Topic: No EARTH signs in a chart
taurean_scorpion unregistered
posted January 23, 2007 08:43 PM
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sinderlou unregistered
posted January 23, 2007 08:59 PM
Hello Taurean!yes, william gave me some private info but it was based on a very intuitive level between the two charts and we didn't go into the relationship part in detail. Its the relationship part that has me concerned now........i could be making a major decision and want to be certain. IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 23, 2007 09:02 PM
William is really quite amazing by the way IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 11:02 AM
Heya TimI hope you didnt forget about me IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 11:39 AM
sinderlou,To learn about how a person approaches "relationships" we look at Libra, Venus, and 7th house in the person's chart. You have Libra modifying Ascendant (self), so you personally identify with relationships. You have Venus in the 7th house, emphasizing the importantance of relationships even more; and Jupiter (expansion) focused in the 7th house. However Venus is trine (energy goes very easily with) Uranus (friends) focused in the 11th house (friends), indicating you like to be "close but not TOO close" in relationships. The need to be close and the need to be separate have to be somehow "balanced out". Helping with this is your Venus sextile (energy goes easily with) a stellium (collection of energy) focused in the 5th house (self-expression, also dating), indicating you may like to have "dating-relationships". He has Libra modifying unaspected (strong energy) Uranus (friends), Nadir (inner world), and Pluto (transformation, also control), so he has a similar "friends" issue, but relationships for him are inwardly deep and something that need to be controlled somehow. He has Venus focused in the 11th house, emphasizing the distance necessary in any relationship. And he has Venus trine (energy goes easily with) Pluto, emphasizing the control issues in relationships. Venus is opposite (energy is over-excited by) Neptune (spirituality, also deception), so he may not see relationships for what they are or may be deceptive in relationships. He has no energy focused in the 7th house, so he does not have relationships for the sake of having relationships. Looking at you together, there are connections between the Sun and/or Moon, so there is a connection between you. Looking at the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) the connections are partly easy and partly stressful. Your Mars (being, also anger) square (energy needs to be combined with) his Moon (emotions) could be challenging, indicating you may be angry at him when he gets emotional. Looking outside the personal planets, your Venus connections are easy, but his are stressful, indicating he might experience more stress in the relationship than you. Your Pluto squares his Venus, indicating you have "control" of the relationship in some way. Your Pluto also squares his Moon, so you also control his emotions. His Pluto does not contact your planets, so the control is one-way...from you to him. Several of his planets conjunct (energy is combined with) your North node (future goals), so he "pulls you forward" in life (this might be the connection between you you were referring to). Whatever issues you have between you can be worked out by your BOTH working together on them. But you BOTH have to decide this is worth your time. Relating, Tim IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 02:11 PM
TimThat was incredible....thank you for clarifying some things i felt but needed confirmation on. The "pulling thru life" referenced really got to me. Because this person came to me, out of the blue and very subtly became a part of my life from a distance until i met him in person and that was when a more than freinds situation began to emerge. There is something very deep between us and we read each other and seem just to verify our thoughts with words as of lately. There are things he can keep hidden from me on a deep level that is one of the reasons i have turned to astrology. (I don't know how to do it, just feel strongly that this is incredible stuff and want to learn) what you said about him not having a relationship for a relationship sake is also on the money.........he has only started dating in the past 3 years because he never wanted a relationship to interfere with his career. I am not sure what you mean by controlling with him. Can you explain that? I am not certain what you mean by controlling his emotions. I apoligize for not getting this In your honest opinion........does this look like a promising relationship? thank you so much for your time and expertise!
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wilsontc unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 03:54 PM
sinderlou,By "control" I don't mean that you TRY to control's simply how your relationship energy works. For him, it might be comfortable, since he sees relationships as controlling anyway, so being controlled in a relationship is, for him, normal. Control is most easily understood by the person who feels "controlled"...quite often the "controller" isn't aware that they are seen as controlling. The only solution I know is to make a STRONG effort to SHARE control...let him know he HAS control, too, if he wants to use it. Or you might let the issue go if he is not bothered by it. As mentioned, I don't predict what "is" and "is not" relationship-worthy...that is up to both people in the relationship to describe. All I try to do is describe the nature of the relationship and leave it up to people if that is a relationship they feel comfortable in. Relating, Tim IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 24, 2007 11:21 PM
Hello again Tim!Once again thanks for your knowledge on this. There is something that he has opened up to me and talked about and that is that he actually feels energy coming from me to him and i feel that from him to me. I have never had any one tell me this nor have i ever felt this before. He says he feels like he is getting charged like a battery when he is around me. this might be a stupid question but do you think that the controlling energy has something to do with this? Just want understanding. I intend on putting time into understanding astrology and will be buying books soon so all these tidbits of info help greatly,,thanks again IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 02:08 AM
sinderlou,Since it is YOU charging HIM, it sounds like a type of "control" energy to me. Only he knows for sure. Unsure, Tim IP: Logged |
lovely* unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 02:47 AM
my daughter has no earth, only a node in capricorn. things that ground her most are being in nature. she is at her best riding horses, helping dad with gardening or helping with projects around the house.My husband likes to make things with his hands like furniture. He Leo prides himself on his creations. One time dear daughter was assisting him in the garage, and picks up a block of scrap wood and a pencil and says [daddy.. how do you write..."this is for making wood"?] So even if they have deficiency in an element, they most likely were either born with parents of opposite astrological stuff to balance them or they find it through relationship.. or in some cases through work. IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 25, 2007 08:19 AM
thanks Tim for your thoughts on this!thank you Lovely for some first hand info regarding your daughter IP: Logged |
lovely* unregistered
posted January 27, 2007 01:16 AM
sinder  IP: Logged | |