Topic: Minor aspects in synastry
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 28, 2007 01:15 PM
Does anyone here work with minor aspects? If so, do they have an effect?For example I feel a strong attraction to someone, but it`s not really shown through major aspects. We don`t have a Venus-Mars-aspect (we have a tight Venus-Pluto-square and an exact Mars-Pluto-sextile, though), but his Mars is semisquare my Venus (orb: 1°) and his Venus is semisquare my Pluto (orb: 1°). Can it be that I feel the semisquares? DD
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Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2007 01:29 PM
I felt the synastry septile with someone...or maybe I still feel it quote: The "Minor" Synastry Aspects You are unlikely to find predominance because of the orb used for the so-called "Minor" aspects. However they form an important role in assessing the grid because they operate at a less conscious, more subliminal level. The Semisquare implies discontent. It can illustrate a lack of trust in the relationship. There is an unwillingness to go all the way to a full blown aspects, and irritation and conflict is rarely addressed, but they seem to get half way but then back off. When semi-squares are triggered, old habits and irritations loom large and take on ridiculous proportions. What might seem a cute little habit when you are in the glister of first love becomes the straw that can break the camels back in 20 year's time and the issues just simmer along until a transit triggers them. Apparently 'good' relationship can then break under the strain of what might seem to others a trivial issue. The Sesquisquare implies ongoing but unrecognised irritants. This is a bit like the semi square except there might be a bit more chance of facing it. Indeed it is faced so many times as a dynamic in the relationship that it eventually becomes a reliable source of conflict in what might otherwise be a dull existence. It takes irritation and makes it full blown frustration. It can however, lead to confronting and issue at least, usually after a long period. But residual animosity tends to remain. When this aspect appears frequently in relationships grid, the partners will tend to take things to extremes to test each other. The Quincunx is a very difficult aspect. There are charts where this takes dominance and they are toxic relationships. Generally said to be the areas where adjustments have to be made, if one has to adjust to the point of losing focus then it is a sinister aspect. The Quincunx "swings" between a trine and opposition. There is a constant shifting of energy that can be wearing. This aspect is the stuff of the victim / perpetrator and one hopes not to find it except in small numbers. Too many and the chances of the relationship being healthy are remote. It occurs commonly in charts where one partner is alcoholic, sick, or escapes responsibility through infidelity or illness and the other takes the strain. The quincunx erodes the relationship. It is like standing talking to someone and they don't make eye contact, their eyes flick from left to right but never directly at you, you're not even sure they are listening and then you start to feel uneasy, edgy and uptight. If you've experienced that you understand how disconcerting it can be. Well, imagine that as a constant dynamic in a relationship, an uneasy, fearful feeling. It's enough to erode any relationship. It's almost like developing an allergy to each other, and can in fact give real physical symptoms. Hypochondria is part of this dynamic, the ultimate cop out, the 'escape into sickness' syndrome and you wonder who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. You never really know except that someone is carrying the load. Adjustment implies change and too many adjustments imply complete change. A few quincunxes might be fruitful for individual personal change to accommodate the needs of another, but too many are too demanding. The Quintile is the creative, willing risk taking, playful and joyful dimension of the relationship. If you find these there is joy to be found in the relationship. It might be through children, through work or just simply enjoyment of each other and a common involvement with arts, music etc. These people are prepared to take a few chances, and will tend to lay it all on the line to each other so there is indwelling honesty. This is where the love affair can continue into old age. It is a solar kind of energy and if it's between personal planets, they each shine and bask in each other's glow. It occurs in partnerships in artistic fields. Individually they may be mediocre but together they're dynamite. They bounce off each other, feed each other, inspire and resonate off each other. The vibration is wonderful. It brings the facet of playfulness to the relationship, a childlike quality that means there is an area, which is fun. So, of the minor aspects you can't do better than a quintile. It's the Best Friend energy that can keep a relationship alive and vital. But it goes a little further because it empowers the individuals to be creative and fruitful within the relationship. The Septile carries both spiritual overtones and shadow undertones. A few septiles imply spiritual bonding. There is rapport at a mental level; one intuits the thoughts of the other. There is a psychic link, a reading of minds and uniting of thoughts that is almost telepathic. However, if there's too much mental or psychic linking it can become intrusive. One might not want the other to tune in to their thoughts! Too many septiles can intrude in a sinister way and creates an environment whereby shadows come out to play. The Novile implies the search for perfection. It illustrates what one might expect or hope for in the relationship and may or may not find. Noviles in a Synastry highlight areas where there is a possibility of 'trap setting' dynamics because of preconditioned expectations. Like the Septile it operates like an unconscious harmonic vibration and may well have a lot to do with childhood expectations. You fall in love with an idea(l). Archetype meets archetype - the handsome prince and princess swoon! Then reality strikes and in reality things are not as expected. It can be wonderful when someone measures up to the ideal and creates an exchange whereby there is a sense of dreams coming true. But this aspect can also promote an environment of testing and trap setting. Too many of these and partners are constantly setting the other up for failure. Even when they pass a test, there's another around the corner! In a general sense, the main aspects plus a few of the main 'minor' one should give a chart with enough space for energy to move. When you use the Synastry grid, it doesn't need to be picked to pieces and examined through specific individual aspects unless there is an issue. Many of these issues will arise through contacts by transit or progression to one of the partner's natal planets and constellate and emerge, through the dynamics of the energy contacts in the relationship. The overview, the individual natal charts, and aspects involved in the 'hot spot' that is focussed by transits and progressions give a clear picture of issues and enable creative dialogue and hopefully, resolution.
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Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted January 28, 2007 04:38 PM
The synastry between me and the last guy was absolutely loaded with these. We had them all - but I think I miss the quintiles the most. We had 4 quintiles and a bi-quintile. Don't miss the quincunxes LOL. We had two, including between my Mars and his Saturn. Thanks Peri. I thought those were rather harsh, but I guess once you've been in a relationship for a while have gotten used to the major aspect energy, the minor aspect energy becomes more and more noticeable, for better or worse. BTW for whomever - a sesquisquare is the same as a sesquiquadrate. It's 135 degrees. This aspect is showing up more and more in software, and the abbreviation is usually "ses" but I've seen other things. The symbol should like like a square "Q" like this: Not to be confused with a quintile's symbol which looks like a normal "Q": A quintile's 72 degrees. Bi-quintile is 144. A septile is 51.4 degrees. A novile is 40 degrees. As usual, no more than a 2 degree orb for these. IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2007 04:43 PM
Yes I can feel some of them, like semi-squares and sometimes...quincunx, it's like there in the background lurking just enough to let you know their around. I think you are able to feel the semi-square, after awhile you'll notice(or feel) certain aspects more than others, your 'own' personal pattern  ------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
Bucketrider unregistered
posted January 28, 2007 11:34 PM
The quincunx can be annoying or great depending on the planets involved. Mercury quincunx mercury is stimulating. Venus quincnux venus is more like a trine than a hard aspect. Moon quincunx saturn is not so amazing. Im not sure that the quincunx has the same binding power that the square, opposition and conjunction have. Bec it usually does not become a full blown crisis, it doesnt get resolved so easily which is the binding part of the process in a major hard aspect, IMO. If youre attentive to it, it can be helpful and become binding to some degree but you could ignore it and just chalk the relationship up to a bad fit. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 29, 2007 08:47 AM
It`s interesting, that you mentioned the septile, Peri, because I`ve been toying around with that aspect, too. Maybe the reason for this is that I have a septile with an arc of 15 minutes between my Sun and Moon, and yes, I have a very strong mystical inclination, so I think I might it feel in the natal. But how does it feel in a synastry? Could you tell a bit more about this aspect, Peri, only if you don`t mind, of course? Which planets are / were septile and what was the effect?According to your replies it seems that one can feel the semisquare, sesisquare and quinkunx more strongly than other minor aspects? Mmh, maybe because those are hard minor aspects? And the Moon-Saturn-quinkunx; I have that natally with an orb of 09 minutes, and it`s certainly no joy for me. Sometimes it feels more stressful and depressing than my Venus-Pluto-square. It`s always there, even though not in the centre of attention, but it often prevents me from being able to relax. It`s as if there`s always the feeling of haven`t done enough. You know,e ven if all th work is done (the major things), and I could lean back and relax, there`s this thought I should still do something, or that I may have forgotten to do something small, that could get big, if I don`t remember it. Does that sound crazy? But it`s as if I`m always having a bad conscience, not even knowing for what reason. DD IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 30, 2007 07:16 AM
DD, There was a guy whose Venus made almost exact to a minute septile to my Sun. We had very few synastry major aspects and almost none indicating 'fatal' attraction or intense love; but it all was there! For some objective reason, we could never be together, our background stories were too different and our life paths were not meant to cross, we both knew it; and yet we loved each other and were faithful (without any hope of being together) for almost 4 years. I also had a past life recall experience and it was about him... At that time I was not aware of the septile aspect and had no idea what made our connection so unexplainably strong...our synastry just made no sense to me... 3 years ago, he was seriously injured in the car accident and the night before I had a nightmare telling me something terrible was going to happen to someone close to me... at that moment we hadnt been in touch for several years. We still have this strange connection I can see it in his eyes when we happen to bump into each other and I still feel it too  IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted January 30, 2007 10:18 AM
Does the septile show up in the synastry charts at Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted January 30, 2007 11:04 AM
Jane, no I don't think so.Peri - I'm not sure if I had a past life connection with this Aqua guy, but our synsatry certainly indicated that. We had nodal aspect both ways, on both nodes. We had several major aspects with several minor ones, including several tight septiles: His Merc - my Neptune His Merc - my Jupiter His Pluto - my Sun His Pluto - my Uranus His Moon - my Saturn His Moon - my Mars His Mars - my Neptune We have tons in common, we "read" each other pretty well and our life paths are eeriely similar in a way. But there's a big age difference and there are other issues involved. Definitely felt an intense and unusual connection with the guy. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted January 31, 2007 02:13 AM
Peri,yes, I relate to that thing of the "fatal attraction that is not seen right away in the major aspects". I do have some major aspects to that guy`s chart; we almost have a Venus-Mars-conjunction, but only almost, since they are in different signs and almost 9° apart from each other. The comparision gets interesting, if you look under the surface, at the minor aspects and midpoints (for example his Sun-Moon-midpoint is conjunct my Moon). My question about minor aspects hinted actually at that. Can those minor aspects be a sign of attraction? I get the feeling they can. I think your story is just another proof of that unexplicable soul-connection and attraction that can be there, but can`t be seen, if you don`t dig a bit deeper. GeminiNymph, Yes, I believe nodal contacts can be quite strong in synastry. I remember, I had that with a guy, my Moon fell onto his Southern Node and his Pluto squared my nodes. it took 16 years to get over him! I`m still not completely sure, if I really did, though. lol Well, I`ve gotten over that insane attractions (no "in love feelings" anymore), but I feel that he will always be a part of my life or rather my thoughts. We also had some Venus-Pluto-action going on; my Pluto opposite his Mercury and biseptile his Venus. His Pluto squared my Mars, AC and trine my Venus. and my Venus exactly opposite his Venus-Pluto-midpoint; and in the Draconic charts his Pluto was / is conjunct my Venus. Talk about fatal attraction! But that is long gone now. In that other case, with the guy, I feel so unexplainably drawn to, there are also some septiles and biseptiles. His Sun septile my Uranus His Moon biseptile my Moon his Moon biseptile my Sun (orb is 5 minutes) His Moon biseptile my Mercury His Mercury septile my Pluto HIs Venus septile my Midheaven Don`t really know how to interprete this, but it seems that his Moon falls onto a sensitive spot in my horoscope, making all those aspects to my horoscope. His Moon biseptile my Sun biseptile my Moon biseptile my Mercury square my Venus trine my Mars trine my Neptune opposite my Pluto trine my Node trine my AC conjunct my IC DD
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sweetrhonda unregistered
posted June 27, 2008 07:57 AM
Can anyone give me some insight to how Venus quinqunx Saturn would play out in synastry?My Venus his Saturn? IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted June 27, 2008 09:52 AM
never thought about this..but noviles are BIG in indian vedic astrology.IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 27, 2008 10:06 AM
I DD,personally l think the quincunx is very exciting as an aspect! As you know l have in draco synastry, his dr Pluto opposes my natal Venus (1)
my Draco Pluto sextile his Draco Venus (0) I know that this is not considered a twin soul aspect cos of the sextile but l do feel it with my man. It is obsessive in a gentler kind of way! IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 27, 2008 11:22 AM
Is that really true, VenusdeIndia?MY jupiter is exact novile his venus which is a lovely combo My chiron is novile his IC which must be healing to him? how does it affect, as an aspect in Vedic please? IP: Logged |
Scorpio08 unregistered
posted June 27, 2008 03:22 PM
Wait, I was under the impression that Quintile and Bi-quintile indicated obsession and possession in synastry, not creativity. I remember that Angelina and Billy Bob Thornton had a Venus/Mars quintile (or bi quintile) and the article read that this aspect was the cause of their insane sexual passion. They couldn't keep their hands off of one another (lucky them!) But yeah, so I was thinking that the quintile was reallllllly powerful, and not light and gentle at all..IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 78 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 06:35 PM
*bump*IP: Logged |
Diana Knowflake Posts: 2620 From: Registered: May 2009
posted September 06, 2009 03:12 AM
I want to know more about quintiles in synastry. Are they as good as they say?IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 431 From: Indianapolis, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 06, 2010 06:53 PM
This guy and I have a wierd "love"-hate and tense-relaxed type of relationship,but we inspire spirituality,creativity,fun and playfulness in one another, when we're not argueing, lol!We have a ton of Quintiles/BiQuintiles and Sesquisquares.... Thank you for posting this... Minor Aspects (Sidereal Zodiac, true ayanamsa)
Him to me... Chart 1 - Chart 2 Sun (Can 24°24') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°55' Sun (Can 24°24') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 3°27' Sun (Can 24°24') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): quintile (72°00') orb: 3°04' Moo (Can 15°26') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 0°57' Moo (Can 15°26') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°33' Mer (Can 20°03') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 3°27' Ven (Gem 14°37') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°44' Ven (Gem 14°37') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 3°23' Ven (Gem 14°37') - Chi (Ari 04°57'): quintile (72°00') orb: 2°20' Ven (Gem 14°37') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): quintile (72°00') orb: 1°40' Mar (Vir 02°38') - Nep (Sco 19°25'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°47' Mar (Vir 02°38') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°13' Mar (Vir 02°38') - Chi (Ari 04°57'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°19' Mar (Vir 02°38') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°11' Jup (Cap 06°53') - Moo (Leo 15°04'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 2°11' Sat (Cap 01°39') - Moo (Leo 15°04'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°35' Sat (Cap 01°39') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°41' Sat (Cap 01°39') - Pal (Can 29°41'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 1°58' Ura (Leo 02°17') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°41' Ura (Leo 02°17') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°26' Ura (Leo 02°17') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°50' Nep (Lib 15°20') - Pal (Can 29°41'): quintile (72°00') orb: 3°40' Plu (Leo 13°50') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°31' NNd (Leo 03°51') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°54' SNd (Aqu 03°51') - Nep (Sco 19°25'): quintile (72°00') orb: 2°26' SNd (Aqu 03°51') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°45' SNd (Aqu 03°51') - Ves (Can 02°45'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 1°07' SNd (Aqu 03°51') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): quintile (72°00') orb: 2°58' Chi (Aqu 11°45') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°51' Chi (Aqu 11°45') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°56' Cer (Ari 28°18') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 2°42' Pal (Pis 00°16') - Sat (Can 23°13'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°03' Pal (Pis 00°16') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°19' Pal (Pis 00°16') - Pal (Can 29°41'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 0°36' Jun (Pis 07°15') - Sat (Can 23°13'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°57' Jun (Pis 07°15') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°42' Jun (Pis 07°15') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°36' Jun (Pis 07°15') - Pal (Can 29°41'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°35' Jun (Pis 07°15') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°12' Ves (Tau 03°16') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 0°46' Ves (Tau 03°16') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°21' BMo (Can 27°51') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°00' BMo (Can 27°51') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°24' Me to him....
Minor Aspects (Sidereal Zodiac, true ayanamsa) Chart 1 - Chart 2 Sun (Sco 00°21') - Ven (Gem 14°37'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°44' Sun (Sco 00°21') - Plu (Leo 13°50'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°31' Moo (Leo 15°04') - Jup (Cap 06°53'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 2°11' Moo (Leo 15°04') - Sat (Cap 01°39'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°35' Ven (Sag 08°29') - Sun (Can 24°24'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°55' Ven (Sag 08°29') - Moo (Can 15°26'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 0°57' Ven (Sag 08°29') - Mer (Can 20°03'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 3°27' Ven (Sag 08°29') - Ves (Tau 03°16'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 0°46' Mar (Sco 03°00') - Ven (Gem 14°37'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 3°23' Jup (Tau 02°53') - Moo (Can 15°26'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°33' Sat (Can 23°13') - Pal (Pis 00°16'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°03' Sat (Can 23°13') - Jun (Pis 07°15'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°57' Ura (Lib 14°58') - Sat (Cap 01°39'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°41' Ura (Lib 14°58') - Ura (Leo 02°17'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°41' Ura (Lib 14°58') - NNd (Leo 03°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°54' Ura (Lib 14°58') - Pal (Pis 00°16'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°19' Ura (Lib 14°58') - Jun (Pis 07°15'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°42' Nep (Sco 19°25') - Mar (Vir 02°38'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°47' Nep (Sco 19°25') - SNd (Aqu 03°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 2°26' Plu (Vir 19°37') - SNd (Aqu 03°51'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°45' Plu (Vir 19°37') - Chi (Aqu 11°45'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°51' Plu (Vir 19°37') - Cer (Ari 28°18'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 2°42' Plu (Vir 19°37') - Ves (Tau 03°16'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°21' NNd (Lib 09°51') - Sun (Can 24°24'): quintile (72°00') orb: 3°27' NNd (Lib 09°51') - Ura (Leo 02°17'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°26' NNd (Lib 09°51') - Jun (Pis 07°15'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°36' NNd (Lib 09°51') - BMo (Can 27°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°00' SNd (Ari 09°51') - Mar (Vir 02°38'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°13' Chi (Ari 04°57') - Ven (Gem 14°37'): quintile (72°00') orb: 2°20' Chi (Ari 04°57') - Mar (Vir 02°38'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°19' Cer (Leo 28°17') - Ven (Gem 14°37'): quintile (72°00') orb: 1°40' Pal (Can 29°41') - Sat (Cap 01°39'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 1°58' Pal (Can 29°41') - Nep (Lib 15°20'): quintile (72°00') orb: 3°40' Pal (Can 29°41') - Pal (Pis 00°16'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 0°36' Pal (Can 29°41') - Jun (Pis 07°15'): biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°35' Jun (Lib 09°27') - Sun (Can 24°24'): quintile (72°00') orb: 3°04' Jun (Lib 09°27') - Ura (Leo 02°17'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°50' Jun (Lib 09°27') - Jun (Pis 07°15'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°12' Jun (Lib 09°27') - BMo (Can 27°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 0°24' Ves (Can 02°45') - SNd (Aqu 03°51'): inconjunction (150°00') orb: 1°07' BMo (Ari 18°49') - Mar (Vir 02°38'): sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°11' BMo (Ari 18°49') - SNd (Aqu 03°51'): quintile (72°00') orb: 2°58' BMo (Ari 18°49') - Chi (Aqu 11°45'): quintile (72°00') orb: 4°56'
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cfall614 Knowflake Posts: 58 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted August 02, 2012 04:17 AM
hmmm, i wonder if a couple has alot of minor aspects in their synastry, would that all manifest into something that is comparable to the effects of a few major aspects?IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 6788 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 21, 2017 12:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Peri: I felt the synastry septile with someone...or maybe I still feel it [QUOTE]The "Minor" Synastry Aspects You are unlikely to find predominance because of the orb used for the so-called "Minor" aspects. However they form an important role in assessing the grid because they operate at a less conscious, more subliminal level. The Semisquare implies discontent. It can illustrate a lack of trust in the relationship. There is an unwillingness to go all the way to a full blown aspects, and irritation and conflict is rarely addressed, but they seem to get half way but then back off. When semi-squares are triggered, old habits and irritations loom large and take on ridiculous proportions. What might seem a cute little habit when you are in the glister of first love becomes the straw that can break the camels back in 20 year's time and the issues just simmer along until a transit triggers them. Apparently 'good' relationship can then break under the strain of what might seem to others a trivial issue. The Sesquisquare implies ongoing but unrecognised irritants. This is a bit like the semi square except there might be a bit more chance of facing it. Indeed it is faced so many times as a dynamic in the relationship that it eventually becomes a reliable source of conflict in what might otherwise be a dull existence. It takes irritation and makes it full blown frustration. It can however, lead to confronting and issue at least, usually after a long period. But residual animosity tends to remain. When this aspect appears frequently in relationships grid, the partners will tend to take things to extremes to test each other. The Quincunx is a very difficult aspect. There are charts where this takes dominance and they are toxic relationships. Generally said to be the areas where adjustments have to be made, if one has to adjust to the point of losing focus then it is a sinister aspect. The Quincunx "swings" between a trine and opposition. There is a constant shifting of energy that can be wearing. This aspect is the stuff of the victim / perpetrator and one hopes not to find it except in small numbers. Too many and the chances of the relationship being healthy are remote. It occurs commonly in charts where one partner is alcoholic, sick, or escapes responsibility through infidelity or illness and the other takes the strain. The quincunx erodes the relationship. It is like standing talking to someone and they don't make eye contact, their eyes flick from left to right but never directly at you, you're not even sure they are listening and then you start to feel uneasy, edgy and uptight. If you've experienced that you understand how disconcerting it can be. Well, imagine that as a constant dynamic in a relationship, an uneasy, fearful feeling. It's enough to erode any relationship. It's almost like developing an allergy to each other, and can in fact give real physical symptoms. Hypochondria is part of this dynamic, the ultimate cop out, the 'escape into sickness' syndrome and you wonder who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. You never really know except that someone is carrying the load. Adjustment implies change and too many adjustments imply complete change. A few quincunxes might be fruitful for individual personal change to accommodate the needs of another, but too many are too demanding. The Quintile is the creative, willing risk taking, playful and joyful dimension of the relationship. If you find these there is joy to be found in the relationship. It might be through children, through work or just simply enjoyment of each other and a common involvement with arts, music etc. These people are prepared to take a few chances, and will tend to lay it all on the line to each other so there is indwelling honesty. This is where the love affair can continue into old age. It is a solar kind of energy and if it's between personal planets, they each shine and bask in each other's glow. It occurs in partnerships in artistic fields. Individually they may be mediocre but together they're dynamite. They bounce off each other, feed each other, inspire and resonate off each other. The vibration is wonderful. It brings the facet of playfulness to the relationship, a childlike quality that means there is an area, which is fun. So, of the minor aspects you can't do better than a quintile. It's the Best Friend energy that can keep a relationship alive and vital. But it goes a little further because it empowers the individuals to be creative and fruitful within the relationship. The Septile carries both spiritual overtones and shadow undertones. A few septiles imply spiritual bonding. There is rapport at a mental level; one intuits the thoughts of the other. There is a psychic link, a reading of minds and uniting of thoughts that is almost telepathic. However, if there's too much mental or psychic linking it can become intrusive. One might not want the other to tune in to their thoughts! Too many septiles can intrude in a sinister way and creates an environment whereby shadows come out to play. The Novile implies the search for perfection. It illustrates what one might expect or hope for in the relationship and may or may not find. Noviles in a Synastry highlight areas where there is a possibility of 'trap setting' dynamics because of preconditioned expectations. Like the Septile it operates like an unconscious harmonic vibration and may well have a lot to do with childhood expectations. You fall in love with an idea(l). Archetype meets archetype - the handsome prince and princess swoon! Then reality strikes and in reality things are not as expected. It can be wonderful when someone measures up to the ideal and creates an exchange whereby there is a sense of dreams coming true. But this aspect can also promote an environment of testing and trap setting. Too many of these and partners are constantly setting the other up for failure. Even when they pass a test, there's another around the corner! In a general sense, the main aspects plus a few of the main 'minor' one should give a chart with enough space for energy to move. When you use the Synastry grid, it doesn't need to be picked to pieces and examined through specific individual aspects unless there is an issue. Many of these issues will arise through contacts by transit or progression to one of the partner's natal planets and constellate and emerge, through the dynamics of the energy contacts in the relationship. The overview, the individual natal charts, and aspects involved in the 'hot spot' that is focussed by transits and progressions give a clear picture of issues and enable creative dialogue and hopefully, resolution.
[/QUOTE]Wonderful stuff, thanks for sharing!
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 6788 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 21, 2017 01:26 AM
"Too many of these and partners are constantly setting the other up for failure. Even when they pass a test, there's another around the corner!" -on noviles.My Boss Sun noviles my Mercury Rx which rules my 8H and falls in my 10H (counseling field). Her Sun also quintiles my Northnode. I natally have Mercury parallel Pluto and Mercury novile Pluto so I have my gifts but bc of the nature of the novile in synastry I could see how this sets me up for frustrations with her but in the end it will push me towards my Northnode since her Sun quintiles my Northnode. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 79730 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 21, 2017 02:22 PM
Moving this to Interpersonal Astrology.IP: Logged | |