Topic: The Eclipses Are Coming!!
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 18, 2006 12:55 AM
mystic ~Yes -- 6th/12th houses. On page 2 of this thread there's an interp for that axis. You might say the eclipse for you is "dignified" since the 6th is the natural house of Virgo..... IP: Logged |
astroleolady Newflake Posts: 6 From: in the ether Registered: Jul 2009
posted September 18, 2006 02:26 AM
Another article by Molly at North Node. IP: Logged |
eightdegrees unregistered
posted September 18, 2006 10:40 PM
astro junkie,Thank you for what you said a while back! I haven't been checking this thread. You are correct- I am a rather modest kind of Sag, I think due to my Cap influence. I do indeed have a full and happy house. And I'm thankful for where I've gotten myself in the last year- solo! But I do sometimes entertain melancholy cancer-moon wet-dishrag kind of days where I just don't friggin understand why it seems like EVERYONE I know has a S.O. and I don't! It just seems so implausible! I look forward to the eclipse. Whatever happens happens. However, I do feel like I'm being propelled to new levels, personally and career wise. So we'll see what transpires. There's a libra I have my eye on, too I'm off to bed with my Elle magazine and mint tea. IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 18, 2006 11:43 PM
quote: That's the second time I almost pass the "second half" of your post. I'm not one of those who has each Planet's "schedule" in memorization, but my guess is they are probably not as unexpected as we think, yet, not as predictable. The Moon's pull becomes a very subjective experience.
Sorry about that...I thought it would make my posts easier to read; guess not! I guess we'll find out soon enough, for better or for worse. Zala - The solar eclipse happens to me in pluto (29 degrees exactly) in virgo, in the 5/6 house (it's at the end of the 5, but interpreted in the 6th). What exactly does it mean that it's "dignified?" I'd like to know, because not only is the 6th naturally in virgo like you said, but my pluto is in virgo at the degree of the eclipse - and my pluto is currently in the 8th house by transit, which I'm pretty sure makes it dignified in scorpio - a triple dignified whammy! Is dignified like being exalted? Rachel: your Ascendant is the closest at 16 degrees. I don't recall the orb for this eclipse. I've noticed on the news ALL kinds of secrets that were long and buried are coming to light. either by people being caught or even confessing - it's chilling, because it's happened so much in the past few weeks that I've taken note and I wasn't looking for it. One example: A man who escaped a jail 30 YEARS AGO was finally found. A Japanese woman confessed to secretly burying US soldiers bodies after they were tortured and made to suffer scientific experiments in WWII (Very plutonian)this week. Also, this week alone on the news: A woman being raped turned the tables and stabbed her attacker. A woman murdered a hitman who was trying to kill her by strangling him. A hit man. By strangulation. By a woman. Hired by her husband (secret evil deed)thwarted and uncovered. Now, for ANYONE to turn the tables on a hitman, a professional killer no less, is impressive and remarkable, but for them to overpower him by strangulation; which, contrary to TV, is not as easy as it looks (it takes a solid five minutes), in fact it is very difficult for a strong man to do, so for it to be done by a woman is astounding. Is all of this because of the eclipses and plutonian influences? I don't know, but it it is starting to convince me. It seems as if victims are taking back their power and people who are or were abusing power are being jacked...just like it was said would happen. Spooky.
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Full-fifthhouse-loulou unregistered
posted September 19, 2006 09:34 AM
Thinking about eclipses I have realised something quite profound... I am thinking back to the lunar eclipse in scorpio, last year on 24th April 2005. The day after that one my dear Granny was attacked in her home, and died two days later in hospital. It was a horrendous time. We were all fingerprinted by the police and it was all over the national papers. I never thought I would get through the pain. It's still a mystery. No one was ever found. God bless her, she's in peace now. But I'm thinking about that eclipse in scorpio and how intense and sudden and violent all that time was. I don't know what time she was born but I do believe my Granny to have had scopio ascendant. (All her grandkids have some scorpio in their charts and she didn't.) I am now worrying a little about this up-coming eclipse. It conjuncts my pluto in the fourth house to the exact degree. The sun being the father, and pluto being death, I am obviously thinking morbidly here. I haven't seen my father since I was 15, and though he was a violent person, I have been thinking about it all lately. Ah, I am rambling, forgive me. But for some reason this week I am thinking about that awful day when my Granny died, and the fact that it was on the eclipse. ------------------ SCORPIO SUN 5TH HOUSE ASCENDANT CANCER CANCER MOON 12TH HOUSE IP: Logged |
jenfullmoon Knowflake Posts: 35 From: California Registered: Jun 2009
posted September 20, 2006 02:55 PM
My dad has been in a rehab hospital for over a year. Now the insurance company has thrown a big hissy fit and he is being booted out of the hospital...on guess when, the 22nd. He is being forced into a nursing home that the insurance company only has to pay for for 100 days, then my mom will have to cough up $24,000 a month for it! Even more fun, the second he gets sicker again (which probably won't be noticed by staff as much), they'll have to ship him to another hospital and from what I hear, the more they move him, the overall sicker he'll get. (Not that he's not going to die pretty soon anyway, but I was hoping it'd go easier than this.)I can't help but think the timing of this going on on an eclipse day probably doesn't bode well. The eclipse on April 24 (dad is a Scorpio, it was opposing my Sun) is a few months off from when he had to go into the hospital in the first place. It's in his sixth house of health and squaring his Uranus, so I don't think this is gonna go well at all. It squares my Neptune (5th house ruler) this go-round, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it this time. IP: Logged |
teaselbaby Newflake Posts: 0 From: Ohio Registered: Jul 2009
posted September 21, 2006 10:56 AM
The last eclipse was positive for me. I'm feeling very clear-headed about things, and a certain amount of excitement too. *edit. Astro Barry includes the eclipse in this week's horoscopes:
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 21, 2006 12:56 PM
mustang ~ quote: Zala - The solar eclipse happens to me in pluto (29 degrees exactly) in virgo, in the 5/6 house (it's at the end of the 5, but interpreted in the 6th). What exactly does it mean that it's "dignified?"
What I wrote is not technically correct, which is why I wrote it in quotes -- it was just an off-the-cuff thought on my part. A planet is dignified when it's in the sign or house that it rules. mysticme74 has Virgo on the cusp of her 6th (and Aries Rising and all the other signs in their proper house rulerships). For instance I have Mars in the 1st (although in Virgo), Venus in the 2nd (doubly-dignified -- in Libra as well as being in the house that it rules ), Mercury in the 3rd, and Uranus in the 11th. The planetary Dignities are the Rulers. Just to clarify, the Moon (eclipse) isn't properly dignified in Virgo or the 6th.From my personal experience only, I don't interpret a planet into the next house, but I know that many astrologers do, as well as My Mars and Neptune are on cusps. I feel Mars in the 1st -- I don't relate at all to Mars in the 2nd. And although nebulous Neptune is hard to pin down, I don't relate to Neptune being in the 2nd at all -- I exhibit the characteristics of Neptune in the 3rd..... IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2006 06:50 AM
How's everyone's Eclipse Day going??IP: Logged |
Jan_A unregistered
posted September 22, 2006 09:21 AM
I think, I don't have Asc 29°04' Virgo, cause I feel nothing. I have gone to the beach and met a wedding party today You know, the21st was an "energy day" for me-today I am pretty lazy. IP: Logged |
shirty unregistered
posted September 22, 2006 10:31 AM
Well, this month has been INSANE thus far. I realized so much about myself and very bad habits I have involving other people..basically about to tell a friend that we aren't friends anymore because I've been extremely depressed after we spend time together. I am reading a lot, trying to focus on my self.. I can't wait to see where I go with this. IP: Logged |
aloneinkyoto unregistered
posted September 22, 2006 11:49 AM
Well it's safe for me to say that I'm glad it's almost done with. What an insane month! Both eclipses were ridiculous. I thought that yesterday my head was going to explode and I had to go to sleep because I felt as if I was experiencing about a million different "me"s within a time period (if that makes any sense at all). Two friends of mine broke up, and one of them is now interested in me.. oh yeah, right around the eclipse. Now that's another thing I have to deal with. Totalllyyy fantastic. Anyway, to explain how much I've changed before and after these eclipses would take way too long.. and as far as my eclipse day itself is going, I woke up in a great mood, accidently slept through my alarm (which is nice, more sleep..). Hope everyone else's is going well. IP: Logged |
jenfullmoon Knowflake Posts: 35 From: California Registered: Jun 2009
posted September 22, 2006 11:52 PM
I got a new shrink today and I LOVE her!IP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted September 23, 2006 06:52 PM
Okay, yesterday was insane!  First I lose my checkcard. Left it at the gas station.. This will drive a Virgo mad! but I don't even look for it until today.. because I was stil in shock over running into someone I've been trying to stay away from... and not see... even moved! He doesn't live near me and ends up walking into Walmart as I am coming out... with kids and a cart full. Of course he had to try to play the victim. But no go.. I was floored... at the timing. That stuff gives me the chills... We have this tight little conjunction of Venus (me) and Pluto.... I had trVenus conj my natal Pluto yeserday. Plus, when I first came out of the store I remember looking at my phone for the time. Later last night I looked at my transits again and i had Venus sextile Neptune at that very minute.... and then of course the eclipse... It just leaves me with a alot of whys?.....and an eerie feeling overall (shivers).... IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 23, 2006 07:46 PM
quote: What I wrote is not technically correct, which is why I wrote it in quotes -- it was just an off-the-cuff thought on my part. A planet is dignified when it's in the sign or house that it rules. mysticme74 has Virgo on the cusp of her 6th (and Aries Rising and all the other signs in their proper house rulerships). For instance I have Mars in the 1st (although in Virgo), Venus in the 2nd (doubly-dignified -- in Libra as well as being in the house that it rules ), Mercury in the 3rd, and Uranus in the 11th. The planetary Dignities are the Rulers. Just to clarify, the Moon (eclipse) isn't properly dignified in Virgo or the 6th.
Oops!So I read into it incorrectly. Here, I thought I'd be dignified with this eclipse; I was so looking forward to that, oh well. Thanks for explaining that to me. quote: From my personal experience only, I don't interpret a planet into the next house, but I know that many astrologers do, as well as My Mars and Neptune are on cusps. I feel Mars in the 1st -- I don't relate at all to Mars in the 2nd. And although nebulous Neptune is hard to pin down, I don't relate to Neptune being in the 2nd at all -- I exhibit the characteristics of Neptune in the 3rd.....
I was wondering about where to interpret signs at the end of a house. I remember looking in my book about pluto in the 5th versus the 6th and it sounded like me more in the 6th. I'll have to read some other interpretations and see. I also have saturn at the end of the 12th beginning of the 1st and they both sound like me...hmmm. Since you have neptune in the 3rd, does that explain why you are such a good writer? IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 23, 2006 07:59 PM
mustang ~But you ARE dignified, anyway  And ooooh, for that lovely compliment, I will give you a cookie!! Seriously, though, Neptune in the 3rd fits me, whereas Neptune in the 2nd does not. Here's Neptune in III by Liz Greene: Let me know where your Neptune is and I'll put up Liz's interp for ya..... I have tSaturn in my 12th right now. It hasn't been a bad ride. So the natal interps sound like the 1st or 12th could fit you?? That's intriguing!! What's your Asc?? The expression of the element and the mode would be so different from the 12th to the 1st, I would think..... Here's a good tSaturn article: Zala IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 23, 2006 08:13 PM
I hope this passes real soon, this week has been real difficult for me, and it seems like it's getting worse. First off I am sick as can be from the flu, my boyfriend and me seem to be constantly fighting lately(came real close to leaving), and everyone around me is acting indifferent or just plain strange towards me. Hope it gets better soon!!!IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 23, 2006 10:02 PM
quote: mustang ~ But you ARE dignified, anyway
Why, thank you, mi dear! Isn't cool when a placement really is you to a "T?" It sounds like that is how it is with you and neptune. Personally, I love neptune. Even if it's afflicted, I still love it. I feel it is creativity personified if channeled correctly. And I feel as we mature, we can channel it correctly, if we just try. It's mysterious, inspirational and powerful on a spiritual level, in my eyes. I know it is said to be where we deceive ourselves, or where we let others deceive us; but, we learn from that, and we can harness that power so we aren't deceived or use escapist means, if we so will it. Here's the best part: we get to keep all the good parts, even if we realize and divert the bad parts. That's just my own personal view on Neptune. quote: Let me know where your Neptune is and I'll put up Liz's interp for ya..... I have tSaturn in my 12th right now. It hasn't been a bad ride. So the natal interps sound like the 1st or 12th could fit you?? That's intriguing!! What's your Asc?? The expression of the element and the mode would be so different from the 12th to the 1st, I would think..... Here's a good tSaturn article:[/quote] My neptune is in the 7th - can't wait to read what she says, thanks! How long have you had Tsaturn? I'm glad it hasn't been too bad. It gives you depth and strength if you use it right. Yeah, from the little I've read, it sounds like me in the 12th or that unusual? I guess it is. My ascendant is in taurus. I still have to read your saturn article - and I'm still waiting for my cookie! IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 23, 2006 10:35 PM
That was a good saturn transit article. I'm glad I'm not in one, though.  This article from the same site is great regarding the eclipses. And I found out the March 3, 2007 eclipse will be in uranus in the 6th for me... So, I've had lunar in saturn in the 12th solar in pluto in the 5th/6th [sarcasm]Sooo looking forward to my uranus eclipse [/end sarcasm] IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 23, 2006 10:38 PM
mustang ~ Re: tSaturn -- the cusp of my 12th house is 1 Leo, and my Asc is 29 Leo. According to my handy-dandy little table ( ) it'll be crossing my Asc about the end of August 2007..... oh boy, my self-image/identity gets to be restricted/restructured ..... aaaah, no worries mate -- I'll be fine If I can endure this tPluto sq nMoon and opp nJupiter that I'm plowing thru now, I can handle ANYTHING!!  Zala IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted September 24, 2006 12:39 AM
Dang Zala...Ive been craving those exact cookies. The coffee spot around here used to sell em...but no more  Anyone have a clue as to how this eclipse would influence a marriage if a couple got married on the day of the my cousin and her new hubby did!!??? 
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MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 25, 2006 12:18 AM
Chocolate cookie...yum! It'll be intereting to see how you've changed this time next year, Zala.
Marriage on an eclipse day, wow! I would suspect it would bode very well or very bad. Where does it fall in their charts? IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted September 25, 2006 12:30 AM
Problem is I dont know their charts. I forgot my cousin's birthday...She's a gemini, born in 1975. Her husband I have no clue what his sign is but I think he's born in 1977. New Moon marks new beginning...but the aspect to Pluto means the opposite...thats whats confusing. IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 01:57 AM
I don't know nearly enough to give a good answer, but maybe the pluto means an end to their old way of life and the solar eclipse is the beginning of the new way? Very unsophisticated and simplistic..I know, sorry. IP: Logged | |