Topic: could you please give me your truthful opinions
Salisa unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 09:20 PM
I'm feeling a bit soulless at the moment and would like your input on how you would view me, what you think of me just by my chart.
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neptune5 unregistered
posted November 23, 2006 10:02 PM
We have the same ascendant, but that means absolutely nothing. I think because I am Virgo AC and were in the same decane I can understand your tendencies, but at the same time with your Moon in Aries your probably arrogant, and speak about yourself alot, which is not attractive to say the least, given your "mini-stellium" in your MC of Gemini. You probably consume your time alot thinking about marriage, given your Juno in 1st, which personal ideas of your own marriage may be in conflict with both of your parents, given Juno Square Neptune in IC and Juno Square Mars in MC, but theres nothing wrong with that. Personally I really wouldn't want to get to know you, due to you having barely nothing in your 5th, 1st, & 11th houses, those are the houses of expression and character, thats where true value lies in a person, and you clearly don't have that. ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
teaologist unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 12:50 AM
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Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 03:07 AM
She does not have planets in 1st house, but she does have Venus trine Neptune in grand trine with the ascendant(1st house cusp),and that indicates that possibly she can be a very sensitive,charming,considerate,gentle person. She could be spiritual. Venus trine Neptune can be a very sensitive,idealistic lover who can be romatnic and selfless. This is a good aspect for being artistic and creative.she has Neptune square her Aries Moon, and that indicates that she is a psychic,emotional sponge, but can have feelings uncertainty,confusion. She can be sensitive to feelings of others,and she can be taken advantage of if she ignores the faults of others. Moon square Neptune can also indicate possibility of being spiritual. I think that your interpretation has been a bit harsh,Neptune5. Salisa might be insecure with her Chiron square Ascendant which can indicate a wounded person whether physically or emotionally who can feel inadequate about herself as well as her physical appearance. Her Sun quincunx Saturn can indicate insecurity..especially limited,restricted in self depression. This can be a depressed,limited ego. Her t-square of Moon in Aries,Mars in Cancer,Neptune in Capricorn can indicate emotional insecurity ....her feelings,emotional nature in stress,conflict with the polarization issues between her emotional,nurturing assertions/energy and her inspiration/imagination. There is a possibility of having passive-aggressive tendencies.
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Motherkonfessor unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 06:19 AM
Quote:Personally I really wouldn't want to get to know you, due to you having barely nothing in your 5th, 1st, & 11th houses, those are the houses of expression and character, thats where true value lies in a person, and you clearly don't have that.  Neptune.... not cool. Why would you be so cruel to someone you don't know? Do you have such a depth of astrological knowledge you can make an assumption like this? And according to your posted chart on another thread, you aren't a Virgo rising, either. MK IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 40 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted November 24, 2006 06:25 AM
Wow, can tell someone what you think about them without being negative and overcritical. you have to remember that lots of people don't have things in their 1st, 5th, 11th houses. thousands upon thousands of people may have similar placements but yet, we're all different. Don't be so harsh. I have a feeling you didn't mean to be so harsh though, I think you're just blunt and honest which is good. But remember that yes, the cold, metallic, computer screen doesn't have feelings but the person on the other side does.
------------------ "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" - MLK Jr. IP: Logged |
OzMeg222 Newflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted November 24, 2006 08:36 AM
Neptune, WOW!Unbelievably harsh. Sorry, but aren't u 15 or something??? She was asking about her chart, not about whether u wanted to be friends w her. Quote- with your Moon in Aries your probably arrogant, and speak about yourself alot, which is not attractive to say the least, No offense but you're kinda guilty of that too! You stated in another thread how physically attractive u are and in many more threads have hammered home how intellectually superior u are to most (?) people here and have gotten very indignant when your opinions were challenged in a logical manner. I thought the whole point of astrology was to learn things about oneself and to avoid possible pitfalls, I know next to nothing about astrology but every system seems to be to focus on the positive and overcome the 'challenging'. IP: Logged |
cristiname Knowflake Posts: 66 From: Earth. Welcome! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 08:55 AM
good thinking, neptune5! (hint: not!)i'm sure that hitler (need i say...), ingmar bergman (film director), vivien leigh (actress, gone with the wind) would've been pretty boring (they had absolutely nothing in either 1, 5 or 11). IP: Logged |
shirty unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 09:59 AM
"Personally I really wouldn't want to get to know you, due to you having barely nothing in your 5th, 1st, & 11th houses, those are the houses of expression and character, thats where true value lies in a person, and you clearly don't have that."hahahahaah that's absolutely ridiculous (and I have a stellium of five planets in the 5th opposing moon in 11th, I must be worth a fortune ) IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 10:28 AM
I too have absolutely nothing in those houses either except chiron in 11th which feels like adding insult to the injury anyway....  Vivien Leigh hey? Now she was one hell of an amazingly charismatic, strong, vibrant Scorpio woman...!! I would be interested to see how the charts of other strong actors like Bette Davies and Joan Crawford, (both Aries), look? As for the "foot in the mouth" approach, lets hope for some improvement in the way others are treated... There is always a way of helping others without the "kick ass' approach. On a forum, you never know whose ass you might be kicking....that peson could be feeling very lost and down....a kind word or two could change things for them.....  Lets be honest, but kind to each other hey guys. Of course it can be difficult when we havent yet reached maturity, but maybe just to keep it in mind... 
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 11:45 AM
honestly? I think Virgo Rising is the bomb they have the BEST personalities. Who needs planets in 1,5, and 11 when you have an awesome 10th house? you rock!IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 12:07 PM
Salisa,With Taurus (physical, also personal values) modifying North node (future goals) focused in the 9th house (expansion, also wisdom), it is very important for you to learn for yourself what your own values are. Valuing you, Tim IP: Logged |
Missa Newflake Posts: 14 From: Registered: Dec 2009
posted November 24, 2006 12:07 PM
What do I think of you based on your chart? Well, after a quick look, you seem like you could be a nice person. We have lots of similarities on our charts (mostly due to being the same age), but enough differences to keep it interesting. Your Ascendant is conjunct my Ascendant, Venus and Mars. You have Moon in Aries (6 degrees) which is exactly conjunct my Moon in Aries (also 6 degrees, though mine is in 8th house). Your Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Vertex, North node and Chiron are also conjunct mine, but most of those are generational. You have lots of Gemini on your chart which is nice, and enough earth to (most likely) keep your feet on the ground. This became a bit of a comparison, but couldn’t help it due to certain similarities.  IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 24, 2006 12:25 PM
Yeah I love virgo risers! (my boyfriend is one) Their so funny with their fussy little quirks!!!  Salisa, I would love to help you out but I'm afraid I know nothing about the current transits - I'm still a bit of an amature. But Happy Dragon is probably the one to ask - he's brilliant with that sort of thing!!!  However, you have have quite a few nice aspects in your chart (including a nicely filled 10th house - FAME BABY!) Hope these make some sense: Sun conjunct Mercury *Much mental energy. Can apply logic an definition to your will. *Good intelligence and communication skills. *Opinionated, independent thinkers - need to listen more though! Sun trine Jupiter *Vey generous & friendly - well liked. *Good hearted with strong morals. *Great sense of humour - often laughing and jolly. *Generally optimistic. Venus sexile Mars *Charming. *Honest and straightforward - ability to admit mistakes only adds to the charm. *Creative talent? *Romantic soul. Venus trine Ascendant *Warm, charming and sociable - will win friends easily. *Congenial and gracious. *Sensitive to criticsm so avoids criticising others. Hope this helps. You may well have a few rough transits going on at the moment but I'm sure that you won't feel sad for long. Good and bad transits will always happen throughout life and their influences can sometimes make us feel strange but you have a lot going for you, so stay strong and it will get less challenging shortly. Good luck! 
Ellie. xXxXx IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 12:31 PM
Soulless? i hardly think so....with those bunch of aspects to uranus, neptune and pluto, i have a feeling that you are a very independent, individualistic, spiritual and charismatic person  but those aspects can mess up with you big time, esp whn thr r soo many of them. read Happy Dragon's post here....i think you would be able to relate to it. OHHH ! i was abt to post the link to the thread, but u've been thr already...see! hang on in there, may be you are hving some transits which r making u feel this way. wait, lemme check.thr u go !! Uranus is at 10 deg Gemini right now, so it is conjunct your chiron. and soon will be moving towards your sun. Neptune is at 17 degree Aquarius, trining your sun, conjunct your jupiter pluto is at 24 degree sag, opposing your merc. saturn is at 23 degree leo, sextile merc in your chart. i'm no expert, but u hv a lot of aspects from the outer planets, as well as transits from them to your personal planets. no wonder u r feeling this way. ILWL IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 12:42 PM
motherkonfessor, I thought you knew I was Virgo Rising, 8'57 degrees, born on Nov 26 at 12:11 in the mourning, or maybe my intuition is right and it was just another one of those well deserved insults for me, either way, don't apologize, if you do, i won't accept it, because i'm at fault here, and I must take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions. Everyone, especially Salisa, I deeply apologize, I'm usually such a soft person, and warm and caring, and I regret that Salisa has not seen that usual side of me. To tell the truth, t'is my fault because I misread the thread thinking that she wanted us to say something negative about it,
quote: I think that your interpretation has been a bit harsh,Neptune5. Salisa might be insecure with her Chiron square Ascendant which can indicate a wounded person whether physically or emotionally who can feel inadequate about herself as well as her physical appearance. Her Sun quincunx Saturn can indicate insecurity..especially limited,restricted in self depression. This can be a depressed,limited ego. Her t-square of Moon in Aries,Mars in Cancer,Neptune in Capricorn can indicate emotional insecurity ....her feelings,emotional nature in stress,conflict with the polarization issues between her emotional,nurturing assertions/energy and her inspiration/imagination. There is a possibility of having passive-aggressive tendencies
Thanks for the heads up Raymond, I clearly let my own insecurities (7 Squared moon & 6 squared AC) take pre-dominance over me and squander my personality at that moment. Which I would like to admit that my foolish reply (which I had not pre-calculated) shows that in the heat of the moment, I was the person at all fault, Salisa is completely innocent and will remain that way Alanabelle, you were right, i am naturally blunt & honest, But I believe that all of you, through all of your replies, only meant to say one thing. Neptune5 should use her innate tact & diplomacy, because without it one is seen as a person of unlikeable traits. I'm going to pray right now, i'm going to pray not just for the spirit of Salisa that she may not listen to my previous words which meant absolutely nothing, but for persons who are persistantly challenged by the everpresent force of malicious words, jealousy, unkindness, anger, thoughts and acts of terrorism, domestic & spousal abuse, and for those same persons who are indignantly facing the challenge of controling feelings that could mean harm to someone of other.
------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2006 02:41 PM
lovely apology sweetheart  you show grace, wisdom, and maturity.IP: Logged |
karmafx unregistered
posted November 25, 2006 11:35 PM
i find it hard to believe that anyone could "misread" the first post and think the original poster wanted to be berated so harshly and unecessarily. sorry, i don't buy it.salisa, i think you might be a bit preocupied with how the world sees you. and i'm guessing so far this has been at expense of developing "soul." IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted November 26, 2006 05:25 PM
salisa, karmafx's advice is true.And karmafx, you haven't been here long so I excuse you not knowing how exceedingly kind I am. And i'm sure if you continue to assume, for example the circumstances at my reply were weary and unclear, then you could be sewing misunderstandings with a lot of persons. ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
BlueEyes24 unregistered
posted November 26, 2006 06:07 PM
"Personally I really wouldn't want to get to know you, due to you having barely nothing in your 5th, 1st, & 11th houses, those are the houses of expression and character, thats where true value lies in a person."That's almost as ridiculous as saying all Virgos are neat freaks. Sounds like a generalization to me. Oh least you apologized. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 26, 2006 06:10 PM
Monk - oh well, means I have no character either, having no planets in 5th and 11th. Thats a load of trite what was said. It just shows there aren't any 5th/11th specific issues concerning the person.IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor unregistered
posted November 26, 2006 08:23 PM
*edit*I had better keep my mouth shut, or I am going to be just as critical and b!tchy as neptune was. MK IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 26, 2006 08:36 PM
Sorry my post was directed to Neptune (not Monk).Empty houses just mean not specific issues involving the things associated with those houses, it has nothing to do with worth. IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 1066 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 27, 2006 12:31 AM
I've been here plenty long and I agree. My first thought was:What do you, Neptune, know about CHARACTER? When someone crawls up to you un-armed and begging for some kindness and help and you spit on her and attack her? And then when someone has the GALL to suggest that your apology wasn't sincere, you puff up and start lording over them too? Oh, yes, your "exceedingly kind" self is just spraying all over the place. We all try to be kind here, but kicking someone when they are down should not be ignored. Using someone's astrological info to bash them by only mentioning and attributing the negative energies to them is also NOT TOLERATED HERE, and if you have been here that long, then you know that. I can't believe you looked at her chart which she openly and honestly shared, and said she was probably arrogant and clearly didn't have character or true value. If you just HAVE to get tough with someone, you can try me on for size, but you better have been eating your mental Wheaties. My first house Aries and my Mercury in Virgo make me just as arrogant and intelligent as you. I keep re-reading your comments because frankly, I'm astounded. Your apology seems to be growing on me. At least you claim that you will say a prayer for Salisa, but I think you should be giving her a more personal apology instead of just a group apology and then a ramble about yourself in your defense. And getting all bad with Karmafx... "I EXCUSE you..." and "if you continue to ASSUME" and then the little Mob comment at the end where you warn about upsetting your connections here at LL. Sheesh. I just can't get over this. I hear you, MK, it's time for me to shut up too. Neptune, you are probably just a young person, and just the fact that you are here at such a young age is admirable. I'm in a crappy mood tonight, but I'm posting this anyway to support Salisa.
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Salisa unregistered
posted November 27, 2006 02:43 AM
I'm sitting here having some what of a hard time thinking of what I should say... ( I've never really been known for being arrogant;I'm more over look on as being shy. And talking about myself I've never been to keen on the subject.) Neptune5 thank you for you apology I didn't belive your post was to hurt me you were just being truthfull, like I asked.Thank you all for relpying it means a lot to me. I don't really have anyone I know that I can talk to about this that wouldn't make me feel ashamed or embarrassed and I kind of need to tell this to someone. On tuesday I took an overdose on sleeping pills, my mother found me and rushed me to the emergency room where I was forced to drink charcoal and become a pin cushion. To add to my embarrassment they called the police (which they said was protocol) who I was lectured by as well as the doctor and nurse. I have been scheduled for a psych evaluation of which I am terrified the doctor is going to say I'm crazy or something. If you've ever wondered what charcoal tasted like well... it's like sweet puke. No need for ipecac the charcoal itself will make you upchuck. but of corse you have to keep it down or they make you drink more. And if that wasn't enough after that day my father has been ignoring me and when he's not doing that he's giving me looks like "why can't you hurry up and die already". My mother says they have been having marriage problems and he's just taking it out on me. On the up side I've lost 5 pounds in one week from all the stress. Thanks for listening to me. IP: Logged | |