Topic: Chiron: Cosmic Healing
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:40 PM
Charles Kowal discovered Chiron in 1977 while he was examining some photographic plates. Orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, its own orbit is elliptical and eccentric. It takes approximately 50 years for Chiron to complete its orbit around the zodiac. At certain times it crosses the orbits of both Saturn and Uranus and can act like a mediator between the two. As its discovery has been fairly recent, its use and interpretation in astrology has been limited. However, it is gaining popularity as being almost akin to a new planet. Some astronomers call it a planetoid, whereas astrologers tend to call it an asteroid. Chiron is depicted according to the Greek legend as a centaur being half horse, half-human. The mythology says that Chiron was very wise and taught the art of prophecy and astrology amongst other things. By this and its other attributes, it is an aid to the discovery of a deeper purpose to life in general through astrology. The attributes of Chiron are becoming more recognised as astrological research progresses. In the early 1990's it was discovered that Chiron was not alone. This new group of asteroids became known as the Centaurs with Chiron as the leading Centaur. There are now known to be at least 41 of them. The first "new" one to be discovered was named Pholus, followed by Nessus, Asbolus, Chariklo and Hylonome. Chiron is known as the "Wounded Healer" for that is what it symbolises in astrology. Wherever Chiron is placed in the natal chart is where it will be found that the hurts and wounds of most impact occur. It is often through our own experiences of hurt and pain that we can best help others in a time of need when they are experiencing the same kind of wounds that we have already endured. Hence the Wounded Healer. It is not just those who are suffering similar experiences to what we already have that the healing process applies to, but to ourselves as well. For each time we relive our hurts in order to reach out to others to offer support, we are also again dealing with it ourselves and healing our own hurts that little bit more. I believe that out of everything negative something positive eventually emerges, although it can be very difficult to recognise this at the time. For instance, if you have been through some harrowing experience that is very negative and then later on you can help someone else going through a similar thing, isn't that then something positive coming from it? It is the wounding and the healing process over and over again, the very nature of Chiron in operation. The house position of Chiron in the birthchart will show the area most likely to be prominent in these kind of matters. This will be the main source of our wounds and where the greatest healing can take place. Chiron is also known to be the "planet" of relationships and is now being used as an indicator of compatibility between two people. This applies regardless of the nature of the relationship. Because of this, many astrologers are beginning to think that perhaps it should be applied as the ruler of Libra and naturally of the 7th house. Whereas Saturn is associated with the past, and Uranus with the future, Chiron orbiting between the two suggests a more immediate impact, that of the present. Being between these two, Chiron is not bound by the restrictions and limitations of Saturn, yet has not quite reached the extremes of the futuristic Uranus. Sign associations of Chiron As well as the above mentioned possible association with the sign of Libra, there are also associations with two other signs. According to mythology, Zeus placed Chiron in the sky in the constellation of Sagittarius, the archer, the centaur. As it is known as the wounded-healer and healing being a great part of Chiron's nature, it also has associations with Virgo. As yet, no agreement has been reached astrologically as to which sign, if any, it should be known as ruler or co-ruler of. Keywords: balance, catalyst, guiding, healing, key, link, maverick, mediator, present, teacher, therapy, wounds ...more Chiron to come... ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:46 PM
Chiron Explained:  Who and What is Chiron? A native American prophecy states that when the planet of Healing is discovered in the sky, the ancient sacred warrior teachings will return to the Earth. In 1977, Chiron, the Planet of Healing, was discovered. (Chiron is a cometary body orbiting mainly between Saturn and Uranus.) Chiron's issues and affairs concern health and disease and their relationship to our spiritual journey through life. Chiron says that health and disease, dysfunction and disorder, are our teachers. They are homing beacons towards our Return to Spirit, towards greater wholeness, consciousness, Truth and Love. Orthodox medicine and psychology approach dysfunction from the point of view of symptoms and their root causes. Chiron calls the root cause, the Wound. Orthodoxy seeks to fix, correct, cure, or get rid of our Wounds. Chiron says that there is nothing to fix, correct, cure or get rid of. Chiron says that the Wound contains a Gift and that the Healing journey is the process of discovering that Gift. The Wound is Healed when the Gift is embraced. Chiron's issues, affairs, lessons, and messages are mirrored in the mythology of its namesake. Chiron in the myth was the centaur--half horse (animal) and half human--who was wounded in the leg and subsequently pursued a vocation of healing under the guidance of Apollo, the god of Light. As Chiron's message unfolds, we begin to see that Healing is not just about health and disease, but encompasses every area of human endeavor and human expression, from astrology to medicine to mythology to quantum physics. Chiron takes us on a journey through our Darkness, personally and collectively, seeking the Light, in search of the Gift in the Wound. Books/Literature: * Chiron 1. Musings of a Rogue Comet - The New Chiron Paradigm 2. Chiron on my Mind - The Anatomy of Wounding and Healing 3. The Healing Power of Gratitude - Chiron's Final Trump Card 4. Chiron and the Awakening of Conscience Healing Lives - Chiron & the Nodes - A Celestial Graduation Ceremony 5. A Planetary Healing Hand - The Message of Chiron 6. Beyond Life and Death ...Can't forget the Interpretations...(coming up) ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:47 PM
 Chiron In Aries Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Aries (energetic and urgent). You need to bring about the fullest potential, in an energetic and urgent way, in matters concerning the presentation of yourself. It could be that, for instance, you lack self-confidence, or you are too self-confident, for example. The solution lies within the problem (Perhaps in Libra, in relation to others). It is the other side to the problem. One route to solving the problem is to take action and do something about it (fire). You may be a great teacher, who is better at helping others, than you are in helping yourself. Chiron In Taurus Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Taurus (Enduring and Possessive). You need to bring about the fullest potential in relation to the enduring and possessive way in which you deal with possessions, and wealth generally. It could be that you are too possessive or you do not allow yourself to be possessive. The solution lies within the problem; it is the other side of the problem. You may find the solution lies in helping others deal with their possessions. You may need to approach the problem in a practical and cautious manner using common sense (earth). Chiron In Gemini Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Gemini (Versatile and Variable). You need to bring about the fullest potential in the versatile and variable way in which you deal with communications and relationships (air). The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you are too versatile and need to explore its opposite (Perhaps in Sagittarius). Or it could mean you are too rigid and need to be more versatile. The solution may involve communication, information or being more logical (air). Chiron In Cancer Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Cancer (Instinctive and Protective) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the instinctive and protective way in which you deal with your base (home). The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you are too home-loving and need to explore its opposite. Or it could mean you are refusing to create a home and need to be more more motivated to create one. You may need to express emotions that you instinctively hide and protect from others (water). ...much more to go... ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:49 PM
 Chiron In Leo Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Leo (Impressive and Creative) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the instinctive and protective way in which you deal with the way you enjoy yourself. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you are seek pleasure too avidly and need to explore its opposite. You could be denying yourself pleasure and need to enjoy yourself more. The solution may involve enthusiasm and optimism. Chiron In Virgo Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Virgo (Analytical and Critical) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the analytical and critical way in which you deal with work, health or service. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you work too hard and need to explore its opposite. You could be sabotaging your success at work and need to appreciate it more. You may need to use more common sense and practical reasoning (earth). Chiron In Libra Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the diplomatic and harmonious way in which you deal with, for instance, comfort, harmony, art, etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek balance or justice too strongly. You could be sabotaging your success at in these matters and need to do them more. The solution may involve communications, relationships or logic (air) Chiron In Scorpio Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Scorpio (Intense and Secretive) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the intense and secretive way in which you deal with, for instance, secret or hidden matters (the unconscious mind) etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to know others deeply, yet need to know yourself better. In any event, you may need to be more or less emotional, perhaps letting deep, secret negative memories be released emotionally (water). ...shooting for the stars... ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:50 PM
 Chiron In Sagittarius Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Sagittarius (Free and Tolerant) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the free and tolerant way in which you deal with, for instance, philosophy, your high standards, long journeys etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to know but you need to listen and learn. Or you could be too tolerant in your beliefs, or even too intolerant! Through the areas of optimism, action and enthusiasm, you may find your resolution. Chiron In Capricorn Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Capricorn (Prudent and Reserved) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the prudent and reserved way in which you deal with, for instance, power, materialism etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be powerful but you need to pay attention to what you really want (or need). Alternatively, you may need to seek more power and wealth. In any case, it is through your practical, cautious and common-sense that you will heal (earth). Chiron In Aquarius Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Aquarius (Indifferent and Unconventional) You need to bring about the fullest potential in the indifferent and unconventional way in which you deal with, for instance, friends, new ideas and discoveries, etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be different but you need to pay attention to whether this is what you really want or whether it is a reaction to conventional thinking. Alternatively, you might need to be more indifferent to others and follow your own course, even if it is unconventional. Logic, communication, and information will be your main allies in resolving these issues (air). Chiron In Pisces Chiron (to bring about the fullest potential) in Pisces (Impressionable and Inspirational) You need to bring about the fullest potential in an impressionable and inspirational way in which you deal with, for instance, religious beliefs or how you attain ecstasy, etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you may be imaginative, psychic and caring, but you need to beware of deception, being too sensitive or caring too much. Alternatively, you might need to be more impressionable, etc. It is through your emotions, your sensitivity, your adaptability and your psychic ability that you will find the answers., ...not done just yet... ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:52 PM
Now were talking...  Chiron in Aries or the First House: Chiron in Aries is an exercise of self-discovery. You will often find the natives speaking of their spiritual quest, the need to find personal meaning in awareness and existence. Some cope with their early wounds by withdrawing, others over-compensate aggressively. While the latter group may be courageous trailblazers when there is a personal investment in the spiritual process, unless there are other spiritual aspects in the chart, their spiritual seeking rarely extends beyond a purely personal quest. There are associations between head wounds, headaches and other head-area injuries with an afflicted Chiron in Aries, but one should look to other aspects for confirmation. Chiron in Taurus or the Second House: Chiron in Taurus seeks comfort from physical material, money and sex. They may have unusual sexual interests as a result of deprivation of appropriate physical affection or sexual abuse in early childhood. Sometimes they become teachers or counselors, with the subject of interest related in some way to the aspect of life they felt deprived of in childhood. They can be powerful teachers of the lesson of "self-worth" if they can overcome their own self-esteem issues. Chiron in Gemini or the Third House: The nervous system, communication skills and ability to tap race consciousness are all keywords of Chiron in Gemini. There can be early injuries to the voice, or painful shyness that comes from an early problem with self-expression. You may find that the native with Chiron in Gemini takes their time with thoughts and words, because they want to be certain that they express themselves correctly. Later in life, they may express themselves with painful precision to over-compensate. Chiron in Cancer or the Fourth House: This person feels like a fish out of water. They often express feelings of "otherness". Some joke about being adopted or being space aliens because they feel so different from their home and cultural groups. There can be indications of childhood abuse, abandonment by the father, and early childhood trauma, if other aspects support this, or there are hard aspects related to family. Chiron in Cancer can indicate difficulties in starting one's own family later in life. Some actively refuse to start families of their own because their early life was so insecure. Chiron in Leo or the Fifth House: Like Chiron in Cancer, Chiron in Leo comes from another place. The influence of Uranus may make them identify strongly with the "otherworldly" mystique of science fiction. At some point, Chiron in Leo will face an ego crisis where they discover and draw the firm boundary of will and ego they need to survive. They can expect difficult Saturn Returns, because the experience completely breaks their ego down, and forces them to rebuild with a new sense of purpose. Grounding Exercises and relaxation therapy can be helpful during periods of stress, and creative hobbies can also help. Strangely enough, many of these people will deny they have any creative skills, but talk to their friends and you'll discover a hobby or craft they should be giving more time. ...time is of the essence... ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:54 PM
...words ringing to my ears...Chiron in Virgo or the Sixth House: This is a tough placement for Chiron, because you have the "wounded healer" in a sign closely related to health and well-being, so naturally there are health issues with Chiron in Virgo. The precise manifestation can often be tracked trough the depositor or other aspects of the chart related to Virgo, Chiron or the 6th house. Stress and emotional reactions can aggravate health problems for these natives, and they have to be careful with diet and exercise. Those with hard aspects can also become compulsive workaholics who express their creative potential with kinky sexual behaviour. Chiron in Libra or the Seventh House: This placement indicates some kind of wounding or rejection related to relationships. Because this person is sensitized to the emotions and reactions of others, they may be quite sensitive and even psychic. They definitely need to learn grounding principles, and need to demark strong boundaries between themselves and their loved ones to prevent or stop a cycle of codependency or abuse. Unfortunately, they tend to define themselves through others, through those they relate to, and they are often disappointed when others do not rise to their expectations. They may find art and past-life therapy to be helpful in their personal and spiritual growth. Chiron in Scorpio or the Eighth House: The path of Chiron in Scorpio is somewhat akin to Dante's Inferno. The path to growth and life may come through repeated experiences with the great mysteries of life, death, birth and transformation. These are the powerful mystics whose inner visions dominate their life-path. They may have empathic and psychic abilities which are sharpened through experiences of profound insight. They may suffer deaths and losses when Chiron is adversely aspected, but each loss will be followed by benefits or insights that boost them to new levels of understanding. Chiron in Sagittarius or the Ninth House: Chiron placed in Sagittarius indicates a wounding or break with the traditions or spiritual teachings in youth. These people find that life is one continuing spiritual crisis, and they are often on the edge of spiritual thinking. They can be drawn to atheism on the one side or fundamentalism on the other, but regardless of what they may say, they are passionate "believers" of one sort or another - they are almost never true agnostics. They are avid students and make excellent teachers. ...just a little bit more... ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted August 22, 2006 08:55 PM
...  Chiron in Capricorn or the Tenth House: Chiron in Capricorn is something similar to Sun in Capricorn, in that it emphasizes the strong need of this sign to strive for a prominent place in society or career. They may be workaholics to the point of obsessive dysfunction, because they feel so strongly motivated to justify their self-worth. This often betrays an early childhood rejection, possibly by the mother. Even when both parents are dead, this person can still be trapped in an obsessive desire to prove their worth. Unfortunately, if they don't eventually come to understand this motivation, they may never feel secure, no matter how many awards line their walls, no matter how much money they accrue. Chiron in Aquarius or the Eleventh House: These folks may seem utterly other-worldly. They may be drawn to technology in order to feel comfortable, safe and accepted. They may avoid social interaction and feel uncomfortable in large groups of people, mainly because of peer problems in their youth, or because they seem odd or different to their peers. Social rejection makes them withdraw into only those groups of people who share their interests and concerns, and they currently find great comfort in the opportunities provided by the Internet. Chiron in Pisces or the Twelfth House: It's a little hard to describe Chiron in Pisces, because the crisis it creates is on a level of "Universal Consciousness". There are often religious or spiritual crises related to this placement, because the native feels more connected to the spiritual or "God" level than to the physical or material plane. The native can be drawn to angelic imagery, and they are often psychic, empathic or exhibit healing ability. Depression and drug usage are a risk, because these individuals are so psychically sensitive. Working to help or heal others can be healing to this placement, but it can also be harmful if they are not sufficiently mature to handle dealing with the stress. The native can benefit from the study of psychic protection. ....ahhhh...OH!.. .. Finished! ...  ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 994 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2006 08:56 PM
Good stuff, neptune5!! Chiron..... one of my favorite subjects.....  Have you read this article?? More in this thread: Please keep the info coming  Zala IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted August 23, 2006 01:43 AM
neptune5 -I wasn't as crazy as the Chiron in Pisces as I've seen in other interps, for this one. Thank you. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted August 23, 2006 01:48 AM
Thanks looks like it took you all four seasons before you finished posting all the descriptions  IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 23, 2006 05:01 AM
I have chiron in aries opposed my moon in the 7th/libra and conjunct jupiter in the 1st/aries and widely squaring saturn in 4th. So I am very interested in chiron in relation to my chart and what these aspects kind of mean, a lot of them I think relate to birthing circumstances and my parents. I agree with the comments made about chiron in Aries. Btw, I had a terrible transiting grand-cross 2 years ago involving t-chiron squaring n-chiron, oppoing n-saturn and n-moon. Very painful stuff. IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted August 23, 2006 07:13 AM
The descriptions of Chiron in Pisces and fourth house all seemed very right to me.I have mine at what some people call a karmic degree... 29 degrees of Pisces. Thanks for the information.  IP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted August 23, 2006 11:53 AM
I have Chiron in Taurus in the 11th. Conjunct my S Node. Loosly conjunct Lillith (the asteroid). Opposite my N Node, Venus, and Uranus cluster. Such Chiron 'issues' I have! Self esteem issues, i'm other-worldly, uncomfortable in large groups, odd or different to their peers, find great comfort in the opportunities provided by the internet. Yep all me. ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 994 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 05:04 PM
(**bumped cuz Node did the other one**)  IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Moderator Posts: 930 From: Beehive Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 07, 2012 02:17 PM
Very interesting thread with lots of information.. bears looking at again.IP: Logged |
Alma Sun Moderator Posts: 1409 From: The East Coast Registered: Mar 2011
posted March 07, 2012 06:17 PM
C L------------------ "I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own." ― Chaim Potok
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 1022 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 10, 2012 04:28 PM
quote: Chiron in Sagittarius or the Ninth House: Chiron placed in Sagittarius indicates a wounding or break with the traditions or spiritual teachings in youth. These people find that life is one continuing spiritual crisis, and they are often on the edge of spiritual thinking. They can be drawn to atheism on the one side or fundamentalism on the other, but regardless of what they may say, they are passionate "believers" of one sort or another - they are almost never true agnostics. They are avid students and make excellent teachers.
Yes, this sounds like me. I have Chiron in Aries in the 9th. Putting it all together, I AM always trying to figure out how to present myself so as not to mislead anyone or accidentally offend them. This is difficult because I have a lot of Christian friends who would reject me if I talked about astrology. I was raised Catholic, became agnostic, became a Christian fundamentalist, became someone who now just wonders about everything and above all wants to feel in touch with the mysteries of life. IP: Logged |
Azakeal Knowflake Posts: 65 From: Belfast Registered: Feb 2010
posted April 17, 2012 10:53 AM
Interesting.I have Chiron in Taurus, 2nd house. Have had major self-esteem issues from a young age but working through them now to reclaim my self-worth. Also dislike owning many things and practice non-attachment, as I don't like to feel my happiness depends on things that can be taken away from me. Johnny ****** ------------------ as above, so below; as within, so without; as the Universe, so the Soul. IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Knowflake Posts: 118 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted April 17, 2012 11:21 AM
I have Chiron conjunct the Moon in Virgo in the 9th house. I have talked about it extensively with Ami Anne, since this is a very difficult placement for me and has caused me a lot of pain. For me, the conjunction with the Moon changes the nature of Chiron in the 9th. My thinking has constantly been evolving due to the abuse and rejection I have received continuously from my mother. At the same time, I feel that it is my destiny to reach out and heal other people who have been rejected from their families, particularly their mothers or any maternal figure. I know my career will be involved with this in some way. I have the Moon conjunct the MC and trine my 2nd house planets. Appropriately, I am an avid student as you described here, and I am a writer of realistic fiction. I want to make a career out of my writing, which deals with issues concerning relationships, pain and suffering. Many of my characters have felt abandonment, abuse and the impact of crisis in their lives. I feel you can only write best what you know... and with pain I can have success. It is bitterly ironic but I have Chiron to thank for that. I am trying to make peace with it. I feel despite its bad sides Chiron also has positive things for me in store. Maybe one day when I can actively incorporate it into my career path I can feel like I am actually being healed by it myself instead of just healing others. ------------------ "Perfect love casts out fear." -Anthony de Mello IP: Logged |
Chris21 Knowflake Posts: 31 From: Victoria, BC, Canada Registered: Feb 2011
posted April 23, 2012 01:43 AM
my Chiron is in a pretty intense spot, these are its aspectsRetro-Chiron in 6th/7th house Cancer Chiron opposite Ascendant Chiron opposite Mercury Chiron opposite Venus Chiron opposite Mars Chiron opposite Saturn Chiron opposite Uranus Chiron opposite Neptune Chiron trine Pluto Chiron sextile Moon would anybody know how Chiron being opposite to so many planets would effect me? IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Knowflake Posts: 118 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted April 23, 2012 09:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by Chris21: my Chiron is in a pretty intense spot, these are its aspectsRetro-Chiron in 6th/7th house Cancer Chiron opposite Ascendant Chiron opposite Mercury Chiron opposite Venus Chiron opposite Mars Chiron opposite Saturn Chiron opposite Uranus Chiron opposite Neptune Chiron trine Pluto Chiron sextile Moon would anybody know how Chiron being opposite to so many planets would effect me?
You're right - these are intense aspects. It seems that in your life, you will have to learn to heal from many of your personal and generational planets. Here is my quick interpretation for how these could possibly manifest in your life. Venus - with the opposition, you might say that 'love is pain (but you'll do it again!)'. You could have socialization issues, feeling socially awkward or painfully aware of mistakes you make socially. You could feel less attractive than others even if this isn't true. When Venus is touched by Chiron so strongly, there's high indication of difficulties with the appearance - feeling the need to change your appearance in order to become better, more beautiful, in order to be accepted and/or loved by others. Basically, this indicates you could need to boost your self-esteem in order to avoid serious problems in your life. Mercury - when Chiron opposes Mercury we could get someone who has difficulty expressing their feelings written or verbally. You could be overtly sensitive to criticism or what people say to you, or about you. You need to build on your communication skills in life to heal. Mars - when Chiron opposes Mars we sometimes gets distorted Martian energies. You have a heightened awareness to danger and violence. Perhaps to either are extremely afraid or disgusted with violence, or have a tendency to become violent when angry or cannot remove yourself from violent people in your life. You need to accept that you can incorporate your Masculine side into yourself and still be feminine, or if you are male you can be masculine without being violent or brutish. Saturn - Possible authority issues will arise due to the stress aspect between Chiron and Saturn. This aspect adds to the possibility of being abused, mistreated or put down by authority figures, especially the father or father figure. You must learn how to heal by opening up to love and not curling into yourself and immersing yourself in the pain of past rejections, especially by those who could have been older than you or in higher power of any kind. Uranus - You have a strong independence and a strong drive to explore and create what is new and unconventional - but this can be overpowering in your personality at times. Reign it in a bit. There's a difference between being constrictively non-conformist and an outright dangerous rebel. You could be seen as intimidating to people due to this part of yourself, and/or easily misunderstood. Personal relationships can suffer as a result. Neptune - With the opposition, you get two extremes. You might desire to do anything to heal your wounds and dissolve your pain...or you might put the blinds up and try to only look on the bright side, to avoid dealing with your problems to the point where you are hurting yourself as a result. You must find a happy medium and learn how to solve your conflicts and personal troubles without being too escapist or too blunt. Pluto - the trine is very dynamic and indicates quite a bit about who you are. With Pluto and Chiron in a trine aspect, you will find you are rather unusual because of the depth and deep strength that you possess, a strength to carry on even with the deepest wounds or channel your own regenerative energies to dissolve into something higher and better than what you were before. You are fortunate or unfortunate to have this aspect. You must channel the better side of Pluto to heal. Your other Chiron aspects make it clear to you that you carry scars in life from what has happened to you. But Pluto touching Chiron reminds you that you DO have the power to pick yourself up and rise again like a phoenix emerging from the ash. Moon - this is also a harmonious placement and beneficial, since it eases the difficulty of all the oppositions. It means that you can channel your emotions in the process of healing in order to heal yourself more effectively. Deep within you could be very compassionate and become a profoundly gifted healer if you work on establishing these skills. *** So it seems you have had some difficulties in life. But you have placements with Chiron that indicate you CAN regenerate even with the toughest of scars and bad memories. I think having so many aspects to Chiron is a sign that you have much to learn in terms of the healing process in life, perhaps to one day become a healer yourself - one who can heal and understand the wound of others. Notice how you also have Chiron in Cancer, which can be very healing and nurturing to one with problems and pain. If you learn to heal yourself, you can access a deep empathy within to help the world. You also have Chiron opposite ASC, therefore conjunct your Descendant, which means you might have a tendency to attract people who feel you can heal their wounds. You need to do something constructively with this instead of allowing it to overpower you. I hope I helped you a little with this.  ------------------ "Perfect love casts out fear." -Anthony de Mello IP: Logged | |