Topic: Declinations in Astrology
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 24, 2006 02:46 PM
Parallels and Contraparallels are declinations which are latitude coordinates of the celestial equator. The Parallel is when points are on same side of celestial equator and within orb(most astrologers use 1 degree). The Contraparallel is when points are on opposite sides of celestial equator within orb(most astrologers use 1 degree). Parallel is said to have an effect of a conjunction. Contraparallel is said to have an effect of an opposition. Declinations are important in figuring eclipses too. A solar eclipse is when Sun and Moon are in conjunction and parallel. A lunar eclipse is when Sun and Moon are in opposition and contraparallel. When Moon is conjunct and parallel a planet or star,it is said to be in occultation. That would be a powerful configuration. I have Moon conjunct and parallel fixed star,Ancha. That would be a Moon-Ancha occultation. Occultations can also be a planet conjunct and parallel. That would be a powerful configuration. I have Mercury conjunct and parallel Venus. That would be a Mercury-Venus occultation. Magi Astrologers use the term eclipse for that too. When planets are in an aspect other than a conjunction and parallel or contraparallel, it's considered a bilevel aspect. That would be a powerful configuration. An example: I have Moon trine and contraparallel Quaoar. Some astrologers use declination longitude equivalent charts. Parallels in regular chart often appear as conjunctions in a declination longitude equivalent chart. Contraparallels often appear as oppositions in a declination longitude equivalent chart. For example. I have Mercury-Venus-Neptune parallel that is contraparallel Saturn in my regular chart. It appears as Mercury-Venus-Neptune conjunction that is oppose Saturn in declination longitude equivalent chart. My Saturn contraparallel Mercury-Neptune parallel would add to my Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,communication problems,intellectual insecurity theme shown by my Saturn in Gemini oppose Neptune in 3rd. Parallels and contraparallels involving bodies in high latitude compared to other bodies don't appear as conjunctions and oppositions. This is often the case with Pluto and objects that orbit well away from the ecliptic. Robert Hand doesn't consider parallels and contraparallels to be significant unless they conjunct and oppose in declination longitude equivalent chart. I don't agree with that now. I have checked 3-D true body aspects and Pluto's apparent body conjunctions and oppositions don't appear as conjunctions and oppositions due to its high latitude. Pluto conjunctions and oppositions are significant regardless if they are not true body aspects. That's how I feel with parallels and contraparallels. They are significant regardless if they are not conjunction and parallel in declination longitude equivalent chart. I have Sun contraparallel Pluto,but it doesn't appear as opposition in declination longitude equivalent chart,but I can identify with Sun oppose Pluto. I have Sun contraparallel Orcus with only 1 minute of arc. I wouldn't say that's not a significant influence like a Sun oppose Orcus. My 5 minute orb Sun-Ixion conjunction doesn't appear as Sun conjunct Ixion as 3D true body aspect,but I definitely feel it's a very powerful influence in my life. Planets on the celestial equator(0 to less than 1 degree North or South) are said to be strong planetary energies. Planets beyond 23 degrees are said to be out of bounds,and they are supposed to be erratic,out of control energies. My mother has Mars out of bounds,and her anger is erratic,out of control.
Some astrologers use declinations with midpoints. They have been used in Uranian Astrology and Cosmobiology. Martha Lang-Wescott has declination midpoints in her Asteroid books. Eleanor Kimmel included declination midpoints in her Cosmobiology books. Kepler astrology program has a declination midpoint feature. I use a 10 to 15 minute orb with declination midpoints. I always look at declinations because I am very interested in multidimensional Astrology. I feel that looking at just the longitude coordinates would be an incomplete examination of the chart. After all,the sky is not 2 dimensional. The heavenly bodies don't just have ecliptic longitude coordinates,but also ecliptic latitude coordinates as well as celestial equator longitude(right ascension) and latitude(declinations). I like to see a chart from many angles(no pun intended)and views. I guess it has to do with my Dyslexia which is all about multidimensional thinking. I want to read the chart as the sky itself in all its dimensions. I use declinations in all charts. * Our Western astrology is based on the seasons, therefore we use the Tropic Zodiac. The seasons are caused by the declination of earth. Therefore we speak of Tropic astrology, because two of the four most importants points are the solstice points, one on the Tropic of Cancer (0° Cancer the beginning of Summer) and one on the Tropic of Capricorne (0° Capricorne, the beginning of Winter), on both points the Sun stands still (Solstice: Sol = sun and Stice: stands still), to turn around and pursuing his way to the other side, on the way travelling via the equinoxes, the two other cardinal points 0° Aries (the beginning of Spring) and 0° Libra (the beginning of Autumn). Year after year the sun follows the same way: the super highway or the ecliptic.
Leigh Westin put it all together in her book: * declination causes the seasons o without declination no seasons o without seasons no lifecycle o without seasons no tropic Zodiak o without Tropic Zodiak no Western astrology o without declination no cardinal points o without declination days equals nights o without declination no solstitia o without declination no antiscia Meanwhile around 1915, Alfred Witte (1811, using antiscia and the writings of Guido Bonati (approx.1230-1295), developed a system of midpoints coined as planetary pictures. Originally the system incorporated several planes, including the equator. Later he adapted the system to only the ecliptic. Linked to Witte's work was Cosmobiology from Reinhold Ebertin (1887-1974) who helped pave the way to changes in the 1940s-50s. Primarily through the works of Reinhold Ebertin and Charles Jayne, greater influence was ascribed to declination and along with the traditional application, three different techniques developed, the progressed declination graph and midpoints of declination from Ebertin and longitude equivalents through Jayne. A fifth methodology surfaced in the mid-1970s when Kt Boehrer presented the significance of out-of-bounds positions. IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 24, 2006 03:00 PM
That's the cool thing about the way you see astrology, you look at it in different ways/directions, it's not fixed it's very freeflowing and ongoing  IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted September 25, 2006 04:37 AM
That's awesome. I'm sure the day will come when I'll be able to see all those multidimensions in one shot like that. I didn't hear about Declinations until I stopped by the Magi site. I don't remember which graphic it was exactly that made it click, but it was like looking at a see-through globe with lines going around elliptically. And then like a cross-section of THAT which shows the lines of Declinations in a squiggly form.
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted September 25, 2006 06:01 AM
Glaucus,thank you for the fantastic links. I read a bit on Do you also use the solstice-point for interpretation? Here in Germany some astrologers see solstice-points almost like a conjunction; but they also use squares and oppositions to solstice-points. Astrojunkie,
I, too, found out about declinations on the Magi Website, and I think the results are very convincing. Of the declinations-aspect, not necessarily of Magi astrology as a whole. DD
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astro junkie unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 03:23 AM
darkdreamer -I went to that site (you didn't have a link attached to it), I ended up in a automobile site. Why is that astrological Point considered so important? What does it represent?
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2006 07:33 AM
No...I don't use solstice points. I have so many things that I look at. I keep an open mind about them though.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2006 07:57 AM
Here is info about solstice points. I guess it's because that they are seen as sensitive points.Summer Solstice - beginning of Summer Winter Solstice - beginning of Winter Some astrologers use the Aries Pt,and believe that it's the most impersonal point. Mainly uranian astrologers use the Aries Pt. The Aries Pt is 00'00 Aries That's the Vernal Equinox which beginning of Spring. The Autumnal Equinox is beginning of Fall which is 00'00 Libra. The Declinations Coordinates of the Equinoctial points are 00'00 Latitude Vernal Equinox is 00'00 North in declinations Autumnal Equinox is 00'00 South in declinations The Vernal Equinox is when Sun is in 00'00 Aries in Ecliptic Longitude and 00'00 North in declinations
The Autumnal Equinox is when Sun is in 00'00 Libra in Ecliptic Longitude and 00'00 South in declinations The Summer Solstice is when Sun is in 00'00 Cancer and 23'45 North in declinations The Winter Solstice is when Sun is in 00'00 Capricorn and 23'45 South in declinations. I guess some astrologers believe that the 4 cardinal points are sensitive points if activated are significant.
If you use all the cardinal points for sensitive points with only using 4th harmonic...whatever cardinal point you aspect you aspect another. You will always be aspecting the Aries Pt any way. Noel Tyl only uses the 4th harmonic series for midpoints and uses the Aries Pt.
Solstice- [Astro*Index]
Literally, the `Sun standing still'. The moment of time at which the Sun reaches its greatest northern or southern Declination, which occurs on JUN 21 and DEC 21, respectively, of the Gregorian calendar. On these dates, the noonday Sun will pass through the Zenith (directly overhead) at all geographic latitudes having the same value as the Declination of the Sun; i.e., along the parallels of latitude which are approximately 23.45° north and south of the Earth's equator. These latitude circles are called the Tropic of Cancer (north) and the Tropic of Capricorn (south). The band of geographic latitudes lying between these boundaries is called the Torrid Zone. Within the Torrid Zone, the Sun will pass through the observer's Zenith sometime during the year. Solstice- [Prima]
The two points on the ecliptic farthest from the equator are the solstices. They denote the beginning of winter (0° Ç) and the beginning of summer (0° -). Viewed from the Earth, a solstice occurs when the Sun has reached its farthest point and has come to a standstill (solstice) in its movement away from the equator. Solstice- [Munkasey M.] The times when the Sun reaches its maximum declinationvalues, either North or South. The start of Summer occurs when the Sun is at its maximum Northerl), declination, and the start of Winter occurs when the Sun is at its maximum Southerly declination. The Solstice Points are about halfway in between the Equinoctal Points, or Equinoxes. Solstice Points- [Astro*Index] The two points on the Celestial Sphere which mark the Sun's position at the moment of time at which the Sun reaches its greatest northern or southern Declination. At such times, the Tropical Longitude of the Sun will be approximately CAN00° or CAP00°. In general, precise agreement can not be expected, as the Sun does not travel precisely along the Ecliptic, but has a small latitude. Nevertheless, the two points lying on the Ecliptic at CAN00° and CAP00° are usually taken as the Solstice Points. The points in the Ecliptic at which the Sun is at its greatest distance north or south of the Equator, so-called because the Sun then appears to stand still. The Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun is at 0° Cancer, about June 21; the Winter Solstice, at 0° Capricorn, about December 21. 7150336&p=na2&sql=E3&name=Solstice&newlook=yes
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 08:04 AM
Astrojunkie,I will copy you some passages about solstice-points or antiscia in here. The first is from cafeastrology: "Solstice Points/Antiscia in Synastry Some astrologers use Solstice Points (Antiscia) in Synastry work, where the Antiscion degrees of one person's planets and points are compared to the other person's natal positions. To calculate Solstice Points, click here. Reference to Solstice Points in synastry can be found in Relationship Analysis (1) and Love Formulas-2 (2). Look for close conjunctions and oppositions from the planets in one person's natal chart to the other person's Antiscion points. In my records, I have some examples: the woman's solstice Venus exactly conjunct the man's Descendant in the synastry of a couple who both felt they fell in love at first sight (no other Ascendant-Descendant connections in regular synastry); a man whose Venus-Moon conjunction did nothing but square his partner's Saturn—the anticision degrees of Venus-Moon tightly conjunct her Sun/Moon midpoint; in two cases of married couples with no Sun-Moon interaspects nor Sun/Moon midpoint contacts, solstice Venus and solstice Mars, respectively made tight conjunctions to Sun/Moon midpoints; tight solstice Vertex conjunction to the Moon; exact solstice North Node conjunct Venus in synastry; a man's solstice Sun tightly conjunct a woman's Moon in a relationship in which proposal of marriage occurred within the first two weeks of meeting (they did marry)." The other link is from
" SOLSTICE POINTS and THE ANTISCIA The word Solstice comes from the Latin : solstitium. . ( Sol, the Sun. sistere, to make stand. ) The Sun at the solstices is at its turning point in its apparent course and its declination remains essentially the same for three days. At the winter or summer solstices the Sun turns back towards the equator. A body on an antiscion point of another will make an exchange of energy by way of declination and its position by common relationship to the Solstice Points and the Sun's path. It could be termed a Solar Parallel. Understand the Sun's path and the solstice points and you can understand the antiscion points for any planet. The entry of the Sun into the Cardinal signs is called the Solar Ingress. Mundane astrologers use the charts of these points as maps of minor beginnings to analyze current events. Remember that the entry of the Sun into Cardinal signs reflect the turning points of the Sun on its path around the ecliptic. As the Sun starts on it's path in the spring at 0 Aries (around March 21) it is also at 0 degrees declination. The Sun's warmth as received by earth increases (in the Northern hemisphere) as the Sun travels through Taurus, and Gemini until it finally reaches 0' Cancer (around June 21, the summer solstice). The summer solstice is the longest day and thereafter the days shorten until they are equal in the fall at the equinox. See Note # 3 At 0' Cancer the Sun has achieved it's maximum declination North. Traveling from 0 Aries to 0 Cancer, the Sun's declination has traveled from 0' North to 23' 27.5" North. From June 21 until September 21 the Sun is still at a northern declination, but traveling south, back to the 0' point of Libra and 0 declination. After September 21 , when the Sun crosses 0 Libra and the equator, the declination will be South. And the Sun's declination will continue to increase in south declination until it reaches 0 Capricorn, December 21, and the winter solstice. 0 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn are called the Solstice Points. The Sun at 0 degrees Libra or 0 degrees Aries will be the same distance from these points. As the Sun moves between 0 Aries to 0 Cancer it will cover 0 to 23' 27.5" in declination moving North. On it's path back to the equator degree of 0 declination and 0 Libra , but traveling South, it will be at the SAME degree of declination, the SAME distance from the equator as it was on it's way North. Likewise, once past 0 Libra and traveling South in South declination towards 0 Capricorn and then "turning" back towards 0 Aries it will cover the same degrees of declination. Any two points equidistant from 0 Cancer or Capricorn when the Sun would be at the SAME degree of declination north or south, though traveling in a different direction, are called the "antiscia" and also known as the solstice point positions. So 0 Aries has a solstice point of 0 Libra, 1 Aries = 29 Virgo, 2 Aries = 28 Virgo, etc. The easy way to check if the antiscia of a body is correct is to observe that the degrees will always add up to 30. A method to visualize this concept is to draw a "natural" chart, i.e.: a chart having 0 Aries rising and 0 Capricorn on the MC. Then draw lines parallel to the Aries-Libra axis. A planet in Aries will correspond to Virgo, Libra = Pisces Taurus will correspond to Leo, Scorpio=Aquarius Gemini will correspond to Cancer, Sagittarius=Capricorn To find the antiscion of any planet find its longitude, for instance 10' 19" Pisces, then subtract the longitude from 30 degrees. What is left over is 19' 41". We see above that Pisces corresponds to Libra. So the antiscion will be 19' 41" Libra. Let's look at a transit of a planet by the Sun. The concept behind the use of Antiscion Points is that a planet crossing one side of a pair of antiscia will be on a point that would be in parallel of declination were it the Sun. Let's choose Venus as an example at 6 Scorpio, ( and also 13 ' South declination) It is on a point along the Sun's path that will be triggered when the Sun reaches that same point by transit, naturally. The Sun transit at 6 Scorpio will be at 13' S . The Sun will oppose 6' Scorpio when it is at 6 ' Taurus, ( by declination, the Sun at 13' declination North ) This will be about 6 months difference in time. The declinations will be the same but in opposite directions, thus a contraparallel. However, in February, when the Sun is at 24' Aquarius, it will also be at 13' South declination (24 degrees Aquarius is the "anti scion " or solstice point equivalent of 6 degrees Scorpio) . This would be then a parallel. So, ANY planet that transits 24 Aquarius will be able to vibrate along the ecliptic path across to 6 Scorpio. Note # 3: An interesting side note is that most astrologers/astronomers were from the northern latitudes and they observed the Sun's intensity in August and thus Leo is ruled by the Sun, when the Sun's heat is strongest. And it is old, tried and true astrological wisdom that any aspect that is formed is stronger in effect after it's exactitude. The Sun reaches it's maximum point in June, but the effects are seen for several months afterwards in the heat of the summer. ADVANCED STUDIES To go further in your studies of declinations one can convert the declinations to degrees of longitude, since one can utilize the distance from the equator and relate that to the ecliptic by drawing lines parallel to the celestial equator. Just as the antiscia use the Sun's declinations as a guide, so also do Declination Conversions to Longitude. An astrology computer program including this technique is available from Halloran's Astrol Deluxe." There`s an interesting article by Gunzburg about solstice-points. The basic idea is that every planetary position has a "mirror-point"; that mirrorpoint is defined by the capricorn-cancer-axis (some say, also by the aries - libra-axis). So a planet on 28° Sagittarius has its mirrorpoint on 2°Capricorn, because they are equally far from the Cancer - Capricorn axis (Two degrees in that case). And the idea behind it is, that those placements are connected with each other; For example: you have a planet on 15° sagittarius and your partner has a planet on 15° capricorn. Usually there would be no aspect other than a semisextile between those two planets, but in this case the planet on 15° Capricorn is the "mirror" of 15° Sagittarius; the planets, as different they may be, are tightly connected to each other on a rather mysterious way. It`s like there`s an attraction to the other one, a connection between the two of you; yet you can`t tell the reason for that attraction. On the surface you may be very different (as Capricorn and Sagittarius are), but there`s a connection though; you`re kind of forced to notice each other and deal with each other, and therefore can learn much from each other. The German astrology school, TPA, treats the solstice-points (including the square to solsticepoints) as a major aspect; just like a conjunction, which combines very different energies. The links of the sites I found are those: DD IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 1266 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2006 11:48 AM
For some reason, declinations go way over my head.I am going to spend some time reading and making sense of the information. IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 12:34 PM
I've never studied this before but using the one degree orb, I have:Sun parallel juno Mars parallel Saturn Mars parallel Pallas Jupiter parallel NN Jupiter parallel Chiron Neptune both parallel and conjunct Ceres Mercury contra Mars Mercury contra Saturn Moon contra Jupiter, NN and Chiron Uranus contra Vesta and Ixion Neptune contra Pluto Eris contra Pluto
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astro junkie unregistered
posted October 01, 2006 11:15 AM
Glaucus -Thank you. Very thorough. darkdreamer - If one completely blocks out all things "astrological" in their head, and in this region, just remembers what the day December 21st ALWAYS feels like, there can be NO DOUBT that these Soltices are sensitive points. Our own bodies are accustomed to a certain day of the year, such as that feeling you get when it's that first warm day of the year, or the first cool day of the year, etc. It is readily known that the weather alone affects our personalities. As for the Antiscion, I remember talking about this when looking at recent hook-ups, Julia Roberts and her hub, Demi Moore and her hub. Scorpio/Aquarus. I would have to say these Points probably bring up a desire to completely escape a situation, or attempt to completely revisit it. To my understanding, Demi & Ashton do NOT have many "easy" Aspects to each other's Personal Planets, or no Aspects at all. If you were to look at the Synastry without knowing who they were, you might think "you've seen better". Ashton's exact Time of Birth is not known, but other than the Antiscion, I would have to try and stencil in his other 4 Major Points, Ascendant, Descendant, MC (Midheaven or 10th House Cusp), and IC (4th House Cusp). I'm thinking, a good way figure out his TOB. Especially his MC to Demi's Chart. I hope they rock on forever. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted October 01, 2006 11:54 AM
Astro Junkie,yes, you`re right, the 21st december feels like a special day. That explains for me, why some astrologers also look at the squares to the solstice, because the Aries-point surely is an important day (point), too. I`m not so sure about the interpretation, though. My observation of their effect might be a bit different from yours. The solstice-Venus of the man of my dreams activates my Mars and ascendant. I don`t try to really avoid him; I`m staggering between the wish to run away and stay. I`m absolutely aware of the fact, that we would make a very unlikely couple, that there are so many reasons to stay away, and yet I`m irresistibly drawn to him. I just can`t stay away. It`s like there`s an attraction, that cannot be fought, even though I can`t really tell you what the source of the attraction is. That`s how I experience this aspect.  As for Ashton and Demi; yes they are a very fascinating couple. I found a birthtime for Ashton on vegaattractions, but of course I don`t know if it`s really the right one. On that side they say, he has been born on February 7 1978 Cedar Rapids, Iowa birth time: 12:30 pm But really a fascinating couple, astrologically speaking. Where did you speak about them? Here on this forum? DD IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 04, 2006 02:10 AM
darkdreamer -Thanks. Demi & Ashton stuff has come up having to do with Scorpio/Aquarius hook-ups, and having to do with the Antiscion. Yeah, here in Astrology. As for that TOB you saw for Ashton, it looks like one of those "TOB Unknown" time-of-day. Most people use Noon or 12:30pm if time is unknown. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 544 From: The Netherlands Registered: Feb 2013
posted September 19, 2013 03:12 PM
Digging up an old thread. I just discovered parallels and I've seen I have Venus parallel my Descendant by 1 minute! O___O All of these are under 1 degree orb: Mercury parallel Vertex Jupiter parallel Midheaven (conj. in natal) BML parallel NN and POF Saturn parallel Neptune (conj. in natal) Jupiter contraparallel Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. (all oppositions in my natal) Uranus parallel Vesta (conj. in natal) Juno contraparallel East Point IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 33225 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 20, 2013 01:31 PM
Good dig!IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 544 From: The Netherlands Registered: Feb 2013
posted September 21, 2013 02:28 PM
^ Yeah, google can be good. Very good. Thanks for keeping all of these old threads still here! IP: Logged |
Kannon McAfee Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 11, 2013 05:49 AM
Declinations are absolutely essential for a complete view of the sky and for consistently accurate interpretations. There's another thread in this forum asking why astrology isn't more accepted by society. Well, one factor could be that mainstream astrology as it is currently practiced is flat-sky astrology. Flat wheel charts illustrate the sky as if it were flat -- all planets equally planed in their orbit with no variation north or south. Pluto's declination is especially important in transit since it doesn't follow the orbital plane (declination path) of the other planets. In my extensive observation/use of declinations in transits and progressions they show up as about half the overall aspect picture. Until you study them there's no way for you to see how important they are. For example, the much debated USA birth chart only begins to come into proper focus when you see Pluto Parallel (P) the Ascendant. Otherwise there would appear to be little indication of the dominance the USA has achieved on the world scene. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 33225 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 12, 2013 04:25 PM
Good seeing you, Kan!IP: Logged | |