Topic: Astrology and penis size??!! prrrrrr!!
carlfloydfan unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 12:45 AM
there are a few people who seem to oppose this harmless thread, to them I say:sex is natural like eating or crapping. whats the point in not talking about it and instead, repressing it? even you self righteous folks have urges. we just embrace them in healthy ways while you keep them deep within. but you can never make them go away, so its something you'll have to deal with. and while you deal with it, please don't preach to us because you feel embarassed about your desires. you act as if you have to make up for your inner struggles and tell those who MAKE LOVE (not fu*k) that we are going to hell. I would say its a sin to repress your sexual desire, IF anything. afterall, some of you might not act on it but its still there is it not? maybe thats why some priests struggle with the topic of sex. they vow not to partake in it but that just displaces sex. thats all you are doing so get over yourself!! otherwise I may accuse you of being a socio-path if you have never felt a sexual desire. you have, you just repress it, which is not healthy for the body. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 24, 2007 03:07 PM
I think all sides need to be represented from those that are declared hedonists to those that are prudish- plus everything in between.The trouble stems from one person becoming offended over keeping the "site clean" and instructing us to do something about it. That is why we have moderators. If you do not want your children to see this site then clear your history, don't have it in your favorites and for heaven's sake don't open the damn thing in front of little kids. I'd never look at this around my nephews. In the same respect we can't tell someone that believes in the spiritual union of two people being more important than just getting off to go pound sand. Basically, telling someone their belief about sex is wrong, stupid etc.. is a way of telling them that THEY are stupid or wrong. We are what we believe. The end... (on my part) Oh yeah.. and for the lecture about "the ugly girls" Zala get over yourself. You took my joke about ugly girls out of context. Ugly isn't superficial, it is bone deep and includes the personality. When you finally answer the question about the hypocritical nature of who you decide to protect and who you decide to blast (based on your own bias) then you'd have the right to point fingers at me or ask for a deeper explanation. Since you can't seem to get past that incredible flaw, I won't take your lectures seriously - especially since you seem to take delight on jumping on any post of mine that you think may be "mean" in any way, shape or form. Too bad you couldn't take that stance on everyone that blurs that line... then again the word hypocritical often comes to mind when dealing with you.
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sue g unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 03:19 PM
"""Sex is a beautiful thing. It's not dirty, nasty or inherently bad or evil"""". It is also incredibly healthy if done with the right person and no one is hurting the other.... Sex is healing, natural, and very very GOOD!!!! I can feel totally stoned after having sex, moreso than if I drank or smoked pot...(dont do the last two anymore). Guys please, please, please lets not pass on to our children the very 'disturbed" message that sex is in anyway a SIN.... carl and pidaua
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sue g unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 03:22 PM
When my sexual energy is flowing and being used to its full potential....I am happy, relaxed, not depressed and incredibly well balanced... If i dont use it i am miserable and grouchy... I feel i can cope better, be a better mother, a better partner, a better healer, a better friend... SEX IS HEALING.... It heals the body and mind.... It allows us to surrender ourselves, to lose control for a while and it increases our propensity to love... IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 24, 2007 03:56 PM
Sue said "I can feel totally stoned after having sex, moreso than if I drank or smoked pot...(dont do the last two anymore)." I don't smoke pot but I can say that Sex DOES release a chemical (endorphin) that makes us feel high. Bear and I call it - and yes this will sound crass - f*ck stupid. LMAO....
At the same time sex with someone you love releases even more spiritual energy which causes the rush to be even more. I believe when two people merge while in love there are no barriers between the spirits whereas when sex is for pleasure only, the wall has to be up as to not fully merge and give of yourself. Maybe that is a good question to ask, since we are all spiritual in some sense as we are all knowflakes. For knowflakes that have sex for pleasure only, without love (and there is no judgement being passed here) do you spiritually merge or do you protect yourself from that kind of openess to the other person? Personally, in my past I have had a hard time even allowing someone I loved merge with me on a spiritual level unless I was 100% in love with them. Having that openness like I do with Bear, is extremely rewarding sexually and the energy is amazing. Thoughts? IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 24, 2007 04:22 PM
I am of the same view, sex is a beautiful thing, and it's a wonder gift thats in all of us. ------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 04:26 PM
Well for me.....One of the most damning things is to be raised in a repressed household, where the parents' views are forced on the child. I grew up believing that sex was only for marriage...and this "brainwashing" had quite a detrimental effect on my though processes... It took quite a lot of healing for me to be able to stand up and say "I am a very sexual woman"..... In fact the last few years, I hardly recognise myself.....I have grown into the type of woman who is bearly recognisable from a few years ago... I would say...NEVER NEVER NEVER try and enforce views on another, especially children... Its very damaging and ultimately counterproductive... Cos the chances are they will rebel Like I did!!!!!!!! IP: Logged |
jason from oz unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 02:46 AM
wow. I posted this thread on a whim, and totally forgot that I even posted it until the other day! Who ever thought that it would grow so huge (no pun intended; well maybe a little!) IP: Logged |
jason from oz unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 02:49 AM
Wow. I posted this thread on a whim, and totally forgot that I even posted it until the other day! Who ever thought that it would grow sooo huge (no pun intended; well, maybe just a little!)IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7133 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 25, 2007 02:55 AM
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lovely* unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 03:31 AM
For me, the big penis award go to Taurus,Sag and Capricorn. Sag mars influences seem to equal big weenies in my personal experience. What about vaginas? Does anyone care to discuss the female parts? What makes a woman *little*? Aries females seem to brag they are small. IP: Logged |
lovely* unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 03:38 AM
PS.In the tantric text it is written that every human male and female has thier own counterpart or match, based on genitals/ elephant/bull-elephant (large) mare-stallion (med) hare-rabbit (small) IP: Logged |
Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 205 From: the planet of love Registered: Jul 2009
posted January 25, 2007 07:01 AM
Lovely, that reminds me of an Australian Big Brother contestant, Gianna. She was undoubtedly the most attractive female on the show and she kept making a big deal about how she likes "small ones" because she is also small!The guy she liked on the show was VERY small, as shown by the shower scenes, lol. IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 46 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 25, 2007 07:23 AM
AG, You're right about us Virgo women having big hooters.LOL .Sue G, Isn't natural for Scorps to discuss sex?. Sinful? Nah! IP: Logged |
Virgo/Aries75 unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 01:11 PM
lovely* - please realise that Aries men and women brag about EVERYTHING!!!!! (Whether it's true or not) After reading all of these threads about penis and breast size and trying to relate them to astrology, I'm thinking it's 99% heredity. again :insertduckingtomatosmiliehere: For all the talk of "Scorpio sexuality" the one I was with was built like a child. So I would take it all with a grain of salt. IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 03:17 PM
Not sure whether the appendenge is hereditary genes or from planetary alignments but i do know the video is a hoot in case no one has seen it But I have a twisted sense of humor, I think that is a result of funny parents and lots of pisces in my chart IP: Logged |
Inner depths unregistered
posted May 20, 2008 04:52 PM
OMG! I can't believe there is a thread like this. This is too funny not to comment on. I'm going to be laughing my butt off till bed time with this one.......I did have an ex (Aqua) where no women would ever feel any penis envy around him. But he made up with stuff using his mouth and tongue..... laughingly, ID IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 20, 2008 05:04 PM
"Sex is natural like eating or crapping"?Wow, the promise of passion that will shake you to the core.
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Inner depths unregistered
posted May 20, 2008 05:18 PM
LMAO Blue Moon IP: Logged |
winky_winky unregistered
posted May 20, 2008 05:28 PM
funny thread........but i believe u cant tell from the signs...more down to genes... i suppose! IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted May 20, 2008 07:31 PM
i didn't bother to read the whole thread (10 pages on penis??) but what a funny thread. not all girls like the dream size men themselves fancy to have, just you kno.IP: Logged |
LibraChickety unregistered
posted May 20, 2008 07:39 PM
The largest I have ever seen was that of an Aquarius'. I mean GIRTHY.Second, is my Aries man ------------------ Sun in Libra Asc. in Sagittarius Moon in Virgo Mercury in Libra Venus in Scorpio Mars in Leo Jupiter in Libra Saturn in Libra Uranus in Scorpio Pluto in Libra Stellium in the 10th ........ I feel so naked ;) IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted May 20, 2008 08:01 PM
These are the 3 charts of my friends. First one is a guy with a really big **** and i mean BIG lol.Second is my friend who works in the sex industry who has really big boobs, and no shes not cancerian either. Though theyre all water signs. Third is my other friend who has a really big ****. What they all have in common is they all have jupiter/moon aspects. ------------------ ASC: Virgo Sun: Cancer Moon: Gemini Mars: Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Leo IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted May 20, 2008 08:02 PM
Agree LibraChickety. LOLInterestingly, circumcised men are on average up to 25% smaller than non circumcised men. Circumcision plays a HUGE role in size and inhibits the penis from growing to it's full length and girth. IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted May 20, 2008 08:09 PM
wow, i wasn't really taking this seriously, but i just took a look at the chart of an ex who was pretty well-endowed, and he does have a jupiter-moon trine. and the others who are "regular-sized" don't. that's strange!!IP: Logged |