posted November 15, 2007 01:53 PM
heart cakes,In step #1 You choose the house system:
(Are you using the same system previously used in your chart creations?)
Equal, Placidus, Koch, Campanis, Meridian, Regiomontanus, Porphyry, Morinus, Topocentric, Alcabitius, Equal (MC), Neo-Porphyry, Whole, None; Are all options here.
Then, there are a choice of six different maps as well as eight different forcasts...
To accurately see 3-D reality, you must view your chart (...etc.) from two key perspectives (ecliptic + right ascension). The standard 2-D viewpoint (usually ecliptic) of our 3-D universe distorts the truth (just like flat maps do!). However, these two views reveal the real, undistorted layout of your planets.
The key difference between what StarWise and others provide, is in the 3-Dimensional aspects. Compare your ecliptic and right ascension views of your charts and reports.
So while using the same house system as say,... veiwing Ecliptic View, my chart matches perfect then the added bonus is the Right Ascension View . [This is True Birth place use] Now using it for current city and state, obviously will bring different results, this is what Astrocartology is all about! Discovering the changes brought about through relocation.
I hope this helps you some...
Sendin' love your way,
"your friend in spirit"