posted January 06, 2019 07:58 PM
Mean Black Moon Lilith - 21 degrees Cancer, 10th house. Exactly sextile Venus, exactly square Jupiter. True Black Moon Lilith - 26 degrees Cancer, 10th house. Doesn't make any major aspects to anything.
Dark Moon Lilith/Waldemath - 9 degrees Libra, 1st house. Conjunct Ascendant by three degrees, exactly conjunct true South Node.
Asteroid Lilith - 11 degrees Gemini, 9th house, conjunct Sun and Vesta by two degrees.
So, yeah... Most of them are fairly prominently placed in my chart. Asteroid Lilith being placed where it is makes perfect sense. I'm defined by and devoted to radical feminism, rebellion against gender roles etc. Incidentally I also have asteroids Soromundi and Bellona closely conjunct (Soromundi = sisters of the world, Bellona = warrior goddess)... so I think it all paints a rather poingnant picture of feminine power, feminism and taking the stand for female equality.
As an asexual I have a pretty hard time relating to the other Liliths which are usually protrayed as highly sexual points... If anyone have any ideas on how to interpret their placements I would be thankful!