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posted August 30, 2006 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hippichick     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I have the most amazing syanstry with a friend.

His Jupiter, Venus, Mars and true node conjunct my Sun in Pisces. He has a Pisces asc as well and an Aqua Sun in the 12th.

My Jupiter, Mars and Mercury in Aqua conjunct his sun. My stellium opposes my natal Uranus in Leo so, his sun opposes my Uranus. My Saturn conjuncts his Mercury in Aqua.

My above mentioned planets fall in his 12th house and his above mentioned planets fall in my 3rd house.

A different kind of unrequited love....

He failed to tell me he was married when we first started seeing eachother. When I finally found out, I broke off any contact, but we remain "distant" friends and he tries to keep in contact now and then.

There are deep mutual feelings, but I guess you could say unrequited since he is not technically available---and I am not going there!!!

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posted August 30, 2006 10:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What would you say about someone who has Venus conjunct Neptune
as well as Moon conjunct Uranus?

What I mean is if Venus/Neptune make you "long for a soulmate" and Moon/Uranus wants it freedom....... see what I mean??

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posted August 30, 2006 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonPixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ha! let me tell you about unrequited love.

well.. he's confessed his feelings to me after four years, but for those four years, our feelings for each other were VERY VERY unrequited.

my sun conjunct his ASC
my chiron conjunct his ASC
my neptune conjunct his DSC
my moon conjunct his pluto
my moon conjunct his mars
his moon trine my venus
his venus opposition my mercury/venus
his mars quincunx my venus
my mercury/venus is found in his 12th house
my mars square his venus
my mars square his saturn/uranus

there's plenty more

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astro junkie
posted August 31, 2006 12:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great thread. Thanks for starting this topic darkdreamer

If anyone has enough energy left, in a very general way, what do you think the sum of the following would create in a Natal, and then in Synastry, when it comes to unrequited love? Anything pop out, any read flags? I picked out some which I thought might be pertinent. Thank you.

Someone with Natal :::

Sun Square Saturn
Sun Opposition Uranus
Moon Square Mars
Mercury Opposition Uranus
Venus Trine Saturn
Venus Quincunx Uranus
Venus Opposition Pluto

In Synastry :::

Sun Opposite Venus
Moon Square Chiron
Sun Opposite Mars
Mars Opposite Chiron
Sun Opposite Uranus
Mercury Opposite Uranus
Sun Opposite Neptune
Mercury Opposite Neptune
Saturn Square Neptune
Neptune Opposite Chiron

I'd love some quick overall thoughts on it, (full on astro interps for each NOT NEEDED).

I agree with what's been said about person's Planets landing in lots of partner's "social" Houses, while the partner has lots of Planet emphasis in the other person's "personal" Houses.

Unfortunately, I do not have a time of birth

Thank you so much for any feedback.

... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness

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From: victoria, australia
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posted August 31, 2006 02:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for OzMeg222     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh man this topic sucks! A few minutes ago I was hopeful and thinking we'd possibly find a way to end up back together, but now I'm just kinda assuming its me with a big case of unrequited like/lust.

I have no idea what to look for, to me our charts and composite seemed quite nice.

Could someone please have a little look, any insight would be helpful.

Birth data is:

22/2/1978 melbourne aus
4.10pm daylight saving

5/3/1985 melbourne aus
7pm daylight saving

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posted August 31, 2006 12:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh wow!
There are so many replies!
Where should I start now?

Well, I think, it`makes a lot of sense, what you all have said.
I always thought that a lack of Venus-aspect indicates a lack of romantic love (I`m talking of the feeling of being "in love", not necessarily the emotional bonds of the moon). But Venus-aspects are for me not only formed by Venus herself, but also aspects to the Descendant, a Venus-point, and also, if there are planets in the 7th house it seemed to balance a lack of aspects to Venus.
So, Glaucus, in my little astrological world you have Venus-aspects with your gal through the Descendant.

the question for me is, am I right? Can houseplacements really balance a lack of aspects between planets?

But I think more and more, that houseplacements are very important and can indicate, that two people react differently to each other.


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posted November 02, 2007 09:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for annaf     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bump....just discovered another of your interesting threads, thanks darkdreamer!

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posted November 03, 2007 01:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
any indicators in composite chart of unrequited love...??? what can i look for?!?!?

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posted November 03, 2007 02:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

astrology asied there is need to psychologically understand why someone would end in a situation like that.
low self -worth, feeling u dont deserve hapiness in a realtionship but really want true love.we create our reality every moment with how we think.its not so much about an aspect in our natal or synastry or composite as much about ourselves.
karma is a factor too.if u really loved someone and were loved back but used, manipulated or hurt them, in the next life ur feelings are not going to be reciprocated. probably becoz while u still feel the love that was he/she feels the pain, sadness or fear.i have seen this for real, the girl totally in love and the guy who had been friends for a while totally ran away when she professed her feelings for him. she didn't want a commitment, she actually asked for a fling if he didn't want to be with her for the long haul. she was so in love she offered free sex and he the MAN ran away
what makes a man turn down free sex, forget true love ?
KARMA. with the girl, or maybe he hurt someone else and paid for it by rejecting her and will regret it years later.

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posted November 03, 2007 02:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CoralFrequency     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
... is about as surreal as love at first sight. It’s more like infatuation than love.

I think this is the typical scenario -

One person (A) is likely idealizing the other, without actually knowing them well enough – in depth.. Sometimes they are convinced they do know B, and they *don't* at all - which is obvious to everyone *but* them.

The other person (B) is more aware of both of their personalities (flaws and all) .. Knowing that, they believe, things wouldn’t work romantically.

Person A refuses to ever criticize anything about person B.. They think B has no flaws, or else.. that any flaws they do have are kind of cute and not negative at all.
B is a saint so anything they do wrong is immediately - either brushed off or forgiven.

Person B – does see the flaws and does criticize person A.. They believe person A’s package with flaws and all.. does not match their own, and they wouldn’t work well together romantically.

I'm guessing Neptune squares in synastry could indicate this. If one person's planet squares the other's Neptune, they won't want to see them good/bad and all.. nor would they want to recognize that being with B won’t be the answer to all of their prayers.. The B person is seen as a savior.. kind of like – If I can have them.. everything will be so perfect – poo will start to smell like roses lol.. There is a lot of idealization there. It’s infatuation with the image and the dream of how perfect they would be together.. not so much love for the actual human, behind that dream.
If Mars is involved in the mix, A may also see, getting this dream and this perfect person, as a challenge – which drags things on.

If they did end up together and person A would get everything they think they want – exactly as they want it, they would soon realize their partner has muddy feet and the relationship is not all that perfect..

From the Mars side of things, once they get exactly what they want there might be a feeling of .. well challenge is completed.. *now* what?? lol

But when they don’t end up together… A continues to believe in the dream (and make it a challenge, sometimes)… Enter: Unrequited Infatuation.

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posted November 03, 2007 02:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CoralFrequency     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
astrology asied there is need to psychologically understand why someone would end in a situation like that.
low self -worth, feeling u dont deserve hapiness in a realtionship but really want true love.we create our reality every moment with how we think.its not so much about an aspect in our natal or synastry or composite as much about ourselves.


*the only thing I want to mention to that is.. it isn't only girls. It happens to men very often as well. We end up painting men as a-holes here - but it's probably because it is a female dominated site. Guys get hurt in very similar ways as well.

:edit: with the girl you mentioned, I don't find it that strange.. only because it can be very awkward sometimes when you just don't feel that way and yet the other person is that infatuated. I think he might've felt like a jerk if he *did* sleep with her.. like taking advantage.
If I didn't like someone romantically - specially a friend.. and they were that infatuated.. I would not have sex with them, because that would perpetuate things and make everything worse. I think it was probably the right decision, on his part.

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posted November 03, 2007 04:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mhax     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think the aspects can work in two side as you read the book of Linda Goodman of Synastry, for example the hard aspects (even I think the soft ones)between Saturn and Venus can be very frustrainting about love or create a long relationship, as well the hard aspects between Venus and Pluto can work as the same way, How will you know it??? I think it depends of the person as allways there is a factor of free will.

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posted November 03, 2007 06:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here are the aspects/placements of my unrequited love! Let me know your thoughts.


Sun TRI Moo 119° 42' 0° 18' +1260.0
Sun SXT Mar 59° 07' 0° 53' +353.1
Sun TRI Jup 124° 59' 4° 59' +39.6
Sun TRI Sat 116° 41' 3° 19' +99.7
Sun SXT Asc 55° 12' 4° 48' +3.1
Moo BQT Sun 144° 44' 0° 44' +0.0
Moo BQT Mer 142° 04' 1° 56' +0.0
Moo TRI Ven 122° 56' 2° 56' +166.4
Mer TRI Moo 116° 55' 3° 05' +200.5
Mer SXT Mar 56° 21' 3° 39' +6.5
Mer SSX Nep 28° 59' 1° 01' +0.0
Mer SXT Asc 57° 58' 2° 02' +77.0
Ven TRI Sun 114° 22' 5° 38' +29.3
Ven TRI Mer 117° 03' 2° 57' +112.5
Ven SES Ven 136° 11' 1° 11' -6.7
Ven SQR Mar 94° 34' 4° 34' -8.5
Ven SQR Jup 89° 32' 0° 28' +120.0
Ven QTL Plu 71° 02' 0° 58' +12.8
Ven SSQ Mid 45° 12' 0° 12' -4.8
Mar SQR Sun 85° 32' 4° 28' -64.0
Mar TRI Moo 126° 18' 6° 18' +10.0
Mar SQR Mer 88° 13' 1° 47' -240.5
Mar TRI Jup 118° 22' 1° 38' +120.9
Mar TRI Sat 123° 17' 3° 17' +29.8
Jup SQR Sun 83° 33' 6° 27' -1.6
Jup SXT Ven 61° 44' 1° 44' +146.1
Jup QTL Jup 72° 33' 0° 33' +25.0
Jup SSQ Sat 45° 48' 0° 48' -15.8
Jup BQT Asc 142° 19' 1° 41' +0.0
Sat CJN Sun 5° 23' 5° 23' -5.4
Sat CJN Mer 2° 43' 2° 43' +10.2
Sat INC Jup 150° 42' 0° 42' -28.9
Ura TRI Moo 116° 44' 3° 16' +102.6
Ura SXT Mar 56° 09' 3° 51' +1.8
Ura SSX Nep 29° 11' 0° 49' +0.0
Ura SXT Asc 58° 10' 1° 50' +77.6
Nep INC Moo 151° 33' 1° 33' -12.8
Nep SQR Mar 90° 59' 0° 59' -229.1
Nep SQR Jup 93° 07' 3° 07' -24.3
Nep INC Sat 148° 32' 1° 28' -6.7
Nep CJN Nep 5° 39' 5° 39' +0.4
Plu SQR Moo 91° 46' 1° 46' -166.4
Plu QTL Ven 72° 49' 0° 49' +17.5
Plu SSX Mar 31° 12' 1° 12' +0.0
Plu SQR Sat 88° 45' 1° 15' -85.7
Plu SQR Asc 83° 07' 6° 53' -0.6
Asc SXT Moo 61° 46' 1° 46' +137.7
Asc TRI Mar 122° 20' 2° 20' +107.9
Asc SXT Sat 64° 47' 4° 47' +1.4
Asc BQT Plu 145° 52' 1° 52' +0.0
Asc TRI Asc 123° 21' 3° 21' +59.0
Mid INC Sun 149° 55' 0° 05' -30.0
Mid SQR Ura 87° 09' 2° 51' -16.6
Mid SSQ Nep 44° 47' 0° 13' -12.0

Communication Index (Harmonious): +3329
Communication Index (Inharmonious): -960
Compatibility Index (Har./Inhar.): 3.47
Total Communication Index: 4289

My Sun, Mercury and Mars fall in his fifth house
MY Moon and Saturn fall in his third house
My Venus falls in his 4th house
My Jupiter falls in his 11th house
My Neptune falls in his 7th house
My Uranus and Pluto fall in his 6th house

HIS Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Mars fall in my 10th house
His Moon falls in my second house
His Jupiter falls in my 5th house
His Venus falls in my 12th house
His Saturn falls in my 7th house
His Neptune falls in my 11th house
His Pluto falls in my 9th house

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posted November 04, 2007 11:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have also heard that the relationship between people's Lilith's in synastry might account for unrequited love.

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posted November 05, 2007 01:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is very interesting...

Would you say it is a harmonious synastry (or not so), if:

Person A has his/her planets in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th houses of Person B
Person B has his/her planets in the 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th and 12th houses of Person A?

Also, it seems there is some concencus in this thread that the planet person is the one to be affected, not the house person.

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posted November 05, 2007 05:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
astrology asied there is need to psychologically understand why someone would end in a situation like that.
low self -worth, feeling u dont deserve hapiness in a realtionship but really want true love.we create our reality every moment with how we think.its not so much about an aspect in our natal or synastry or composite as much about ourselves.

Agree.. People tend to rely on astrology as a kind of fortune-telling thing, trying to ensure things from destiny, yet they forget that astrology is just a tool of symbols that only helps us to understand things better, and not ensuring us of anything.

And I also agree of what Glaucus (gotta miss him..) said - that our natal charts also counts.
Back then, Glaucus analyzed my synastry between me and my bf.. Natally, I have Sun square Neptune (that seemed to fit, as in the past, I had problems with idealizing people, and it kinda contributed to some major problems of my past relationships), and my bf has Mars/Venus conjunction square Neptune. In our synastry, we have my Venus trine his Neptune (widely thought), and his Venus square my Neptune. I felt that maybe at the beginning we had idealized each other a bit (you know, the initial love thing, expecting and idealizing lol), but after some time, we learned how each other really is. ^_^; But I feel that the Venus square Neptune aspect still plays out from time to time, as I'm still confused about his loving nature from time to time lol..

Well, astrologically speaking, aspects just makes things easier or harder.. but nothing is really certain - even the best synastry can fail due to lack of maturity, misunderstandings and selfishness; even the worst synastry can be worked out with some maturity, mutual love and devotion. ^_^

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posted November 05, 2007 05:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
EricaF, I heard that in the composite, negative aspects formed with Uranus can make the relationship unstable. >_<;

Btw, I think that composite might be more important than synastry in some cases.. Imagine two people that has a great compatibility (great synastry), but not good/little chance of interaction (bad composite).. So even if they are compatible, they might not form a deep relationship (imagine a couple who feels deep for each other at the beginning, but then outer factors are always interfering with the relationship, tiring them and making them distant from each other).. And now, imagine two people that has a bad compatibility (bad synastry), but the relationship is easy and they tend to interact with each other/their interaction feels nice (nice composite).. So even if they are incompatible, they might be able to learn a bit more from each other's differences and eventually work out (imagine a couple that begins with feelings of hate for each other lol)..

Ah, we shouldn't forget about our natal charts' aspects, but we can also find some more insights by comparing our natal charts with the composite itself. ^_^

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posted November 05, 2007 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Comica, on that note, in our composite chart (with the same "unrequited love" relationship I posted the synastry of above) we have:
-Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Venus conjunct in the 7th house
-Mars and Uranus in the 8th house
-Jupiter in the 2nd
-Moon in the 3rd
-Saturn in the 5th
-Neptune in the 9th

Our composite 7th house Sun is conjunct Pluto, Venus and Mercury and sextile Saturn...we also have Venus conjunct Pluto...basically, a packed composite 7th house. So to me it seems to have fewer signs of unrequited feelings than our synastry.

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posted November 05, 2007 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lovegoblin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
to Lana:

I've heard that it is the house person more
affected than the planet.
there are several threads on this, but since the search doesn't work-i couldn't link u to them.

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posted November 05, 2007 04:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lucia23, your composite seems nice to me.. O.o btw, is Uranus forming any opposition with Jupiter? Or is it sitting on the midpoint between any other two planets?

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posted November 05, 2007 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Uranus is in opposition to Jupiter. It's between Neptune and Mars, although not on the exact midpoint.

Do you think the Jupiter-Uranus opposition might be a factor in the unrequitedness?

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posted November 06, 2007 01:48 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, lovegoblin. I've read both, so I guess it works both ways depending on the people... (What bothers me is that some belive so strongly one way or the other).

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posted November 06, 2007 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lucia23, sorry I don't really know much about this aspect.. >_<; but I remember reading some posts from a very accurate astrologer back then, and in these posts, negative Uranus aspects seemed to make the relationship unable to last for long..

Symbolically, in some cases, Jupiter seems to have something to do with commitment and longterm feelings, while Uranus seems to resemble exciting sides (if positively aspected) or instability (if negatively aspected).. But well, personally, astrology can give us insights about our relationships' potentials, but we can't be sure that things would just go the way astrology says.. And besides, there are just so many things besides simple composites and synastries (for example, progressed charts, etc.) that still hold so many informations (for example, maybe you can have a nice composite/synastry with someone, but you end up being with another person with whom you have a less good compatibility, but you both have had important activations in the progressed charts during the time you've met, which didn't happen with the other person). ^_^;

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posted November 06, 2007 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Cosmica!

I know very little about progessed composite charts...I'd love to know more.

I just looked up my progressed composite chart with this guy for right now...I'm not sure how to read it, though. It has Mars, Venus, Uranus and the Sun conjunct in Scorpio in the 7th House. The Sun and Mars are squared Saturn and the Moon in the 4th house. Seems fitting for a relationship that's not happening!

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posted November 07, 2007 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maybe some asteroids should be checked as well: Thisbe # 88 and Daphne # 41

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