  Indicators of brilliance or intelligence (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Indicators of brilliance or intelligence
posted November 11, 2006 05:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Re: "all that Mercury" -

Personally, I feel like a mental thoroughbred at times.

Too many aspects to Mercury can make you think TOO much - which can be a problem. For me it can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand for prolonged periods of time since the mind wants to move onto other things.

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Lady Macbeth
posted November 11, 2006 07:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was at a regional Mensa meeting this afternoon and carried this question in with me because I had never really thought about it before. I took a poll of the 28 of us who were there and I just finished looking at the natals. In every one of them Mercury was either positively aspected by Uranus, Sun was conjunct Mercury, (and for those who knew their accurate birth time) the Sun & Merc were in the 3rd/7th or NN was in the 3rd. Very interesting....hmmm....

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posted November 11, 2006 07:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for and     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 11, 2006 07:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for libraschoice7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd like to talk to person who has Mercury conjunction Pluto in the 1st house in Aqua or Virgo, now that would interesting to find out what that brings!(Probably real potent verbal skills going on)

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posted November 11, 2006 07:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 11, 2006 07:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for and     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 11, 2006 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for libraschoice7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LOL!! I still think it would be interesting to talk with someone who did have that placement(Pluto in Aqua) if they were alive

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posted November 12, 2006 01:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have a merc conj pluto..not sure I have a powerful do I find out which house it is in?

I also have some uranus apects as I'd mentioned already

Venus Square Uranus 0°49
Mars Conjunction Uranus 1°58
Jupiter Sextile Uranus 1°12
Uranus Quincunx Ascendant 2°41
Uranus Sextile Midheaven

Mercury Sextile Venus 5°31
Mercury Opposition Ascendant 3°38
Mercury Conjunct Pluto

dunno what they mean..guys! pls comment

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posted November 12, 2006 02:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My fingers are itching to reply to all of you in detail but am not having the right computer at the moment.


1) Lady Macbeth has shown the right way to do astro research. To determine astro causes of super intelligence, poll Mensa.

2) Glaucus is one of the brightest minds possible here but is a classic case of IQ only being 25% necessary for overall winning. The problems have to be erased from the psyche. By focusing on "I have this or that problem", the mind allocates too many resources to the problem than expanding on the winning aspects. The mantra should be "I conquered this problem and hence I can achieve X Y Z"

3) Squares from Uranus cause intelligence growth from stress. Lift a heavy weight, the stress causes excruciating pain. Lift it a month later and it wont hurt that much. The body has reacted by muscle growth.
(A clue to Muscle heads who work out 4 days a week and never break the plateau)

4) Natal North Node is as important as a planet. We can call it a Jupiter in disguise.

5) As DD mentioned, too much Merc or 3rd can hamper focusing. So a balance of IQ and Focus is necessary for harmonous intelligence.

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posted November 12, 2006 03:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What's your view of hard Mercury-Neptune aspects and hard Neptune in 3rd aspects. I did read books that those indicate learning difficulties. The old Astrology books even said things like being imbecile. Those are configurations that I have.


Ebertin interpreted Mercury = Sun/Neptune as little intelligence.

I have that configuration.

My mother told me that when I got checked at Alta Regional Center when I was 4 yrs old,they didn't know if I was retarded or not for my auditory,speech,and coordination problems were profound. After kindergarten, I was placed in special education with mentally retarded children when I was in 1st grade in another school. It was after auditory therapy and speech therapy, they realized that I wasn't mentally retarded. I was able to express my thoughts. I was placed in special education with learning disabled children in 2nd grade another school. I was started to be mainstreamed at near the end of that grade(I was yelling at the other special kids for not getting the answers right). The year after that, I was in regular class until after lunch to return to special education class for phonics.

The thing is that I am very rightbrained. I am very visual thinker who thinks primarily in pictures and visualizes nonstop. I have a nonlinear type of mind that thinks through problems outside the speeded academic setting. Very rightbrained people like me tend to develop language skills later than most.

I scored in the high average range in block design subtest and it was the highest out of all my subtests. I earned time bonus points on the final most difficult design which is consistent with my belief that I am a visual thinker.

Block Design - Abstract visual-perceptual ability; spatial and nonverbal problem-solving is a pure test of perceptual intelligence, Block Design is the only Perceptual subtest that factors heavily with overall intelligence. Block Design will give you a good clue to innate intellectual potential. However, Block Design is a visual-motor task and poor performance may be developmental or related to a motor deficiency.

Like my neuropsychology test results report says,persons with strong visual skills who lack comparable verbal facility can often be frustrated because they have difficulty communicating their ideas in a highly verbal society. That's true for me. I did have speech problems connected to my Dyslexia in early childhood,and got intensive speech therapy in special ed. Albert Einstein was a late talker and he had speech problems in childhood,and some say he was Dyslexic and even ADD. Some said that he was even Autistic which I don't agree with.

Speaking of autism, autistics' intelligence is difficult to measure and is often misunderstood. They are usually not given intelligence tests that are suitable to test their way of thinking. I have read parents complaining how they have autistic children that score 50 points on intelligence test despite seeming a lot more intelligent.

People with autism are more intelligent and able to function better than previously believed, experts say.

But mistrust of doctors, biased tests and the internet have bred myths about the condition.

At a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, researchers presented reports showing that even people with autism who do not speak can have above-average intelligence.

They also offered additional studies disputing claims that vaccines can cause autism.

"The current figures are that 75% of autistic people are mentally retarded, with the mute the most ... impaired," says Canadian researcher Dr Laurent Mottron, an autism researcher at Montreal's Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies.

But Mottron believes the wrong intelligence tests are used to assess autistic children.

Many are tested using the Wechsler scale, a common IQ test that includes questions about words and concepts learned in school.

The Raven's Progressive Matrices test measures abstract reasoning and consistently gives autistic children higher scores, Mottron says.

The average boost in score is 30 points, Mottron says, enough to put someone previously considered mentally retarded into the normal range and the average to gifted status.

Raven's Progressive Matrices are widely used non-verbal intelligence tests. In each test item, one is asked to find the missing part required to complete a pattern. Each Set of items gets progressively harder, requiring greater cognitive capacity to encode and analyze. The test is considered by many intelligence experts to be one of the most g-loaded in existence.

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posted November 12, 2006 07:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Glaucus ,
May I have your exact Natal Chart info ?

Mercury sq Neptune in my studies does indicate learning difficulties but cannot cause compete autism. I have not seen even one sentence written by you to indicate learning disability though.

Mercury sq Mars can cause some problems too in intelligence and so can Mercury sq Saturn, which may cause problems in structuring information coherently.

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posted November 12, 2006 07:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

a book can't be judged by its cover. I also compensate and also had early intervention special education therapy as a child.

My neuropsychological test results show that I do have learning disabilities..especially in both immediate visual memory and immediate verbal memory which strongly indicates that I have reading problems. After all reading is based on both sight and sound. poor saccadic eye movements and poor auditory processing can cause those issues.

a person can have good expressive language skills and still have poor receptive language skills too.

Learning disabled vary in their strengths and weakness.

This is my Veteran Affairs neuropsychological exam report

This is my Cerebellar Vestibular Dysfunction Diagnosis testing by Dr. Levinson

October 29, 1971
San Francisco,California
3:20 AM

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posted November 12, 2006 07:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for and     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 12, 2006 08:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Raymond,
Your biggest challenge is Pisces Moon in 6th House, which as per Tobey's discovery is ruled by Neptune and NOT Mercury.
This Moon is squared by Neptune. A double blow.
Almost all mental illnesses can be traced to afflicted sixth house planets and afflicted Neptune.

The third major problem is Pallas and Saturn squaring Moon, while both are retrograde.

Mars in 6th House is not helpful.

Your Mercury looks absolutely fine to me.

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Lady Macbeth
posted November 12, 2006 09:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
...I knew I was onto something with that North Node business (she says in a tone strangely reminiscent of Inspector Clouseau)...

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posted November 12, 2006 10:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and, your quotation was very good, thank you for typing it up!

I think there are loads and loads of "intelligent" people, and then there are the few who are genuinely brilliant and use their unconventional minds to create something tangible for others to build on.

I had a quick look at Albert Einstein's chart, he had for example:
-quite poorly aspected mercury (conjuct Saturn, inconjunct Uranus)
-strong, prominent Uranus
-Uranus singleton as a handle of a funnel chart
-aqua Jupiter in the 9th house of the higher mind opposing Uranus in the 3rd

Interestingly, quite a few sagacious/smarter than average people seem to have an unaspected/afflicted Mercury.

Another thing regarding intelligence I've been wondering; why is it always people who have only just made it to Mensa (IQ in the region of 150) who are the most eager to make sure that everyone knows it? Trying desperately to use it as a some sort of proof of their worth and "superiority" although they barely just scraped through? It kind of makes we wonder and laugh at the same time. The ones whose IQ is considerably higher don't seem to have a need to make a big deal out of it; they aren't even interested in discussing the matter.
This wasn't aimed at anyone in here, just me thinking out loud. It just seems that the worst pseudo-intellectuals are the ones who have only just managed to score high enough. Hmmmm... And if I remember correctly the Mensa tests are only valid up to a certain point (around 165?), and if you pass that, you're likely to get an inaccurate result. And needless to say, the Mensa test hardly tells the whole truth of the mind's capabilities.

Now back to astrology, I'll shut up!

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Lady Macbeth
posted November 12, 2006 10:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nightjar, your information about Mensa is incorrect. Visit to learn about the qualification and admission process.

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posted November 12, 2006 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cristiname     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
iq tests are comparing an individual to its peers - they don't actually measure intelligence, but decide who's 'smarter' than whom.

the prevalence of unaspected mercury would suggest that being smarter is a matter of trying harder
(according to the overcompensation principle, an unaspected planet 'feels' lonely, doesn't comunicate with the others, so it becomes 'louder', and tries to take over and take charge).

traditional astrology speaks of hard aspects from saturn to mercury as NOT being smart, but nowadays we observe that these ppl are doing better than others. and the reason may lay in our learning that who we are is a matter of 'potential' that can be worked-with, activated and improved. or simply put - we are who we want to be.

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Dulce Luna

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posted November 12, 2006 11:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My sister has sun conjunct mercury (her sun is in pisces/her merc is in aqua).
Her moon is in gemini.
Her mercury is in the 3rd
No major uranus aspects.

My mercury is afflicted by neptune (opposition) and its trine pluto. Thats a really big contradiction because the pluto would suggest that I'm really focused but the neptune suggests the complete opposite. Nine times outta ten I'm not focused, I zone out easily. I have great long term memory but really bad short term memory.Drives people nuts!!!

But I'm still really good at science and I usually get good grades in those kind of classes (with the exception of chem).

I think my mercurial moon with my cancer sun makes me hyper-sensitive though, makes me a little too aware.

My merc is in cancer/6th
also sextile my moon in virgo/8th
its conjunct my chiron too.
Venus in gemini

But check this out, I my bf has a merc-uranus conjunction.

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posted November 12, 2006 11:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
These are my aspsect for by birth day 03031965. Can these aspect help in my quest for intelligence

Your Planets & Houses
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0

Sun Pisces 12.52 Ascendant Gemini 9.31
Moon Pisces 15.32 II Cancer 5.47
Mercury Pisces 19.35 III Leo 1.49
Venus Pisces 2.54 IV Virgo 0.24
Mars Virgo 21.01 R V Libra 2.47
Jupiter Taurus 20.24 VI Scorpio 6.59
Saturn Pisces 8.14 VII Sagittarius 9.31
Uranus Virgo 12.48 R VIII Capricorn 5.47
Neptune Scorpio 19.59 R IX Aquarius 1.49
Pluto Virgo 15.06 R Midheaven Pisces 0.24
Lilith Capricorn 16.06 XI Aries 2.47
Asc node Gemini 19.06 XII Taurus 6.59
AstroMart Internet version 2, (c) F. Burns 2002

Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value
Sun Conjunction Moon 2.40 557
Sun Conjunction Mercury 6.43 165
Sun Conjunction Venus 9.57 4
Sun Opposition Mars 8.09 -30
Sun Conjunction Saturn 4.37 90
Sun Opposition Uranus 0.04 -258
Sun Trine Neptune 7.07 13
Sun Opposition Pluto 2.15 -165
Sun Square Ascendant 3.20 -44
Moon Conjunction Mercury 4.03 283
Moon Opposition Mars 5.29 -117
Moon Conjunction Saturn 7.18 21
Moon Opposition Uranus 2.44 -167
Moon Trine Neptune 4.27 49
Moon Opposition Pluto 0.26 -190
Mercury Opposition Mars 1.26 -165
Mercury Sextile Jupiter 0.49 145
Mercury Opposition Uranus 6.47 -38
Mercury Trine Neptune 0.24 67
Mercury Opposition Pluto 4.29 -63
Venus Conjunction Saturn 5.20 267
Venus Conjunction Midheaven 2.31 273
Mars Trine Jupiter 0.36 102
Mars Conjunction Uranus 8.13 64
Mars Sextile Neptune 1.02 119
Mars Conjunction Pluto 5.54 115
Jupiter Trine Uranus 7.36 4
Jupiter Opposition Neptune 0.26 -133
Jupiter Trine Pluto 5.18 20
Saturn Opposition Uranus 4.33 -69
Saturn Opposition Pluto 6.52 -24
Saturn Square Ascendant 1.17 -31
Saturn Conjunction Midheaven 7.51 34
Uranus Conjunction Pluto 2.18 123
Uranus Square Ascendant 3.17 -14
Pluto Square Ascendant 5.35 -1
2515 -1509 1006

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posted November 12, 2006 11:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nightjar, your information about Mensa is incorrect.

Could you be a bit more specific? Do you mean the 165 limit? I'm not going to argue about that, because it's just something that a friend of mine (passed the test) pointed out and something that I also remember reading about. Besides it wasn't really that relevant to what I wrote. Also note that they might use different standard deviation (the Gaussian curve) in different countries.
If you want to clear up a misunderstanding, please do.

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Lady Macbeth
posted November 12, 2006 01:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Squares from Uranus cause intelligence growth from stress. Lift a heavy weight, the stress causes excruciating pain. Lift it a month later and it wont hurt that much. The body has reacted by muscle growth."

IQHunk - you're my hero...

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posted November 12, 2006 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Raymond,
"Your biggest challenge is Pisces Moon in 6th House, which as per Tobey's discovery is ruled by Neptune and NOT Mercury."

I am confused. What did you mean by that? I know that Neptune rules Pisces,and so it's dispositor of my Pisces Moon. Mercury is natural ruler of the 6th house just like its ruler of Virgo. I even feel Virgoan type of emotions and I experienced my mother in a Virgoan way. Interestingly,she has Virgo IC. Her mother had Moon in Virgo.

"This Moon is squared by Neptune. A double blow.
Almost all mental illnesses can be traced to afflicted sixth house planets and afflicted Neptune."

That's the thing...Moon square Neptune is not necessarily mental illness....a lot of astrologers focused on hard Neptune aspects as mental illness. That's not necessarily the case. Many neurodivergent people are misdiagnosed as having mental illness. Autistics were thought to be schizophrenic in the old days. Many Dyspraxics have been misdiagnosed as bipolar,schizophrenia. I was misdiagnosed as having schizoaffective,bipolar disorder because of my dyslexic-related speech. They can be part of learning disabilities. Another thing..some astrologers believe that Moon has to do with the brain too. Medical Astrologers say that Moon rules body fluids. There is a lot of fluids in the brain which includes of course blood. Also...there are fluids in the inner ear which is important for sensory integration. Sensory integration issues are common in people with autism,learning disabilities,and AD/HD. I do have sensory integration issues myself. I was diagnosed as having cerebellar vestibular dysfunction by Dr Levinson. I do have history of balance problems which is connected to inner ear problems. My posturography by Dr. Levinson indicated that I have abnormalities in balance,posture that indicates sensory integration problems.

another medical astrology,hard Neptune aspects..especially including the 6th house indicate not only misdiagnoses but also being overly sensitive to drugs including medications. That's how I am...a highly sensitive body and I get side effects very easily from medications. I react to medications very strongly. Another thing..Neptune influenced 6th house can indicate problems with organization...many learning disabled tend to have problems with organization. It even says so on my report.

another thing...moon has to do with the mother. My mother is dyslexic too,and she didn't go past the 9th grade. She is supersensitive also. She thought she wasn't intelligent. My father was dyslexic too. He was supersensitive too...heck including Moon in Pisces like me and stationary retrograde Neptune in Virgo.

"The third major problem is Pallas and Saturn squaring Moon, while both are retrograde."

I can see that....Saturn in retrograde Gemini in 9th in t-square can indicate learning,communication issues as well as fear of communications and intellectual insecurity. Many learning disabled end up depressed because of insecurity from feeling that they are stupid. This is common knowledge stuff.

"Mars in 6th House is not helpful."

Depends on point of view. My Mars in Aquarius in 6th can indicate my interest in activism as well as my being a liberal. It can also be interest in alternative health. It can also be potential to be self employed. A survey of 300 self-made millionaires found that 40 percent had been diagnosed with dyslexia. a larger survey of 5,000 millionaires found that more than half reported early struggles in school Some highly successful business leaders with dyslexia are Richard Branson(founder of Virgin Enterprises),investment banker Charles Schwab,Cisco CEO John Chambers,Craig McCaw(pioneered the cellular industry,and PAaul Orfalea(founder of Kinkos). It could even be good for working as an astrologer. Mars in 6th can work as a massage therapist. Many massage therapists tend to be self employed. I have a 720 hr certificate in Massage Therapy. With Mars in Aquarius in 6th and Moon in Pisces in 6th square Neptune,I am nonroutine person like many learning disabled people are. I even scored highest as artistic personality on vocational test and it said that as an artistic personality,I dislike routine. Many of us learning disabled people are very random in our approach to life,and we often have problems learning step by step. Dyspraxia means difficulty with planning. We often have problems with sequential things including auditory sequential teaching methods are mostly in the schools when many of us are very visual thinkers. Our best work can involve doing things outside the box.

"Your Mercury looks absolutely fine to me."

My Mercury is not fine. You are not looking at it deeply enough.
My mercury is conjunct Sun/Neptune midpoint,and that indicate learning disabilities....Ebertin interpreted as little intelligence and speech defects. I have speech effects,but the little intelligence doesn't fit me. Back then,astrologers thought people with learning disabilities and people with speech were stupid. They didn't know about learning disabilities back in those days. A lot of learning disabled,people with speech problems as perceived as stupid.

according to my major life theme report in my Kepler astrology program:

Mercury Conjunct Sun/Neptune 0 deg 14 min
You are very intuitive and imaginative. While others often need scientific proof, you very
often prefer to trust your intuition. You also have a good appreciation for poetry and
literature. Any subject that is taught in a dry, formal, unimaginative manner bores you, and,as an adult, you may consider yourself, very inept in various subject areas only because they were presented to you in a very dry manner when you were young. Sometimes your imagination and your inclination to create fantasies or fictional stories can make it difficult for you to concentrate on studies, disinclining you to throw yourself wholeheartedly into

Mars Opposition Mercury/Saturn 0 deg 50 min
You have a methodical and logical mind, and you also have good mental concentration. An
academic path is good for you. You are a good student and are capable of mastering
difficult subjects. Your willingness to work hard to understand something makes it possible for you to master difficult subjects that most other people are unwilling to attempt. You do not always grasp an idea as quickly as others, but you tend to be more thorough and once learned, you really understand the material exceptionally well.

Mars square Mercury/Neptune 0 deg 50 min
You have exceptional ability in some areas and are rather weak in others. At an early age it is possible that you developed a fear of some technical and scientific areas, which would be unfortunate because actually you can be competent in these areas. You are very good at picking up on fine nuances of meaning in literature, poetry, and art. You have a very imaginative and creative mind, but you can become confused if overloaded with too much information at one time.

I can relate to those midpoint configurations too. My neuropsychology test result report confirms that.

another thing...declinations are important.
My Mercury parallels Neptune.
My Mercury contrparallels Saturn.
The planetary synchronizatiom of Mercury-Saturn-Neptune can indicate learning disabilities,communication issues as well as intellectual insecurity.

In declination longitude equivalent chart, I have Mercury conjunct Neptune,Mercury oppose Saturn. Saturn oppose Mercury-Neptune conjunction.

I think the main learning disability indicator is my Neptune in 3rd involved in t-square....many astrologers stress that a challenged Neptune in 3rd can indicate learning difficulties and daydreaming.

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posted November 12, 2006 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This a post that I typed up years ago:

I believe that Neptune is somewhat linked to learning
disabilities. First of all, learning disabled people are often
misunderstood(Neptune). A matter of fact, there was a 2000 poll that
showed 2/3 of the American population believed that learning
disability means mental retardation. I am so disgusted by the
ignorance, and I am glad that I wasn't open about my learning
disability history. A lot of learning disabled people compensate and
cover up their learning disability. I find that learning disabled
people are often highly sensitive(highly reactive to external
stimuli....Neptune) types. A lot of children with learning
disabilities have sensory integration dysfunction disorders.
Learning disabilities tend to overlap with each other. Symptoms of
Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,and ADD tend to overlap with each other.
Dyslexics and ADD are very imaginative types(Neptune) that easily
distracted(could be strong reaction to external stimuli). Dyspraxics
are hypersensitive to touch,sounds,and stimuli in general(Neptune).
A lot of Dyspraxics have Dyslexia and/or ADD. ADD children tend to
be put on drugs(Neptune). A lot of people with learning disabilities
have been misdiagnosed(Neptune). Learning disabled people have been
the victims(Neptune) of the prejudice of ignorant and cruel people.
A lot of Dyslexics are creative and artistic because of their
ability to think in pictures(Neptune). It is not uncommon for a learning disabled
person to be seen as having a mental illness(Neptune). A matter of
fact, a lot of people with learning disabilities have problems with
anxiety and depression. Well...if they were picked on a lot and
misunderstood so much, I wouldn't blame them for having problems
with depression and anxiety. A lot of that is self esteem issues.
They can be already very sensitive and have feelings that hurt very
easily, and so people putting them down can really hurt them badly.
I know this is true because I am a Dyslexic,Dyspraxic
and I have had problems with Depression(low self esteem that
involves feeling stupid,irritability for dealing with ignorant
people who misunderstand and picked on me,thinking that I am
worthless) and Anxiety(worrying about making mistakes,afraid of
messing up in front of people, worrying about what people think and
feel about me,worried about if I will ever make something of myself
because I am not sure if I can). I remember when I was 6 yrs old, I
cried to my mother asked her how come the kids pick on me. My
mother told me because I was special. I hated the word,"special". I
find myself rather hypersensitive to people's insults when they call
me stupid because I didn't understand what they said or I forgot
something. I remembering being put down as a kid for my speech and
coordination problems. I am rather compassionate because of my bad
experiences as a learning disabled person. I was misdiagnosed
bipolar too, and now I am diagnosed mixed anxiety depressive. I hate
taking medication because my body is too sensitive to drugs, and I
hate being impotent from the drugs. I am used to being labeled, but
it doesn't mean that I like it. I don't believe that anybody likes
being labeled. I don't believe that a person can truly understand a
learning disabled person unless they are learning disabled
themselves. We do tend to be very compassionate(Neptune)because we have experienced difficulties.

I have Moon in Pisces, Moon square Neptune, Mercury parallel
Neptune, Venus parallel Neptune, Saturn oppose Neptune, Saturn
contraparallel Neptune, Saturn oppose Neptune, Pluto sextile
Neptune, Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint,and Mercury conjunct
Sun/Neptune midpoint, and Neptune square Venus/Midheaven Midpoint. I
definitely have a strong Neptune influence in my chart. All my life
have been misunderstood in one way or another, and I do have a
learning disability that has been misunderstood by a lot of people
that even include my own parents. Because of the things that I have
experienced, I want to help others with problems. I believe that the
things that I have suffered has made me a very compassionate person.
It really pains me to see all these kids being labeled and drugged for
just being different. I could have been one of those kids on Ritalin
too if I was a kid in the 2000's.

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Posts: 5819
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posted November 12, 2006 03:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Here is another post that I typed over a year ago:

Neurological disorders can lead to symptoms that can get misdiagnosed
as psychiatric disorders. My own cerebellar vestibular dysfunction was
misdiagnosed as psychotic disorder before I was correctly diagnosed by
a famous neurologist in New York who wrote books about cerebellar
vestibular dysfunction related Dyslexic Syndrome last June. I was
diagnosed with auditory form of Dyslexia with coordination problems
when I was 4 yrs old. I was diagnosed with inattentive type ADHD last
year at the age of 32 yrs old. In 1999, I was diagnosed with
schizoaffective Bipolar disorder without any psychological testing or
inquiry into developmental history that would have revealed my
Dyslexic,developmental problem,special education past. I believe that
my indicators are the Moon in Pisces in 6th square the opposition of
Jupiter-Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd house and retrograde Saturn in
Gemini. I also have Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint. I read that
Saturn/Neptune in the book, COMBINATION OF STELLAR INFLUENCES has to do
with sickness. Because neurological disorders often lead to personality
changes and emotional problems, I believe that the Ascendant and/or
Moon are connected to neurological disorders. My Virgo Ascendant's
dispositor Mercury is parallel Neptune,conjunct Sun/Neptune
midpoint,and contraparallel Saturn, and so that would suggest
personality problems. Note: Sun/Neptune midpoint is interpreted as
weakness and is one of the health problem midpoints in COSI. I
definitely believe that Mercury is connected to neurological disorders
because Mercury is the planet of communications,speech,and mental
processes. Neurological disorders do have an effect on
communications,speech,coordination,and mental processes. Coordination
disorders aren't necessarily muscular problems. Coordination disorders
are often connected to messages of the brain transferring to body. If
there is a dysfunction in the brain, then there is poor relay of
information to the body. What I have noticed in mad cow diseases is
that they were often mistakened for psychiatric problems until they had
problems walking which appararently showed a neurological disorder. Dr
Harold N. Levinson noticed that Dyslexic Syndrome cerebellar vestibular
dysfunction has been mistakened for psychological problems and that
psychiatrists often mistake psychological problems of Dyslexics as
causation for their Dyslexic-related problems and not as the result of
the Dyslexic Disorder. Individuals with Schizophrenia are sometimes
physically awkward and may display neurological "soft signs', such as
left/right confusion, poor coordination, or mirroring as well as
disorganized speech. Those are also symptoms of a neurological
disorders and learning disorders that include Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.
Studies show that many people with ADHD have a history of speech and
coordination problems. There is a bit of overlap of ADHD with Dyslexia
and Dyspraxia. There is also some overlap with Aspergers which often
have coordination problems. Due to the prevalent misdiagnosing of
neurological,learning disorders as psychiatric problems which leads to
medications, I strongly suspect Neptune is connected to these
conditions. After all, Neptune is said to rule medications and
misdiagnoses as well as hard to pin down problems. As you already have
seen, Neptune figures prominently in my chart.

Dyslexia results from a neurological difference; that is, a brain
difference. People with dyslexia have a larger right-hemisphere in
their brains than those of normal readers. That may be one reason
people with dyslexia often have significant strengths in areas
controlled by the right-side of the brain, such as artistic, athletic,
and mechanical gifts; 3-D visualization ability; musical talent;
creative problem solving skills; and intuitive people skills. In
addition to unique brain architecture, people with dyslexia have
unusual "wiring". Neurons are found in unusual places in the brain, and
are not as neatly ordered as in non-dyslexic brains. In addition to
unique brain architecture and unusual wiring, f/MRI studies have shown
that people with dyslexia do not use the same part of their brain when
reading as other people. Regular readers consistently use the same part
of their brain when they read. People with dyslexia do not use that
part of their brain, and there appears to be no consistent part used
among dyslexic readers. It is therefore assumed that people with
dyslexia are not using the most efficient part of their brain when they
read. A different part of their brain has taken over that function.

I feel that it's important for psychiatrists to differentiate
neurological disorders,learning disorders from psychiatric disorders. I
actually believe that all psychiatrists should be neurologists. Instead
of just asking patients questions and having them fill out a
questionnaire, they should be given SPECT,MRI,or other brain scans.
Therefore there should only be neuropsychiatrists. I believe that
Medical Astrologers should differentiate a chart of a neurological or
learning disordered person from a chart of a psychiatric disordered

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