Topic: Juno-Sagittarius
neptune5 unregistered
posted November 20, 2006 05:28 PM
With this position of Juno, is the native more likely to attract, be attracted by, and fit in more with people who are foreign to them or not of their race or cultural background?, even friendship and social wise?(I have it included in my stellium in my IC) and if there are friendship and social connections with charachteristics of a juno in sagittarius the native would have to look for aspects towards anything in the 11th house or any apsects to the ruling planet of the 11th house. my 11th house cusp is Cancer and I have Moon Square what could that indicate? ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted November 20, 2006 06:10 PM
>>>With this position of Juno, is the native more likely to attract, be attracted by, and fit in more with people who are foreign to them or not of their race or cultural background?, even friendship and social wise?<<<That sounds more Aquarian/Uranian than Sagittarian. Juno in Sag suggests travel may be part of your attraction/attractiveness, but doesn't necessarily mean you'll branch out across the cultural/ethnic divide as Aquarius often does. Remember Sag=Horse, and horses like their own kind. So you're more likely to attract some who shares a common interest in travel with you. Also athletics, sports and physical activity often are big in Saggy attractions. But if you're not a physical sort, then it's likely you'll attract/be attrracted to people who like mental exercise and activity, even if it's just talking with you. Basically Juno in Sag will revolve around a Saggy/horsey "need to move" be it travel, physical activity, or mental/social interactions. IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted November 20, 2006 06:21 PM
well according to these interpretations:Juno in Sagittarius: The partner will tend to come from an entirely different background and may even be a foreigner. Even if the partner is not a Sagittarian, they may have Sagittarian traits. They may be involved in higher education or take frequent long trips, and they may talk a lot and listen only a little (if at all). and juno in aquarius tends to attract people who are different, not necessarily foreign. Sagittarius rules all things foreign.
------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
LILYGIRL unregistered
posted November 20, 2006 07:07 PM
I have that JUNO in SAG and it is dead sag rules everything foriegn IP: Logged |
Lauren Newflake Posts: 0 From: Colorado Springs, CO, USA Registered: Aug 2014
posted November 20, 2006 11:08 PM
Everyone I know is from a different background, so it's true for me.But I also have Uranus conjunct Juno. On bobmarks they have the funniest interpretation for this aspect. quote: If you have this combination in your horoscope (especially the stressful aspects, the conjunction, square, or opposition) I have a question for you. Let's say you walk into a room where there are twenty people, and nineteen of them are sane and normal, but the twentieth person either escaped from an insane asylum or just got off of a UFO, guess which one you would be most likely to marry? (Hint: it's not the first nineteen).
That's so true lol All I've ever heard about the guys I've liked/dated from friends is "he's sooo weird" or "how do you find these guys", but they find me lol ahhh I'm being attacked by aliens trying to marry me. IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted November 21, 2006 12:09 AM
Hows about Juno in Pisces? Juno sextiles Chiron in the 12th house, Taurus by 0.31 deg. I also have Neptune conjunct Venus in the 7th house in Sagittarius. IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted November 21, 2006 12:49 AM
DayDreamer, gotta scroll down a bit: Also: "Juno in Pisces With Juno in Pisces, the qualities you seek in a relationship are compassion, sensitivity, and unconditional Love. Knowingly or unknowingly you may be seeking spiritual fulfillment through your relationship, and for this reason some kind of shared acknowledgment of the importance of spirituality (truly felt, as opposed to religious dogmas blindly followed) is important. Otherwise disillusion can result from the direction of one's devotional sentiment towards the partner, who is, after all, merely human. It could be that, in spite of your best efforts, you yourself experience a sense of inadequacy or powerlessness when it comes to such matters, or that your partner is doing all the expressing in this regard (or vice versa). This could be a source of difficulty when it comes to intimate relations. Intimacy/freedom needs, childbearing, fidelity, and power issues need to be handled with sensitivity and compassion, otherwise martyrdom and victimization can occur." from 'The Asteroid Report'  IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted November 21, 2006 12:58 AM
btw Has anyone here who has Juno conj Saturn been married?  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 21, 2006 12:59 AM
"With this position of Juno, is the native more likely to attract, be attracted by, and fit in more with people who are foreign to them or not of their race or cultural background?, even friendship and social wise?"I agree. Yes I have 7th house ruler Neptune in Sagittarius,and I am in an interracial relationship. Jupiter is also my 7th house ruler due to traditional rulership of Pisces,and it's in Sagittarius too. I was born from an interracial relationship. I have an interracial heritage Jupiter conjunct IC in Sagittarius. Moon in Pisces in 6th square the opposition of retrograde 5th house ruler Saturn in Gemini in 9th oppose Jupiter-Neptune in Sagittarius. Sun quincunx Saturn in Gemini in 9th. Moon,Sun,and Saturn in 9th in mystic triangle could be my interracial parentage as well as the limitations,restrictions,hardships,prejudices. that I endured because of it. I feel that's the same about my lunar t-square too. the composite chart of my girlfriend and me has Juno in Sagittarius in 7th conjunct Descendant in Sagittarius. my girlfriend has Juno square Jupiter-Uranus in Sagittarius in 9th as well as Ascendant square Jupiter-Uranus. Her exbf is Indian. My father had Venus in Sagittarius,and he fathered a child with a white woman - me. my mother has Venus conjunct 9th house ruler(Uranus),and she has never been with a white guy even though she's white. IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted November 21, 2006 04:16 PM
good point glaucus, but i have venus AND Juno both conjunct in Sagittarius, which i think is really extreme when it comes to other cultures falling in love.(especially with it in my IC) ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted November 21, 2006 11:22 PM
Thanks Arnika  Not sure about your question...I dont have it, nor am I aware of anyone with that aspect. Juno conjunct Saturn could mean delays in marriage, not necessarily the denial of marriage. You could marry someone older, traditional or someone you work or do business with. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 21, 2006 11:38 PM
"Not sure about your question...I dont have it, nor am I aware of anyone with that aspect. Juno conjunct Saturn could mean delays in marriage, not necessarily the denial of marriage. You could marry someone older, traditional or someone you work or do business with."Yep. It can also be discipline,structured relationship/partnership/marriage. The partner could be disciplined,structured,and serious. Juno conjunct Saturn can be a person who has strong need for stability,security in relationship and has a strong potential for fidelity,faithfulness,and commitment. IP: Logged |
teaologist unregistered
posted November 21, 2006 11:58 PM
Juno in Pisces in 8th sextile Mercuryspirituality (+ occasional masochism) + sex + communication = still researching the answer t. Uranus will be conjuncting my natal Juno. Wonder what that's gonna be like. I will be anticipating aliens with open arms. IP: Logged |
Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 407 From: Winterfell Registered: May 2015
posted September 04, 2016 12:34 PM
i have 5th...squares my saturn (not good for longitivity of marrige?) and opposite my sun(i think they say this is good)So i guess hes gonna be fun,artistic and smaaart and athletic...i am in love xD i dont really know anyone like that though.... IP: Logged |
Vradec Knowflake Posts: 304 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted September 04, 2016 01:34 PM
I have Juno in Sag. My fiance lives in America and I live in UK. We have had a long distance relationship for around 2 and a half years. Part of my attraction to him is because he is foreign - somehow it is more exciting. The travelling is attractive too - I love it, so romantic. His ascendant is Sag, and chart ruler is Jupiter, and that is the same for me too.  IP: Logged |
Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 407 From: Winterfell Registered: May 2015
posted September 04, 2016 02:34 PM
how interesting! You are living you yuno placement to the "t"IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 70155 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 05, 2016 12:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hemilla: how interesting! You are living you yuno placement to the "t"
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Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 3333 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 24, 2016 02:32 PM
Juno- Sagittarius. Probably not the type to get married. And if they do, they will need tons of space to do their own thing within the marriage/partnership.This should be read in conjunction with the whole chart concerned and not in its separate interpretation. IP: Logged |
areesquivel Knowflake Posts: 123 From: Mexico Registered: Feb 2016
posted September 24, 2016 03:57 PM
Anyone knows if Juno conjunct natal Saturn means marriage too? I heard Saturn conjunct natal Juno usually ends up in that.IP: Logged | |