Topic: 11th harmonic aspects in Astrology
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 19, 2006 01:54 PM
Hi all I wanted to talk about 11th harmonic. As you know, I am very interested in harmonics and geometry in Astrology. I believe that modern Astrology is more geometrical than other types of Astrology. Even midpoints is a geometrical concept I love use of midpoints of astrology. Midpoint configurations are often geometrical is my chart with 11th harmonic aspect pattern. I use 1 degree for 11th harmonic aspects(Robert Hand recommends in Horoscope Symbol)but stretch out to 1 1/2 degree to complete harmonic patterns just like astrologer stretch out the orb to complete patterns like grand trines,t-squares,kites,etc. I thought it was logical that I do the same with the 11th harmonic pattern. cb95da-3f17-4086-accc-6f8c4d95056b Here is my 11th harmonic aspect pattern chart with the addition of the ascendant..looks like a pentagram(long horned or long legged..depends on how you look at it) The Eleventh Harmonic: This one shows pure imagination, fantasy. Sometimes this stays inside in our own private little world. Every now and then, we let it out. The results vary. We can get a beautiful dream made real, or a nightmare of horror. POTENTIAL or Pre-conscious level of experience 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th Harmonic Aspect Series. These are the most accessible of the other aspects. They seem to refer to potentials that are reasonably easy to develop into overt behavior patterns or personality characteristics. The effects of any Potential Aspects in a natal chart are not obvious in the personality traits and behavior patterns of the individual. However, if there are one or more Potential Aspects in a chart that are stronger than any or most of its Overt Aspects, overt effects from them are more likely to take place. They might not be obvious, but they will certainly affect the individual's behavior, even though there might not always be any conscious awareness of their influence.
# . # (32 degrees 43 min 38.2 sec) This little used aspect is 1/11th of the circle, which creates an irrational number (see the Septile for a description of irrational numbers). This aspect, and the various multiples of 2/11, 3/11, etc., refer to the learning of, or becoming aware that one does not live in a vacuum---that there are times one must go outside of oneself to seek help, or to improve on something. I have found that the more Undecim multiples one has in a chart, the more social consciousness a person seems to have. The Undecim [and its multiples] also seem to bring the aspected planet quite well into a group situation, to work with the group to help resolve difficulties.
11th harmonic (undecile series): I do not yet have a clear interpretation of these aspects. One hypothesis is that with 11th harmonic aspects, A resists integration with B. The combination of A and B may represent areas where dualities or multiplicities exist, and the natures of the planets involved may indicate how one deals with them.
Seymour-Smith says, "11H aspects manifest in a very definite way and they indicate excess. They also, according to Williamsen, describe a `person's ability to integrate diversities and dualisms.' These interpretations are reconcilable: the tension of `double-bind' situations, which can be external -- where you are trapped by feelings of obligation or duty, but cannot entirely please one or more people -- or internal -- the tug between scepticism and faith -- is likely to lead to a type of stress which in its turn will lead to excess in one form or another. Here are examples of 11th harmonic aspects, expressed as planetary pairs; if anyone can see what is common in these, please let me know: Hitler, Saturn-Uranus; Christopher Columbus, Mercury-Mars; Tesla, Mars-Pluto, Moon-Saturn; Bette Midler, Mars-Neptune; Stalin, Mars-Jupiter, Moon- Pluto (exact); Ed Sullivan, Mercury-Pluto; Nixon, Mars-Uranus, Mercury- Uranus; Liz Taylor, Mercury-Pluto; Charles Manson, Sun-Mars, Sun-Neptune; J.P. Morgan, Moon-Mars; Thomas Edison, Venus-Mars, Mercury-Pluto; Benjamin Franklin, Venus-Pluto; Grace Kelly, Jupiter-Uranus; Catherine Deneuve, Sun-Jupiter, Moon-Mercury; Robert Browning, Sun-Mercury, Venus-Jupiter; Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Jupiter-Uranus, Venus-Pluto; Janis Joplin, Uranus- Pluto, Moon-Saturn; Edgar Cayce, Jupiter-Uranus; Franz Mesmer (inventor of hypnotism), Mercury-Neptune, Saturn-Uranus; Harry Houdini, Uranus- Neptune, Saturn-Pluto; Howard Hughes, Saturn-Neptune, Neptune-Mars; Luciano Pavarotti, Sun-Uranus (exact), Sun-Neptune, Uranus-Neptune; Jean -Paul Sartre, Mars-Jupiter; Elvis Presley, Jupiter-Saturn; Emily Bronte, Sun-Pluto. An Undecile occurs when two planets are plus or minus thirty-two degrees, forty-three minutes and seven seconds apart (approximately thirty-three degrees). An undecile is one-eleventh of a circle. Undeciles indicate psychic gifts. Where undeciles are found, modifications are required. Undeciles relate to the power of computers, science and technology. Undeciles resonate with Uranus, Fixed, Air and Aquarius energy.
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Hexxie unregistered
posted September 19, 2006 04:03 PM
Hi Glaucus ~ harmonics, geometry in charts & midpoints are fascinating to me. I wish I better understood them so that I might converse with you on what I think in regard to your post here! Slowly but surely i'm gaining more info to these mysteries. I was wondering what program you used to make your 11th harmonic chart? I would love to get an astro program that is sort of like in the sense that you can make many types of charts. But with a program they usually have the cookie-cutter interps which I actually find interesting. Plus it would just be nice to have an actual program. Another thing... yet off the subject of your thread. When I looked at your charts, I saw you had an Arthurian Legends one. That is absolutlely fabulous!! That whole time period, if one could even call it that (perhaps I should say that whole realm of time) completely fascinates me. Especially Merlin and the magic & alchemy he is. I did this chart for myself and it is quite amazing! I have a stellium of the 'characters' that you used/listed in my 12th house. It's almost like they're there beckoning to my sub-conscious mind at all times. And, most exciting to me, I have Merlin conjunct my Asc just barely in my 12th house!! (I also have Tristan conjunct Merlin & Asc but i'm not as excited about that hehe) Thank you very much for you insights! And thank you for the spiral that you started me on ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
william unregistered
posted September 19, 2006 11:34 PM
11th harmonic can function as an aspect of knowledge or one of stress,it depends on the perspective of the native.obviously one into contention over the ego plane will find this harmonic bring struggle.11 is associated with The Adept or Magic.this indicates a mastery of mundane knowledge and then apply this knowledge to a "higher" plane.i find that this "magic" concept applies to both white and black.i have notice very violent,evil acts occur under 11th harmonic almost seems that once you open your eyes to "occult" planes,there are other enities already looking at you.sometimes purity of intent does not seem to be enough. williamIP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 02:55 PM
quote: 11th harmonic can function as an aspect of knowledge or one of stress
yes!! I have Venus/Venus quadroundecile with someone and this interp explains a lot how to read harmonics: 0gXQteCdCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=6&ct=result
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Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 03:28 PM The meaning of the number 11 is "Spiritual Messenger." In the ideal, the master number 11 is on a journey to find its own truth (illumination), using spiritual inspirations as a guiding light, and then bringing these illuminations to others to help raise spiritual awareness on the planet. The Pathway for the 11 The pathway for 11 is often hidden, and they must stumble along until their inner worlds are securely established and then taken out into the outer world. The stress is having to stay centered and balanced at all times because there's a tendency to swing from extremes. This number has the capacity to see the broad picture, to see the vision, to hold the dream—but it must find an outlet where it can be an active participant in the vision. The 11 are inspirational leaders, however, only when they draw on their cosmic knowledge through profound intuitive abilities. They're leaders only when their vibrations are raised to the two 1s. If an 11 doesn't respond to the higher vibration, the 11/2 will be working at the lower vibration of the 2, in a position of supporting others. While this is an excellent outlet for the energy of this number, the 11/2 can't play the supporting role forever: The 11 is born to lead and to bring spiritual truths to people, as the master teacher. Mission 11s must learn an awareness of the mental and spiritual world and its relationship to the material realm. They should seek wisdom and understanding and then pass their knowledge to others in a functional and helpful way. They have to learn how to selflessly serve humankind in a practical way. They can do this in many ways, for example as statesmen, writers, preachers, instructors, scientists, managers, environmentalists or artists, all of whom can apply their skills constructively to influence the minds of people. Although 11s are capable of great accomplishment, initially they may not even understand discussions about the spiritual or philosophical realms. They may be operating purely intuitively and may not see a relationship with anything other than the material world. Once they recognise their special powers they often find it difficult to apply this power in a practical and constructive way. The nervous tension caused by their sensitivity, by their search for direction and for methods to apply their special talents may make 11s quite hard to live with. Eventually most 11s develop their potential to a degree. If the pressure of doing so becomes too great they may revert, perhaps for a while only, to 11s lesser number which is 2. For this reason it is worth reviewing this number briefly: Life Path Number 2 2s are sensitive, loving, considerate people who tend to operate in a supportive role. They are the balancers of life, diplomatically defusing situations. They facilitate activities from behind the scenes, often dealing with the detail. Their Life Mission is to associate and to co-operate with others in a supportive way, without taking the lead or the limelight. 11s choosing the 2 Life Path may find that they become restless with the secondary role that they are adopting. Deep down they know that they can be the leader rather than the follower. Weaknesses of the 11 The 11 walks the fine line between greatness and self-destruction. This number can be given over to fear and phobias or soar to the heights of the enlightened. The 11 growth and stability lie in the acceptance of his or her unusual gift for intuitive understanding and spiritual truths. In fact, the 11/2 must learn to live with faith: This is where the 11 peace is made. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13945 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 22, 2020 04:07 PM
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Graham Knowflake Posts: 1591 From: Registered: Apr 2019
posted September 19, 2020 10:20 AM
In his 2019 book (Harmonic Astrology In Practice), David Hamblin hypothesises that the 11th Harmonic = "defiance, dogged persistence" ... citing the charts of Donald Trump and Winston Churchill as the only two strong 11th harmonic examples he had been able to find.IP: Logged | |