Moon in Virgo this year. The first one was at 0 Virgo and the eclipse is at 29 Virgo. The last degree of any sign is called the anaretic degree. One of my teachers taught me that when a planet transits through any sign, themes related to that sign occur when the planet enters (0) and leaves (29) that sign. Other astrologers have also noted that people born with a planet in the last degree of a sign feel an urgency to move on to the next sign. The astrologer formerly known as Kelli Fox writes, "it means that you are very close to mastering an important lesson of the universe, but you have not quite achieved success." Cafe Astrology and Eric J. Uberseder also have wise things to say about the final degree. However you put it, this eclipse will be ultra-Virgo in nature. We have to incorporate the lessons of the Virgin in order to progress spiritually. So, what does this entail? A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon conjunct a Lunar Node. We have the chance to start anew. However, the Sun and Moon conjoin the South Node, which relates to our past karma -- where we are coming from. Old patterns (South Node) are obscured (Solar Eclipse). We feel an urgency to master the realm of Virgo, yet our lack of consciousness about entrenched habits makes it difficult to move forward. The last degree of Virgo is akin to the day before Fall (Libra). The harvest is over, and the seasons of Death are imminent. The weather is getting cold. The days will become shorter. Those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere will be spending more time indoors. Virgo prepares us for partnership (Libra). Remember the advice that you can't be ready for a relationship until you've got your own house in order? Well, that's Virgo's job. When we attend to ourselves through proper self-care (diet, exercise) and skill-building (apprenticeship, practice), we feel competent. Once we have stream-lined our own life, we are ready to survive the cold and bundle up with someone else. We are (metaphorically) storing up enough grain for the colder months. This Solar Eclipse is squared by Pluto. I've mentioned before how Virgo relates to the myth of Ceres/Demeter, in which Hades' abduction of Persephone into the Underworld resulted in her mother Demeter's neglect of the earth's vegetation due to depression (hence, winter). The Lord of the Underworld can help bring to the surface those aspects of our past that have resulted in a compulsive living-out of the Virgo archetype: eating disorders, over-exercising, rigidity, hyper-criticism. Pluto transformed Persephone from a girl into a woman -- since some psychoanalysts see anorexia as a way for females to ward off adulthood, Pluto can heal these mother-daughter issues and allow females to accept their changing bodies. Of course, transitioning into adulthood is a kind of death, but so is moving into the second half of the zodiac. Fortunately, after each death comes a new life. The end of adolescence signals the birth of adulthood. When we master Virgo's realm -- by letting go of anything that obstructs efficient performance of our bodies and routines -- we are ready to move on to the next level. This eclipse will mostly impact those people with planets and angles in the last degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and the first degrees of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). If you have a birthday around March 20, June 21, September 22 or December 21, then this eclipse will be hitting your Sun -- your sense of identity. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 17, 2006 09:49 PM
Astrology of Eclipses: Solar Eclipse of September 22, 2006 From: es-solar-eclipse-of-september-22-2006/ Having just finished with a Lunar Eclipse on September 7th, we are headed toward an even bigger astrological event: a Solar Eclipse. Since the Sun is much bigger and more powerful than the Moon, it makes sense that Solar Eclipses are much more powerful in their effects on the Earth. The Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo will be visible from the Caribbean, South America and western/ southern Africa. That in itself encompasses 40 countries*, so unless we examine each chart individually, we cannot know exactly in which country the effects might manifest. (If you have a special request to have me look at the chart for your country, email me at and I’ll take a peek.) Nonetheless, the above general list should help narrow it down quite a bit. The Eclipse is visible anywhere from 45 minutes to three hours, depending on your location. Since the effects of Solar Eclipses last a lot longer than those of Lunar Eclipses; here, we are looking at nine months to three years of possible effects, depending on the location. The Eclipses falls on the fixed star Markeb, in the constellation Argo Navis, the ship. According to Robson, Markeb “gives piety, a wide knowledge, educational work and voyages.” So far so good. Lilly writes that when the Eclipse is in Virgo, “damage follows to such fowl as men feed on.” Could we be seeing the Avian Flu occurring in the regions in question? The Eclipse is also in a double-bodied sign, like the preceding Lunar Eclipse, so again, this one also threatens people in power. Two eclipses that threaten those in power, back to back? I wonder what the next few months and years will bring for the established political order in these countries. The Lord of the Solar Eclipse is Mercury, which is at 15 Libra. Lilly says that Mercury takes on the characteristics of those planets he aspects, but here he aspects no other planet. He is in mutual reception by sign with Venus, however, so we should keep that in mind – Venus has a generally beneficial effect on worldly affairs, producing peace and harmony. However, Venus is in its fall in Virgo, so any peace she produces will be deceptive and temporary. Mercury by himself brings lots of thieves and pirates, dry diseases like TB, changes in religion and ceremony, controversy in customs and laws. Mercury also produces winds and earthquakes, and when oriental of the Sun, increases the streams of rivers and hence, causes floods. Lilly writes that when an Eclipse happens in an earthly sign, “there follows scarcity of Corn [in British English, this can mean any staple grain cultivated in an area, such as oats or wheat, not just maize], especially of fruit, and of all such things as are annually sown, or put into the earth.” Given that this eclipse is visible in much of Africa, where crops fail very often, this Eclipse might be fair warning for the next year or two. In the last decanate of Virgo, an Eclipse produces much harm to writers, poets, and painters; all those people who make their living by Mercurial means. *The list of countries where the Solar Eclipse will be visible includes: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Angola, Congo, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Zimbabwe. IP: Logged |
mysticme74 unregistered
posted September 17, 2006 11:37 PM can someone confirm for me... is the eclipse on the 22nd falling in my sixth house? thanks in advance! IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 18, 2006 12:09 AM
mysticme ~You have to log in at the link you provided..... can you post your chart or use another link? IP: Logged |
mysticme74 unregistered
posted September 18, 2006 12:36 AM i uploaded theimage to another server. it my natal chart plus transits for the day of the eclipse. thanks again!! :-) IP: Logged | |