Topic: Dark Moon Lilith-where is yours?
mereiposa Knowflake Posts: 631 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted March 05, 2018 05:02 PM
diamond baby, I am going to guess you are passionate about your beliefs and your freedom? You won't let anyone tell you how to think or love. And I imagine you love deeply and strongly.I would think the conjunction to Venus would be very powerful! And it shows up in relationships as well as you how express yourself. You're charming? But theres an intensity to your charisma too?
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diamondbaby Knowflake Posts: 869 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted March 05, 2018 05:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by mereiposa: diamond baby, I am going to guess you are passionate about your beliefs and your freedom? You won't let anyone tell you how to think or love. And I imagine you love deeply and strongly.I would think the conjunction to Venus would be very powerful! And it shows up in relationships as well as you how express yourself. You're charming? But theres an intensity to your charisma too?
Yes, all the things you mentioned are absolutely true! 
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SoulOfABird Knowflake Posts: 539 From: California Registered: Sep 2017
posted March 08, 2018 06:46 PM
My lilith I think it's in Leo... I dont know for sure because sometimes websites say Virgo but most times Leo. I wish my was Virgo though... but my doesnt make any aspects. Does descendent count? ------------------ I appreciate the masterpiece that is you, because your existence alone is art IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2018 08:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by diamondbaby: Yes, all the things you mentioned are absolutely true! 
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 28, 2018 09:07 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |
mereiposa Knowflake Posts: 631 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted March 28, 2018 07:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by SoulOfABird: My lilith I think it's in Leo... I dont know for sure because sometimes websites say Virgo but most times Leo. I wish my was Virgo though... but my doesnt make any aspects. Does descendent count?
why do you wish she was in virgo? and which lilith do you mean? there are three. Two of mine are in the same sign, the third is in a different one.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 29, 2018 01:38 PM
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sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 826 From: Oz Registered: May 2011
posted August 08, 2018 12:52 AM
I'm exploring DML on the descendent. Recently met someone with it exactly on the decendent.I've found this - "A Few Observations · Close to the Descendant (or the Ascendant) - the more fascinating and flirtatious to the opposite sex the person may be. Barack Obama has mean Lilith tightly conjunct the Descendant. MY NOTE: In a conservative society, a woman with this Lilith may be viewed as a “**** ” even if she is not sexually promiscuous – see “Mary Magdalene” below. · Close to the Descendant (or the Ascendant) - Learns new skills very easily (sports, languages, playing musical instruments, typing), but unless the natal Lilith is in strong aspect to Saturn, this person won't submit to a lengthy and demanding training. Someone with less talent who has to work harder for results may end up surpassing the native with a tightly angular Lilith. (See below.) · Further into the 7th House - Either the person becomes Lilith, or looks for someone (often a spouse) to be Lilith for them – this can be a placement for home-wreckers, younger wives of wealthy men who divorced a wife their own age, or the older wife herself. · Further into the 7th House - Miserliness, or a refusal to share resources with others (the 7th House has the natural energy of Venus). Like 8th House Lilith, the person may be secretive about financial resources. · Like 12th House Lilith, this placement manipulates people with the best of intentions, getting them to “see the light” in an entertaining way. · Black Moon in the 7th attracts people with the qualities of Lilith: full-on passions and emotions, rebellious nature, dislike of patriarchal establishment and a need for absolute perfection. Quoted from · Preoccupied with relationships and marriage, even if there is a limited Libran signature in the horoscope. This is suggested in Isaiah 34, the only place in the Old Testament where Lilith is mentioned. “There shall the kites assemble; none shall be missing its mate.” Isaiah 34:15 · Gets an independent, strong-willed spouse, and the native needs quite a bit of independence in the marriage as well. Eve and Lilith may appear to be at war in the 7th House, but appearances are deceiving. A woman may crave being a spouse, and her friends may point to her marriage orientation as the core of her identity, but make no mistake, this is an independent marriage – 7th House Lilith insists on the perks of Lilith within the security of Eve’s brand name, so to speak. This can be a real “have-it-all” placement for Lilith, if the native is lucky. That said, 7th House Lilith can be one of the most manipulative positions out there – the native “uses” people if he or she is not evolved, or ends up being “used”, if he or she is not discerning. As an astrologer who is single, I get a little nervous when I see Lilith in the 7th of someone I am just getting to know – my question is whether the person has worked through the karma associated with this Lilith. My decision to date or do business with a 7th House Lilith native is always going to be more fraught with “issues” - these are people who take time to assess, because behavior in action is key to understanding character in these folks. For those who do experience Lilith in terms of being rejected, the 7th House can be a painful position for Lilith, almost as bad as the 11th House, in my opinion. The big difference seems to be that 11th House Lilith people often start the experience of Lilith in childhood, and it follows them to varying degrees in their adult lives. 7th House Lilith people are typically spared the experience in childhood, and only begin to deal with her in the context of adult relationships – thus, Lilith can be more of a shock. The other thing to remember is experiencing multiple rejections does not mean that one cannot eventually find his or her niche in a relationship that makes them feel like Adam or Eve. Lilith on the Descendant (or Ascendant) One thing I have noticed with a tight Lilith conjunction to the angles is that the native picks up new things very rapidly but may not develop the discipline to REALLY STUDY precisely because learning happens so naturally and easily for the native. I've seen this occur for natives who have Mean Lilith or True Lilith tightly conjunct either angle. One person I know helped build her own home, breeds thoroughbreds, grows a spectacular garden, and teaches beginners to quilt, but her spelling is atrocious (she simply didn't want to put in the effort to learn), although she reports that reading came easily at an early age, and she does not have an obvious learning disability. In the book, Story of the Lost Child, Elena Ferrante writes about this phenomenon. Her protagonist, Lena, reflect on her lover Nino's attraction to her best friend Lila (Lilith): Lila possessed intelligence and didn’t put it use but, rather, wasted it, like a great lady for whom all the riches of the world are merely a sign of vulgarity. That was what must have beguiled Nino: the gratuitousness of Lila’s intelligence. She stood out among so many because she, naturally, did not submit to any training, to any use, to any purpose."
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Somna7H Knowflake Posts: 731 From: East India Company Registered: Apr 2018
posted August 08, 2018 08:00 AM
My Lilith in Capricorn 8th House. Sextile with Jupiter(Scorpio 6th).
------------------ My Chart: IP: Logged |
lily0409 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Sep 2017
posted August 12, 2018 11:24 PM
* My Lilith ( mean BML / Lilith on additional object list in is in 21Sco35' in 3rd House conjunct IC opposite MC trine Venus square Dark Moon Lilith (h58 Waldemath Black Moon )*True BML ( h13 Osculating Lunar Apgee on the list of " hypothetical" planets) is in 15Sco16' 3rd House sextile Mars *Dark Moon Lilith (h58 Waldemath Black Moon" on the list " hypothetical "planets) 12th House 21 Leo7' square MC square to Lilith ( Mean BML) trine Chiron sextile Saturn *Asteroid Lilith ( 1181 on the list of named asteroids ) is in 4th House 10Sag49' square Mars square Sun 
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LibraGirl92 Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: NZ Registered: Nov 2014
posted August 13, 2018 01:55 AM
My lilith is in 6th house Aquarius what would that possibly mean?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 16, 2018 06:01 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Kindraleighann Newflake Posts: 9 From: Pasadena, California, United States Registered: May 2018
posted September 13, 2018 04:20 AM
Conjunt my acendant in the first house near the 12th house. 2.26’ degrees in the sign of Virgo. This is the house my north node is in. IP: Logged |
Kindraleighann Newflake Posts: 9 From: Pasadena, California, United States Registered: May 2018
posted September 13, 2018 04:27 AM
Conjunt my acendant on the cusp of the first house near the 12th house. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2018 06:04 PM
Welcome!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 14, 2018 05:19 PM
Wish I knew. quote: Originally posted by LibraGirl92: My lilith is in 6th house Aquarius what would that possibly mean?
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Somna7H Knowflake Posts: 731 From: East India Company Registered: Apr 2018
posted September 17, 2018 12:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Somna7H: My Lilith in Capricorn 8th House. Sextile with Jupiter(Scorpio 6th).
My True Lilith or H13 16°07' in Capricorn 8th House. H13 Square Saturn (0° 08' Orb). And it Conjunct South Node and Opposite Mercury.
------------------ My Chart : IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 27, 2018 03:54 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Deltahydrus Newflake Posts: 23 From: Virginia Beach Registered: Jan 2018
posted October 02, 2018 04:58 PM
My BML is conjunct my Cancer Ascendant in my first house (Leo) and exactly opposite my Juno in 7th house Aqua. It's also square my Libra Moon (2 degrees). I strongly relate to that square. It, from what I've observed, adds to my plutonic nature. I also have Moon conjunct Pluto on the cusp of my 4th/5th houses. It adds a dark/mysterious/overtly sexual undertone to my appearance. I should also add it trines my Eros in Aries which sits on my Midheaven and North Node.My younger sister also has her BML conjunct her Ascendant in Virgo. We are quite the intimidating pair! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2018 10:08 AM
Welcome!IP: Logged |
Hikaru29 Knowflake Posts: 609 From: Asia Registered: Nov 2018
posted November 26, 2018 07:43 AM
Conjunct Mars in 10th house Pisces.I read up on 10th house Lilith but it does not describe me at all. Anyone has ideas? IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 26, 2018 09:08 AM
never got into lilith, too much hardcore feminism mixed in with the resources made reading about it boring so i dont know what any of this means IP: Logged |
kani Knowflake Posts: 288 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 27, 2018 05:23 AM
which one? I go with the drop down menu on and h21 which are both in Scorpio. My h13 is in Libra and I can't relate to this at all. Definitely Scorpio Lilith in the 5th. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105682 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2018 09:44 AM
Remove the "s" for it to link.IP: Logged |
DRVM614K Knowflake Posts: 80 From: Columbus, Ohio, US Registered: Nov 2018
posted December 11, 2018 11:14 PM
Lilith in scorpio conjunct, mc pluto and juno, opposite sun and mercury. Im like Michael from the God father, well **** my name is Michael as well..  IP: Logged |