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Author Topic:   Your Guiding Planet

Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
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posted December 02, 2006 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(Updated November 30, as promised)

A recent inquiry into the discussion Forum of this website focused on peregrination. In my reply, I spoke how -after some 30 years of study and observation- I have started to push the envelope, so to speak, about peregrination, to give us an analytical tool and concomitant guidelines that make it easier and faster to get to the core. I have pushed beyond the Classical guidelines of a planet in rulership, exaltation, fall, detriment, etc. as qualification of the planet analytically, especially when that planet is not in Ptolemaic aspect with another planet (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, or opposition). The earlier nuances were desperately needed by astrologers to enrich analyses (as were "Parts"). In William Lilly's time (1602-1681), complex point systems were devised to evaluate dignity and debility. The system is not inscrutable; it is just complex and cumbersome.

Do we still need this system of dignities and debilitations? We do have the outer planets now, and a deep psychological understanding of behavioral archetypes developed throughout this last century. I suggest strongly that we do not gain much analytical benefit for the Classical struggle involved with measuring essential dignities and indignities.

My suggestion -and, My Goodness!, has this been tested!!!- is simply that an unaspected planet (no Ptolemaic aspect) can be called peregrine, regardless of dignity or indignity, and that such a planet, in its need-behavior symbolism, will tend to run away with horoscope analysis, i.e., behavioral manifestation. There is no doubt about this observation.

I have covered this subject throughout the thousand-page Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology -The Professional Manual, but especially on pages 155-190.

We know that "peregrine" comes from the Latin, meaning "across, through, or beyond the border." Our word "pilgrim" derives similarly from the Latin "pelegrinus," and alternative form of "peregrinus." The meaning sense is being foreign, alien. In the sense of our discussion of its import to analysis, think of a king in a foreign land. If he has no attachments in the foreign land, if no one there knows he is there, his ego and self-respect can't take it! He has to make some noise to attract attention, of course! --This is what a peregrine planet 'does:' its symbolism drives itself into prominence in the life reality of the individual.

Oriental Planet The Oriental (East) Planet is the planet that will rise at the Ascendant last before the Sun does (after the birth) in clockwise motion. No matter what the longitudinal distance this planet has from the Sun, natally positioned behind the Sun, if it is the planet that will rise before the Sun does, i.e., the Sun being next in line to rise up and over the Ascendant, it is the oriental planet. (Please see the "Oriental Planet" section in Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology for the full presentation.)

The whole point of my post about guiding planet is that I am talking about psychological,humanistic astrology. I wasn't even talking about traditional,classic astrology. I don't care for it.

I like modern Astrology with strong emphasis on psychology and geometry. That appeals to my peregrine guiding planet Uranus in 2nd house.

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posted December 02, 2006 02:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Um this is stupid and here's why.

The way it explains to find your ruling planet is opposite of the way Glaucus is explaining how to find it. This ambiguity is irritating, which way is it?

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
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posted December 02, 2006 02:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
what do you mean?

It just means that it's the closest planet east of the Sun ....that means the left side of the Sun

it's just interpreted in different way.

semantics stuff

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posted December 02, 2006 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think my guiding planet is neptune.

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posted December 02, 2006 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ugh...I am getting frustrated

I mean

it's the planet that is immediately preceding the sun in a clock-wise direction.

In Paula's case, it is Mercury in 11'51 Gemini which is before her Sun 28'06 Gemini. So Mercury is her guiding planet.

In Fred Astaire's case, it's Mercury. His Mercury in 24'09 Aries precedes his Sun in 20'12 Taurus. So Mercury is his guiding planet.

Finding your Planet of Oriental Appearance is easy. If you have a copy of your birth-chart, simply look to see which planet immediately precedes the Sun in a clockwise direction. If you haven't gotten around to having your birth-chart calculated, you can find your Oriental Planet by referring to an ephemeris for the day and year of your birth. Your Oriental Planet is the planet immediately preceding the Sun in the zodiac. For example, if the ephemeris shows your Sun as 22 degrees Scorpio and Neptune is shown as 10 degrees Libra, Neptune would be your Planet of Oriental Appearance — if there are no other planets between 10 degrees Libra and 22 degrees Scorpio. The depictions which follow describe each of the nine planets (the Sun is never in Oriental Appearance) when acting as a Guiding Planet and Skill Symbol.

Oriental Planet The Oriental (East) Planet is the planet that will rise at the Ascendant last before the Sun does (after the birth) in clockwise motion. No matter what the longitudinal distance this planet has from the Sun, natally positioned behind the Sun, if it is the planet that will rise before the Sun does, i.e., the Sun being next in line to rise up and over the Ascendant, it is the oriental planet. (Please see the "Oriental Planet" section in Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology for the full presentation.)

It's pretty much saying the same thing but presented differently

especially this:

planet immediately precedes the Sun in a clockwise direction.

he planet that will rise at the Ascendant last before the Sun does (after the birth) in clockwise motion.


There was nothing stupid about it.

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posted December 02, 2006 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My guiding planet is Venus and my bf's is Jupiter

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posted December 02, 2006 04:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Clockwise is actually the misleading word, because it brings to mind a clock face. On a clock the numbers proceed in a manner that is opposite how the houses in astrology are numbered. Clocks and astrology work in opposite directions, so saying that it's the planet preceding in a "clockwise" direction would suggest that it's the planet that rises after the Sun, because on a clock face that planet would be positioned on a number previous to the Sun's.

Instead they should have left clockwise out of it all together, and simply left it as the planet rising before the Sun. That way the person would work (starting at the Ascendant) counterclockwise back to the Sun, and whatever they reached directly prior to the Sun would be the Guiding Planet.

The visual aids should spell it out, though.

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posted December 02, 2006 05:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pluto is mine!Apparently I'm ahead of mine time and I'm meant to change people and have a lot of personal power.

Your not the only guiding pluto, Juno, by your reply you seemed to think you were which was ignorant to be honest. So i guess we share similar traits, but differentiated by Pluto position. What house is your pluto in? also what are your aspcets to your pluto, that should give you more insight then what you've already assumed.

Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon

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posted December 02, 2006 06:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nope I didn't think I was the only the only one but I think I posted about the same time as the other pluto post and so didn't see it. I'm more amused than anything because I really didn't think I'd be pluto, the whole personal power thing is a laugh, I just don't see it. Anyway it is interesting, I'd never heard of a guiding planet befor this thread. Probably the third or fourth house( oh for parents who actually noted my time of birth).

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Posts: 5819
From: Sacramento,California
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posted December 02, 2006 08:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I think that maybe it's a semantic issue.
I wasn't mislead by the term,clockwise when referring to oriental planet. I immediately thought clockwise was referring to movement eastward. Ascendant being an eastern point and Descendant being western point.

I guess that it's hard for astrologers to describe directions...need visual aids

I will leave it at that.

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posted December 02, 2006 08:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Add me for one more Mercury (11th house).

Sun: 27 Libra
Mercury: 17 Libra
Moon: 9 Libra
Uranus: 1 Libra

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posted December 03, 2006 07:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mine is Venus in the 9th;
My friend's is Pluto in the 8th.

Thanks Glaucus!

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posted December 03, 2006 08:15 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is very interesting. Funny, Hemingway and Picasso are two of my favorite artists...

Venus Guiding Planet

You are very concerned with how others value you and all that you do. As a Venus Skill Symbol person, you may feel impelled to leave a personal impression on all you touch, hoping others will recognize, accept, value and praise your originality or worthiness. Your special skills are those requiring artistry, perception, personal charm and grace, evaluation and judgment. In meeting the demands of daily life, you do well when maintaining your emotional cool and relying on your intuition and judgment in seeking a creative solution.
With Venus as your Guiding Planet, you do well when you allow your instincts and personal values guide you through practical life. Yet at times there may be a conflict between the preservation of your personal values and a need to be praised and treated as someone special, especially when material rewards, comfort, security and luxury figure as incentives.
To achieve happiness, you need be especially careful concerning career, employment and personal relationships. Just any job won't do — your high expectations and sensitivity to criticism, combined with a need for creative expression and a desire to be appreciated and praised, may place you at odds with a conventional career. If you feel frustrated with your current career, a change to a career requiring creativity, judgment or evaluation may be the remedy. Similarly with your choice of companionship and mates. You need to be appreciated and loved, praised and respected, by those closest to you. Because Venus is the first planet within earth’s orbit, in astrology it symbolizes all inwardly directed energies and activities, and in today’s intensely self-centered society, it may be too easy for the Oriental Venus person to slip into the self-absorption of narcissism — the "it’s all about me" syndrome. So, appreciation of others and the development of social graces should go hand-in-hand with self-respect and self-worth.

It’s no surprise that Venus Oriental figures in the birth-charts of many artists in search of new artistic values and ideals, even though their individual styles and biographies often differ radically. Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali all have Venus as Skill Symbol. In the instance of van Gogh, the Sun is unaspected, with Venus in close conjunction with Mars. Picasso’s natal chart features Venus in Libra, rising well before a Scorpio Sun, septile Mercury rising well after the Sun. The birth-chart of Dali shows Sun and Venus in Taurus, with Moon at the Midheaven, revealing an artist with an intense need to be "original" and earn vast sums of money to satisfy an avaricious wife. Modern artist Joan Miro was born with Venus Oriental very close to the north lunar node and the Sun. Here Venus is perhaps overshadowed by the Sun, with some the Guiding Planet’s attributes shifted to Mercury, which rises twenty degrees before Venus. And, indeed, Miro’s work has a fluid Mercurial quality and his approach is distinctly mental, even if, in a sense, surreal.
Venus Oriental also figures in the birth charts of poets and writers dealing with issues of art, values, culture and society. Joseph Campbell’s birth-chart has Venus Oriental, trine Neptune in the ninth house and bi-quintile Moon in the tenth house. Poet Arthur Rimbaud has the Sun and Venus Oriental in Libra, and poet, social satirist and wit Oscar Wilde was also born with the Sun and Venus Oriental in Libra. Venus Oriental is also seen in the charts of "macho men," such as Ernest Hemingway. Pornographer Larry Flynt has Venus Oriental close to a Scorpio Sun, with Mars, also in Scorpio, rising five-degrees before Venus — a revealing configuration. Yasir Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian people, has Venus Oriental rising forty-one degrees before the Sun, and it is very near Pluto and close to the Ascendant, suggesting his total dedication and identification with the values and needs of his people.
A number of women who have made their way as original, creative and independent voices in the world were born when Venus was Oriental. The natal chart of singer Alanis Morissette features Venus in Taurus (an excellent symbol for a vocalist) rising thirty-nine degrees before her Gemini Sun. The exact opposition between her natal Moon in the second degree of Scorpio and Venus Oriental seems to express itself well through her edgy lyrics portraying female angst unleashed. Women of rock Chrissie Hydne and Courtney Love were both born when Venus retrograde was Oriental. Chrissie’s Venus forms a bi-quintile aspect to Jupiter, and Courtney’s Venus forms a bi-quintile to Neptune in the first house.

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Heart--Shaped Cross
posted December 04, 2006 02:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mine's Pluto, and its so true.

'Would you know your Lord's meaning in this thing? Know it well. Love was his meaning. Who showed it to you? Love. What did he show you? Love. Why did he show it? For love. Keep yourself therein and you shall know and understand more in the same. But you shall never know nor understand any other thing, forever.'
- Julian of Norwich

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posted December 05, 2006 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for starr33     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My guiding planet is uranus in the 2nd house conjuct my sun and pluto in libra. Geez, no wonder I feel apart of the world one minute and a misfit the next!

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Desiring Shadows

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posted November 06, 2012 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Desiring Shadows     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mercury is my oriental/guiding planet via Vedic. Venus via western.
I'm acute with my perception, SOMETIMES. I pick up on subtleties that others would miss. Or this could be my Gemini Rising. Sometimes, I'm always another person.
Like I watched this interview of Winona Ryder the other night

and pieced together the conclusion that she was raped. I'm still not sure if its true... but I think im awesome for finding that out.
P.S. Winona's a Sun/Mercury/Venus Scorpio!


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posted November 07, 2012 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cool info.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted February 10, 2013 04:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for flowerpower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Moon Guiding Planet

You have a special knack for practicality and keeping things running smoothly. The busy teacher, housekeeper and the resourceful manager are examples of this type — their day is full of interruptions, adjustments and problem-solving. You can best handle situations by going straight into the heart of the matter and gently taking control. Your forte is an ability to cope with a constant stream of demands and quickly changing priorities. Moon Skill Symbol people are often do well in the fields of education and counseling. On the other hand, you may be prone to obsessiveness, over-work and criticism, tendencies which may be balanced or moderated by keeping the big picture and your ultimate goals in the forefront.
As Guiding Planet, the Moon symbolizes a reflective mind highly sensitive to everything in the environment and to the ever-changing flow of life and events. It places us in touch with our root power, which has a natural source, grounded in nature and natural activity. Yet the busy managerial and organizing functions of Moon as Skill Symbol, or its tendency to focus on the needs and requirements of others, may get in the way of tuning into your own needs and the larger issues and currents operating beneath the pressing demands of your often quickly changing mundane life. To serve us as a Guiding Planet, the Moon asks one to schedule quiet time for meditation or for a peaceful and relaxing nature walk.

he birth-chart of novelist Henry Miller features Moon Oriental, rising about seventy degrees before the Sun, in the seventh house of relatedness and conjunct the south lunar node, Mars, and Uranus. Henry Miller spent much of his later years living a simple life in a cabin on the remote Big Sur coast of California. His banned books did much to compensate for the puritanical shame of the body and sexuality which played such a large part in the American morality of his time.
The liberator of India, Mahandas Gandhi, was born when the Sun was unaspected (humanistic astrologers use somewhat tight orbs, revealing a clearer picture), and much of his solar power seems to have expressed through the Oriental Moon in the tenth house (politics and public life) Leo. With Moon as his Guiding Planet, Gandhi was able to sense precisely what was needed at the moment and he was utterly dedicated to his destiny of winning independence for his people. As Skill Symbol, the Moon symbolizes the organizational and gentle managerial skills, and a capacity for tuning into the needs and abilities of anyone, required to unify a very large and diverse nation and to gear its people to act in unison for a common goal.
The natal horoscope of J. Krishnamurti shows Moon Oriental, but a very great distance from the Sun, 145 degrees, forming a bi-quintile aspect between the two. The chart as a whole depicts a sharp "see-saw" pattern, comprising two opposed planetary groups, with the Sun and the Moon acting as a member of a planetary pair "enclosing" each of the two groups. Additionally, the two groups are situated one above and one below the horizon. Indeed, from the chart’s planetary gestalt, the Moon seems to be in too strong contrast to the Sun to figure as a scout or guide, too much space seems to "separate" the two bodies. And Krishnamutri’s somewhat rigid, mentally crystallized philosophy and outlook, which seems much rooted in negativism and denial, tends to speak from a natal Taurus Mercury conjunct the Nadir, rising seven degrees after the Sun, and from a natal Saturn retrograde in the ninth house. Even if the Oriental Moon seems estranged and not fully functional as Guiding Planet, much of Krishnamurti’s deeper side suggests he was connected with it beneath the surface. For instance, Krishnamurti was always very much interested in education and nourishing the mind and spirit, which ties in with Moon as Skill Symbol. He established several innovated schools worldwide, and founded Happy Valley School in Ojai Valley with his friend Aldous Huxley. Krishnamurti also had a deep appreciate of and trust in women, and in spite of his guru, holy man role, he conducted a secret thirty-year liaison with a woman, a relationship he evidently found so fulfilling that he wanted to continue it into his later years.
The birth-chart of early woman of rock Stevie Nicks features an Oriental Moon in the tenth house rising a great distance before a second house Gemini Sun. She wrote a song titled "Sister of the Moon" in the late-70s when her fame was of the first magnitude and she epitomized the "witchy woman." Stephanie's Oriental Moon is opposite natal Venus on the nadir, and natal Neptune near the Descendant link-up with the two to form a T-Square.

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posted February 10, 2013 10:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ail221     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 11, 2013 01:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SaturnineMoth     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hm... chart ruler, dominant planet, and guiding planet... great... all my Mercury needs now is a crown, scepter, and whipping boy. lol

at least it shares it's duties with Neptune here, (1°11) and Jupiter (2°12)

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Sailor Gemini

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posted March 05, 2013 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sailor Gemini     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Chart ruler AND Guiding Planet: Aphrodite in Gemini, 2nd House, aspected with some of my other Planets. So, does it mean anything if the Planet directly AFTER Apollon is in aspect with your Guiding Planet?

Oh my Gods.

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posted May 08, 2013 03:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for joyrjw     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My guiding planet is Uranus.
Its in my 5th house in Scorpio. Yes,I'm different. :-)

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posted May 08, 2013 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for joyrjw     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I Oopsed

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Posts: 1437
From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. Commuting between that and Chiron.
Registered: Feb 2013

posted May 08, 2013 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meissieri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jupiter (2'49 Cancer) in the 9th house.

Jupiter Guiding Planet

Your skills and resources are many, and you have a knack for getting things done simply by taking things as they come. You have a social sense and possess a natural skill for handling people and social activities. Jupiter Skill Symbol people often seek prestigious careers, they typify senior executives, lawyers, politicians and people in positions of social and economic power. When in a tough spot, you do well to keep your spirits high and rely on friends and personal resources. You work best with others and on tasks which, while requiring a wide range of abilities, do not necessarily require a high degree of skill in a single area. Your generosity, social ease and ability to delegate are great assets, yet there might be a bit of a snob or money-chaser beneath the finesse.
Jupiter Guiding Planet denotes a capacity for tuning into and seeing the big social, philosophical, religious, economic and political picture, and an ability to sense where one best fits for the good of society, or where one is most likely to prosper. Often conventional in their aspirations, Jupiter Oriental types are frequently driven to seek wealth and positions of power and status, and self-awareness and a deep questioning of motive may be needed to keep the highly ambitious aspect of Jupiter Skill Symbol in balance with the social responsibility implicit in Jupiter Guiding Planet.

Oriental Planet in the Ninth House. You may use your skills and faculties to better understand and formulate large ideas, concepts and philosophical, social, scientific or religious systems. Individuals with Oriental Planet in the ninth house are often media savvy and use their skills to expand human horizons and understanding.

Well... I don't know. I'm not religious and not a teacher, politician or philosopher either. I do really try to stay positive whenever I can, I'm definitely giving and generous, and adapt to people. I easily lose heart, though, but that's where the oppositions to Jupiter come in. Taking things as they come is difficult, at some point I find it hard to really let go of the idea that I don't have any control over my life. But good social contacts are important to me. It's odd. Jupiter is also the leading planet in my bowl chart, I think, but I don't really feel like the big leader type at all. Maybe not yet. I should probably study Jupiter some more

Technically, it's actually Chiron that rises right before my sun. Suits the theme of my life (and chart) completely. Do Chiron or any of the main asteroids count here?

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Posts: 107257
From: From a galaxy, far, far away...
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posted May 09, 2013 10:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would say, yes, they do.

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