Topic: magi astrology and cinderella aspects
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 22, 2006 10:06 AM
"regarding Dragon-points: from watching their example I think that Dragon points are ALWAYS formed by only sexual planets (or only romantic planets), and it seems that Dragon points always include two linkages. So far Dragon-points can be: a Grand trine (includes three linkages) a Mystical triangle (includes two linkages, quinkunx and trine) a yod (includes two linkages, the two quinkunxes)""I wonder if that is true for a conjuncted trine or a conjuncted quinkunx (two planets in conjunct are quinkunx a third one)." Well...Magi Society does say that conjuncted trine is 2nd most powerful 3 planet configuration after the grand trine. If a yod,mystical triangle can be a dragon, then definitely a conjuncted trine can be.
Conjunction is the most powerful aspect because it's a 0 degree angle. They are aligned with each other. A conjunction is a merging,fusion. a Trine is a powerful aspect of ease. When a planet is trine 2 planets in conjunction, that merging,fusion of the conjunction can be easily expressed through the trine. Trine has to do with self expression. A waxing trine is Leo and waning Trine is Sagittarius. I would think a conjuncted quincunx would be more powerful than a yod. A yod consists of a sextile which is a weaker aspect than a conjunction. I have a Romantic Super Linkage conjuncted quincunx with my girlfriend. Her Mercury conjuncts my Chiron,and they quincunx my Ascendant. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 22, 2006 10:51 AM
Oz,I checked your Romance Super linkages, and it turns out that you have quite a lot. I hope I found them all. 1. Your Chiron links to his Neptune square his Moon (Mystical triangle) 2. Your Chiron links to his Neptune opposite his Pluto 3. Your Chiron links to his Neptune quinkunx sextile his Sun 4. Your Chiron links to his Juno square his Moon (Mystical triangle; well, the Magi leave Juno out of the romance super linkages, but since the Chiron-juno-linkage is highly romantic, I count that, too) 5. Your Chiron links to his Juno sextile his Sun . 6. Your Chiron sextile Mercury links to his Juno 7. His Chiron links to your Uranus trine your Pluto 8. His Chiron links to your Uranus quinkunx your juno (A yod; his Chiron is quinkunx your Uranus-Juno-sextile) 9. His Chiron links to your Uranus quinkunx your Mars (actually the same yod; because you have a tight Juno-Mars-conjunction) 10. His Chiron links to your Pluto opposite his Neptune 11. His Chiron links to your Pluto quinkunx your Juno (Mystical triangle) 12. His Chiron links to your Pluto opposite his Uranus 13. His Chiron trines his Midheaven trine your Pluto (Grand trine) I`d say the most important of those Romance Super linkages are: 1. Mystical Triangle: Your Chiron, his Neptune, his Moon -> very strong, because it involves a Cinderella linkage (the lifetime linkage) and three romance planets 2. Mystical Triangle: Your Chiron, his Juno, his Moon -> that could be also a sexual superlinkage, because of the involvement of juno; but it is also a romance linkage because of the two romance - planets Chiron and Moon 3. Yod: His Chiron, your Uranus, your Juno -> sexually and romantically oriented; probably sometimes unpredictable because of Uranus 4. Yod: His Chiron, his Mars, your Uranus, 5. Mystical Triangle: His Chiron, your Pluto, your Juno -> very strong, because it involves the Chiron-Juno-linkage (a sexual and romantic linkage) and a Cinderella linkage (Chiron-Pluto-linkage)
6. Grand Trine: His Chiron, his Midheaven, your Pluto -> it also involves the Chiron-Pluto-cinderella linkage Regarding Sexual Dragons: Well, you don`t have any pure sexual Dragons, but you have a mystical Triangle, that is formed of two sexual planets and Chiron. His Mars is conjunct your Juno (sexual linkage) and that conjunction is quinkunx his Chiron. It may be not as strong as a true Sexual Dragon, but it sounds pretty nice.
Also, Glaucus is right, not every comparision has Sexual Romance super linkages, and if you only count the "big" shapes like Grand Trine, Yod, Mystical Triangle, Conjuncted Trine, Golden Rectangle etc. then they become even less likely. Even though I am not a believer in magi astrology, it helped me to see the following: 1. the importance of planetary geometry, aspect-figures 2. the importance and relevance of the declinations 3. planetary ecclipses 4. the different characteristics of certain planets, which can be divided into groups (like sexual planets, emotional planets, intellectual planets) DD IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 22, 2006 11:03 AM
Glaucus," would think a conjuncted quincunx would be more powerful than a yod. A yod consists of a sextile which is a weaker aspect than a conjunction." Yes, I think you`re right. I didn`t think of it from this perspective, but of course the conjunction is much stronger than a sextile. Thank you for pointing this out.  DD
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 22, 2006 11:06 AM
Awesome stuff, OzMeg See...You are very lucky! 
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 22, 2006 02:55 PM
Oz,after doing your horoscope, I became curious and looked at the horoscope of the guy, I can`t seem to get out of my head. *grins* Seems, some Romantic Super linkages are not as seldom as you may think (well, I`ve been doing several charts like this in the last years, and I haven`t come across such a large number of romance super linkages before). That`s what I have with that guy: 1. My Chiron links to his Juno square his Sun (a mini mystical triangle) 2. My Chiron links to his Juno sextiles his Ascendant (another miny mystical triangle) 3. My Mercury links to his Chiron and sextiles his AC 4. His Chiron trines my Sun and Mercury (conjuncted trine) 5. My Chiron and Jupiter link to his Venus (in the declinations; I guess this is a very nice one, since it includes the Marriage linkage and the compatibility linkage; orbs are pretty tight, too with 11 seconds of arc) 6. My Chiron links to his Venus parallel Juno 7. His Juno links to my Chiron contraparallel Jupiter 8. My Moon links to his Chiron contraparallel Moon 9. My Uranus links to his Chiron contraparallel Moon 10. My Pluto links to his Chiron contraprallel Moon 11. My Juno links to his Chiron contraparallel Moon 12. My Moon links to his Chiron parallel Pluto 13. my Juno links to his Chiron parallel Pluto (very tight orbed again) 14. My Moon links to his Chiron Juno contraparallel 15. My Juno links to his Chiron contraparallel Juno Actually we have two clusters in the declinations: 1. My Jupiter and Chiron and his Venus and Juno 2. My Moon, Uranus, Pluto, Juno and his moon, Pluto and Chiron We also share a lot of sexual linkages: 1. My Venus conjunct and parallel his Mars 2. My Pluto quinkunx his Venus 3. My Chiron quinkunx and contraparallel his Juno 4. My Juno contraparallel his Chiron 5. My Juno contraparallel his Pluto
Also, we have a mini mystical triangle of sexual planets. He has got an exact Venus - Mars sextile natally, and my Pluto is quinkunx his Venus and square his Mars. My Venus is also conjunct his Mars, sextile his Venus and square my own Pluto. In the declinations our Venus-Mars-parallel links to my Sun and Mercury. hmm. Interesting. His Sun is also parallel my Mars, Neptune and Ascendant (Sun - Ascendant with an arc of 01`). Unfortunately my own Saturn is a killjoy and is contraparallel that cluster. I`m not really sure how to interprete that. But it looks intriguing so far, even when you don`t look from a Magi-angle. DD IP: Logged |
OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted November 22, 2006 10:05 PM
WOW ok, never expected that many romantic super linkages! Sigh.DD I hope thats not the virgo! But if anyone knows about that kind of attraction its me, I still kinda miss my pisces-boy but I'm just not in love w him anymore. Hope u are well! And thanks so much for looking all that up for me!
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 12:59 AM
Oz,no, it`s not the virgo. I awoke one morning and knew that I had been trying to see something in him, that just wasn`t there. *sighs* I`m pretty good in talking myself into feelings, because I WANT to feel this way. Hmm, it`s just now that I begin to realize that I actually "fantasized" feelings. And I`m really not in love with him anymore; probably I have never been. The interesting thing is that it almost feels as if I have cut all emotional ties to the past. For a very long time I`ve been carrying the luggage of old feelings and dreams with me, but now it`s just memories. For the first time in my life I feel really free.  And yes, there were a few romantic super linkages, you`re right. DD
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 03:13 AM
Oz,I had a look at Virgo`s chart, too, actually hoping to find some problems. lol Well, we had 4 Chiron linkages, of which 2 were Cinderella linkages. His Chiron was contraparallel my Moon, Uranus and parallel my Pluto, which formed actualy a Romance Super linkage. We also shared the Magical linkage; his Venus was contraparallel my Chiron; so we also have that Romance super linkage of his Venus linking to my Chiron-Jupiter aspect in the declinations. Actually all the romance super linkages are in the declinations. We had also two sexual linkages; his Mars quinkunx my Juno and his Pluto contraparallel my Juno. The Mars-Juno-linkage is not really joyful, because my Saturn forms a trine with my own Juno and a square with his Mars. So we had a mystical triangle involving Mars, Juno and Saturn. No wonder, it was that complicated. We also had two Chiron-clashes. His Chiron opposite my Uranus may have indicated the fluctuating, unpredictable connection between us (even more so, since it`s a bi-level aspect; his Chiron is opposite and contraparallell my Uranus). And maybe the biggest challenge, we had extremely stressful planetary geometry. HIs Mars was opposite my Chiron and square my Saturn, a challenging T-square. The Magi refer to the Mars-Chiron-clash as the "Lust Hate"clash, which was amazingly fitting in our case. And Mars square Saturn is never good. His Saturn was also quinkunx my Jupiter, a nuclear clash. If I widen the orbs a bit, there was even a mystical triangle between his Saturn and my Jupiter-Neptune-square. Well, this is quite generational, but still not very positive, especially since my Jupiter is my chartruler. DD IP: Logged |
OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted November 23, 2006 04:13 AM
Yeah hindsights an interesting thing. I haven't looked at the chiron aspects for pisces-boy and I, theres no point. It was never going to be what I wanted it to be although I don't doubt we both had very strong feelings for one another. I feel the same as you, that I'm no longer carrying past feelings and dreams. So glad we got that final closure though. Its good to look forward, although I'm not doing my usual putting-the-cart-before-the-horse thing. I'm stuck firmly in reality when it comes to cancer-guy, but just in case its nice to look at the synastry. Forewarned is forearmed, so they say.
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OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted November 23, 2006 04:47 AM
P.S. Still interested in our midpoints too if you get bored sometimes and can be bothered looking at them!IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 23, 2006 02:02 PM
Yeah...a lot of super romantic linkages.Like I said before, I don't believe in Magi Astrology. I like it for stuff like politics and wonder about financial astrology. My Mars square my gf's Chiron with my gal,and there is no Lust/Hate. It's part of the Romantic Super Linkage of her Chiron in Taurus links to my Juno in Virgo quincunx Mars(Mystical Triangle). My Mars contraparallels her Chiron too,and that's the marital sexual linkage, and it is part of a Super Romanice linkage of my Mars linked to her Venus parallel Chiron. In regular astrology, I don't even look at Chiron because it's technically a minor planet. It's one of over 10 named Centaurs. If I look at Chiron, I might as well use the other centaurs called Chariklo,Pholus,Asbolus,Nessus,Hylonome,and others. Or even use the major asteroids, Ceres,Juno,Pallas,and Vesta. There is also Eris to consider too. After all that object is larger than Pluto. If we use Pluto,I feel that we should use Eris too. You can get a lot of info just by using the regular stuff. A lot of people don't use the midheaven/IC axis,and that's an important access. Saturn square another's midheaven/IC axis can be like restricting the person's soul to the core. hard aspects between Mars and Saturn are like some of the toughest aspects in a synastry. This in interpretation in solar fire This combination of the planets Mars and Saturn suggests a strong commitment in which %1 and %2 struggle to understand each other. On the one hand both %1 and %2 are committed to making this partnership work. On the other hand they face almost insurmountable difficulties along the way. Ancient astrologers consider the planets Mars and Saturn to have a harmful effect on humanity. Therefore this relationship is in grave danger of causing emotional or physical damage to both %1 and %2. The trouble is that they are both determined to force their own egos on to each other, and can be quite brutal in their efforts to get the other person to do as they wish. They lack understanding and respect for each other. %1 tries to force [his/her/1] methods on to %2, only to meet %2's stubborn refusal to budge on certain matters. The challenge is a big one in this union. Both %1 and %2 need to carefully consider the future of this relationship, knowing that only mutual respect and caring communication can shine a light on their difficulties. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 02:20 PM
That interpretation of Solar Fire, was absolutely on target. It was EXACTLY this way, couldn`t have said it better. In the beginning it was a big chase. He as the Mars-person chased me, and in the beginning I was overwhelmed and vehemently attracted to him. I gave in, but only to a certain point, then I would be stubborn and unapproachable and not willing to give in a little bit. Actually we were a bit like a living cliché. You know, I would accuse him of only wanting sex, and he would accuse me of being cold towards him. I knew pretty quickly that we came from two different worlds, that would never go together. I think I didn`t even really like him, and yet there was this attraction. And that attraction made me want to make it work so much. And in a way he also wanted to make it work. I guess we both tried to change the other one, so he would fit in our world, and then the whole thing would work. Of course it didn`t. And now, when I look back on it (and it`s not that long ago), I can`t understand what I ever saw in him. I just can`t understand myself. So, you see, your interpretation of this aspect was perfect.  Also, we had no conjunctions between our horoscope, not a single one. I have a majority of planets in sagittarius including ascendant, Venus in Capricorn and Moon in Aquarius, and he had Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Moon in Leo and Venus, Mars in libra. We had a nice Moon-Mars trine and his Moon also was trine my Sun and MErcury, and his Venus was sextile my Sun and MErcury. But that was it. Our Sun-Mercury conjunctions squared each other`s Sun-Mercury conjunction, so communication definitely was an issue. WEll, it doesn`t matter anymore. I was just blind for a few months. But I am glad, I can see again.  DD IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 23, 2006 02:26 PM
Here are negative interps for Saturn-Midheaven in Ruth Brummond's Rulebook- stand-offish. distanced. difficult to contact. has difficulty making contacts. socially withdrawn. inhibited. overly self-conscious. suppressed. prone to depression. shunned. feels restricted or limited. stuck in the past. hard-hearted. emotionally cold. rude. cruel. Personal isolation. Professional delays. Personal restrictions or distress. Dejection. Mourning. Depression. Difficulties with myself. according to the book,ASTROLOGY OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS by Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker
A's Saturn square Midheaven/IC This comparative combination is not favorable for mutual harmony and understanding in professional,business,family,or personal relationships. Because Saturn is in detriment in Cancer and the 4th house, there can be coldness and lack of emotional understanding on the part of both natives with regard to family affairs and subjective personal feelings. There can be conflict between the domestic family interests of one native and the professional responsibilities of the other. Emotional problems at home can interfere or career responsibilities could be neglected when the career interest of one native becomes all-consuming. In employer-employee relationships or business or professional partnerships,one native may impose a heavy work load of responsibilities on the other. One or both natives may feel unjustly overworked. In some cases, there can be litigation between the natives over business of professional matters. btw...aspects involving the Ascendant/Descendant axis and Midheaven/IC axis are mutual. Ascendant/Descendant person can do things in regards to putting things into action//relationships. Midheaven person can do things in regards to career/home.
I don't agree with Magi Society's view about how they are not mutual.
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 02:39 PM
Glaucus,"I don't agree with Magi Society's view about how they are not mutual." I agree with you. Aspects with AC, DC, midheaven and Nadir definitely are mutual. That is one of the reasons I include them, when looking at the pattern of a chart. Even outer aspects in tight aspect with my AC leave an impression on me; I definitely feel them. Actually I think personal planets in connection with one of the four angles can be the cause of an overwhelming attraction, depending on the nature of the planet and its other aspects. When a planet conjuncts the Nadir or even just makes a trine to the Nadir, I`m deeply and emotionally touched. DD IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 23, 2006 03:13 PM
"Even outer aspects in tight aspect with my AC leave an impression on me; I definitely feel them. Actually I think personal planets in connection with one of the four angles can be the cause of an overwhelming attraction, depending on the nature of the planet and its other aspects. When a planet conjuncts the Nadir or even just makes a trine to the Nadir, I`m deeply and emotionally touched."I know the feeling with my girlfriend. her planets/angles Ptolemaic aspects and to my angles Her Venus trine my Asc - '03 Her Neptune parallels my IC - '04 her Stationed Jupiter conjuncts my IC - '19 her Stationed Jupiter parallel my IC - '57 her Uranus conjunct my IC - 2'14 her Uranus parallel my IC - '26 her Sun trine my IC - 2'00 Her Mercury trine my IC - 2'13 Her Jupiter squares my Asc - 2'32 our Ascendants in opposition - '16 our Ascendants in contraparallel - '06 my Midheaven square her Asc - 2'29 my Mercury trine her Ascendant - 4'38
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 03:19 PM
Oz,I have looked at your midpoints now. Those are the ones, that stood out to me (the interpretations are by Ebertin, but Glaucus put the interpretations by Brummund on this forum; I would check them, too, because in many cases Brummund´s interpretations are way better): Your Venus = his Venus / Jupiter Happiness in love; success; humanism; birthing. Your Venus = his Sun / Pluto Creative force, an understanding of the plastic arts. Emotional upsets, a tragic love. Your Venus = his Mars / Pluto Passionate disposition; sexual adventure or even danger; an affair. Your Venus = his Saturn / Uranus Tensions in romantic life; running hot and cold, off again, on again ; feeling personally limited. (But don`t forget: Saturn and Uranus are both generational planets; midpoints, which involve two or three personal points are far more important imo)
Your Mars = his Venus / Uranus Strong excitability in love. Creative activity. A sudden stepping-up of the sex-life, procreation, birth. Your Mars = his Sun / Moon (well, the orb is 1°51 and rather wide) Energetic interplay of Yin and Yang for better or worse. Sexual urge. Drive for partnership or union. Your AC = his Sun / Saturn Difficulties in the development of one's own personality, possible threat to health, the misunderstood person. Separation.
Your AC = his Mars / Saturn Struggling for every step of advancement ; possible health threat; the necessity to economise.
Your AC = his Venus / node Affectionate nature; cordiality, popularity. A love affair. Your MC = his Venus / Saturn Feeling unimportant; never successful enough; separation in love Your MC = his Juptier / AC A harmonious, pleasant personality, the good fortune to be in the right place at the right time, successful in contacts with other people. His Moon = your Venus / AC An attractive and engaging nature, motherliness. Affections shown to others His Moon = your Venus / Jupiter A good-natured disposition, affectionate and cordial manner, charm. A woman permeated with the joy of love (bride or mother). His Venus = your Moon / Mercury The sense of beauty, an understanding of art, the feeling of love, lovely thoughts. Love in youth. His Venus = your Sun / Moon (wide orb: 1°47) The blending of Yin and Yang into a harmonious whole on any plane. Artistic disposition, harmoniously expressed creation.
His Node = your Mercury / AC Easy interchange with others.
His AC = your Moon / Mars Personal enterprise, leadership (perhaps within the family).
HIs AC = your Mars / Saturn Struggling for every step of advancement ; possible health threat; the necessity to economise.
His AC = your Mercury / mars Being seen as a talker; known to be impulsive
His MC = your Node / AC Sense of community. HIs MC = your Venus / Mars (orb 0°22) Pronounced sexuality in attitude to love; intense relationship; desire for marriage or the actual event; giving birth. Hope this helps  DD IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 23, 2006 03:25 PM
I just realized my gf's Sun trine my IC is similar to Sun trine Moon because IC is the angle ruled by the Moon. That's awesome. My Sun conjuncts her Moon too.Sun sextile Midheaven/trine IC Professional,political,domestic,and family cooperation are favored by this comparative combination. The Sun individual will encourage the Midheaven/IC individual to greater ambition and effort to achieve social status and professional success. Sometimes,the Midheaven/IC person provides a home and base of operations for the Sun person, and is instrumental in helping the Sun person to gain official support and recognition for creative endeavors. This is particularly true if the Sun individual is involved in artistic creativity. In family and marital relationships,this comparative combination confers financial and emotional security. awesome!
I am going to post all aspects involving the angular axises later.
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OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted November 23, 2006 04:49 PM
We have mutual venus sextile ascendant. Awwww. Don't feel like looking for any more aspects now though, really can't be bothered. It seems logical to me that time sensitive points would be more important in synastry because they are completely personal. DD- The midpoint aspect interpretations u posted seemed like maybe they were meant for use in natal charts not synastry. Maybe I read it wrong though, will look for Glaucus' brummond interpretations too. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 12:13 AM
Those midpoint aspect interpretations aren't just for natal.They are for natal,synastry,secondary progression,solar arc,transit Those interpretations are from COSI(Combination of Stellar Influences). I had that book. It was mainly book of planetary combinations. It was mainly a guideline book. It's like if you see keywords,you play with them. You derive meaning from them like you would derive meaning from a tarot card or like the connections between glyphs you see in the astrology chart wheel.
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 12:07 PM
Glaucus,I think that the IC and the ruler of the IC act like a second Moon, because Moon is the natural ruler of the IC. So I definitely think that the Sun-IC-trine is like a Sun-Moon-trine. I know a couple, who is very caring towards each other, convinced that they are soulmates, sharing a deep sense of belonging to each other, all things which are signs of a Sun-Moon-aspect. Even though they don`t have any Sun-moon-aspects, his sun is conjunct (orb: 18`)and parallel (orb:05`) her IC. I think it is very similiar to a Sun-Moon-conjunction. I would also interprete a conjunction of the ruler of the 5th and the ruler of the 4th house as some kind of a Sun-Moon-conjunction. Another example is this guy, I can`t get out off my mind. I`m reacting so emotionally to him, deeply care for him and feels so much at ease with him. Whenever I see him, it`s as if my soul is coming home. Cheesy, huh? But interestingly we don`t have any strong Sun-Moon or Moon-Moon aspects. His Sun and my moon, his moon and my sun, and both our moons are actually in incompatible signs (semisextile and square-signs), with no aspects. But his Moon is parallel my Moon (orb: 26`) and my moon is trine his IC (orb: 3°10). There`s actually a Grand trine, involving my Moon and his IC and Pluto. His Sun is conjunct my Sun-Moon-midpoint and therefor also opposite my Vertex. My Node is conjunct his Sun-Moon-midpoint. The ruler of his 4th house is conjunct my 5th house ruler (orb: 2°09). My Moon is conjunct his AC (orb: 4°35 - does that still count or is the orb too wide?). My Southern Node is conjunct and parallel his IC (have we known each other in a previous life?). So, I think it`s not enough to just look at the planetary aspects. And especially the aspects to the angles shouldn`t be underestimated. Oh, I forgot to mention: His IC is also contraparallel my Sun and AC, and parallel my Saturn. Oz, the midpoints interpretations are just a chain of symbols, like Glaucus explained. But I think it`s not too hard to interprete it. For example: His Mars = Your Venus / Uranus so you have a Venus-Mars connection: sexual attraction is indicated. And if it`s connected to Uranus, then it might be exciting, quick, unpredictable, fluctuating, unusual (Uranus) sexual (Mars) attraction (Venus). Of course that`s just one way to interprete that. Also, I think the midpoint person may feel the effect stronger, but then again it might depend on the involved planets. The Venus-person is probably the most attracted, because Venus rules attraction, love, beauty etc. I hope I got that right. I`m a novice myself.  DD
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 12:42 PM
"So, I think it`s not enough to just look at the planetary aspects. And especially the aspects to the angles shouldn`t be underestimated."I agree. Aspects involving angles and nodes are important. I always take those into account. My girlfriend and I have Moon parallel Moon with 31 minutes of arc which would enhance the emotional connection that she and I have with our Moon trine Moon with 1'47 orb. A bilevel Moon-Moon configuration - very strong emotional connection. A very strong emotional connection. IP: Logged |
Juno unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 07:59 PM
Just wondering what it means when a woman's sun conjuncted a man's Venus/mars mid point proably within a orb of one degree at the most?IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 08:35 PM
Juno, Sun = another's Venus/Mars midpoint can indicate sexual attraction. Venus/Mars is the sexual attraction midpoint. I actually have my Sun oppose my girlfriend's Venus/Mars midpoint,and her Sun squares my Venus/Mars midpoint. IP: Logged |
Juno unregistered
posted November 25, 2006 06:17 AM
but who's attraction? Though the man's sun/venus midpoint does trines the girl's sun, while their sun/moon midpoints are square.thanks for the information! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 25, 2006 08:29 AM
Juno,even though the effect may be mutual, I think the midpoint-person, in this case the man, feels the strongest attraction. It`s the woman`s sun, which triggers Venus - Mars in him. So, you could translate that to: Her body (Sun is the body in Cosm.) activates (the midpoint) feelings of attraction (Venus-Mars) in him. Her body (Sun) makes him sexually (Mars) attracted (Venus). But midpoints are no one way street.  Also, only the hard aspects (conjunction, opposition, square, semisquare and sesisquare) are interpreted in Cosmobiology (that`s the name of that astrological school, Glaucus, right? Or did I get this wrong?). DD IP: Logged | |